41 research outputs found

    Effekter av flippat klassrum pÄ grundskoleelevers prestationer, resultat och motivation

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    Jag har genom en longitudinell studie under ett och ett halvt Är, undersökt effekterna av flippat klassrum i tvÄ Ärskurs 4 och vidare Ärskurs 5 klasser i naturorienterande (NO) undervisning. Studien omfattar försöksgrupp och kontrollgrupp med totalt 39 elever, och fokuserar pÄ elevernas prestationer i olika kunskapstester under en period dÄ en av klasserna (försöksgruppen) undervisats genom en form av flippat klassrum och den andra klassen (kontrollgruppen) undervisats genom ett sÄ kallat traditionellt undervisningsformat och vice versa. Resultaten visar att flippat klassrum har haft en positiv effekt pÄ elevernas prestationer och resultat och att Àven elevernas motivation för de naturvetenskapliga Àmnena i studien har ökat jÀmfört med det ursprungliga tillstÄndet innan studien pÄbörjades

    Effekter av flippat klassrum pÄ grundskoleelevers prestationer, resultat och motivation

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    Jag har genom en longitudinell studie under ett och ett halvt Är, undersökt effekterna av flippat klassrum i tvÄ Ärskurs 4 och vidare Ärskurs 5 klasser i naturorienterande (NO) undervisning. Studien omfattar försöksgrupp och kontrollgrupp med totalt 39 elever, och fokuserar pÄ elevernas prestationer i olika kunskapstester under en period dÄ en av klasserna (försöksgruppen) undervisats genom en form av flippat klassrum och den andra klassen (kontrollgruppen) undervisats genom ett sÄ kallat traditionellt undervisningsformat och vice versa. Resultaten visar att flippat klassrum har haft en positiv effekt pÄ elevernas prestationer och resultat och att Àven elevernas motivation för de naturvetenskapliga Àmnena i studien har ökat jÀmfört med det ursprungliga tillstÄndet innan studien pÄbörjades

    Effekter av flippat klassrum pÄ grundskoleelevers prestationer, resultat och motivation

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    Jag har genom en longitudinell studie under ett och ett halvt Är, undersökt effekterna av flippat klassrum i tvÄ Ärskurs 4 och vidare Ärskurs 5 klasser i naturorienterande (NO) undervisning. Studien omfattar försöksgrupp och kontrollgrupp med totalt 39 elever, och fokuserar pÄ elevernas prestationer i olika kunskapstester under en period dÄ en av klasserna (försöksgruppen) undervisats genom en form av flippat klassrum och den andra klassen (kontrollgruppen) undervisats genom ett sÄ kallat traditionellt undervisningsformat och vice versa. Resultaten visar att flippat klassrum har haft en positiv effekt pÄ elevernas prestationer och resultat och att Àven elevernas motivation för de naturvetenskapliga Àmnena i studien har ökat jÀmfört med det ursprungliga tillstÄndet innan studien pÄbörjades

    Studies of Novel Nanostructures by Cross- sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

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    This thesis presents structural and morphological studies of semiconductor nanostructures, namely quantum dots, nanowires and a dilute ferromagnetic semiconductor. These nanostructures are investigated on the atomic scale using cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy (XSTM). Indium arsenide (InAs) quantum dots in both an indium phosphide (InP) and GaAs matrix are studied. The InAs/InP quantum dots are shown to be vertically aligned and I present experimental and theoretical investigations on the vertical correlation of the dots. The InAs/InP dots have a pure InAs stoichiometry, with intermixing occurring only at the outermost atomic rows, and they have a truncated pyramidal shape. In the case of InAs/GaAs quantum dots, their shape could best be approximated by an oval dot shape; they are intermixed contrarily to the InAs/InP dots and have a non-uniform size distribution. Furthermore, various defects are observed in the quantum dot structures and the surrounding material. The origins of these defects are discussed and compared to available theoretical predictions. One example of such defect is the spontaneous formation of an extra quantum dot in the grown structures. The spontaneously formed dot nucleates on top of the vertical stacks and is of the same nature as the seed dots. The formation of the extra quantum dot is attributed to phase segregation effects in the top GaInAs layer of the structure and As/P exchange reactions. XSTM results on semiconductor nanowires are also presented. Using a special embedding scheme, individual atomic positions, stacking faults and different defects inside a GaAs nanowire are imaged. Moreover, I have investigated nanowire heterostructures, with wires containing an aluminium gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) segment and surrounded by an AlGaAs shell. It is shown that one of the interfaces between the wire and an embedded AlGaAs segment is sharp while the other one is diffuse and solutions on how to achieve sharp heterostructure interfaces and smooth shell capping are proposed. Finally, the location sites of manganese (Mn) atoms in a Mn-doped gallium arsenide (GaAs) lattice are studied and the Mn atoms are found at gallium sites (substitutional Mn) in the second layer gallium. This knowledge is used to investigate the diffusion of Mn atoms in GaAs/GaMnAs superlattices and it is shown that approximately 20% of Mn is found to diffuse to the adjacent GaAs layers

    Attendance Numbers at SI Sessions and Their Effect on Learning Conditions

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    Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a well-known academic support model to address retention and student performance in higher education. However, in studies reporting the effect of SI, the number of attendees at SI sessions are seldom mentioned or reflected upon. This study investigates whether there is a lower, optimal, and upper number of SI attendees for SI sessions with viable learning conditions. A literature review of 135 publications on studies of SI programmes was conducted along with a survey of 44 SI Leaders and 176 SI attendees at Lund University in Sweden. The literature review shows that there is no consensus regarding minimum, optimum, or maximum numbers of SI session size for viable learning conditions. In the survey, the number of attendees for optimal learning conditions was estimated to be 11–12 by both leaders and attendees. These respondents also estimated that if the number of attendees is below five or above 16 students, the learning conditions are likely to suffer. In the former case, this is attributed to too little collective knowledge, too few viewpoints, and a risk of the SI Leader being too prominent (less active participants). In the latter case, attendees are likely to find the conditions noisy and feel that they do not get seen, while the SI Leader may have difficulty structuring the session as well as getting an overview of the different group discussions. The results hint at the importance of reporting attendance numbers at an SI session. Otherwise, it is impossible for an outsider to determine whether the conditions were favourable for small group learning and thus makes it hard to judge SI’s effectiveness

    En Fysikbro för kontakter mellan forskare och skola

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    Skolans undervisning i naturvetenskap kan lÀgga grunden för intresse och vidare studier inom de naturvetenskapliga och tekniksa Àmnena, och strÀvar ocksÄ efter att get en god allmÀnbildning som medborgarkunskap. I oktober 2011 anordnade NRCF ett nationell Fysikbromöte i Göteborg för att bygga broar mellan fysiker och gymnasielÀrare kring olika frÄgor

    Force, acceleration and velocity during trampoline jumps - A challenging assignment

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    Bouncing on a trampoline lets the jumper experience the interplay between weightlessness and large forces on the body, as the motion changes between free fall and large acceleration in contact with the trampoline bed. In this work, several groups of students were asked to draw graphs of elevation, velocity and acceleration as a function of time, for two full jumps of the 2012 Olympic gold medal trampoline routine by Rosannagh MacLennan. We hoped that earlier kinaesthetic experiences of trampoline bouncing would help students make connections between the mathematical descriptions of elevation, velocity and acceleration, which is known to be challenging. However, very few of the student responses made reference to personal experiences of forces during bouncing. Most of the responses could be grouped into a few categories, which are presented and discussed in the paper. Although the time dependence of elevation was drawn relatively correctly in most cases, many of the graphs of velocity and acceleration display a lack of understanding of the relation between these different aspects of motion

    Co on Mo(110) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy

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    We have studied the interface formation of thin films of Co on a Mo(1 1 0) surface by the use of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Below a coverage of about 0.4 monolayers (ML) we find that Co grows in small islands which are pesudomorphic with the Mo substrate. At a Cc coverage above 0.4 ML, the Co atoms condense into larger islands and forms a close-packed Co layer close to that of the Co(0 0 0 1) plane resulting in a coincidence structure with the underlying Mo(1 1 0) substrate. Increasing the Co coverage. we observe that the film grows in a layer-by-layer fashion up to 2 ML at room temperature, however by annealing such a film to 670 K the Co forms 3D islands. STM images displaying atomic resolution, reveal the atomic arrangement and corrugation of the close-packed Co film formed at Co coverages above 0.4 ML at room temperature. In particular, the STM data directly demonstrate the appearance of the coincidence lattice between the Nishiyama-Wasserman orientated Co film and the Mo(1 1 0) substrate. We show how this appearance may change due to subtle changes of the registry between the Co film and the Mo(1 1 0) surface. This behavior can be explained by partial dislocations relaxing the strained close-packed Co layer by a small rigid translation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Nanowire growth and dopants studied by cross-sectional scanning tunnelling microscopy

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    Using a crystalline embedding scheme it has recently become possible to study free-standing III - V nanowires with cross-sectional scanning tunnelling microscopy (XSTM). In the present paper we discuss how this novel method can be used for direct atomically resolved imaging of the interior of nanowires. We will focus in particular on two areas where this method provides unique possibilities. First we discuss the growth of the nanowire at the substrate as studied by XSTM and determine the facets of the nanowire growth on the surface and at the onset of free-standing nanowire growth. Second, we demonstrate how individual defects can be studied inside the wires, indicating a unique way for investigating dopant structures and concentrations in nanowires. We identify a carbon defect/dopant in the nanowire positioned on arsenic sites and establish quantitative limits on the defect density in the nanowires

    Attendance Numbers at SI Sessions and Their Effect on Learning Conditions

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    Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a well-known academic support model to address retention and student performance in higher education. However, in studies reporting the effect of SI, the number of attendees at SI sessions are seldom mentioned or reflected upon. This study investigates whether there is a lower, optimal, and upper number of SI attendees for SI sessions with viable learning conditions. A literature review of 135 publications on studies of SI programmes was conducted along with a survey of 44 SI Leaders and 176 SI attendees at Lund University in Sweden. The literature review shows that there is no consensus regarding minimum, optimum, or maximum numbers of SI session size for viable learning conditions. In the survey, the number of attendees for optimal learning conditions was estimated to be 11–12 by both leaders and attendees. These respondents also estimated that if the number of attendees is below five or above 16 students, the learning conditions are likely to suffer. In the former case, this is attributed to too little collective knowledge, too few viewpoints, and a risk of the SI Leader being too prominent (less active participants). In the latter case, attendees are likely to find the conditions noisy and feel that they do not get seen, while the SI Leader may have difficulty structuring the session as well as getting an overview of the different group discussions. The results hint at the importance of reporting attendance numbers at an SI session. Otherwise, it is impossible for an outsider to determine whether the conditions were favourable for small group learning and thus makes it hard to judge SI’s effectiveness