114 research outputs found

    The Administration of Justice and the Concept of Legality in East Germany

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    Recent Trends in German Treatment of Juvenile Deliquency

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    Recent Trends in German Treatment of Juvenile Deliquency

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    Friedmann: Law and Social Change in Contemporary Britain

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    A transformação dos sistemas partidårios da Europa Ocidental

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    Resumo Este texto foi o capĂ­tulo de um livro, publicado em 1966, que trazia resultados de pesquisas comparadas sobre os partidos polĂ­ticos, sob a perspectiva do desenvolvimento polĂ­tico, e que foi parte de uma sĂ©rie de publicaçÔes intitulada Studies in political development. O tipo partidĂĄrio catch-all, introduzido aqui por Kirchheimer, ainda Ă© amplamente utilizado nos estudos partidĂĄrios em todo o mundo, e este texto continua sendo um dos mais citados na CiĂȘncia PolĂ­tica atĂ© hoje. Embora a maior parte de seus escritos seja na lĂ­ngua alemĂŁ e, portanto, inacessĂ­vel ao grande pĂșblico, este pequeno trabalho em inglĂȘs, mais acessĂ­vel, portanto, fez de Kirchheimer um dos autores mais conhecidos da ĂĄrea e deste texto uma leitura indispensĂĄvel aos estudiosos dos partidos e da polĂ­tica em geral. Palavras-chave: Kirchheimer; Otto Kirchheimer; Partido Catch-all; Catch-all; partido polĂ­tico.   Abstract This is the chapter of a book, published in 1966, that presented the results of a comparative research agenda on political parties, from the perspective of political development. It was part of a series called Studies in political development. The concept of catch-all party type, introduced here by Kirchheimer, is still widely used in comparative studies on parties around the world, and this work remains one of the most cited in political science still today. Although most of his writing is in German, and therefore inaccessible to the general public, this little masterpiece written in English, thus more accessible for a large public, made Kirchheimer one of the best-known authors in political science, and this specific analysis an indispensable reading for scholars and anyone interested in politics in general. Key words: Kirchheimer; Otto Kirchheimer; Catch-all Party; Catch-all; political party

    Mudança de significado do parlamentarismo

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    Tradução de Bianca TavolariTranslated by Bianca Tavolar

    Aggregation and Representation in the European Parliament Party Groups

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    While members of the European Parliament are elected in national constituencies, their votes are determined by the aggregation of MEPs in multinational party groups. The uncoordinated aggregation of national party programmes in multinational EP party groups challenges theories of representation based on national parties and parliaments. This article provides a theoretical means of understanding representation by linking the aggregation of dozens of national party programmes in different EP party groups to the aggregation of groups to produce the parliamentary majority needed to enact policies. Drawing on an original data source of national party programmes, the EU Profiler, the article shows that the EP majorities created by aggregating MEP votes in party groups are best explained by cartel theories. These give priority to strengthening the EP’s collective capacity to enact policies rather than voting in accord with the programmes they were nationally elected to represent
