55 research outputs found

    L’enquête criminelle

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    L’enquête de police judiciaire constitue, d’après une étude récente de Skogan et Frydl (2003), l’un des objets les moins étudiés dans le champ des études sur la police. Cet article énonce certains des résultats d’une étude effectuée dans 153 dossiers d’homicide montés de 1990 à 2001 par un grand corps policier québécois. Le texte est divisé en quatre parties : (1) on propose d’abord un rapide bilan des écrits sur l’enquête de police judiciaire ; (2) le projet de recherche est ensuite présenté en faisant état de quelques difficultés d’ordre méthodologique ; (3) une taxinomie des principaux types d’enquête de police judiciaire est dressée, qui révèle que les enquêtes recèlent une diversité jusqu’ici relativement inaperçue ; (4) finalement des résultats empiriques sont énoncés, en particulier en ce qui a trait au temps consacré par les enquêteurs pour résoudre les affaires, aux facteurs les plus opérants dans la résolution des affaires et au rôle de la police scientifique et de l’expertise.According to a 2003 survey conducted by Skogan and Frydl, criminal investigation is one of the least studied topics in police research. This article presents some of the findings of an examination of 153 homicide files opened between 1990 and 2001 by a large police force in Quebec. The paper is divided in four parts: (1) First, a brief survey of the writings on criminal investigations is conducted; (2) Our research project is then described and some of the methodological difficulties encountered are discussed; (3) A categorization of the main types of criminal investigation is developed, revealing an unsuspected diversity among investigations; (4) Finally, empirical findings are presented, focusing on the time needed to clear a homicide case, on the main determinants of the clearance process, and on the role of forensics and expertise in solving cases

    Effets d'un programme d'entraînement adapté et individualisé de douze semaines sur la capacité fonctionnelle d'aînés autonomes

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    OBJECTIF : Cette étude consistait à observer et comparer les effets d'une prescription adaptée et individualisée d'activités physiques sur la qualité de vie et les capacités fonctionnelles d'aînés autonomes. METHODE : Trente-sept aînés autonomes éligibles de 65 ans et plus ont été recrutés et 3 groupes ont été constitués : 1) un groupe Intervention suivant un programme d'intervention basé sm une prescription personnalisée et adaptée d'exercices à partir d'une évaluation de la condition physique, 2) un groupe Témoin ne participant à aucun programme d'intervention et 3) un groupe PIED suivait un programme usuel d'entraînement d'équilibre. Le programme d'intervention spécifique consistait en 3 séances de pratique d'une durée de 60 minutes par semaine et pendant 12 semaines pour le groupe expérimental. Tous les participants ont été soumis à une évaluation globale de la condition physique en pré- et post-intervention. RESULTATS : En comparaison pré versus post, le groupe Intervention s'est amélioré significativement (p < 0.05) aux tests de six minutes de marche, de deux minutes de marche sm place, de force d'extension du genou, flexion de la cheville et des bras ainsi qu'au test d'oscillation posturale antéro-postérieure. Le groupe Témoin s'est quant à lui amélioré aux tests de six minutes de marche, de préhension de la main de flexion de la cheville et des bras alors que le groupe PIED s'est amélioré au test de saisie fonctionnelle. Basé sur le système de créneaux établi dans ce projet, le ratio pour le groupe Intervention est de 5 (15 cas d'amélioration / 3 cas de détérioration), comparativement à 1.9 (13 11) et 2.7 (11 / 4) pour le groupe Témoin et le groupe PIED, respectivement. DISCUSSION : Les résultats préliminaires montrent qu'une programmation d'entraînement adaptée et individualisée entraîne des bienfaits modestes sm la plupart des paramètres liés aux capacités fonctionnelles des aînés

    Différences liées à la récompense alimentaire, au statut pondéral et aux comportements alimentaires chez la femme

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    Ce mémoire présente mon projet de maîtrise dont l’objectif était d’étudier les associations entre la récompense alimentaire à l’égard des aliments riches en gras et en sucres, le statut pondéral et les comportements alimentaires. Cent cinquante femmes de poids normal ou obèses ont été invitées à compléter deux questionnaires : un sur la récompense alimentaire (plaisir explicite, motivation explicite et motivation implicite) et l’autre sur les comportements alimentaires [restriction cognitive (totale, flexible et rigide), désinhibition (totale, habituelle, émotionnelle et situationnelle) et susceptibilité à la faim (totale, interne et externe)]. Aucune association n’a été observée entre la récompense alimentaire et le statut pondéral. Toutefois, un plaisir et une motivation explicites plus importants pour les aliments en général ont été notés chez les femmes avec un score plus élevé de restriction flexible. De plus, une motivation implicite plus importante pour les aliments riches en gras tendait à être associée avec un score plus élevé de susceptibilité émotionnelle à la désinhibition et a été associée significativement avec un score plus élevé de faim externe. Ces résultats suggèrent que les comportements alimentaires ont une plus grande influence sur la récompense alimentaire que le statut pondéral.This master’s project presents a study whose objective was to examine the associations between food reward for high-fat sweet foods, weight status and eating behaviour traits. One hundred and fifty normal-weight or obese women were asked to complete two questionnaires: one on food reward (explicit liking, explicit wanting and implicit wanting) and the other on eating behaviour traits [cognitive dietary restraint (total, flexible and rigid), disinhibition (total, habitual, emotional and situational) and susceptibility to hunger (total, internal and external)]. No associations were observed between food reward and weight status. However, higher explicit liking and wanting for foods in general were noted in women with a higher score of flexible restraint. Moreover, higher implicit wanting for high fat foods tended to be associated with a higher score of emotional susceptibility to disinhibition and was significantly associated with a higher score of external hunger. These results suggest that eating behaviour traits have a greater influence on food reward than weight status

    Parents’ perceptions of children’s psychosocial adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Québec: Comparison with gifted and non-gifted children

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    Studies conducted in French Canadian schools following the COVID-19 lockdown report that children in a pandemic might have difficulties adapting. Gifted and twice-exceptional children—who might present special needs in this situation—could have different levels of psychosocial adaptation and mental-health needs than other children. This study assessed the psychosocial adaptation of gifted and twice-exceptional children and compared the adaptation levels of these individuals to those of non-identified gifted children. The results show that 62.5% of the gifted children had generally coped well with pandemic conditions, as did the non-identified gifted children (73.9%). Conversely, 59.5% of twice-exceptional children presented difficulties in adapting to the pandemic situation regardless of subscale (e.g., depression, anxiety, aggressiveness). Accordingly, they exhibited more internalized (p \u3c .001) and externalized (p \u3c .001) behaviors than the non-identified gifted children and more externalized behaviors than the gifted (p = .014). The children in the gifted sample exhibited age and gender differences, with the youngest showing more externalized difficulties than the older children and the boys showing more externalized behaviors than the girls. Taken together, these results suggest that giftedness is not an indication of a propensity for developing skills for adapting to pandemic conditions. It appears that having a neurodevelopmental condition associated with giftedness is more significant because the twice-exceptional children had more difficulty adapting than the non-identified gifted and, on some subscales, than the gifted

    Effect of sensory-based intervention on the increased use of food-related descriptive terms among restrained eaters

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    The goals of this pilot randomized controlled trial were to investigate and determine whether sensorybased intervention influenced the number and type of terms (descriptive and hedonic) used by restrained women to describe a certain food, and whether changes in the number of descriptive terms were associated with changes in intuitive eating. We collected data at baseline (T = 1), at the end of the intervention period (T = 2), and at 12 weeks post-intervention (T = 3) using the descriptive form and Intuitive Eating Scale (IES). At T = 1, 50 women were randomly assigned to an intervention group (sensory-based intervention) or a control group (waiting list). To determine the effect of intervention over time on the number of descriptive and hedonic terms, we conducted statistical analyses using mixed models. To determine associations between Intuitive Eating Scale subscales and the number of descriptive terms, we also calculated Spearman correlation coefficients. We noted a significant group-by-time interaction for descriptive terms associated with all senses (p < 0.04), except for a sight-related trend (p = 0.06). In comparison with T = 1, intervention group women at T = 2 and T = 3 showed a significant increase in descriptive terms associated with smell (p = 0.0002 and p = 0.03, respectively), taste (p = 0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively) and hearing (p = 0.04 and p = 0.0003, respectively). Among intervention group women, we noted a positive correlation between changes (T = 3 vs. T = 2) in the number of descriptive terms used and changes in reliance on internal hunger and satiety cues (r = 0.48; p = 0.04), as well as between changes (T = 3 vs. T = 1) in the number of descriptive terms used and changes in unconditional permission to eat (r = 0.45; p = 0.05). Overall, these data show that sensory-based intervention may help restrained women become more objective and enjoyably connected to food and their own bodies, which may promote a more intuitive approach to eating

    Anxiety following mild traumatic brain injury

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    Purpose/Objective: The goals of the present study were (1) to document the prevalence of anxiety-related disorders and anxiety symptoms at 4, 8, and 12 months post-injury in individuals with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) while considering pre-injury history of anxiety disorders and (2) to verify whether the presence of anxiety in the first months following mTBI was associated with more symptoms present one year after the injury. Research Method/Design: One hundred and twenty participants hospitalized after an accident and having sustained mTBI were assessed at 4, 8, and 12 months post-accident with the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and questionnaires assessing fatigue, irritability, perceived stress, cognitive difficulties, depression, insomnia, and pain. Results: At 4 months, 23.8% of participants presented with at least one anxiety-related disorder compared to 15.2% at 8 months and 11.2% at 12 months. Overall, 32.5% presented with at least one anxiety disorder over the first 12 months post-mTBI. Participants with a history of anxiety (20.5%) were significantly more anxious following their accident. Individuals who were anxious 4 months after the accident presented with more symptoms in different areas 12 months post-injury compared to non-anxious individuals. Conclusions/Implications: The present results highlight that anxiety should be evaluated and managed carefully as it appears to be a key factor in the persistence of other mTBI-related symptom

    A multi-informant and multi-polygenic approach to understanding predictors of peer victimisation in childhood and adolescence

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    Introduction Peer victimisation is a prevalent occurrence in childhood and adolescence and can often have long-lasting consequences. Previous research using polygenic scores (PGSs) have revealed various genetic vulnerabilities as predictive of victimisation in childhood. However, findings were based on self-report and may therefore be influenced by varying self-perceptions. Previous investigations also focused on average victimisation across childhood, and thus do not capture variability in polygenic predictability over time. The present study, therefore, aimed to investigate associations between PGSs and victimisation using separate and combined reports from teachers and peers in childhood, as well as self-reports in later adolescence to explore trajectories of victimisation. Methods Data were derived from the Quebec Newborn Twin Study. Participants were assessed for victimisation using self-reports from 7 to 17 years and using teacher ratings and peer nominations between 7 and 10 years (n = 536). Ten PGSs related to mental health, cognitive abilities and physical traits were examined as possible predictors of victimisation using linear regressions and growth curve models. Results Findings revealed that PGSs associated with victimisation are consistent across informants, but to varying extent according to estimated effect sizes. Self-reported victimisation was predicted by PGSs related to mental health, while PGSs related to cognitive and physical traits had larger effect estimates when predicting teacher- and peer-reported victimisation. The PGS for educational attainment was consistently negatively associated with victimisation across informants, producing the largest effect estimates (β = −.104, 95% CI = −.169 to −.039) when predicting a multi-informant measure of victimisation. No PGS predicted changes in victimisation over time. Conclusion While the PGS for educational attainment is a robust predictor of victimisation, many PGSs are differentially associated with victimisation depending on the informant. Such findings highlight the need to pay close attention to the phenotypic assessment of victimisation, and show that using multiple informants can both strengthen and provide unique insight into how associations may occur

    Chapitre 4. Les causes célèbres

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    Le Canada, bien que relativement peu touché par le terrorisme, n’en a pas moins connu ses épisodes spectaculaires, dont une des attaques les plus meurtrières de l’histoire. Ce chapitre passe en revue cinq des plus célèbres exemples de terrorisme national et international au Canada. Intéressants en soi, ces cas montrent également dans leur synthèse que le phénomène dont ils sont censés faire partie, le terrorisme, est extrêmement variable et qu’une seule vraie constante peut y être décelée : l..
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