2,662 research outputs found

    New probes for bino dark matter with coannihilation at the LHC

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    It has been widely known that bino-like dark matter in supersymmetric theories suffers from over-production. The situation can be improved if the gluino or wino has a mass of O(10) GeV heavier than the bino, sufficiently reducing the bino abundance through co-annihilation. In this scenario, the gluino decays to the bino via squark exchange, and the wino decays to the bino via higgsino exchange. In split SUSY models favoured after the Higgs discovery, the intermediate particles in these decays would be much heavier than gauginos, suppressing the decay of the gluino and wino. This, in addition to the small mass differences, results in long lifetimes for the gluino and wino. We show that searches performed at the LHC for long-lived particles with displaced vertices offer a powerful method to test this scenario.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, contributed to "The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics - EPS-HEP 2015" (22 - 29 July 2015, Vienna, Austria

    Probing Bino-Wino Coannihilation at the LHC

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    We study bino-wino coannihilation scenario in the so-called spread or mini-split supersymmetry. We show that, in this model, a neutral wino has a macroscopic decay length in a wide range of parameter space. This characteristic feature could be observed as a displaced vertex plus missing transverse energy event at the LHC. In this paper, we study the current constraints and future prospects on the scenario based on the displaced vertex search performed by the ATLAS collaboration. It is found that a sizable parameter region can be probed at the 8 TeV LHC run. This search strategy will considerably extend its reach at the next stage of the LHC running, and thus play a crucial role to examine a possibility of bino dark matter in the mini-split type supersymmetric models.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures; version accepted for publication in JHE

    Higgsino Dark Matter or Not: Role of Disappearing Track Searches at the LHC and Future Colliders

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    Higgsino in supersymmetric standard models is known to be a promising candidate for dark matter in the Universe. Its phenomenological property is strongly affected by the gaugino fraction in the Higgsino-like state. If this is sizable, in other words, if gaugino masses are less than O(10){\cal O}(10) TeV, we may probe the Higgsino dark matter in future non-accelerator experiments such as dark matter direct searches and measurements of electric dipole moments. On the other hand, if gauginos are much heavier, then it is hard to search for Higgsino in these experiments. In this case, due to a lack of gaugino components, the mass difference between the neutral and charged Higgsinos is uniquely determined by electroweak interactions to be around 350350 MeV, which makes the heavier charged state rather long-lived, with a decay length of about 11 cm. In this letter, we argue that a charged particle with a flight length of O(1){\cal O}(1) cm can be probed in disappearing-track searches if we require only two hits in the pixel detector. Even in this case, we can reduce background events with the help of the displaced-vertex reconstruction technique. We study the prospects of this search strategy at the LHC and future colliders for the Higgsino dark matter scenario. It is found that an almost pure Higgsino is indeed within the reach of the future 3333 TeV collider experiments. We then discuss that the interplay among collider and non-accelerator experiments plays a crucial role in testing the Higgsino dark matter scenarios. Our strategy for disappearing-track searches can also enlarge the discovery potential of pure wino dark matter as well as other electroweak-charged dark matter candidates.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Extending the LHC Reach for New Physics with Sub-Millimeter Displaced Vertices

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    Particles with a sub-millimeter decay length appear in many models of physics beyond the Standard Model. However, their longevity has been often ignored in their LHC searches and they have been regarded as promptly-decaying particles. In this letter, we show that, by requiring displaced vertices on top of the event selection criteria used in the ordinary search strategies for promptly-decaying particles, we can considerably extend the LHC reach for particles with a decay length of ≳100 μm\gtrsim 100~\mu{\rm m}. We discuss a way of reconstructing sub-millimeter displaced vertices by exploiting the same technique used for the primary vertex reconstruction on the assumption that the metastable particles are always pair-produced and their decay products contain high-pTp_{\rm T} jets. We show that, by applying a cut based on displaced vertices on top of standard kinematical cuts for the search of new particles, the LHC reach can be significantly extended if the decay length is ≳100 μm\gtrsim 100~\mu{\rm m}. In addition, we may measure the lifetime of the target particle through the reconstruction of displaced vertices, which plays an important role in understanding the new physics behind the metastable particles.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Looking for the left sneutrino LSP with displaced-vertex searches

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    We analyze a displaced dilepton signal expected at the LHC for a tau left sneutrino as the lightest supersymmetric particle with a mass in the range 4545-100100 GeV. The sneutrinos are pair produced via a virtual WW, ZZ or γ\gamma in the ss channel and, given the large value of the tau Yukawa coupling, their decays into two dileptons or a dilepton plus missing transverse energy from neutrinos can be significant. The discussion is carried out in the μν\mu \nuSSM, where the presence of RR-parity violating couplings involving right-handed neutrinos solves the μ\mu problem and can reproduce the neutrino data. To probe the tau left sneutrinos we compare the predictions of the μν\mu \nuSSM with the ATLAS search for long-lived particles using displaced lepton pairs in pppp collisions at s=8\sqrt s= 8 TeV, allowing us to constrain the parameter space of the model. We also consider an optimization of the trigger requirements used in existing displaced-vertex searches by means of a High Level Trigger that exploits tracker information. This optimization is generically useful for a light metastable particle decaying into soft charged leptons. The constraints on the sneutrino turn out to be more stringent. We finally discuss the prospects for the 1313 TeV LHC searches as well as further potential optimizations.Comment: Version published in PRD, discussions expanded, references added, LEP and LHC constraints discussed in more detail, 29 pages, 9 figures, 9 table

    On the basic mechanism of Pixelized Photon Detectors

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    A Pixelized Photon Detector (PPD) is a generic name for the semiconductor devices operated in the Geiger-mode, such as Silicon PhotoMultiplier and Multi-Pixel Photon Counter, which has high photon counting capability. While the internal mechanisms of the PPD have been intensively studied in recent years, the existing models do not include the avalanche process. We have simulated the multiplication and quenching of the avalanche process and have succeeded in reproducing the output waveform of the PPD. Furthermore our model predicts the existence of dead-time in the PPD which has never been numerically predicted. For serching the dead-time, we also have developed waveform analysis method using deconvolution which has the potential to distinguish neibouring pulses precisely. In this paper, we discuss our improved model and waveform analysis method.Comment: 4pages, 5figures, To appear in the proceedings of 5th International Conference on New Developments in Photodetection (NDIP08), Aix-les-Bains, France, 15-20 Jun 200

    Cornering Higgsino: Use of Soft Displaced Track

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    Higgsino has been intensively searched for in the LHC experiments in recent years. Currently, there is an uncharted region beyond the LEP Higgsino mass limit where the mass splitting between the neutral and charged Higgsinos is around 0.30.3-11 GEV, which is unexplored by either the soft di-lepton or disappearing track searches. This region is, however, of great importance from a phenomenological point of view, as many supersymmetric models predict such a mass spectrum. In this letter, we propose a possibility of filling this gap by using a soft micro-displaced track on top of the mono-jet event selection, which allows us to discriminate a signature of the charged Higgsino decay from the Standard Model background. It is found that this new strategy is potentially sensitive to a Higgsino mass of ≲180\lesssim 180 (250)(250) GeV at the LHC Run 2 (HL-LHC) for a charged-neutral mass splitting of ≃0.5\simeq 0.5 GeV.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
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