920 research outputs found

    Mass Wasting and the Coriolis Effect on Asteroid Vesta

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    This work investigates the influence of the Coriolis force on mass motion related to the Rheasilvia impact basin on asteroid (4) Vesta's southern hemisphere. The giant basin is 500km in diameter, with a centre which nearly coincides with the rotation axis of Vesta. The Rheasilvia basin partially overlaps an earlier, similarly large impact basin, Veneneia. Mass motion within and in the vicinity of the Rheasilvia basin includes slumping and landslides, which, primarily due to their small linear extents, have not been noticeably affected by the Coriolis force. However, a series of ridges related to the basin exhibit significant curvature, which may record the effect of the Coriolis force on the mass motion which generated them. In this thesis 32 of these curved ridges, in three geologically distinct regions, were examined. The mass motion velocities from which the ridge curvatures may have resulted during the crater modification stage were investigated. Velocity profiles were derived by fitting inertial circles along the curved ridges and considering both the current and past rotation states of Vesta. An iterative, statistical approach was used, whereby the radii of inertial circles were obtained through repeated fitting to triplets of points across the ridges. The most frequently found radius for each central point was then used for velocity derivation at that point. The results of the velocity analysis are strongly supportive of a Coriolis force origin for the curved ridges. Derived velocities (29.6 ± 24.6 m/s) generally agree well with previously published predictions from numerical simulations of mass motion during the impact process. Topographical features such as local slope gradient and mass deposition regions on the curved ridges also independently agree with regions in which the calculated mass motion accelerates or decelerates. Sections of constant acceleration, deceleration and constant velocity are found, showing that mass motion is being governed by varying conditions of topography, regolith structure and friction. Estimates of material properties such as the effective viscosities (1.9-9.0·10⁶ Pa·s) and coefficients of friction (0.02-0.81) are derived from the velocity profile information in these sections. From measured accelerations of mass motions on the crater wall, it is also shown that the crater walls must have been locally steeper at the time of the mass motion. Together with these novel insights into the state and behaviour of material moving during the modification stage of Rheasilvia's formation, this work represents the first time that the Coriolis Effect on mass motions during crater formation has been shown to result in diagnostic features preserved until today

    Investigation of Mobility-related Surface Features on Asteroids and their Relation to Volatiles

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    The identification of regolith material and mass movement processes on icy planetary bodies has grabbed the attention of scientist in the past decades. The well preserved signatures of these materials have been well studied on Moon and Mars. In fact, studies show strong synergy between these physical processes and chemical properties of the planetary objects. With the aim to get better understanding of asteroid surface we plan to analyse mobility related features and establish an inventory

    In silico characterization of the family of PARP-like poly(ADP-ribosyl)transferases (pARTs)

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    BACKGROUND: ADP-ribosylation is an enzyme-catalyzed posttranslational protein modification in which mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferases (mARTs) and poly(ADP-ribosyl)transferases (pARTs) transfer the ADP-ribose moiety from NAD onto specific amino acid side chains and/or ADP-ribose units on target proteins. RESULTS: Using a combination of database search tools we identified the genes encoding recognizable pART domains in the public genome databases. In humans, the pART family encompasses 17 members. For 16 of these genes, an orthologue exists also in the mouse, rat, and pufferfish. Based on the degree of amino acid sequence similarity in the catalytic domain, conserved intron positions, and fused protein domains, pARTs can be divided into five major subgroups. All six members of groups 1 and 2 contain the H-Y-E trias of amino acid residues found also in the active sites of Diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas exotoxin A, while the eleven members of groups 3 – 5 carry variations of this motif. The pART catalytic domain is found associated in Lego-like fashion with a variety of domains, including nucleic acid-binding, protein-protein interaction, and ubiquitylation domains. Some of these domain associations appear to be very ancient since they are observed also in insects, fungi, amoebae, and plants. The recently completed genome of the pufferfish T. nigroviridis contains recognizable orthologues for all pARTs except for pART7. The nearly completed albeit still fragmentary chicken genome contains recognizable orthologues for twelve pARTs. Simpler eucaryotes generally contain fewer pARTs: two in the fly D. melanogaster, three each in the mosquito A. gambiae, the nematode C. elegans, and the ascomycete microfungus G. zeae, six in the amoeba E. histolytica, nine in the slime mold D. discoideum, and ten in the cress plant A. thaliana. GenBank contains two pART homologues from the large double stranded DNA viruses Chilo iridescent virus and Bacteriophage Aeh1 and only a single entry (from V. cholerae) showing recognizable homology to the pART-like catalytic domains of Diphtheria toxin and Pseudomonas exotoxin A. CONCLUSION: The pART family, which encompasses 17 members in the human and 16 members in the mouse, can be divided into five subgroups on the basis of sequence similarity, phylogeny, conserved intron positions, and patterns of genetically fused protein domains

    Discrete element modeling of aeolian-like morphologies on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    Context: Even after the Rosetta mission, some of the mechanical parameters of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s surface material are still not well constrained. They are needed to improve our understanding of cometary activity or for planning sample return procedures. Aims: We discuss the physical process dominating the formation of aeolian-like surface features in the form of moats and wind tail-like bedforms around obstacles and investigate the mechanical and geometrical parameters involved. Methods: By applying the discrete element method (DEM) in a low-gravity environment, we numerically simulated the dynamics of the surface layer particles and the particle stream involved in the formation of aeolian-like morphological features. The material is composed of polydisperse spherical particles that consist of a mixture of dust and water ice, with interparticle forces given by the Hertz contact model, cohesion, friction, and rolling friction. We determined a working set of parameters that enables simulations to be reasonably realistic and investigated morphological changes when modifying these parameters. Results: The aeolian-like surface features are reasonably well reproduced using model materials with a tensile strength on the order of 0.1–1 Pa. Stronger materials and obstacles with round shapes impede the formation of a moat and a wind tail. The integrated dust flux required for the formation of moats and wind tails is on the order of 100 kg^m−2, which, based on the timescale of morphological changes inferred from Rosetta images, translates to a near-surface particle density on the order of 10^−6–10^−4 kg m^−3. Conclusions: DEM modeling of the aeolian-like surface features reveals complex formation mechanisms that involve both deposition of ejected material and surface erosion. More numerical work and additional in situ measurements or sample return missions are needed to better investigate mechanical parameters of cometary surface material and to understand the mechanics of cometary activity

    Discrete element modeling of boulder and cliff morphologies on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    Context. Even after the Rosetta mission, some of the mechanical parameters of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's surface material are not yet well constrained. These parameters are needed to improve our understanding of cometary activity or for planning sample return missions. Aims. We study some of the physical processes involved in the formation of selected surface features and investigate the mechanicaland geometrical parameters involved. Methods. Applying the discrete element method (DEM) in a low-gravity environment, we numerically simulated the surface layer particle dynamics involved in the formation of selected morphological features. The material considered is a mixture of polydisperse ice and dust spheres with inter-particle forces given by the Hertz contact model, translational friction, rolling friction, cohesion from unsintered contacts, and optionally due to bonds from ice sintering. We determined a working set of parameters that enables the simulations to be reasonably realistic and investigated morphological changes due to modifications thereof. Results. The selected morphological features are reasonably well reproduced using model materials with a tensile strength on the order of 1-10 Pa. Increasing the diameters of the spherical particles decreases the material strength, and increasing the friction leads to a more brittle but somewhat stronger material. High friction is required to make the material sufficiently brittle to match observations, which points to the presence of very rough, even angular particles. Reasonable seismic activity does not suffice to trigger the collapses of cliffs without material heterogeneities or structural defects. Conclusions. DEM modeling can be a powerful tool to investigate mechanical parameters of cometary surface material. However, many uncertainties arise from our limited understanding of particle shapes, spatial configurations, and size distributions, all on multiple length scales. Further numerical work, in situ measurements, and sample return missions are needed to better understand the mechanics of cometary material and cometary activity

    Experimental simulation to analyse geomorphological properties of cometary surfaces with outgassing volatiles

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    We want to study the development of cometary and other outgassing surfaces of airless planetary objects with analog laboratory experiments on Earth. The focus is on the evolution of different morphologies, taking into account the composition of the sample material and variable insolation flux. Our aim is to understand how different cometary materials interact and how the appearance of cracks and boulders develop during insolation and outgassing

    Sublimation of organic-rich comet analog materials and their relevance in fracture formation

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    Aims. The morphology of cometary nuclei is the result of an ongoing evolution and can provide valuable information to constrain the composition of comets. In our laboratory experiments we investigated the morphological evolution of comet analog materials, which consist of volatile, dust, and organic components. The laboratory results are aimed to help understand the evolution of cometary surfaces. Methods. We used spherical particles of fly ash and mixtures of ice, glycine, and sodium acetate as analog materials in different mass ratios to reproduce observed cometary morphologies. The cohesive and gravitational properties in the laboratory are scaled to cometary conditions to draw meaningful conclusions from the experimental results. The samples were placed in a vacuum sublimation chamber, cooled down to below 150 K, and were insolated with an external light source. To analyze the morphology of the samples, a camera was used to monitor the alterations of the surface. Results. Organic components in volatile-rich samples can have a distinct adhesive effect after the volatiles sublimate. During the sublimation process the sample volume decreases and fractures form on the sample surface. Due to the stability of the remaining volatile-depleted material, significant cliff collapses or ejected particles were not observed in the laboratory

    The Spectral Properties of Pitted Impact Deposits on Vesta as Seen by the Dawn VIR Instrument

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    Pitted impact deposits (PIDs) on Vesta have been shown to exhibit distinct spectral characteristics with respect to their surrounding host deposits and other typical Vestan areas regarding the first major pyroxene absorption near 0.9 μm. The PIDs, especially those in the ejecta blanket of the large crater Marcia, show higher reflectance and pyroxene band strength with respect to their impact deposit surroundings. This study complements the spectral characterization of the PIDs on Vesta with Visible and Infrared Spectrometer observations obtained by NASA's Dawn mission. In particular, we focus on the second major pyroxene absorption near 1.9 μm. We analyze nine PIDs in the ejecta blanket of the crater Marcia, as well as PIDs within the crater-fill deposits of the craters Marcia, Cornelia, and Licinia. We find that the second pyroxene absorption behaves in similar ways as the first major pyroxene absorption. The PIDs in Marcia's ejecta blanket show higher reflectance and pyroxene band strength with respect to their immediate impact deposit surroundings. The PIDs present in the crater-fill deposits of Marcia, Cornelia, and Licinia, however, do not show such spectral characteristics. This is also consistent with previous observations of the first pyroxene absorption band. Based on the experimental results of other studies, we speculate that the observed spectral distinctness arises from an oxidation process in the interior of impact deposits, where Fe cations migrate within their host pyroxene grains. Thus, the surfaces of (melt-bearing) impact deposits might be different from their interiors, apart from space-weathering effects