4 research outputs found

    Dugotrajno noŔenje maski za lice kod stomatologa pogorŔava samoprijavljene simptome suhog oka tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate self-reported MADE during the COVID-19 pandemic in dental healthcare practitioners and identify their possible risk factors. Material and Methods: An anonymous questionnaire was sent to doctors of dental medicine in the time period from February 2022 to August 2022. The online questionnaire included demographic characteristics and clinical characteristics: presence and deterioration of DED symptoms while wearing the face mask, personal protective face equipment, use of contact lenses, history of eye surgery, current use of medica-tions, number of hours wearing face mask, and evaluation of subjective DED symptoms using modified Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI). Results: A total of 405 participants were included in the study and an overall prevalence of MADE was 29.1% (95% CI: 24.7 - 33.6). The participants who used masks more than 6 hours per day during the whole day reported a higher OSDI score (12.5 (IQR = 2.6 ā€“ 29.2)) compared to the participants who used masks less than 6 hours/day (6.25 (IQR = 0 ā€“ 22.92); Mann-Whitney U Test p = 0.066). Multivariable logistic regression revealed the following possible risk factors for self-reported MADE: age (older than 61 years) OR: 3.522 (95% CI 1.448 -8.563); p=0.05, and wearing the face mask more than 6 h at work OR: 1.779 (95% CI 1.017 ā€“ 3.113); p=0.044. Conclusion: The prevalence of self-reported MADE among dental healthcare practitioners appears to be significant. The use of a face mask for a prolonged duration increases OSDI scores. MeSH Terms: face masks, dry eye, MADE, ocular discomfort, COVID-19, protective face equipment.Cilj: Željelo se procijeniti samoprijavljeni MADE kod stomatologa tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19 i identificirati moguće čimbenike rizika. Materijal i metode: Anonimni upitnik poslan je doktorima dentalne medicine u razdoblju od veljače 2022. do kolovoza iste godine. Postavljena pitanja obuhvaćala su demografske i kliničke podatke: prisutnost i pogorÅ”anje simptoma DED-a tijekom noÅ”enja maske za lice, osobne zaÅ”titne opreme za lice, koriÅ”tenje kontaktnih leća, povijest operacija oka, trenutačnu upotrebu lijekova, broj sati noÅ”enja maske za lice i procjenu subjektivnih simptoma DED-a s pomoću modificiranog indeksa za bolesti očne povrÅ”ine (OSDI). Rezultati: U studiju je bilo uključeno ukupno 405 sudionika, a ukupna prevalencija MADE-a bila je 29,1 % (95 % CI: 24,7 ā€“ 33,6). Sudionici koji su se koristili maskama viÅ”e od 6 sati na dan tijekom cijelog dana prijavili su viÅ”i OSDI rezultat (12,5 (IQR = 2,6 ā€“ 29,2)) u usporedbi s onima koji su nosili maske kraće od 6 sati na dan (6,25 (IQR = 0 ā€“ 22,92); Mann-Whitneyjev U test, p = 0,066) Multivarijabilna logistička regresija otkrila je sljedeće moguće čimbenike rizika za samoprijavljeni MADE: dob (stariji od 61 godine) OR:3,522 (95 % CI 1,448 ā€“ 8,563); p = 0,05 i noÅ”enje maske za lice dulje od 6 sati na poslu OR: 1,779 (95 % CI 1,017 ā€“ 3,113); p = 0,044. Zaključak: Čini se da je prevalencija samoprijavljenog MADE-a među stomatolozima značajna. Dulje koriÅ”tenje maske za lice tijekom rada povećava OSDI rezultate

    Comparison of the level of practical knowledge of dental students in diagnosing and determining the treatment plan of periodontal patients

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    Klasifikacijom iz 2017. godine zadani su jasni kriteriji i parametri koji olakÅ”avaju obradu parodontoloÅ”kih pacijenata. Pravovremena točna dijagnoza i prevencija razvoja parodontnih bolesti značajno smanjuju ireverzibilne posljedice kao Å”to je propadanja potpornog tkiva zuba. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti razinu praktičnih znanja studenata iz parodontologije i usporediti izbor terapije kroz prikaz četiriju parodontoloÅ”kih slučajeva u anketnom upitniku. Istraživanje je provedeno putem Google obrasca u ljetnom semestru 2021./2022. godine, a sudjelovalo je 85 studenata 5. i 6. godine StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Studenti 6. godine studija pokazali su statistički značajno bolje rezultate (p<0,001) prilikom dijagnosticiranja parodontitisa stadija II i III te u sveukupnom znanju. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u znanju među spolovima (p>0,05). Studenti koji su izrazili zadovoljstvo stečenim znanjem iz parodontologije na studiju pokazali su bolje znanje u anketi (p<0,05). Najmanje točnih klasifikacija zabilježeno je u slučaju blažih oblika bolesti kao Å”to je gingivitis i parodontitis stadija I. Veće kliničko iskustvo i dodatna daljnja edukacija doprinijet će boljem praktičnom znanju studenata i ubrzati donoÅ”enje odabira terapije, ali je potrebno približiti miÅ”ljenja prilikom odlučivanja o ispravnom terapijskom postupku.The 2017 classification set clear criteria and parameters that facilitate the treatment of periodontitis patients. Timely accurate diagnosis and prevention of the periodontal disease development significantly reduces irreversible consequences such as the tooth supporting deterioration tissues. The aim of this research was to assess the level of studentsĀ“ practical knowledge in periodontology and to compare the choice of therapy through the presentation of 4 periodontal cases through the survey. The research was conducted via Google Forms digital tool during the summer semester of 2021/2022. 85 5th and 6th year students of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, participated. Students in the 6th year of study statistically showed significantly better results (p <0.001) when diagnosing stage II and III periodontitis and subject knowledge in general. There was statistically no significant difference in knowledge between the sexes (p> 0.05). Students who expressed satisfaction with the acquired knowledge of periodontology in the study, showed better knowledge in the survey (p <0.05). The least accurate classifications have been reported regarding the milder forms of disease such as gingivitis and stage I periodontitis. Greater clinical experience and additional further education will contribute to better practical knowledge of students and speed up the selection of therapy, but it is necessary to converge opinions when deciding the correct therapeutic procedure

    Comparison of the level of practical knowledge of dental students in diagnosing and determining the treatment plan of periodontal patients

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    Klasifikacijom iz 2017. godine zadani su jasni kriteriji i parametri koji olakÅ”avaju obradu parodontoloÅ”kih pacijenata. Pravovremena točna dijagnoza i prevencija razvoja parodontnih bolesti značajno smanjuju ireverzibilne posljedice kao Å”to je propadanja potpornog tkiva zuba. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti razinu praktičnih znanja studenata iz parodontologije i usporediti izbor terapije kroz prikaz četiriju parodontoloÅ”kih slučajeva u anketnom upitniku. Istraživanje je provedeno putem Google obrasca u ljetnom semestru 2021./2022. godine, a sudjelovalo je 85 studenata 5. i 6. godine StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Studenti 6. godine studija pokazali su statistički značajno bolje rezultate (p<0,001) prilikom dijagnosticiranja parodontitisa stadija II i III te u sveukupnom znanju. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u znanju među spolovima (p>0,05). Studenti koji su izrazili zadovoljstvo stečenim znanjem iz parodontologije na studiju pokazali su bolje znanje u anketi (p<0,05). Najmanje točnih klasifikacija zabilježeno je u slučaju blažih oblika bolesti kao Å”to je gingivitis i parodontitis stadija I. Veće kliničko iskustvo i dodatna daljnja edukacija doprinijet će boljem praktičnom znanju studenata i ubrzati donoÅ”enje odabira terapije, ali je potrebno približiti miÅ”ljenja prilikom odlučivanja o ispravnom terapijskom postupku.The 2017 classification set clear criteria and parameters that facilitate the treatment of periodontitis patients. Timely accurate diagnosis and prevention of the periodontal disease development significantly reduces irreversible consequences such as the tooth supporting deterioration tissues. The aim of this research was to assess the level of studentsĀ“ practical knowledge in periodontology and to compare the choice of therapy through the presentation of 4 periodontal cases through the survey. The research was conducted via Google Forms digital tool during the summer semester of 2021/2022. 85 5th and 6th year students of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, participated. Students in the 6th year of study statistically showed significantly better results (p <0.001) when diagnosing stage II and III periodontitis and subject knowledge in general. There was statistically no significant difference in knowledge between the sexes (p> 0.05). Students who expressed satisfaction with the acquired knowledge of periodontology in the study, showed better knowledge in the survey (p <0.05). The least accurate classifications have been reported regarding the milder forms of disease such as gingivitis and stage I periodontitis. Greater clinical experience and additional further education will contribute to better practical knowledge of students and speed up the selection of therapy, but it is necessary to converge opinions when deciding the correct therapeutic procedure

    Prolonged Face Mask Wearing Worsens Self-Reported Dry Eye Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Dental Healthcare Practitioners

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate self-reported MADE during the COVID-19 pandemic in dental healthcare practitioners and identify their possible risk factors. Material and Methods: An anonymous questionnaire was sent to doctors of dental medicine in the time period from February 2022 to August 2022. The online questionnaire included demographic characteristics and clinical characteristics: presence and deterioration of DED symptoms while wearing the face mask, personal protective face equipment, use of contact lenses, history of eye surgery, current use of medica-tions, number of hours wearing face mask, and evaluation of subjective DED symptoms using modified Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI). Results: A total of 405 participants were included in the study and an overall prevalence of MADE was 29.1% (95% CI: 24.7 - 33.6). The participants who used masks more than 6 hours per day during the whole day reported a higher OSDI score (12.5 (IQR = 2.6 ā€“ 29.2)) compared to the participants who used masks less than 6 hours/day (6.25 (IQR = 0 ā€“ 22.92); Mann-Whitney U Test p = 0.066). Multivariable logistic regression revealed the following possible risk factors for self-reported MADE: age (older than 61 years) OR: 3.522 (95% CI 1.448 -8.563); p=0.05, and wearing the face mask more than 6 h at work OR: 1.779 (95% CI 1.017 ā€“ 3.113); p=0.044. Conclusion: The prevalence of self-reported MADE among dental healthcare practitioners appears to be significant. The use of a face mask for a prolonged duration increases OSDI scores. MeSH Terms: face masks, dry eye, MADE, ocular discomfort, COVID-19, protective face equipment