11 research outputs found

    Dziedzictwo mistrzów: uwagi o życiu i pracy z Profesorami Carolyn Ellis i Arthurem P. Bochnerem

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    On January 25th, 2019, The University of South Florida sponsored an event to honor the legacy of Carolyn Ellis and Arthur Bochner as they retire after more than 85 years (combined) teaching. In this paper, research collaborators, students, and friends present their testimonials commemorating their shared lives with Professors Ellis and Bochner. A collection of short stories reveals “official” and “non-official” (in some cases very personal) experiences as they were lived through, inviting readers to see how academic intergenerational relationships might develop as contextually situated and morally important.  25 stycznia 2019 r., w Uniwersytecie Południowej Florydy miało miejsce uroczyste spotkanie poświęcone aktywności akademickiej Carolyn Ellis i Arthura Bochnera, którzy po ponad osiemdziesięciu pięciu latach (łącznie) pracy dydaktycznej przeszli na emeryturę. Tekst został przygotowany przez naukowych współpracowników, studentów oraz przyjaciół Profesorów Ellis i Bochnera, by upamiętnić i uhonorować Ich dzieło, i stanowi zbiór krótkich historii. Ukazuje on zarówno „oficjalne”, jak i „nieoficjalne” (w niektórych wypadkach bardzo osobiste) doświadczenia związane z życiem i pracą Profesorów. Opowieści te zapraszają czytelników do świata akademickich relacji międzypokoleniowych, uwikłanych kontekstowo i ważnych z etycznego punktu widzenia. &nbsp

    Incarnational Literacy: Multimodal Explorations through Virtual Reality and Transformational Autoethnography

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    Incarnational literacy is a multimodal, maker-centered, arts-based literacy engagement. As an emerging method and theoretical orientation, it incorporates core principles and transformative tools from the domains of creativity, arts-based inquiry, literacy, and spirituality. This experimental, multimodal dissertation chronicles the conception and ongoing development of incarnational literacy through a series of autoethnographic narratives, demonstrating the existential benefits of the integrated practice of artmaking and literacy engagements. This study also highlights the role and function of videogames and virtual reality experiences, revealing the benefits of introspective gameplay as tools of inquiry and meaning-making - further enriching the developing practice and domain of incarnational literacy

    Enhancing Critical And Creative Thinking Through Lego Inquiry Play

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    Engage, challenge, and strengthen your creativity and problem-solving skills through a game-based, innovative method involving LEGOs, storytelling, and engaged collaboration

    LEGO Infused Qualitative Research

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    In what ways the use of LEGO can deepen or enhance the field of qualitative research? How playing with LEGO in qualitative research courses may guide, inform, and innovate instructional practices and learning outcomes? What happens when LEGO blocks become the primary teaching tools in qualitative methods courses? The purpose of this session is to engage and inspire qualitative researchers, practitioners, and students by revealing the potential uses and applications of Lego in the context of qualitative inquiry. Through this workshop, participants will explore the various methods of using LEGO in qualitative research, focusing on LEGO both as an instructional and learning tool. Participants will also learn how the concepts and methodology of Lego Serious Play (LSP) can be adopted and used in qualitative research courses. Lego Serious Play in the qualitative classroom can foster collective creativity, flow states through play, and the benefits of learning through embodied practices. During this workshop, participants will learn how LEGO can play a creative and instrumental role to support learning, content acquisition, and instruction. Participants will also have the opportunity to participate in guided activities to experience how LEGO may stimulate and nurture new ways of learning about qualitative research

    Promoting Critical Reading/Writing/Thinking Through Text-Based Adventure Games

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    Become a critical and creative reader/writer! Learn how creating and interacting with text-based adventure games can stimulate creativity and critical thinking skills

    Incarnational Literacy: Multimodal Explorations through Virtual Reality and Transformational Autoethnography

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    Incarnational literacy is a multimodal, maker-centered, arts-based literacy engagement. As an emerging method and theoretical orientation, it incorporates core principles and transformative tools from the domains of creativity, arts-based inquiry, literacy, and spirituality. This experimental, multimodal dissertation chronicles the conception and ongoing development of incarnational literacy through a series of autoethnographic narratives, demonstrating the existential benefits of the integrated practice of artmaking and literacy engagements. This study also highlights the role and function of videogames and virtual reality experiences, revealing the benefits of introspective gameplay as tools of inquiry and meaning-making - further enriching the developing practice and domain of incarnational literacy

    Creating, Creativity, and Creative Problem Solving through Virtual Reality

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    Virtual Reality as an immersive medium offers innovative opportunities for creating/crafting virtual objects and experiences, developing creative skills, and cultivating critical and creative thinking

    The Creative Gamer: Creativity and Creative Problem Solving in Video Games

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    Video games are powerful mediums to cultivate critical problem-solving skills. They facilitate the development of these skills (without a teacher) through game design and gameplay

    Virtual Reality and the Qualitative Researcher: An Immersive Frontier

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    Virtual Reality is a new frontier for qualitative researchers both as a research tool and as an immersive research environment. Social VR, spatial networking, immersive gaming/storytelling, and virtual experiences, ranging from friendships to sex, are fundamentally shaping human existence and culture. In what ways the tools and methods of qualitative research can be used within the domain of VR? How to study phenomena emerging and experienced in VR? This presentation aims to inspire an engaged and critical dialogue regarding qualitative inquiry in the context of VR. As an emerging technology, Virtual Reality (VR) is already shaping fundamental aspects of human existence - ranging from communication, relationships, social presence, embodied experiences, etc. Spatial networking and various social VR platforms are becoming mainstream due to affordable HMDs (head-mounted displays). Popular VR worlds, such as Altspace and Recroom are becoming vibrant social spaces where human governed avatars (and AI) interact in fundamentally new ways through virtual bodies and virtual environments. Due to the immersive nature of VR, this technology creates presence by stimulating the human brain in ways that the person’s body in VR reacts to the virtual world and experiences as if it is real. The emotional, cognitive, psychological, and social interactions in virtual reality will not only change us, but it will potentially change our culture. For qualitative research and qualitative researchers, VR is a new domain and territory to explore and contend with. Immersive storytelling, gaming, social VR, and VR experiences/simulations broaden not only the possibilities of qualitative research, but I believe it will create new research methods and paradigms for qualitative inquiry. As a qualitative researcher and an early adopter of VR, I would like to start a conversation about virtual reality within the context of the qualitative research tradition. I will share how I use arts-based research, narrative inquiry, and autoethnography in the context of VR, and how I envision new opportunities for researchers to engage with and to use this medium

    Creating, Creativity, and Creative Problem Solving through Virtual Reality

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    Virtual Reality as an immersive medium offers innovative opportunities for creating/crafting virtual objects and experiences, developing creative skills, and cultivating critical and creative thinking