12 research outputs found

    Assessment of yield losses due to early and late leaf spots of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Early leaf spot (Cercospora arachidicola) and late leaf spot (sporidium personatum) are major limiting factors to groundnut productivity in northern Ghana. Fourteen groundnut entries were evaluated for two seasons (2003 and 2004) at Nyankpala with and without tebuconazole fungicide application. The objective of this study was to determine the yield losses due to combined attack of both diseases, with and without using tebuconazole (Folicur 3.6F) at 0.22 kg a.i. ha-1. The experiments were established in a split-plot design with three replications. Disease rating and pod yield were recorded at harvest maturity. Yield losses varied considerably, depending on entry and its yield potential. Pod yield losses due to both diseases ranged from 9.7 to 81.2 per cent in 2003, and from 19.5 to 65.9 per cent in 2004 when yield of protected entries was compared with yield of unprotected entries. The application of fungicide was effective in controlling leaf spots and improved pod yields across the two seasons. Some entries treated with fungicide produced pod yield of 1,860 to 2,081 kg ha-1, which is more than 2 to 2½-fold increase over present average yields in Ghana. Based on the high yield losses, chemical control and host-plant resistance options for managing both diseases in the north are recommended to enhance groundnut production. La tache à feuilles précoce (Cercospora arachidicola) et la tache à feille tardice (Cercosporidium personatum) sont des facteurs contraignants majeurs à la productivité d\'arachide dans le nord du Ghana. Quartorze variétés d\'arachide étaient évaluées pour deux saisons (2003 et 2004) à Nyankpala avec ou sans application de fongicide. Le but de ce travail de recherche était de déterminer les pertes de rendement en raison d\'attaque combinée des deux maladies en utilsant tébuconazole (Folicur 3.6F) à 0.22 kg a. i./ha. Les expériences étaient étabiles dans un dessin de lot-divisé avec trois répétitions. L\'indice de maladie et le rendement de cosse dues aux deux maladies variant entre 9.7 et 81.2% en l\'année 2003 et entre 19.5 et 65.9% en l\'année 2004 lorsque le rendment des varétés protégées avec fongicide était comparé avec le rendement des variétés non protégées. Application de fongicide était efficace dans la lutte contre les taches à feuille et améliorait également les rendements de cosse au cours de deux saisons. Quelques variétés traitées de fongicide donnaient un rendement de cosse de 1,860 à 2,081 kg/ha qui est plus 2 ou 2½ fois d\'augmentation par rapport aux randements moyens actuels au Ghana. Fondé sur les pertes de tendement élevées, l\'enrayement chimique et les options de plante-hôte résistante sont recommandés pour la lutte contre les deux maladies dans le nord afin d\'améliorer la production d\'arachide. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (1) 2007: pp. 21-2

    Effect of debudding of faba on the soluble nigrogen and ammonia concetration of the root nodules and associated nitrogenase activity

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    No Abstract. WAJAE Vol. 1 2000: pp. 73-8

    The effects of nitrate and asparegine on nitrogen fixation in inoculated fata bean

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    No Abstract. WAJAE Vol. 1 2000: pp. 81-9

    Human health risk and food safety implications of microplastic consumption by fish from coastal waters of the eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean

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    Data availability: Data will be made available on request.We examined the gastro-intestinal tracts (guts) of 160 fish species obtained from Nigerian coastal waters for microplastics and estimated annual microplastic intake by adult human population in the region from the fish species. A total of 5744 microplastics were recovered from the fish species analyzed with an average of 39.65 ± 5.67 items/individual. Microbeads (43%) occurred in all guts assessed, followed by fragments (27%), burnt film (14%), thread (9%), fibers (4%), and pellets (3%). Most microplastics recovered were below 1000 μm with the least size being 85 μm. Based on the size classes estimated for this study, we argue based on literature that close to 15% (i.e., >100 μm) of the microplastics in the guts studied have the potential to translocate gut barriers of the fish species into muscles, where they get ingested by humans, and thereon get translocated to other human organ tissues. The estimated annual intake of microplastics from the consumption of whole fish by the adult population followed the trend; M. cephalus (178,220) > I. Africana (131,670) > P. senegalensis (115,710) > P. jubelini (109,060) > S. maderensis (101,080) > G. decadactylus (101,346) > S. melanotheron (65,170). Estimated annual intakes were generally higher for fish species with broad habitat and feeding preferences.Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), U

    Iron deficiency and risk factors for lower iron stores in 6-24-month-old New Zealanders.

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of biochemical iron deficiency and identify factors associated with ferritin levels among 6-24-month-old urban South Island New Zealand children. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey conducted from May 1998 to March 1999. SETTING: The cities of Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill. SUBJECTS: A total of 323 randomly selected 6-24-month-old children participated (response rate 61%) of which 263 provided a blood sample. METHODS: A complete blood cell count, zinc protoporphyrin, serum ferritin and C-reactive protein were measured on nonfasting venipuncture blood samples, 3-day weighed food records and general questionnaire data were collected. RESULTS: Among children with C-reactive proteinboys), ethnicity (Caucasian>non-Caucasian), weight-for-age percentiles (negative) and birth weight (positive) were associated with ferritin after adjusting for infection and socioeconomic status. When current consumption of iron fortified formula and >500 ml of cows' milk per day were included, these were associated with a 22% increase and 25% decrease in ferritin, respectively (R2=0.28). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of suboptimal iron status (29%) among young New Zealand children is cause for concern, even though severe iron deficiency is rare, because children with marginal iron status are at risk of developing severe iron deficiency if exposed to a physiological challenge