7 research outputs found

    Aumento do volume de aneurisma após remoção de tumor cerebral: relato de caso

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    A rare case of rapid growth of an aneurysm after a posterior fossa meningioma removal in a 69-year-old lady is reported. Serial angiography, cerebral computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are presented. The patient harbored risk factors to both aneurysm formation and growth as current cigarette smoking, arterial hypertension, female sex and reduction of intracranial hypertension. One-year follow up after the first surgical procedure is presented.Um caso raro, em que ocorreu rápido aumento de volume de um aneurisma após a remoção de meningioma de fossa posterior em uma senhora de 69 anos de idade é relatado. Angiografias seriadas, tomografia computadorizada cerebral e ressonância magnética cerebral são apresentados. A paciente apresentava fatores de risco tanto para a formação como para o crescimento, de aneurismas cerebrais como hipertensão arterial, tabagismo, sexo feminino, aliados à redução da pressão intracraniana. É apresentada a evolução pós-operatória de um ano após a primeira cirurgia.Federal University of São Paulo Department of NeurosurgeryMedical Superintendent of Santa Casa de Santo Amaro Head of Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Hospital MontrealUNIFESP, Department of NeurosurgerySciEL

    Mucoceles gigantes: visão neurocirúrgica. Relato de dois casos Giant mucoceles: neurosurgical view. Report of two cases

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    São apresentados dois casos de mucocele gigante do seio frontal submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. A manifestação clínica foi cefaléia de evolução prolongada, associada com protrusão unilateral do globo ocular de curta duração. Em ambos os casos foi realizada craniotomia frontal com remoção completa da lesão, reparação do soalho frontal com retalho pediculado de gálea e cranialização do seio frontal. No segundo caso, uma abordagem endoscópica intranasal foi combinada à abordagem externa no mesmo ato cirúrgico. Alguns aspectos abordando a etiologia, associação com outras afecções e tratamento cirúrgico são discutidos.<br>Two patients harboring giant frontal mucoceles are reported. In both cases complaints of chronic headaches and progressive unilateral proptosis were preponderant. Surgical treatment included a frontal craniotomy with excision of the lesion, skull base reinforcement with pedicled galea and wide opening of the frontal sinuses. In the second case an intranasal endoscopic approach was combined with craniotomy at the same surgical operative time. Some aspects regarding etiology, association with other diseases and some surgical aspects are discussed

    Malignant melanoma of the cerebello-pontine angle region

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    A case of malignant melanoma in the cerebello-pontine angle region is presented in a 72 years old female patient, who had neurological examination and CT scan suggestive of acoustic neuroma. The surgical finding and the histological examination provided the diagnosis. As a primary focus was not found on clinical examination and although autopsy was not carried out, there is a possibility of the diagnosis being a primary malignant melanoma in CNS. This specific location for this kind of tumor was found to be rare when literature is looked up