135 research outputs found

    Conditional teleportation using optical squeezers and photon counting

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    We suggest a scheme of using two-mode squeezed vacuum for conditional teleportation of quantum states of optical field. Alice mixes the input state with one of the squeezed modes on another squeezing device and detects the output photon numbers. The result is then communicated to Bob who shifts the photon number of his part accordingly. This is a principally realizable modification of the recent scheme [G.J. Milburn and S.L. Braunstein, Phys. Rev. A 60, 937 (1999)] where measurements of photon number difference and phase sum are considered. We show that for some classes of states this method can yield very high fidelity of teleportation, nevertheless, the success probability may be limited.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; notations simplified, more explicit explanatio

    Quantum limits on phase-shift detection using multimode interferometers

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    Fundamental phase-shift detection properties of optical multimode interferometers are analyzed. Limits on perfectly distinguishable phase shifts are derived for general quantum states of a given average energy. In contrast to earlier work, the limits are found to be independent of the number of interfering modes. However, the reported bounds are consistent with the Heisenberg limit. A short discussion on the concept of well-defined relative phase is also included.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX, uses epsf.st

    SU(2)-in-SU(1,1) Nested Interferometer for Highly Sensitive, Loss-Tolerant Quantum Metrology

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    We present experimental and theoretical results on a new interferometer topology that nests a SU(2) interferometer, e.g., a Mach-Zehnder or Michelson interferometer, inside a SU(1,1) interferometer, i.e., a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with parametric amplifiers in place of beam splitters. This SU(2)-in-SU(1,1) nested interferometer (SISNI) simultaneously achieves high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit (SQL) and tolerance to photon losses external to the interferometer, e.g., in detectors. We implement a SISNI using parametric amplification by four-wave mixing (FWM) in Rb vapor and a laser-fed Mach-Zehnder SU(2) interferometer. We observe path-length sensitivity with SNR 2.2 dB beyond the SQL at power levels (and thus SNR) 2 orders of magnitude beyond those of previous loss-tolerant interferometers. We find experimentally the optimal FWM gains and find agreement with a minimal quantum noise model for the FWM process. The results suggest ways to boost the in-practice sensitivity of high-power interferometers, e.g., gravitational wave interferometers, and may enable high-sensitivity, quantum-enhanced interferometry at wavelengths for which efficient detectors are not available.Comment: 6 pages + 4 of supplemental material, 5 figure

    Quantum cryptography via parametric downconversion

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    The use of quantum bits (qubits) in cryptography holds the promise of secure cryptographic quantum key distribution schemes. It is based usually on single-photon polarization states. Unfortunately, the implemented ``qubits'' in the usual weak pulse experiments are not true two-level systems, and quantum key distribution based on these imperfect qubits is totally insecure in the presence of high (realistic) loss rate. In this work, we investigate another potential implementation: qubits generated using a process of parametric downconversion. We find that, to first (two-photon) and second (four-photon) order in the parametric downconversion small parameter, this implementation of quantum key distribution is equivalent to the theoretical version. Once realistic measurements are taken into account, quantum key distribution based on parametric downconversion suffers also from sensitivity to extremely high (nonrealistic) losses. By choosing the small parameter of the process according to the loss rates, both implementations of quantum key distribution can in principle become secure against the attack studied in this paper. However, adjusting the small parameter to the required levels seems to be impractical in the weak pulse process. On the other hand, this can easily be done in the parametric downconversion process, making it a much more promising implementation.Comment: 6 pages, Latex (a special style file is attached). Presented in QCM'98 conference. Similar results regarding the insecurity of weak-pulse schemes were also presented by Norbert Lutkenhaus in the same conferenc

    Quantum teleportation of light beams

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    We experimentally demonstrate quantum teleportation for continuous variables using squeezed-state entanglement. The teleportation fidelity for a real experimental system is calculated explicitly, including relevant imperfection factors such as propagation losses, detection inefficiencies and phase fluctuations. The inferred fidelity for input coherent states is F = 0.61 +- 0.02, which when corrected for the efficiency of detection by the output observer, gives a fidelity of 0.62. By contrast, the projected result based on the independently measured entanglement and efficiencies is 0.69. The teleportation protocol is explained in detail, including a discussion of discrepancy between experiment and theory, as well as of the limitations of the current apparatus.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figures, submitted to PR

    Pulse-mode quantum projection synthesis: Effects of mode mismatch on optical state truncation and preparation

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    Quantum projection synthesis can be used for phase-probability-distribution measurement, optical-state truncation and preparation. The method relies on interfering optical lights, which is a major challenge in experiments performed by pulsed light sources. In the pulsed regime, the time frequency overlap of the interfering lights plays a crucial role on the efficiency of the method when they have different mode structures. In this paper, the pulsed mode projection synthesis is developed, the mode structure of interfering lights are characterized and the effect of this overlap (or mode match) on the fidelity of optical-state truncation and preparation is investigated. By introducing the positive-operator-valued measure (POVM) for the detection events in the scheme, the effect of mode mismatch between the photon-counting detectors and the incident lights are also presented.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Squeezing based on nondegenerate frequency doubling internal to a realistic laser

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    We investigate theoretically the quantum fluctuations of the fundamental field in the output of a nondegenerate second harmonic generation process occuring inside a laser cavity. Due to the nondegenerate character of the nonlinear medium, a field orthogonal to the laser field is for some operating conditions indepedent of the fluctuations produced by the laser medium. We show that this fact may lead to perfect squeezing for a certain polarization mode of the fundamental field. The experimental feasibility of the system is also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger nonlocality for continuous variable systems

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    As a development of our previous work, this paper is concerned with the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) nonlocality for continuous variable cases. The discussion is based on the introduction of a pseudospin operator, which has the same algebra as the Pauli operator, for each of the NN modes of a light field. Then the Bell-CHSH (Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt) inequality is presented for the NN modes, each of which has a continuous degree of freedom. Following Mermin's argument, it is demonstrated that for NN-mode parity-entangled GHZ states (in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space) of the light field, the contradictions between quantum mechanics and local realism grow exponentially with NN, similarly to the usual NN-spin cases.Comment: RevTEX; comments are welcomed; new version with minor change

    Image and Coherence Transfer in the Stimulated Down-conversion Process

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    The intensity transverse profile of the light produced in the process of stimulated down-conversion is derived. A quantum-mechanical treatment is used. We show that the angular spectrum of the pump laser can be transferred to the stimulated down-converted beam, so that images can also be transferred from the pump to the down-converted beam. We also show that the transfer can occur from the stimulating beam to the down-converted one. Finally, we study the process of diffraction through an arbitrarily shaped screen. For the special case of a double-slit, the interference pattern is explicitly obtained. The visibility for the spontaneous emitted light is in accordance with the van Cittert - Zernike theorem for incoherent light, while the visibility for the stimulated emitted light is unity. The overall visibility is in accordance with previous experimental results

    Quantum non-demolition (QND) modulation of quantum interference

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    We propose an experiment where quantum interference between two different paths is modulated by means of a QND measurement on one or both the arm of the interferometer. The QND measurement is achieved in a Kerr cell. We illustrate a scheme for the realisation of this experiment and some further developments.Comment: accepted for publicatio
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