230 research outputs found

    EChO Payload electronics architecture and SW design

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    EChO is a three-modules (VNIR, SWIR, MWIR), highly integrated spectrometer, covering the wavelength range from 0.55 μ\mum, to 11.0 μ\mum. The baseline design includes the goal wavelength extension to 0.4 μ\mum while an optional LWIR module extends the range to the goal wavelength of 16.0 μ\mum. An Instrument Control Unit (ICU) is foreseen as the main electronic subsystem interfacing the spacecraft and collecting data from all the payload spectrometers modules. ICU is in charge of two main tasks: the overall payload control (Instrument Control Function) and the housekeepings and scientific data digital processing (Data Processing Function), including the lossless compression prior to store the science data to the Solid State Mass Memory of the Spacecraft. These two main tasks are accomplished thanks to the Payload On Board Software (P-OBSW) running on the ICU CPUs.Comment: Experimental Astronomy - EChO Special Issue 201

    Feasibility and performances of compressed-sensing and sparse map-making with Herschel/PACS data

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    The Herschel Space Observatory of ESA was launched in May 2009 and is in operation since. From its distant orbit around L2 it needs to transmit a huge quantity of information through a very limited bandwidth. This is especially true for the PACS imaging camera which needs to compress its data far more than what can be achieved with lossless compression. This is currently solved by including lossy averaging and rounding steps on board. Recently, a new theory called compressed-sensing emerged from the statistics community. This theory makes use of the sparsity of natural (or astrophysical) images to optimize the acquisition scheme of the data needed to estimate those images. Thus, it can lead to high compression factors. A previous article by Bobin et al. (2008) showed how the new theory could be applied to simulated Herschel/PACS data to solve the compression requirement of the instrument. In this article, we show that compressed-sensing theory can indeed be successfully applied to actual Herschel/PACS data and give significant improvements over the standard pipeline. In order to fully use the redundancy present in the data, we perform full sky map estimation and decompression at the same time, which cannot be done in most other compression methods. We also demonstrate that the various artifacts affecting the data (pink noise, glitches, whose behavior is a priori not well compatible with compressed-sensing) can be handled as well in this new framework. Finally, we make a comparison between the methods from the compressed-sensing scheme and data acquired with the standard compression scheme. We discuss improvements that can be made on ground for the creation of sky maps from the data.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, peer-reviewed articl

    Dusty shells surrounding the carbon variables S Scuti and RT Capricorni

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    For the Mass-loss of Evolved StarS (MESS) programme, the unprecedented spatial resolution of the PACS photometer on board the Herschel space observatory was employed to map the dusty environments of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red supergiant (RSG) stars. Among the morphologically heterogeneous sample, a small fraction of targets is enclosed by spherically symmetric detached envelopes. Based on observations in the 70 {\mu}m and 160 {\mu}m wavelength bands, we investigated the surroundings of the two carbon semiregular variables S Sct and RT Cap, which both show evidence for a history of highly variable mass-loss. S Sct exhibits a bright, spherically symmetric detached shell, 138" in diameter and co-spatial with an already known CO structure. Moreover, weak emission is detected at the outskirts, where the morphology seems indicative of a mild shaping by interaction of the wind with the interstellar medium, which is also supported by the stellar space motion. Two shells are found around RT Cap that were not known so far in either dust emission or from molecular line observations. The inner shell with a diameter of 188" shows an almost immaculate spherical symmetry, while the outer ~5' structure is more irregularly shaped. MoD, a modification of the DUSTY radiative transfer code, was used to model the detached shells. Dust temperatures, shell dust masses, and mass-loss rates are derived for both targets

    Large-scale environments of binary AGB stars probed by Herschel. II: Two companions interacting with the wind of pi1 Gruis

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    Context. The Mass loss of Evolved StarS (MESS) sample observed with PACS on board the Herschel Space Observatory revealed that several asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are surrounded by an asymmetric circumstellar envelope (CSE) whose morphology is most likely caused by the interaction with a stellar companion. The evolution of AGB stars in binary systems plays a crucial role in understanding the formation of asymmetries in planetary nebul{\ae} (PNe), but at present, only a handful of cases are known where the interaction of a companion with the stellar AGB wind is observed. Aims. We probe the environment of the very evolved AGB star π1\pi^1 Gruis on large and small scales to identify the triggers of the observed asymmetries. Methods. Observations made with Herschel/PACS at 70 μ\mum and 160 μ\mum picture the large-scale environment of π1\pi^1 Gru. The close surroundings of the star are probed by interferometric observations from the VLTI/AMBER archive. An analysis of the proper motion data of Hipparcos and Tycho-2 together with the Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data help identify the possible cause for the observed asymmetry. Results. The Herschel/PACS images of π1\pi^1 Gru show an elliptical CSE whose properties agree with those derived from a CO map published in the literature. In addition, an arc east of the star is visible at a distance of 3838^{\prime\prime} from the primary. This arc is most likely part of an Archimedean spiral caused by an already known G0V companion that is orbiting the primary at a projected distance of 460 au with a period of more than 6200 yr. However, the presence of the elliptical CSE, proper motion variations, and geometric modelling of the VLTI/AMBER observations point towards a third component in the system, with an orbital period shorter than 10 yr, orbiting much closer to the primary than the G0V star.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Herschel observations of NGC 7027

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    We present our analysis of the spectra of NGC 7027 taken with the PACS and SPIRE instruments of the Herschel satellite

    Characterizing Exoplanets in the Visible and Infrared: A Spectrometer Concept for the EChO Space Mission

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    Transit-spectroscopy of exoplanets is one of the key observational techniques to characterize the extrasolar planet and its atmosphere. The observational challenges of these measurements require dedicated instrumentation and only the space environment allows an undisturbed access to earth-like atmospheric features such as water or carbon-dioxide. Therefore, several exoplanet-specific space missions are currently being studied. One of them is EChO, the Exoplanet Characterization Observatory, which is part of ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 program, and which is one of four candidates for the M3 launch slot in 2024. In this paper we present the results of our assessment study of the EChO spectrometer, the only science instrument onboard this spacecraft. The instrument is a multi-channel all-reflective dispersive spectrometer, covering the wavelength range from 400 nm to 16 microns simultaneously with a moderately low spectral resolution. We illustrate how the key technical challenge of the EChO mission - the high photometric stability - influences the choice of spectrometer concept and drives fundamentally the instrument design. First performance evaluations underline the fitness of the elaborated design solution for the needs of the EChO mission.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal of Astronomical Instrumentatio

    The enigmatic nature of the circumstellar envelope and bow shock surrounding Betelgeuse as revealed by Herschel. I. Evidence of clumps, multiple arcs, and a linear bar-like structure

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    Context. The interaction between stellar winds and the interstellar medium (ISM) can create complex bow shocks. The photometers on board the Herschel Space Observatory are ideally suited to studying the morphologies of these bow shocks. Aims. We aim to study the circumstellar environment and wind-ISM interaction of the nearest red supergiant, Betelgeuse. Methods. Herschel PACS images at 70, 100, and 160 micron and SPIRE images at 250, 350, and 500 micron were obtained by scanning the region around Betelgeuse. These data were complemented with ultraviolet GALEX data, near-infrared WISE data, and radio 21 cm GALFA-HI data. The observational properties of the bow shock structure were deduced from the data and compared with hydrodynamical simulations. Results. The infrared Herschel images of the environment around Betelgeuse are spectacular, showing the occurrence of multiple arcs at 6-7 arcmin from the central target and the presence of a linear bar at 9 arcmin. Remarkably, no large-scale instabilities are seen in the outer arcs and linear bar. The dust temperature in the outer arcs varies between 40 and 140 K, with the linear bar having the same colour temperature as the arcs. The inner envelope shows clear evidence of a non-homogeneous clumpy structure (beyond 15 arcsec), probably related to the giant convection cells of the outer atmosphere. The non-homogeneous distribution of the material even persists until the collision with the ISM. A strong variation in brightness of the inner clumps at a radius of 2 arcmin suggests a drastic change in mean gas and dust density some 32 000 yr ago. Using hydrodynamical simulations, we try to explain the observed morphology of the bow shock around Betelgeuse. Conclusions: [abbreviated]Comment: 26 page

    Probing the Mass Loss History of AGB Stars with Herschel

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    An overview is given of AGB stars imaged with the PACS and SPIRE instruments on-board the Herschel Space Observatory in the framework of the MESS Guaranteed Time Key Programme. The objects AQ And, U Ant, W Aql, U Cam, RT Cap, Y CVn, TT Cyg, UX Dra, W Ori, AQ Sgr, and X TrA all show detached or extended circumstellar emission

    Herschel observations of planetary nebulae in the MESS key program

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    In this paper we give a progress report on the Herschel observations of planetary nebulae that are carried out as part of the MESS guaranteed time key program