627 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Hillslope Erosion Following Wildfire in Fourmile Canyon, Colorado

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    Infrequent, high-magnitude events cause a disproportionate amount of sediment transport on steep hillslopes, but few quantitative data are available that capture these processes. Here we study the influence of wildfire and hillslope aspect on soil erosion in Fourmile Canyon, Colorado. This region experienced the Fourmile Fire of 2010, strong summer convective storms in 2011 and 2012, and extreme flooding in September 2013. We sampled soils shortly after these events and use fallout radionuclides to trace erosion on polar- and equatorial-facing burned slopes and on a polar-facing unburned slope. Because these radionuclides are concentrated in the upper decimeter of soil, soil inventories are sensitive to erosion by surface runoff. The polar-facing burned slope had significantly lower cesium-137 (137Cs) and lead-210 (210Pb) inventories (p \u3c 0.05) than either the polar-facing unburned slope or equatorial-facing burned slope. Local slope magnitude does not appear to control the erosional response to wildfire, as relatively gently sloping (~20%) polar-facing positions were severely eroded in the most intensively burned area. Field evidence and soil profile analyses indicate up to 4 cm of local soil erosion on the polar-facing burned slope, but radionuclide mass balance indicates that much of this was trapped nearby. Using a 137Cs-based erosion model, we find that the burned polar-facing slope had a net mean sediment loss of 2 mm (~1 kg m−2) over a one to three year period, which is one to two orders of magnitude higher than longer-term erosion rates reported for this region. In this part of the Colorado Front Range, strong hillslope asymmetry controls soil moisture and vegetation; polar-facing slopes support significantly denser pine and fir stands, which fuels more intense wildfires. We conclude that polar-facing slopes experience the most severe surface erosion following wildfires in this region, indicating that landscape-scale aridity can control the geomorphic response of hillslopes to wildfires. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Baryon magnetic moments and sigma terms in lattice-regularized chiral perturbation theory

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    An SU(3) chiral Lagrangian for the lightest decuplet of baryons is constructed on a discrete lattice of spacetime points, and is added to an existing lattice Lagrangian for the lightest octets of mesons and baryons. A nonzero lattice spacing renders all loop integrations finite, and the continuum limit of any physical observable is identical to the result obtained from dimensional regularization. Chiral symmetry and gauge invariance are preserved even at nonzero lattice spacing. Specific calculations discussed here include the non-renormalization of a conserved vector current, the magnetic moments of octet baryons, and the pi N and KN sigma terms that relate to the nucleon's strangeness content. The quantitative difference between physics at a nonzero lattice spacing and physics in the continuum limit is easily computed, and it represents an expectation for the size of discretization errors in corresponding lattice QCD simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, one paragraph added to introduction, to appear in Phys Rev

    On landmark selection and sampling in high-dimensional data analysis

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    In recent years, the spectral analysis of appropriately defined kernel matrices has emerged as a principled way to extract the low-dimensional structure often prevalent in high-dimensional data. Here we provide an introduction to spectral methods for linear and nonlinear dimension reduction, emphasizing ways to overcome the computational limitations currently faced by practitioners with massive datasets. In particular, a data subsampling or landmark selection process is often employed to construct a kernel based on partial information, followed by an approximate spectral analysis termed the Nystrom extension. We provide a quantitative framework to analyse this procedure, and use it to demonstrate algorithmic performance bounds on a range of practical approaches designed to optimize the landmark selection process. We compare the practical implications of these bounds by way of real-world examples drawn from the field of computer vision, whereby low-dimensional manifold structure is shown to emerge from high-dimensional video data streams.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Influence of topography and human activity on apparent in situ 10Be-derived erosion rates in Yunnan, SW China

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    In order to understand better if and where erosion rates calculated using in situ 10Be are affected by contemporary changes in land use and attendant deep regolith erosion, we calculated erosion rates using measurements of in situ 10Be in quartz from 52 samples of river sediment collected from three tributaries of the Mekong River (median basin areaD46.5 km2). Erosion rates range from 12 to 209mm kyr-1 with an area-weighted mean of 117±49mm kyr-1 (1 standard deviation) and median of 74mm kyr-1.We observed a decrease in the relative influence of human activity from our steepest and least altered watershed in the north to the most heavily altered landscapes in the south. In the areas of the landscape least disturbed by humans, erosion rates correlate best with measures of topographic steepness. In the most heavily altered landscapes, measures of modern land use correlate with 10Be-estimated erosion rates but topographic steepness parameters cease to correlate with erosion rates. We conclude that, in some small watersheds with high rates and intensity of agricultural land use that we sampled, tillage and resultant erosion has excavated deeply enough into the regolith to deliver subsurface sediment to streams and thus raise apparent in situ 10Be-derived erosion rates by as much as 2.5 times over background rates had the watersheds not been disturbed

    Large apparent growth increases in boreal forests inferred from tree-rings are an artefact of sampling biases

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    Tree rings are thought to be a powerful tool to reconstruct historical growth changes and have been widely used to assess tree responses to global warming. Demographic inferences suggest, however, that typical sampling procedures induce spurious trends in growth reconstructions. Here we use the world’s largest single tree-ring dataset (283,536 trees from 136,621 sites) from Quebec, Canada, to assess to what extent growth reconstructions based on these - and thus any similar - data might be affected by this problem. Indeed, straightforward growth rate reconstructions based on these data suggest a six-fold increase in radial growth of black spruce (Picea mariana) from ~0.5 mm yr−1 in 1800 to ~2.5 mm yr−1 in 1990. While the strong correlation (R2 = 0.98) between this increase and that of atmospheric CO2 could suggest a causal relationship, we here unambiguously demonstrate that this growth trend is an artefact of sampling biases caused by the absence of old, fast-growing trees (cf. “slow-grower survivorship bias”) and of young, slow-growing trees (cf. “big-tree selection bias”) in the dataset. At the moment, we cannot envision how to remedy the issue of incomplete representation of cohorts in existing large-scale tree-ring datasets. Thus, innovation will be needed before such datasets can be used for growth rate reconstructions

    Long distance regularization in chiral perturbation theory with decuplet

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    We investigate the use of long distance regularization in SU(3) baryon chiral perturbation theory with decuplet fields. The one-loop decuplet contributions to the octet baryon masses, axial couplings, S-wave nonleptonic hyperon decays and magnetic moments are evaluated in a chirally consistent fashion by employing a cutoff to implement long distance regularization. The convergence of the chiral expansions of these quantities is improved compared to the dimensionally regularized version which indicates that the propagation of Goldstone bosons over distances smaller than a typical hadronic size, which is beyond the regime of chiral perturbation theory but included by dimensional regularization, is removed by use of a cutoff.Comment: 31 page

    Late Miocene erosion and evolution of topography along the western slope of the Colorado Rockies

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    In the Colorado Rocky Mountains, the association of high topography and low seismic velocity in the underlying mantle suggests that recent changes in lithospheric buoyancy may have been associated with surface uplift of the range. This paper examines the relationships among late Cenozoic fl uvial incision, channel steepness, and mantle velocity domains along the western slope of the northern Colorado Rockies. New 40Ar/39Ar ages on basalts capping the Tertiary Browns Park Formation range from ca. 11 to 6 Ma and provide markers from which we reconstruct incision along the White, Yampa, and Little Snake rivers. The magnitude of post-10 Ma incision varies systematically from north to south, increasing from ~ 500 m along the Little Snake River to ~1500 m along the Colorado River. Spatial variations in the amount of late Cenozoic incision are matched by metrics of channel steepness; the upper Colorado River and its tributaries (e.g., Gunnison and Dolores rivers) are two to three times steeper than the Yampa and White rivers, and these variations are independent of both discharge and lithologic substrate. The coincidence of steep river profi les with deep incision suggests that the fl uvial systems are dynamically adjusting to an external forcing but is not readily explained by a putative increase in erosivity associated with late Cenozoic climate change. Rather, channel steepness correlates with the position of the channels relative to low-velocity mantle. We suggest that the history of late Miocene-present incision and channel adjustment refl ects long-wavelength tilting across the western slope of the Rocky Mountains

    The landslide story

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    The catastrophic Wenchuan earthquake induced an unprecedented number of geohazards. The risk of heightened landslide frequency after a quake, with potential secondary effects such as river damming and subsequent floods, needs more focused attention

    THP-1 macrophage cholesterol efflux is impaired by palmitoleate through Akt activation.

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    Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is upregulated in atherosclerotic lesions and it may promote the progression of atherosclerosis, but the mechanisms behind this process are not completely understood. We previously showed that the phosphorylation of Akt within THP-1 macrophages is increased in response to the lipid hydrolysis products generated by LPL from total lipoproteins. Notably, the free fatty acid (FFA) component was responsible for this effect. In the present study, we aimed to reveal more detail as to how the FFA component may affect Akt signalling. We show that the phosphorylation of Akt within THP-1 macrophages increases with total FFA concentration and that phosphorylation is elevated up to 18 hours. We further show that specifically the palmitoleate component of the total FFA affects Akt phosphorylation. This is tied with changes to the levels of select molecular species of phosphoinositides. We further show that the total FFA component, and specifically palmitoleate, reduces apolipoprotein A-I-mediated cholesterol efflux, and that the reduction can be reversed in the presence of the Akt inhibitor MK-2206. Overall, our data support a negative role for the FFA component of lipoprotein hydrolysis products generated by LPL, by impairing macrophage cholesterol efflux via Akt activation