51 research outputs found

    Gadoliiniumi võimalik ladestumine ajukoes

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    Eesti Arst 2017; 96(4):231–23

    Autoklaavitud poorbetooni struktuuri ja survetugevuse sõltuvused

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    Türi kevadpealinna avasündmus 2017

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    Põhikooli õpilaste ja õpetajate kommunikatsioon sotsiaalmeedias: õpilaste kogemus

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    Intervjuude transkriptsioonid on ainult paberkandjal töö juures.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5152289*es

    Aino Luning 28.09.1917-28.11.2001

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    Tallinna jalgrattateede sidusus

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    Kulturism & fitness

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    Peer Review Practices

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    Peer Review (PRev) is among the oldest certification practices in science and was designed to prevent poor research from taking place. There is overall agreement that PRev is the most solid method for the evaluation of scientific quality. Since PRev spans the boundaries of several societal communities, science and policy, research and practice, academia and bureaucracy, public and private, the purposes and meaning of this process may be understood differently across the communities. In Europe, internationally competitive research activities take place in large superstructures as well as in small, insufficiently funded university departments; research can be publicly or privately funded; the purpose may be applied research often with a focus on the needs of regional industry, or purely ‘blue-sky’ research. In current report we focused mainly in on PRev of grant applications, the analysis has been carried out on the basis of PRev related literature analysis (Thomson Reuters, Union Library Catalogues, Google Scholar, and reports of selected research funding organisations)

    TRÜ Teadusliku Raamatukogu kataloogisüsteemi juht : (kinnitatud 9. okt. 1986)

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