7,008 research outputs found

    85% efficiency for cw frequency doubling from 1.08 to 0.54 μm

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    Conversion efficiency of 85% has been achieved in cw second-harmonic generation from 1.08 to 0.54 μm with a potassium titanyl phosphate crystal inside an external ring cavity. An absolute comparison between the experimental data and a simple theory is made and shows good agreement

    Comparisons and Applications of Four Independent Numerical Approaches for Linear Gyrokinetic Drift Modes

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    To help reveal the complete picture of linear kinetic drift modes, four independent numerical approaches, based on integral equation, Euler initial value simulation, Euler matrix eigenvalue solution and Lagrangian particle simulation, respectively, are used to solve the linear gyrokinetic electrostatic drift modes equation in Z-pinch with slab simplification and in tokamak with ballooning space coordinate. We identify that these approaches can yield the same solution with the difference smaller than 1\%, and the discrepancies mainly come from the numerical convergence, which is the first detailed benchmark of four independent numerical approaches for gyrokinetic linear drift modes. Using these approaches, we find that the entropy mode and interchange mode are on the same branch in Z-pinch, and the entropy mode can have both electron and ion branches. And, at strong gradient, more than one eigenstate of the ion temperature gradient mode (ITG) can be unstable and the most unstable one can be on non-ground eigenstates. The propagation of ITGs from ion to electron diamagnetic direction at strong gradient is also observed, which implies that the propagation direction is not a decisive criterion for the experimental diagnosis of turbulent mode at the edge plasmas.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accept by Physics of Plasma

    Instability and Periodic Deformation in Bilayer Membranes Induced by Freezing

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    The instability and periodic deformation of bilayer membranes during freezing processes are studied as a function of the difference of the shape energy between the high and the low temperature membrane states. It is shown that there exists a threshold stability condition, bellow which a planar configuration will be deformed. Among the deformed shapes, the periodic curved square textures are shown being one kind of the solutions of the associated shape equation. In consistency with recent expe rimental observations, the optimal ratio of period and amplitude for such a texture is found to be approximately equal to (2)^{1/2}\pi.Comment: 8 pages in Latex form, 1 Postscript figure. To be appear in Mod. Phys. Lett. B. 199

    Quantum Communication with Correlated Nonclassical States

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    Nonclassical correlations between the quadrature-phase amplitudes of two spatially separated optical beams are exploited to realize a two-channel quantum communication experiment with a high degree of immunity to interception. For this scheme, either channel alone can have an arbitrarily small signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for transmission of a coherent ``message''. However, when the transmitted beams are combined properly upon authorized detection, the encoded message can in principle be recovered with the original SNR of the source. An experimental demonstration has achieved a 3.2 dB improvement in SNR over that possible with correlated classical sources. Extensions of the protocol to improve its security against eavesdropping are discussed.Comment: 8 pages and 4 figures (Figure 1; Figures 2a, 2b; Figure 2

    Deformation and fracture of AMC under different heat treatment conditions and its suitability for incremental sheet forming

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    By evaluating the deformation and fracture mechanisms of a 6092Al alloy metal matrix composite reinforced with 17.5p vol. % SiC particles (6092Al/SiCp), this paper investigates the applicability of using incremental sheet forming (ISF) process to form the 6092Al/SiCp aluminium matrix composite (AMC) under different heat treatment conditions. Tensile tests were carried out at different strain rates to study the microstructure and topography of the 6092Al/SiCp sheet by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The tensile test results and the morphology of the fracture showed that the 6092Al/SiCp to T6 condition has low elongation to fracture (0.08), whilst much improved elongation can be achieved after annealing to O-condition. A series of ISF tests were carried out to form 6092Al/SiCp sheet into a truncated hyperbolic shape with different ISF process parameters. At T6 condition, ISF testing showed unsatisfactory results for the 6092Al/SiCp with a low wall angle (31.2ο) to fracture and a significant amount of springback. After annealing to O-condition, a much increased wall angle was achieved with reduced springback due to the enhanced ductility of the 6092Al/SiCp material. Microstructural and topographic evaluation of the 6092Al/SiCp parts formed by ISF allowed a detailed characterisation of brittle and ductile fractures for different heat treatments. The obtained ISF results and evaluation enabled the recommendation of optimum ISF operational windows for 6092Al/SiCp materials

    Can Electric Field Induced Energy Gaps In Metallic Carbon Nanotubes?

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    The low-energy electronic structure of metallic single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) in an external electric field perpendicular to the tube axis is investigated. Based on tight-binding approximation, a field-induced energy gap is found in all (n, n) SWNTs, and the gap shows strong dependence on the electric field and the size of the tubes. We numerically find a universal scaling that the gap is a function of the electric field and the radius of SWNTs, and the results are testified by the second-order perturbation theory in weak field limit. Our calculation shows the field required to induce a 0.1 eV{\rm eV} gap in metallic SWNTs can be easily reached under the current experimental conditions. It indicates a kind of possibility to apply nanotubes to electric signal-controlled nanoscale switching devices

    Entanglement and interference between different degrees of freedom of photons states

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    In this paper, photonic entanglement and interference are described and analyzed with the language of quantum information process. Correspondingly, a photon state involving several degrees of freedom is represented in a new expression based on the permutation symmetry of bosons. In this expression, each degree of freedom of a single photon is regarded as a qubit and operations on photons as qubit gates. The two-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel interference is well interpreted with it. Moreover, the analysis reveals the entanglement between different degrees of freedom in a four-photon state from parametric down conversion, even if there is no entanglement between them in the two-photon state. The entanglement will decrease the state purity and photon interference visibility in the experiments on a four-photon polarization state.Comment: 11 pages and 2 figure

    Finite resolution measurement of the non-classical polarization statistics of entangled photon pairs

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    By limiting the resolution of quantum measurements, the measurement induced changes of the quantum state can be reduced, permitting subsequent measurements of variables that do not commute with the initially measured property. It is then possible to experimentally determine correlations between non-commuting variables. The application of this method to the polarization statistics of entangled photon pairs reveals that negative conditional probabilities between non-orthogonal polarization components are responsible for the violation of Bell's inequalities. Such negative probabilities can also be observed in finite resolution measurements of the polarization of a single photon. The violation of Bell's inequalities therefore originates from local properties of the quantum statistics of single photon polarization.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures and 1 table, new figure to illustrate results, improved explanation of statistical analysi
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