1,944 research outputs found

    Searching for additional heating - [OII] emission in the diffuse ionized gas of NGC891, NGC4631 and NGC3079

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    We present spectroscopic data of ionized gas in the disk--halo regions of three edge-on galaxies, NGC 891, NGC 4631 and NGC 3079, covering a wavelength range from [\ion{O}{2}] λ\lambda3727\AA to [\ion{S}{2}] λ\lambda6716.4\AA. The inclusion of the [\ion{O}{2}] emission provides new constraints on the properties of the diffuse ionized gas (DIG), in particular, the origin of the observed spatial variations in the line intensity ratios. We used three different methods to derive electron temperatures, abundances and ionization fractions along the slit. The increase in the [\ion{O}{2}]/Hα\alpha line ratio towards the halo in all three galaxies requires an increase either in electron temperature or in oxygen abundance. Keeping the oxygen abundance constant yields the most reasonable results for temperature, abundances, and ionization fractions. Since a constant oxygen abundance seems to require an increase in temperature towards the halo, we conclude that gradients in the electron temperature play a significant role in the observed variations in the optical line ratios from extraplanar DIG in these three spiral galaxies.Comment: 43 pages, 29 figure

    Urbanism as a way of life? Räumliche Variationen der Lebensführung in Deutschland

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    In his classic article, Wirth (1938) asserted that urban ways of life would eventually spread into rural areas through enhanced mobility and communicative interconnectedness. This view is shared by many contemporary urban sociologists who claim that disparities in prosperity and shrinking regions have replaced the rural-urban continuum as the primary dimension of spatial inequality in Germany. According to Fischer's (1975) subcultural theory of urbanism, however, large cities will continue to produce and attract unconventional, nontraditional lifestyles due to a critical mass of like-minded people. In this paper, we test these hypotheses against rural-urban as well as regional variations in lifestyles using survey data randomly sampled from resident registration lists of rural and urban municipalities in four German states. As a measurement instrument we use Otte's (2004) lifestyle typology conceptualized along two dimensions: a level of living and a modernity/biographical perspective. Replicating it supra-regionally for the first time, we provide evidence of its reliability and construct validity, albeit with some reservations for East Germany. In essence, inhabitants of large cities prove to be more modern, biographically open, and unconventional; East Germans tend to have a reduced level of living – even when differences in social structural composition are controlled for

    First Detection of the Crab Pulsar above 100 GeV

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    We present the detection of pulsed gamma-ray emission from the Crab pulsar above 100 GeV with the VERITAS array of atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Gamma-ray emission at theses energies was not expected in pulsar models. The detection of pulsed emission above 100 GeV and the absence of an exponential cutoff makes it unlikely that curvature radiation is the primary production mechanism of gamma rays at these energies.Comment: 5 pages, proceedings of the TAUP 2011 conference in Munich, German

    CORSS: Cylinder Optimization of Rings, Skin, and Stringers

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    Launch vehicle designs typically make extensive use of cylindrical skin stringer construction. Structural analysis methods are well developed for preliminary design of this type of construction. This report describes an automated, iterative method to obtain a minimum weight preliminary design. Structural optimization has been researched extensively, and various programs have been written for this purpose. Their complexity and ease of use depends on their generality, the failure modes considered, the methodology used, and the rigor of the analysis performed. This computer program employs closed-form solutions from a variety of well-known structural analysis references and joins them with a commercially available numerical optimizer called the 'Design Optimization Tool' (DOT). Any ring and stringer stiffened shell structure of isotropic materials that has beam type loading can be analyzed. Plasticity effects are not included. It performs a more limited analysis than programs such as PANDA, but it provides an easy and useful preliminary design tool for a large class of structures. This report briefly describes the optimization theory, outlines the development and use of the program, and describes the analysis techniques that are used. Examples of program input and output, as well as the listing of the analysis routines, are included

    Unfavorable Infant Feeding Practices in East Lombok Have Not Yet Changed Much in the Last Decade (Praktik Pemberian Makan Bayi Yang Tidak Tepat Belum Banyak Mengalami Perubahan Dalam Satu Dekade Terakhir Di Lombok Timur)

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    Background: One of the districts that haven't reached the national nutrition recovery target was East Lombok, the prevalence of underweight among under two children was 25.5 percent. One of the underlying causes of under-nutrition is inappropriate feeding practices that occur during the first year of life. Several factors lies behind these practices, such as experiences, family demands, socio-economic circumstances, and cultural beliefs. Objective: To explore the infant feeding (breastfeeding and complementary feeding) practices among 9-11 month infants in East Lombok. Methods: This cross-sectional study use qualitative method. Four Group Interview with the mothers of 9-11 month infants were conducted. Confirmation was done from Group Interview with the cadres, interview with local health officers and observation from study site. Analysis was done by making contrast, comparison or themes emerged from the data. Results: This study revealed that the infant feeding practices still haven't optimal as indicated by low exclusive breastfeeding practices for 6th month, pre-lacteal feeding and the consumption of pre-masticated foods (“papah”) still commonly happen in East Lombok. Furthermore, the early introduction of complementary food and less frequency of meals and snacks a day also still practiced. The hygiene practices also still have to be considered where the consumption of unboiled water (“air nyet”) among infants still familiar in this area. Comparing to several studies have been conducted, these unfavorable infant feeding practices in East Lombok have not yet changed much in the last decade. Conclusion: Most of the infant feeding practices in East Lombok were haven't optimal. Recommendation: Local-specific nutrition education was needed with the involvement of religious leader in the community in delivering the messages. Other community channel (like arisan or pertemuan kampung) was also recommended to deliver the messages

    Critical Crossover Between Yosida-Kondo Dominant Regime and Magnetic Frustration Dominant Regime in the System of a Magnetic Trimer on a Metal Surface

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    Quantum Monte Carlo simulations were carried out for the system of a magnetic trimer on a metal surface. The magnetic trimer is arranged in two geometric configurations, viz., isosceles and equilateral triangles. The calculated spectral density and magnetic susceptibility show the existence of two phases: Yosida-Kondo dominant phase and magnetic frustration dominant phase. Furthermore, a critical transition between these two phases can be induced by changing the configuration of the magnetic trimers from isosceles to equilateral triangle.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    High diversity of Bacidia (Ramalinaceae, Lecanorales) species in the Caucasus as revealed by molecular and morphological analyses

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    During a study of the incompletely known lichen flora of the Caucasus, we analyzed 237 specimens of corticolous Bacidia s. str. collected in the Northern and Southern Caucasus, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Russia. Of these, 54 specimens belonging to 11 species of Bacidia s. str. were selected for molecular studies, representing the observed morphological variability of the genus. We obtained 142 sequences from three RNA-coding genes (nrITS, nrLSU, and mtSSU) and two protein-coding genes (RPB1 and RPB2). The single and concatenated datasets were complemented with Bacidia s. str. sequences from GenBank and subjected to Bayesian inference and two maximum likelihood analyses (RAxML and IQ-TREE). The resulting trees yielded highly concordant topologies of the groups and corresponded with previous results, supporting two main clades correlating with apothecia pigmentation. Our analyses are the first to reveal the presence of Bacidia heterochroa in the Caucasus. An exceptionally high degree of morphological plasticity was found in the Rubella and Suffusa groups. As a result of morphological examination and phylogenetic results, B. caucasica (Suffusa group) was described as new to science. Furthermore, two putative taxa in the Rubella group, Bacidia inconspicua ined. and B. maritima ined., were introduced. This study furthers our understanding and documentation of the understudied lichen flora of the Caucasus, bringing the total number of Bacidia species for the region to 13
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