175 research outputs found

    Virtual burglary:exploring the potential of virtual reality to study burglary in action

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    Objectives: This article explores the potential of virtual reality (VR) to study burglary by measuring user responses on the subjective, physiological, and behavioral levels. Furthermore, it examines the influence of individual dispositions, such as sensation seeking and self-control, on behavior during a virtual burglary event. Methods: Participants, male university undergraduates (N ¼ 77), could freely move around a virtual neighborhood wearing a VR headset and using a game controller and were instructed to burgle one of the houses in the neighborhood. Participant movement, items stolen from the house, and heart rate (HR) were recorded throughout the burglary event. Individual dispositions were measured before, and subjective user responses were measured after, the event. Additionally, we experimentally varied whether there was an alarm sounding and participants’ beliefs about the chance of getting caught (deterrence). Results: Participants reacted subjectively to the burglary event by reporting high levels of presence in the virtual environment (VE) and physiologically by showing increased HRs. In terms of behavior, high deterrence resulted in fewer items being stolen and a shorter burglary. Furthermore, sensation seekers stole more valuable items, while participants high in conscientiousness stole fewer items. Conclusions: The results suggest that VEs have substantial potential for studying criminal behavior

    Not surgical technique, but etiology, contralateral MRI, prior surgery, and side of surgery determine seizure outcome after pediatric hemispherotomy

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    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to assess determinants of seizure outcome following pediatric hemispherotomy in a contemporary cohort. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the seizure outcomes of 457 children who underwent hemispheric surgery in five European epilepsy centers between 2000 and 2016. We identified variables related to seizure outcome through multivariable regression modeling with missing data imputation and optimal group matching, and we further investigated the role of surgical technique by Bayes factor (BF) analysis. RESULTS: One hundred seventy seven children (39%) underwent vertical and 280 children (61%) underwent lateral hemispherotomy. Three hundred forty-four children (75%) achieved seizure freedom at a mean follow-up of 5.1 years (range 1 to 17.1). We identified acquired etiology other than stroke (odds ratio [OR] 4.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-18.0), hemimegalencephaly (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.1-7.3), contralateral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings (OR 5.5, 95% CI 2.7-11.1), prior resective surgery (OR 5.0, 95% CI 1.8-14.0), and left hemispherotomy (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.3-3.9) as significant determinants of seizure recurrence. We found no evidence of an impact of the hemispherotomy technique on seizure outcome (the BF for a model including the hemispherotomy technique over the null model was 1.1), with comparable overall major complication rates for different approaches. SIGNIFICANCE: Knowledge about the independent determinants of seizure outcome following pediatric hemispherotomy will improve the counseling of patients and families. In contrast to previous reports, we found no statistically relevant difference in seizure-freedom rates between the vertical and horizontal hemispherotomy techniques when accounting for different clinical features between groups

    The spatial relationship between the MRI lesion and intraoperative electrocorticography in focal epilepsy surgery.

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    MRI and intraoperative electrocorticography are often used in tandem to delineate epileptogenic tissue in resective surgery for focal epilepsy. Both the resection of the MRI lesion and tissue with high rates of electrographic discharges on electrocorticography, e.g. spikes and high-frequency oscillations (80-500 Hz), lead to a better surgical outcome. How MRI and electrographic markers are related, however, is currently unknown. The aim of this study was to find the spatial relationship between MRI lesions and spikes/high-frequency oscillations. We retrospectively included 33 paediatric and adult patients with lesional neocortical epilepsy who underwent electrocorticography-tailored surgery (14 females, median age = 13.4 years, range = 0.6-47.0 years). Mesiotemporal lesions were excluded. We used univariable linear regression to find correlations between pre-resection spike/high-frequency oscillation rates on an electrode and its distance to the MRI lesion. We tested straight lines to the centre and the edge of the MRI lesion, and the distance along the cortical surface to determine which of these distances best reflects the occurrence of spikes/high-frequency oscillations. We conducted a moderator analysis to investigate the influence of the underlying pathology type and lesion volume on our results. We found spike and high-frequency oscillation rates to be spatially linked to the edge of the MRI lesion. The underlying pathology type influenced the spatial relationship between spike/high-frequency oscillation rates and the MRI lesion (P spikes < 0.0001, P ripples < 0.0001), while the lesion volume did not (P spikes = 0.64, P ripples = 0.89). A higher spike rate was associated with a shorter distance to the edge of the lesion for cavernomas [F(1,64) = -1.37, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.22], focal cortical dysplasias [F(1,570) = -0.25, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.05] and pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas [F(1,66) = -0.18, P = 0.01, η 2 = 0.09]. In focal cortical dysplasias, a higher ripple rate was associated with a shorter distance [F(1,570) = -0.35, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.05]. Conversely, low-grade gliomas showed a positive correlation; the further an electrode was away from the lesion, the higher the rate of spikes [F(1,75) = 0.65, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.37] and ripples [F(1,75) = 2.67, P < 0.0001, η 2 = 0.22]. Pathophysiological processes specific to certain pathology types determine the spatial relationship between the MRI lesion and electrocorticography results. In our analyses, non-tumourous lesions (focal cortical dysplasias and cavernomas) seemed to intrinsically generate spikes and high-frequency oscillations, particularly at the border of the lesion. This advocates for a resection of this tissue. Low-grade gliomas caused epileptogenicity in the peritumoural tissue. Whether a resection of this tissue leads to a better outcome is unclear. Our results suggest that the underlying pathology type should be considered when intraoperative electrocorticography is interpreted

    The methodological quality of 176,620 randomized controlled trials published between 1966 and 2018 reveals a positive trend but also an urgent need for improvement

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    Many randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are biased and difficult to reproduce due to methodological flaws and poor reporting. There is increasing attention for responsible research practices and implementation of reporting guidelines, but whether these efforts have improved the methodological quality of RCTs (e.g., lower risk of bias) is unknown. We, therefore, mapped risk-of-bias trends over time in RCT publications in relation to journal and author characteristics. Meta-information of 176,620 RCTs published between 1966 and 2018 was extracted. The risk-of-bias probability (random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding of patients/personnel, and blinding of outcome assessment) was assessed using a risk-of-bias machine learning tool. This tool was simultaneously validated using 63,327 human risk-of-bias assessments obtained from 17,394 RCTs evaluated in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR). Moreover, RCT registration and CONSORT Statement reporting were assessed using automated searches. Publication characteristics included the number of authors, journal impact factor (JIF), and medical discipline. The annual number of published RCTs substantially increased over 4 decades, accompanied by increases in authors (5.2 to 7.8) and institutions (2.9 to 4.8). The risk of bias remained present in most RCTs but decreased over time for allocation concealment (63% to 51%), random sequence generation (57% to 36%), and blinding of outcome assessment (58% to 52%). Trial registration (37% to 47%) and the use of the CONSORT Statement (1% to 20%) also rapidly increased. In journals with a higher impact factor (>10), the risk of bias was consistently lower with higher levels of RCT registration and the use of the CONSORT Statement. Automated risk-of-bias predictions had accuracies above 70% for allocation concealment (70.7%), random sequence generation (72.1%), and blinding of patients/personnel (79.8%), but not for blinding of outcome assessment (62.7%). In conclusion, the likelihood of bias in RCTs has generally decreased over the last decades. This optimistic trend may be driven by increased knowledge augmented by mandatory trial registration and more stringent reporting guidelines and journal requirements. Nevertheless, relatively high probabilities of bias remain, particularly in journals with lower impact factors. This emphasizes that further improvement of RCT registration, conduct, and reporting is still urgently needed

    Incidence of and predictors for antiseizure medication gaps in Medicare beneficiaries with epilepsy: a retrospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND For the two-thirds of patients with epilepsy who achieve seizure remission on antiseizure medications (ASMs), patients and clinicians must weigh the pros and cons of long-term ASM treatment. However, little work has evaluated how often ASM discontinuation occurs in practice. We describe the incidence of and predictors for sustained ASM fill gaps to measure discontinuation in individuals potentially eligible for ASM withdrawal. METHODS This was a retrospective cohort of Medicare beneficiaries. We included patients with epilepsy by requiring International Classification of Diseases codes for epilepsy/convulsions plus at least one ASM prescription each year 2014-2016, and no acute visit for epilepsy 2014-2015 (i.e., potentially eligible for ASM discontinuation). The main outcome was the first day of a gap in ASM supply (30, 90, 180, or 360 days with no pills) in 2016-2018. We displayed cumulative incidence functions and identified predictors using Cox regressions. RESULTS Among 21,819 beneficiaries, 5191 (24%) had a 30-day gap, 1753 (8%) had a 90-day gap, 803 (4%) had a 180-day gap, and 381 (2%) had a 360-day gap. Predictors increasing the chance of a 180-day gap included number of unique medications in 2015 (hazard ratio [HR] 1.03 per medication, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01-1.05) and epileptologist prescribing physician (≥25% of that physician's visits for epilepsy; HR 2.37, 95% CI 1.39-4.03). Predictors decreasing the chance of a 180-day gap included Medicaid dual eligibility (HR 0.75, 95% CI 0.60-0.95), number of unique ASMs in 2015 (e.g., 2 versus 1: HR 0.37, 95% CI 0.30-0.45), and greater baseline adherence (> 80% versus ≤80% of days in 2015 with ASM pill supply: HR 0.38, 95% CI 0.32-0.44). CONCLUSIONS Sustained ASM gaps were rarer than current guidelines may suggest. Future work should further explore barriers and enablers of ASM discontinuation to understand the optimal discontinuation rate

    Memantine treatment does not affect compulsive behavior or frontostriatal connectivity in an adolescent rat model for quinpirole-induced compulsive checking behavior

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    RATIONALE: Compulsivity often develops during childhood and is associated with elevated glutamate levels within the frontostriatal system. This suggests that anti-glutamatergic drugs, like memantine, may be an effective treatment. OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to characterize the acute and chronic effect of memantine treatment on compulsive behavior and frontostriatal network structure and function in an adolescent rat model of compulsivity. METHODS: Juvenile Sprague-Dawley rats received repeated quinpirole, resulting in compulsive checking behavior (n = 32; compulsive) or saline injections (n = 32; control). Eight compulsive and control rats received chronic memantine treatment, and eight compulsive and control rats received saline treatment for seven consecutive days between the 10th and 12th quinpirole/saline injection. Compulsive checking behavior was assessed, and structural and functional brain connectivity was measured with diffusion MRI and resting-state fMRI before and after treatment. The other rats received an acute single memantine (compulsive: n = 12; control: n = 12) or saline injection (compulsive: n = 4; control: n = 4) during pharmacological MRI after the 12th quinpirole/saline injection. An additional group of rats received a single memantine injection after a single quinpirole injection (n = 8). RESULTS: Memantine treatment did not affect compulsive checking nor frontostriatal structural and functional connectivity in the quinpirole-induced adolescent rat model. While memantine activated the frontal cortex in control rats, no significant activation responses were measured after single or repeated quinpirole injections. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of a memantine treatment effect in quinpirole-induced compulsive adolescent rats may be partly explained by the interaction between glutamatergic and dopaminergic receptors in the brain, which can be evaluated with functional MRI

    Footprint of publication selection bias on meta-analyses in medicine, environmental sciences, psychology, and economics

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    Publication selection bias undermines the systematic accumulation of evidence. To assess the extent of this problem, we survey over 68,000 meta-analyses containing over 700,000 effect size estimates from medicine (67,386/597,699), environmental sciences (199/12,707), psychology (605/23,563), and economics (327/91,421). Our results indicate that meta-analyses in economics are the most severely contaminated by publication selection bias, closely followed by meta-analyses in environmental sciences and psychology, whereas meta-analyses in medicine are contaminated the least. After adjusting for publication selection bias, the median probability of the presence of an effect decreased from 99.9% to 29.7% in economics, from 98.9% to 55.7% in psychology, from 99.8% to 70.7% in environmental sciences, and from 38.0% to 29.7% in medicine. The median absolute effect sizes (in terms of standardized mean differences) decreased from d = 0.20 to d = 0.07 in economics, from d = 0.37 to d = 0.26 in psychology, from d = 0.62 to d = 0.43 in environmental sciences, and from d = 0.24 to d = 0.13 in medicine
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