3,428 research outputs found

    Intermediäre Unterstützungsformen und Vernetzung der Pflege. Interventionsmöglichkeiten aus netzwerktheoretischer Sicht.

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    In der Arbeit wird davon ausgegangen, daß soziale Netzwerke Älterer wesentlich sind für Wohlbefinden und Lebensbewältigung - sowohl im früheren als auch im belasteten Alter. Es soll untersucht werden, in welcher Weise sich eine systematische Netzwerkunterstützung unter Einbezug der Potentiale intermediärer Instanzen und bürgerschaftlichen Engagements konzipieren läßt. Es wird - nach einer knappen Einführung in den Stand der Netzwerk- und Unterstützungsforschung - vorgeschlagen, professionelle Interventionen praxisbezogen und theoretisch anschlußfähig zu kategorisieren. Das vorgeschlagene Schema erlaubt eine breite und differenzierte Ausarbeitung netzwerkbezogener Konzepte. Die Arbeit argumentiert interdisziplinär zwischen den Polen der sozialen Gerontologie, der Pflegewissenschaft und der Sozialpädagogik - unter basalem Einbezug psychologischer und soziologischer Literatur. Ein wesentliches Element stellt dabei die Rezeption der einschlägigen anglo-amerikanischen Diskurse dar

    Die Förderung Bürgerschaftlichen Engagements durch ein Bundesland. Das Beispiel Thüringen

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    In der Debatte um die Förderung Bürgerschaftlichen Engagements bzw. des Ehrenamts wird die föderale Ebene der Länderpolitiken häufig vernachlässigt. Der Aufsatz untersucht diese Ebene in einer Fallstudie am Beispiel Thüringens, wobei ein besonderes Augenmerk auf den Sozialen Bereich gelegt wird

    Sozialtheoretische und -interventorische Paradigmen im Licht der sozialen Netzwerk- und Unterstützungsperspektive : Konvergenzen und Herausforderungen

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    Die Netzwerkperspektive hat vielfältige theoriebezogene Bezüge zu benachbarten disziplinären und professionellen Konzepten (Sozialpädagogik/Sozialarbeit, Sozialpsychologie, Arbeits- und Betriebspsychologie, Stress- und Belastungsforschung, Rehabilitationswissenschaften, Soziale Gerontologie, Pflege- und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Gemeindepsychologie, Familienforschung, systemische Therapieansätze usw.). Innerhalb dieser disziplinären Bezuge lassen sich - implizite oder explizite - intensive Bezüge zu Begriffskonzepten und Theoriestücken der Netzwerk- und Unterstützungsforschung identifizieren. Der Beitrag thematisiert die Lebenswelt- und Biografieorientierung, das Bewältigungsparadigma, das Empowermentkonzept, die Interventionsgerontologie, systemische Ansätze, Bürgerschaftliches Engagement und Solidaritätskonzepte.This article in short summarizes the importance of the social network and social support-concept in several approaches and theoretical attempts of Social Work (e.g. Solidarity; Empowerment; Lebensweltorientierung; Everyday life; Biography Orientation; systemical approaches in Family sciences...

    Five-year changes in Swiss mire vegetation

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    To assess whether short-term changes in mire vegetation can be detected using the phytosociological approach, paired vegetation relevés from two surveys of 112 mire sites of Switzerland were assigned to phytosociological alliances through a numerical approach. About 30% of the plots were assigned to different alliances in the two surveys. These transitions were analysed based on species frequencies and interpreted ecologically using Landolt's indicator values. Transitions between different alliances were more frequently related to the appearance of new species rather than to the disappearance of species. Transitions from and to peat bog communities were frequent. Many plots with fen vegetation were transformed into other wetland types. Fen-grassland increased in abundance, mainly at the cost of small-sedge fens. To re-establish the function of the Swiss mires as peat producers, we recommend to raise the mean summer water table to a maximum depth of 10c

    SEMS vs cSEMS in duodenal and small bowel obstruction : high risk of migration in the covered stent group

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    Aim: To compare clinical success and complications of uncovered self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) vs covered SEMS (cSEMS) in obstruction of the small bowel. Methods: Technical success, complications and outcome of endoscopic SEMS or cSEMS placement in tumor related obstruction of the duodenum or jejunum were retrospectively assessed. The primary end points were rates of stent migration and overgrowth. Secondary end points were the effect of concomitant biliary drainage on migration rate and overall survival. The data was analyzed according to the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guidelines. Results: Thirty-two SEMS were implanted in 20 patients. In all patients, endoscopic stent implantation was successful. Stent migration was observed in 9 of 16 cSEMS (56%) in comparison to 0/16 SEMS (0%) implantations (P = 0.002). Stent overgrowth did not significantly differ between the two stent types (SEMS: 3/16, 19%; cSEMS: 2/16, 13%). One cSEMS dislodged and had to be recovered from the jejunum by way of laparotomy. Time until migration between SEMS and cSEMS in patients with and without concomitant biliary stents did not significantly differ (HR = 1.530, 95%CI 0.731-6.306; P = 0.556). The mean follow-up was 57 ± 71 d (range: 1-275 d). Conclusion: SEMS and cSEMS placement is safe in small bowel tumor obstruction. However, cSEMS is accompanied with a high rate of migration in comparison to uncovered SEMS

    A phytosociological classification of Swiss mire vegetation

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    The mapping and monitoring of Swiss mires has so far relied on a classification system based on expert judgement, which was not supported by a quantitative vegetation analysis and which did not include all wetland vegetation types described in the country. Based on a spatially representative sample of 17,608 relevés from 112 Swiss mires, we address the following questions: (1) How abundant are wetland vegetation types (phytosociological alliances) in Swiss mires? (2) How are they distributed across the country--is there a regional pattern? (3) How clearly are they separated from each other? (4) How clear and reliable is their ecological interpretation? Using published wetland vegetation relevés and lists of diagnostic species for phytosociological units (associations and alliances) established by experts, we developed a numerical method for assigning relevés to units through the calculation of similarity indices. We applied this method to our sample of 17,608 relevés and estimated the total area covered by each vegetation type in Switzerland. We found that vegetation types not included in previous mapping were either rare in Switzerland (partly due to mire drainage) or poorly distinguished from other vegetation units. In an ordination, the Swiss mire vegetation formed a triangular gradient system with the Sphagnion medii, the Caricion davallianae and the Phragmition australis as extreme types. Phytosociological alliances were clearly separated in a subset of 2,265 relevés, which had a strong similarity to one particular association, but poorly separated across all relevés, of which many could not be unequivocally assigned to one association. However, ecological gradients were reflected equally well by the vegetation types in either case. Overall, phytosociological alliances distinguished until now proved suitable schemes to describe and interpret vegetation gradients. Nevertheless, we see the urgent need to establish a data base of Swiss wetland relevés for a more reliable definition of some vegetation unit