5 research outputs found

    Obrada procjednih voda iz odlagališta otpada Aïn Defla (Alžir) procesom oksidacije i biosorpcije

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    The aim of this study was the treatment of leachate from the Technical Landfill Centre Aïn Defla in Algeria, which presents a serious threat to the environment. Elimination of organic matter (expressed as chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD5)), suspended matter (SM), mineral matter (phosphates and ammoniacal nitrogen), and heavy metals (zinc and iron) were experimentally studied using the coupling of oxidation (OP) and biosorption processes (BS). The analysis results showed that the leachate studied at pH 8.8 was very loaded in organic matter (turbidity of 553 NTU, SM = 820 mg l–1, COD = 9669 mg O2 l–1, and BOD5 = 8875 mg O2 l–1), in salts (EC = 19.4 mS cm–1), in ammoniacal nitrogen (2027 mg l–1), in phosphates (22.9 mg l–1), and in sulphates (750 mg l–1). It also contained significant amounts of heavy metals, notably zinc (4.21 mg l–1) and iron (47.5 mg l–1). The evolution of the physicochemical parameters during the treatment showed that, under the optimal conditions (T = 45 °C, [H2O2] = 1.6 mol l–1, volume fraction φ(H2O2) = 5 %, and [Fe3+] = 0.5 mmol l–1), the reduction in COD was about 99 %, the reduction in BOD5 was 100 %, the elimination of colloidal particles (SM) could reach 95 %, reduction in phosphates was 78 %, reduction in ammonium was 98 %, reduction in sulphates was 96 %, reduction in zinc was 92 %, and the reduction in iron was 98 %.Tema ovog istraživanja je obrada procjednih voda odlagališta otpada Aïn Defla u Alžiru, koje predstavljaju ozbiljnu prijetnju po okoliš. Ispitivano je uklanjanje organskih tvari (izraženo preko kemijske potrošnje kisika (KPK) i biološke potrošnje kisika (BPK5)), suspendiranih čestica (SČ), mineralnih tvari (fosfati i amonijačni dušik) i teških metala (cink i željezo) iz procjednih voda kombiniranjem procesa oksidacije i biosorpcije. Rezultati analiza pokazali su da je procjedna voda imala pH 8,8 te je bila jako opterećena organskom tvari (zamućenje = 553 NTU, SČ = 820 mg l–1; KPK = 9669 mg O2 l–1, te BPK5 = 8875 mg O2 l–1), u solima (EC = 19,4 mS cm–1), amonijačnim dušikom (2027 mg l–1), fosfatima (22,9 mg l–1) i sulfatima (750 mg l–1). Također sadržavala je i značajne količine teških metala, osobito cinka (4,21 mg l–1) i željeza (47,5 mg l–1). Iz fizikalno-kemijskih parametara praćenih tijekom obrade vidljivo je, pri optimalnim uvjetima (45 °C, [H2O2] = 1,6 mol l–1), volumni udio φ(H2O2) = 5 % i [Fe3+] = 0,5 mmol l–1), smanjenje KPK vrijednosti od 99 %, BPK5 vrijednosti od 100 %, smanjenje fosfata, amonijaka, sulfata, cinka i željeza za 78 %,98 %, 96 %, 92 %, odnosno 98 %. Također, 95,6 % suspendiranih čestica uklonjeno je tijekom obrade procjedne vode

    Optimizacija mikrokapsulacije aktivnog sastojka umrežavanjem i metodom premazivanja za liječenje bolesti debelog crijeva

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    The aim of this study was to prepare microcapsules based on a natural polymer chitosan solution (high degree of deacetylation (DDA), low molecular weight (MW), and low viscosity)/sodium alginate in the presence of a crosslinking agent (glutaraldehyde), in order to encapsulate and vectorise the active principle towards the diseased organ (colon), without being diffused into other levels of the digestive tract, to increase the therapeutic effectiveness of treatment by chemotherapy and to reduce undesirable effects. The method of preparation of the microcapsules obtained from the sodium alginate/chitosan solution/active ingredients system was examined by conventional optical microscopy. In addition, an in vitro study was carried out on the active ingredients’ release profiles, depending on the pH simulating the gastric and intestinal media for the seven systems proposed. It should be mentioned that, in the basic medium (pH(colon) = 8), the release of the active ingredients is of the utmost importance. Nevertheless, control of this release can be improved by a crosslinking agent and the coating method. The dry [sodium alginate / chitosan solution / active ingredients + crosslinking 2 %] formulation coated with non-crosslinked chitosan (Formulation 7) is the standard formula that meets all the criteria from our earlier work, with a core release rate of 67 %. The PSD was unimodal, with sizes ranging from 750 µm to 900 µm. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Cilj ove studije bio je pripremiti mikrokapsule na bazi prirodne polimerne otopine kitozana (visokog stupnja deacetiliranja (DDA), niske molekulske mase (MW) i niske viskoznosti)/natrijeva alginata u prisutnosti umreženog agensa (glutaraldehida), za inkapsuliranje i vektoriziranje aktivnog sastojka prema bolesnom organu (debelom crijevu), bez difuzije u druge razine probavnog trakta, kako bi se povećala terapijska učinkovitost liječenja kemoterapijom i smanjili neželjeni učinci. Metoda pripreme mikrokapsula dobivenih iz sustava natrijeva alginata/otopine kitozana/aktivnih sastojaka ispitana je uobičajenom optičkom mikroskopijom. Uz to, provedeno je istraživanje in vitro na profilima oslobađanja aktivnih sastojaka, ovisno o pH koji simulira želučani i crijevni medij za sedam predloženih sustava. Treba napomenuti da je u osnovnom mediju (pH(debelog crijeva) = 8) oslobađanje aktivnih sastojaka od najveće važnosti. Ipak, kontrola tog ispuštanja može se poboljšati sredstvom za umrežavanje i metodom premazivanja. Suha formulacija [otopina natrijeva alginata/kitozana/aktivnih sastojaka + umreženog 2 %] presvučena neumreženim kitozanom (formulacija 7) standardna je formula koja udovoljava svim kriterijima iz našeg ranijeg rada s brzinom otpuštanja jezgre od 67 %. PSD je bio unimodalan s veličinama koje su se kretale od 750 µm do 900 µm. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna


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    Abstract Alzheimer's disease is the most prevalent type of dementia, which is a broad term encompassing memory loss and other cognitive impairments that significantly disrupt daily activities. The object of this study is to inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, and the two peptides beta-amyloid 40, beta-amyloid 42, which are responsible for Alzheimer's disease, using rosemarinic acid extracted from the Salvia officinalis plant. The study conducted an in silico analysis of three compounds extracted from salvia officinalis. The compounds were then subjected to drug-likeness prediction using DruLiTo and ADMET prediction to evaluate absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity using pkCSM online. Molecular docking was performed using the AutoDock 4.2.6 program to targets. and the results were visualized using Discovery Studio Visualizer softwar. In silico studies reveal that the inhibitor ligand rosmarinic acid interacts with 4EY4, forming 6 amino acid bonds with an inhibition constant (Ki) of 25287.99 nm and ∆G = -8.4 kcal/mol. This interaction is found to be more potent than the commercially available product citicoline (Ki= 742253.85 nm)

    Preventivna aktivnost đumbira (Zingiber officinale) u suzbijanju mijelotoksičnosti i hepatotoksičnosti izazvane cikloheksatrienom i identifikacija najaktivnijih spojeva metodom GC-MS

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    This study aimed to uncover the preventive capability of Zingiber officinale against myelotoxicity, leukaemia, and hepatotoxicity. For the most part, this work depended on the subcutaneous injection of cyclohexatriene in rabbits to cause the illness by a synthetic strategy. In parallel, another group of rabbits was exposed to the injection of cyclohexatriene under similar conditions with the feeding Zingiber officinale, where it was discovered that the cyclohexatriene-induced myelotoxicity was counteracted. The histological examination additionally uncovered the hepato-defensive intensity of Zingiber officinale. The most pharmacologically active molecules of Zingiber officinale were recognised by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS).Cilj ove studije bio je otkriti preventivnu sposobnost Zingiber officinale u suzbijanju mijelotoksičnosti, leukemije i hepatotoksičnosti. Ovaj je rad većim dijelom temeljen na potkožnom ubrizgavanju cikloheksatriena u kuniće da bi se sintetskom strategijom izazvala bolest. Usporedno s time, druga skupina kunića bila je izložena injekciji cikloheksatriena u sličnim uvjetima s hranjenjem Zingiber officinale, gdje je otkriveno da je suprotstavljena mijelotoksičnost izazvana cikloheksatrienom. Histološkim pregledom dodatno je otkriven hepatoprotektivni intenzitet Zingiber officinale. Najviše farmakološki aktivnih molekula Zingiber officinale prepoznato je metodom plinske kromatografije–masene spektrometrije (GC-MS)

    Spaniards in Algerian colonial literature: Louis Bertrand’s Le sang des races (1899)

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    La présence des Espagnols a fait partie intégrante de l’histoire de l’Algérie à différentes époques, certainement pendant la période coloniale française, et a été transmise dans la production littéraire de l’époque. Le roman que nous avons choisi comme étude de cas pour cet article, Le sang des races, est un document qui reflète l’image de cette présence vers la fin du xixe siècle, un groupe humain au sein de la société coloniale qui participe à la construction d’un pays anthropologiquement complexe, et y a vécu les meilleurs et aussi les pires moments.La presencia de los españoles formó parte integrante de la historia de Argelia en distintas épocas, sin duda en la época colonial francesa, y se transmitió a la producción literaria del momento. La novela que elegimos como estudio de caso del presente artículo, Le sang des races, es un documento que refleja la imagen de esta presencia hacia el final del siglo XIX, un grupo humano dentro de la sociedad colonial que participa en la construcción de un país antropológicamente complejo, y vive allí los mejores y también los peores momentos.The presence of the Spanish was an integral part of Algerian history at different times, certainly in the French colonial period, and was transmitted to the literary production of the time. The novel that we chose as a case study for this article, Le sang des races, is a document that reflects the image of this presence towards the end of the 19th century, a human group within the colonial society that participates in the construction of an anthropologically complex country, and lives there the best and also the worst moments