45 research outputs found

    Haemophilus influenzae and smoking-related obstructive airways disease

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    Background: Intralumenal bacteria play a critical role in the pathogenesis of acute infective episodes and airway inflammation. Antigens from colonizing bacteria such as nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) may contribute to chronic lung disease through an immediate hypersensitivity response. The objective of this study was to determine the presence of specific NTHi-IgE antibodies in subjects with chronic bronchitis (CB) and COPD who had smoked. Methods: Serum, sputum, and saliva samples were collected from subjects with CB and moderate–severe COPD and healthy aged-matched controls. Total IgE and specific NTHi IgE were measured by enzyme linked immmunosorbent assay. Throat swabs were examined for the presence of NTHi. Results: The results demonstrate that: i) specific NTHi IgE antibodies occur at a low level in healthy subjects; ii) those with both CB and moderate–severe COPD have elevated specific NTHi IgE antibody compared with healthy controls, with higher levels in those with most severe disease; iii) IgE levels are greater in those with moderate–severe COPD than in those with CB. They demonstrate specific NTHi IgE antibody is regularly found at higher than normal levels in COPD. Conclusion: The detection of IgE antibody to colonizing bacteria in all subjects with CB or moderate–severe COPD identifies a possible mechanism of bronchospasm in these subjects amenable to specific intervention therapy

    Developmental Profiles of Mucosal Immunity in Pre-school Children

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    This study investigated the effect of attending pre-school on mucosal immunity. Children 3.5 to 5 years of age who attended pre-school were observed for a 10 month period. Demographic information was collected on previous childcare experiences, the home environment and clinical information relating to the child and the family. A daily illness log was kept for each child. A multivariate longitudinal analysis of the relation between immunoglobulins in saliva and age, gender, childcare experience, pre-school exposure, number of siblings, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), atopy and hospitalisation was conducted. There was a positive association of higher IgA levels with the winter season and with children being older than 4 years (P < .001), having attended childcare prior to commencing pre-school (P < .05), and having been exposed to ETS at home (P < .05). Lower IgA levels were associated with being atopic (P < .05). Higher IgG levels were associated with exposure to ETS (P < .001), while lower levels were associated to having atopy. Higher IgM levels were associated with previous childcare experience (P < .01) whilst having been hospitalised was associated with having low salivary IgM levels (P < .01). Lagged analyses demonstrated that immunological parameters were affected by the number of respiratory infections in the preceding 2 months

    Developmental Profiles of Mucosal Immunity in Pre-school Children

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    This study investigated the effect of attending pre-school on mucosal immunity. Children 3.5 to 5 years of age who attended pre-school were observed for a 10 month period. Demographic information was collected on previous childcare experiences, the home environment and clinical information relating to the child and the family. A daily illness log was kept for each child. A multivariate longitudinal analysis of the relation between immunoglobulins in saliva and age, gender, childcare experience, pre-school exposure, number of siblings, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), atopy and hospitalisation was conducted. There was a positive association of higher IgA levels with the winter season and with children being older than 4 years (P < .001), having attended childcare prior to commencing pre-school (P < .05), and having been exposed to ETS at home (P < .05). Lower IgA levels were associated with being atopic (P < .05). Higher IgG levels were associated with exposure to ETS (P < .001), while lower levels were associated to having atopy. Higher IgM levels were associated with previous childcare experience (P < .01) whilst having been hospitalised was associated with having low salivary IgM levels (P < .01). Lagged analyses demonstrated that immunological parameters were affected by the number of respiratory infections in the preceding 2 months

    Zadania policji w zakresie przeciwdziałania terroryzmowi

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    THE REMIT OF THE POLICE WITH REGARD TO COUNTERACTING TERRORISMThe article discusses the remit of the police with regard to counteracting terrorism. There are four directions areas in which police forces operate to counteract terrorism. These are: first &mdash; prevention, education and cooperation; second &mdash; recognition and information processing; third &mdash; police negotiations; fourth &mdash; physical fight against terrorism. With regard to that last issue it must be noted that tasks associated with physical elimination of terrorism fall within the remit of special anti-terrorist units of the police.THE REMIT OF THE POLICE WITH REGARD TO COUNTERACTING TERRORISMThe article discusses the remit of the police with regard to counteracting terrorism. There are four directions areas in which police forces operate to counteract terrorism. These are: first &mdash; prevention, education and cooperation; second &mdash; recognition and information processing; third &mdash; police negotiations; fourth &mdash; physical fight against terrorism. With regard to that last issue it must be noted that tasks associated with physical elimination of terrorism fall within the remit of special anti-terrorist units of the police

    Problems of effective local government debt management

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    The article presents the issues of effective management of local government debt. Local government debt can be seen as an effect of accumulated budget inequality. The considerations in the article concern the analysis of the sources of financing the activities of local government units and the effectiveness of their use in the context of maintaining an appropriate level of liquidity and meeting statutory standards. For this purpose, financial data of local government units for the years 2010–2020 were examined. The study was enriched with the results of research on the budget policy of municipalities on which the authors worked in previous years. It made it possible to trace the tendencies in the field of debt policy in local government units and to establish the challenges faced by representatives of local government authorities

    European Metrology Research Programme - a chance for development of metrology

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    W referacie omówiono etapy i problemy rozwoju wspólnej płaszczyzny współpracy w zakresie metrologii w Europie. Na podstawie dostępnych dokumentów przygotowano informację o najważniejszym przedsięwzięciu obejmującym obszar metrologii w Europie. Referat ma na celu przybliżenie idei związanej z powstaniem Europejskiego Programu Badań Nauko-wych w Metrologii (ERMP) i zadań z niego wynikających dla krajowych instytucji metrologicznych (NMI).With the overall goal of accelerating innovation and competitiveness, generating data and knowledge necessary to improve quality of life, and providing better tools for the scientific community the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) aims, through European integration, to develop new measurement capabilities which have strategic impact for Europe. The European Metrology Research Programme aims to join relevant European national programmes and activities to accelerate the development of vital research capabilities that, on the one hand supports competitiveness and on the other hand provides an infrastructure that supports EU policies. The Joint Programme is based on Article 169 of the European treaty. The European Commission will co-fund this Joint Programme through Article 169 - the most advanced instrument for the integration of European Research. The EMRP will play an important part in the construction of the wider European Research Area. The context of the programme is to enable Europe to respond to the growing demands for cutting-edge metrology as a tool for innovation, scientific research and support for policy, particularly in emerging technological areas. The programme objective is to accelerate the development of new measurement capabilities and to significantly improve dissemination and application of the knowledge generated throughout the stakeholder community. The Governance of the EMRP is assured by executing the Joint Programme through a common structure. The common structure is set out as a non-profit association according to German civil law with the legal title of EURAMET e.V. This legal entity is constructed with a perspective that goes even beyond the execution of the EMRP and will be able to include tasks and obligations related to the European and global harmonisation of metrology. Membership of EURAMET e.V. is generally open to all European countries through their national metrology institutes. Thus, the EMRP partners effectively establish a substructure of the wider EURAMET e.V. for all matters of the EMRP. The EURAMET will develop and execute the EMRP joint programme and provides the legal, financial and operational structures needed to receive, dispense, and account for funds and manage the activities

    Diversity of fiscal consequences of municipal tax policy in Poland

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    The article explores the subject of diversification of local tax policy and its fiscal consequences in Poland in 2007–2019. It focuses on various types of municipalities and tax governance tools they use (establishing tax rates, applying tax exemptions and non-statutory reliefs). The analysed taxes include immovable property taxes (property tax, agricultural tax) and movable property ones (tax on means of transport). Theoretical and empirical analyses confirmed the hypotheses. Polish municipalities utilize tax governance tools on a small scale and their taxation policies differ depending on the category of local tax and the type of municipality

    Tax and non-tax burdens and their impact on the functioning of enterprises

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    The article focuses on the corporate fiscal burdens in Poland. The authors discuss the taxes (on income, sales, property, as well as flat-rate taxation forms) and para-taxes (social and health insurance premiums) which in short- and long-term affect entrepreneurial decisions. The analysis pinpoints the structural elements of taxes which enable various tax strategies. On the basis of the empirical data collected the authors determine as well the average amount of income tax, the scale of use of stimulus instruments, the level of impact of the discussed burdens on the financial results of enterprises, and costs related to property taxes and social insurance

    Vaccination for the control of childhood bacterial pneumonia - Haemophilus influenzae type b and pneumococcal vaccines

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    Pneumonia in childhood is endemic in large parts of the world and in particular, in developing countries, as well as in many indigenous communities within developed nations. Haemophilus influenzae type b and Streptococcus pneumoniae conjugate vaccines are currently available against the leading bacterial causes of pneumonia.  The use of the vaccines in both industrialised and developing countries have shown a dramatic reduction in the burden of pneumonia and invasive disease in children.  However, the greatest threat facing pneumococcal conjugate vaccine effectiveness is serotype replacement.  The current vaccines provide serotype-specific, antibody–mediated protection against only a few of the 90+ capsule serotypes.  Therefore, there has been a focus in recent years to rapidly advance technologies that will result in broader disease coverage and more affordable vaccines that can be used in developing countries.  The next generation of pneumococcal vaccines have advanced to clinical trials.</p