78 research outputs found

    Экомузей «Салгирка» – проект или реальность?!

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    В статье обосновывается создание в г. Симферополе "Экомузея Салгирка",посвященного человеку, его природному и культурному окружению. В проекте предлагается создание музея на базе Таврического национального университета им В.И. Вернадского и принадлежащей ему территории парка Салгирка, приводится вариант классификации ресурсов экомузея, намечаются первые шаги в его организаци, описавается структура технологической карты по территории парка, разработанная автором.У статті улаштовується створення в м.Сімферополі "Экомузея Салгирка", присвяченого людині, його природному і культурному оточенню. У проекті пропонується створення музею на базі Таврического національного університету ім В.І Вернадського і приналежної йому території парку Салгирка, приводиться варіант класифікації ресурсів экомузея, намічаються перші кроки в його организаци, описуеться структура технологічної карти по території парку, розроблена автором

    The era of our lives: The memory of Korsakoff patients for the first Covid-19 pandemic lockdown in the Netherlands

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    Memories for worldwide and emotional events (such as 9/11) are more vividly relived and recalled than memories for everyday events. Previous studies have shown that flashbulb memories of a single event enhanced the memory strength in severe amnesia. It is currently unknown whether macro-events that stretch out over longer periods of time (weeks, months) strengthen memory even further. Our aim was therefore to investigate to what extent patients with severe amnesia, due to Korsakoff's syndrome (KS), were able to relive the first Covid-19 lockdown in the Netherlands, and whether experienced emotions enhanced reliving of the participants. We included 22 KS patients and 24 age-, education-, and gender-matched healthy controls. Covid-19 related memories were assessed by measures of autobiographical memory specificity, phenomenological reliving, emotional intensity and semantic-and episodic knowledge about the first lockdown in March 2020 - May 2020 in the Netherlands. Although amnesia patients remembered significantly fewer autobiographical details regarding the Covid-19 lockdown than healthy controls, one fourth of the KS patients recalled specific events. Amnesia patients reported levels of emotional intensity equivalent to those in the control group. Stronger autobiographical reliving was associated with higher emotional intensity. Both amnesia patients and healthy controls had higher recall of episodic than semantic lockdown related information. In conclusion, results demonstrate that information for macro-events can still be memorized and relived, most specifically when emotional valence is high, even by highly amnestic patients

    Lifelogging as a rehabilitation tool in patients with amnesia: A narrative literature review on the effect of lifelogging on memory loss

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    Visual lifelogging is the procedure that enables individuals to visually record daily life activities by means of small wearable cameras, which can be worn around the neck or on the clothing. Lifelogging devices automatically take pictures or videos after pre-set time intervals or after dynamic input changes. Although some studies have shown effectivity of reviewing lifelogging images in brain-damaged individuals with forms of amnesia as a rehabilitation tool, systematic endeavours to overview this literature is yet missing. The aim of this narrative literature review was to review all the available case-studies, experimental studies and group studies in brain-damaged individuals applying lifelogging devices in a clinical context. The included studies showed efficacy for both subjective and objective measures of memory. In mild to severe amnesia, reviewing images recorded by the lifelogging device was beneficial to subjective and objective measures of memory. Lifelogging is demonstrated to have a great potential in helping people who are suffering from memory loss. It can offer an excellent alternative to currently more frequently used memory rehabilitation techniques and can be applied more in clinical settings

    Smartwatch reminders are as effective as verbal reminders in patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome: three case studies

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    Korsakoff’s syndrome (KS) is a neurocognitive disorder caused by severe malnutrition. KS patients typically show severe impairments in prospective memory (PM), thus, have difficulties with remembering to perform delayed intentions. The current study investigated the possible benefits of a smartwatch aid for PM tasks in patients with KS and compared its efficacy with verbal in-person reminders. Three patients participated in the present study and were asked to complete everyday PM tasks. The results of each patient were analyzed as a single-case study. The results highlight the great potential of using smartwatches as external memory aids in KS patients in everyday life

    Behavioural effects of light intervention in people with Korsakoff Syndrome: A pilot study

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    Korsakoff Syndrome (KS) is commonly associated with behavioural symptoms such as agitation, apathy, and disinhibition. People with KS often reside in long-term care facilities, which reduces their exposure to natural light. Little is known regarding positive effects of light intervention in KS. Our objective was to evaluate the influence of a dawn simulation therapy on behavioural symptoms in KS. 38 patients residing in a 24-hour care facility were exposed for 6 weeks to a dawn simulation system in their bedrooms, which gradually increased from 0 lux to 290 lux. Behavioural symptoms were measured over 9 weeks. Weeks 1–3 consisted of the baseline phase and weeks 3–9 consisted of the light intervention phase. Our study showed that total severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms was less prominent during light intervention. More specifically, a decrease on the apathy, disinhibition, behaviour at night and appetite and eating behaviour subscales was found during the light intervention phase compared to the baseline phase. Additionally, a significant effect was found on decreasing emotional distress for caregivers. Results suggest that light intervention therapy has a positive effect on reducing behavioural symptoms in KS as well as the levels of stress experienced by the patients’ caregivers

    Moral reasoning, moral decision-making, and empathy in Korsakoff's syndrome

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    Korsakoff's syndrome (KS) is a neuropsychiatric disorder, caused by a vitamin B1 deficiency. Although it is known that patients with KS display diminished theory of mind functioning and frequently exhibit marked antisocial interactions little attention has so far focused on the integrity of moral decision-making abilities, moral reasoning, and empathy. In an experimental cross-sectional design, 20 patients diagnosed with KS, and twenty age-, education-, and gender-equivalent healthy participants performed tests assessing moral decision-making, moral reasoning maturity, empathy, and executive functioning. Participants were administered the Moral Behaviour Inventory (MBI) for everyday moral dilemmas, and ten cartoons of abstract moral dilemmas. Responses were scored according to the Kohlberg stages of moral reasoning. Empathy and executive functioning were assessed with the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB). In contrast to frontal traumatic brain injury patients, KS patients did not display a utilitarian bias, suggesting preserved moral decision-making abilities. Of interest, KS patients had significantly lower levels of moral reasoning maturity on everyday moral dilemmas, and abstract moral dilemmas. In patients, empathy was moderately related to the level of moral maturity on both tasks, while executive functioning was not. In conclusion, KS patients have preserved moral decision-making abilities, but their moral reasoning abilities are poorer in everyday and abstract situations. Lower moral reasoning abilities and lower levels of empathy together may be responsible for adverse social functioning in KS

    Wernicke's Encephalopathy in Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease:A Systematic Review

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    Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency is relatively common in patients with kidney disease. Wernicke's encephalopathy (WE) is caused by vitamin B1 deficiency. Our aim was to systematically review the signs and symptoms of WE in patients with kidney disease. We conducted a systematic literature review on WE in kidney disease and recorded clinical and radiographic characteristics, treatment and outcome. In total 323 manuscripts were reviewed, which yielded 46 cases diagnosed with acute and chronic kidney disease and WE published in 37 reports. Prodromal characteristics of WE were loss of appetite, vomiting, weight loss, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Parenteral thiamine 500 mg 3 times per day often led to full recovery, while Korsakoff's syndrome was found in those receiving low doses. To prevent WE in kidney failure, we suggest administering high doses of parenteral thiamine in patients with kidney disease who present with severe malnutrition and (prodromal) signs of thiamine deficiency.</p

    Eye Movements as Proxy for Visual Working Memory Usage: Increased Reliance on the External World in Korsakoff Syndrome

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    In the assessment of visual working memory, estimating the maximum capacity is currently the gold standard. However, traditional tasks disregard that information generally remains available in the external world. Only when to-be-used information is not readily accessible, memory is taxed. Otherwise, people sample information from the environment as a form of cognitive offloading. To investigate how memory deficits impact the trade-off between sampling externally or storing internally, we compared gaze behaviour of individuals with Korsakoff amnesia (n = 24, age range 47–74 years) and healthy controls (n = 27, age range 40–81 years) on a copy task that provoked different strategies by having information freely accessible (facilitating sampling) or introducing a gaze-contingent waiting time (provoking storing). Indeed, patients sampled more often and longer, compared to controls. When sampling became time-consuming, controls reduced sampling and memorised more. Patients also showed reduced and longer sampling in this condition, suggesting an attempt at memorisation. Importantly, however, patients sampled disproportionately more often than controls, whilst accuracy dropped. This finding suggests that amnesia patients sample frequently and do not fully compensate for increased sampling costs by memorising more at once. In other words, Korsakoff amnesia resulted in a heavy reliance on the world as ‘external memory’

    Errorless skill learning in long-term Korsakoff care

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