85 research outputs found

    CRIMES AND OFFENSES Offenses Against Public Health and Morals; Enact the Georgia Smokefree Air Act of 2004 ; Provide for the Crime of Smoking in a Motor Vehicle on a State Highway, County Road, or Municipal Street or on Private Property While a Child is Restrained in a Child Passenger Restraining System; Prohibit Smoking in Certain Facilities and Areas; Provide for Definitions; Provide for Exceptions; Provide for Posting of Signs; Provide for Violations, Penalties, and State and Local Government Enforcement and Administration; Provide for Construction; Provide That This Prohibition Shall Be Cumulative to Other General or Local Acts, Rules, and Regulations; Repeal a Former Prohibition Against Smoking in Public Places; Provide for Related Matters; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes

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    The bills would have prohibited smoking in all enclosed public places in Georgia, including government owned, leased, and operated facilities and enclosed areas in places of employment. The bills also provided that these facilities must display a No Smoking sign and may not contain smoking related paraphernalia. Private residences, vehicles, stand-alone bars, some hotel rooms, private and semi-private rooms in nursing homes, retail tobacco stores, and outdoor places of employment would have been exempt from the smoking prohibition. Finally, penalties for violating the smoking ban would have included monetary fines, suspension, or revocation of the facility\u27s business license, and injunctive relief

    A linear control design structure to maintain loop properties during limit operation in a multi-nozzle turbofan engine

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    The implementation of multi-variable control systems on turbofan engines requires the use of limit protection to maintain safe engine operation. Since a turbofan engine typically encounters limits during transient operation, the use of a limit protection scheme that modifies the feedback loop may void the desired 'guarantees' associated with linear multi-variable control design methods, necessitating considerable simulation to validate the control with limited protection. An alternative control design structure is proposed that maintains the desired linear feedback properties when certain safety limits are encountered by moving the limit protection scheme outside the feedback loop. This proposed structure is compared to a structure with a limit protection scheme that modifies the feedback loop properties. The two design structures are compared using both linear and nonlinear simulations. The evaluation emphasizes responses where the fan surge margin limit is encountered

    An AD100 implementation of a real-time STOVL aircraft propulsion system

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    A real-time dynamic model of the propulsion system for a Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) aircraft was developed for the AD100 simulation environment. The dynamic model was adapted from a FORTRAN based simulation using the dynamic programming capabilities of the AD100 ADSIM simulation language. The dynamic model includes an aerothermal representation of a turbofan jet engine, actuator and sensor models, and a multivariable control system. The AD100 model was tested for agreement with the FORTRAN model and real-time execution performance. The propulsion system model was also linked to an airframe dynamic model to provide an overall STOVL aircraft simulation for the purposes of integrated flight and propulsion control studies. An evaluation of the AD100 system for use as an aircraft simulation environment is included

    CRIMES AND OFFENSES Offenses Against Public Health and Morals; Enact the Georgia Smokefree Air Act of 2004 ; Provide for the Crime of Smoking in a Motor Vehicle on a State Highway, County Road, or Municipal Street or on Private Property While a Child is Restrained in a Child Passenger Restraining System; Prohibit Smoking in Certain Facilities and Areas; Provide for Definitions; Provide for Exceptions; Provide for Posting of Signs; Provide for Violations, Penalties, and State and Local Government Enforcement and Administration; Provide for Construction; Provide That This Prohibition Shall Be Cumulative to Other General or Local Acts, Rules, and Regulations; Repeal a Former Prohibition Against Smoking in Public Places; Provide for Related Matters; Repeal Conflicting Laws; and for Other Purposes

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    The bills would have prohibited smoking in all enclosed public places in Georgia, including government owned, leased, and operated facilities and enclosed areas in places of employment. The bills also provided that these facilities must display a No Smoking sign and may not contain smoking related paraphernalia. Private residences, vehicles, stand-alone bars, some hotel rooms, private and semi-private rooms in nursing homes, retail tobacco stores, and outdoor places of employment would have been exempt from the smoking prohibition. Finally, penalties for violating the smoking ban would have included monetary fines, suspension, or revocation of the facility\u27s business license, and injunctive relief

    Real-time simulation of an F110/STOVL turbofan engine

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    A traditional F110-type turbofan engine model was extended to include a ventral nozzle and two thrust-augmenting ejectors for Short Take-Off Vertical Landing (STOVL) aircraft applications. Development of the real-time F110/STOVL simulation required special attention to the modeling approach to component performance maps, the low pressure turbine exit mixing region, and the tailpipe dynamic approximation. Simulation validation derives by comparing output from the ADSIM simulation with the output for a validated F110/STOVL General Electric Aircraft Engines FORTRAN deck. General Electric substantiated basic engine component characteristics through factory testing and full scale ejector data

    Breaking the Emotioanl Barrier through the Bibliotherapeutic Process

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    Bibliotherapy means therapy through books and is an effective technique which can be used to help children cope with their problems and thus promote mental health. And with this improved mental health children should be better able to achieve in the classroom

    The Emergence of Bibliotherapy as a Discipline

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    In 1988, Ryan White spoke before the National Education Association and discussed his battle with AIDS: 7 stand before you to ask for your help,\u27 Ryan told the teachers. \u27The many people against me said they weren\u27t against me, but against my disease. Help me beat the odds and together let\u27s educate and save the children of the world. By proper education, AIDS can be a disease, not a dirty word.\u2

    Bibliotherapeutic Literature: A Key Facet of Whole Language Instruction For The At-Risk Student

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    Literature is the creative product of the minds of creative people. As a painting serves to fire the imagination, so does a fine story, a well-composed poem, or a good book (Smith, 1975). Literature is not a subject that should be taught but one that should be read and enjoyed. It is through literature that children develop interests and pleasure in reading. Moreover, literature stirs the imagination and creativity of children instead of destroying their interests. These are the basic foundations of lifelong learning (McMillan and Gentile, 1988). Litera

    Integrated flight/propulsion control design for a STOVL aircraft using H-infinity control design techniques

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    Results are presented from an application of H-infinity control design methodology to a centralized integrated flight propulsion control (IFPC) system design for a supersonic Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing (STOVL) fighter aircraft in transition flight. The emphasis is on formulating the H-infinity control design problem such that the resulting controller provides robustness to modeling uncertainties and model parameter variations with flight condition. Experience gained from a preliminary H-infinity based IFPC design study performed earlier is used as the basis to formulate the robust H-infinity control design problem and improve upon the previous design. Detailed evaluation results are presented for a reduced order controller obtained from the improved H-infinity control design showing that the control design meets the specified nominal performance objectives as well as provides stability robustness for variations in plant system dynamics with changes in aircraft trim speed within the transition flight envelope. A controller scheduling technique which accounts for changes in plant control effectiveness with variation in trim conditions is developed and off design model performance results are presented

    Teacher Personality: Implications for Achievement in Reading

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    Remedial reading students are unique individuals. They often have poor self-concept and may be frustrated from years of being labeled as underachievers. Often these students become discipline problems and act out their frustrations by assuming the roles of class clown, bully, cool dude, or anyone of many character parts which are used to hide feelings of inadequacy. The problems of these students are very real, and the students will use every facade imaginable to cover them up. Typical defense mechanisms include temper tantrums, fighting, flagrant impulsive insults, brooding bouts, and apathy--to cover up feelings of frustration and hopelessness (Mitchell, 1976)