664 research outputs found

    Combined oral contraception and the risk of reproductive organs cancer in women

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    COCs (combined oral contraceptives) remain the most widely used effective and reversible means of family planning. Their beneficial effects are well documented, but many questions are still raised concerning a possible association between the use of COCs and the development of cancer. The authors provide a broad and up-to-date review of the literature regarding the relation between COC use and carcinogenesis in reproductive organs. Studies have not unequivocally confirmed that such a relation exists with regard to breast cancer. Much research has been focused on the COCs usage and its positive connection with the incidence of cervical cancer; most of it was done by J. Smith. This author confirmed the existence of a weak relation between COCs and the development of cervical carcinoma, especially in women using COCs for longer periods. Ovarian carcinoma has the worst prognosis of all cancers of reproductive organs in women. Nonetheless, the risk of developing ovarian cancer in women using COCs is at least 40% smaller than in other women; the degree of protection given by COCs being proportional to the duration of use of this form of contraception. Scientific data proved convincingly that the risk of endometrial cancer is smaller in COCs users than in women who never took COCs

    Hormonal (levonorgestrel) emergency contraception – effectiveness and mechanism of action

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    Abstract Periodic abstinence and coitus interruptus are the most popular methods of contraception in Poland. Recent studies have provided us with evidence that the so-called “menstrual calendar” may be much less effective than it was believed. In these circumstances, promotion and use of safe and truly effective contraceptives is very important for Polish women. Emergency contraception (EC) is a method which could be used even in cases when other contraception methods have failed. Mechanism of action of levonorgestrel used for EC and possible disturbances in the process of implantation of the blastocyst in the endometrium, remain the source of heated discussion among medical professionals. The latest publications provide us with evidence that the use of levonorgestrel in EC neither alters endometrial receptivity nor impedes implantation. Hormonal EC effectiveness is another hot topic of gynecological endocrinology and statistics. There is, however, no better, safer, and more ethically accepted method of preventing unwanted pregnancy for patients in need of postcoital contraception

    Macro-GH - a clinical entity causing a diagnostic challenge - a case report.

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    AIM: Presentation of a new case of a patient with macro-GH, that may interfere with different GH assays leading to false-positive results in serum samples. CASE PRESENTATION: A 61-year-old female was referred with a pituitary macroadenoma and elevated growth hormone levels The laboratory tests showed increased fasting GH level, measured by a sandwich chemiluminescence immunoassay (LIAISON® XL) without suppression on oral glucose tolerance test and normal IGF-1. The patient did not have the typical signs and symptoms of acromegaly. The patient underwent a transsphenoidal resection of a pituitary tumor, showing only α-subunit immunostaining. Postoperative GH levels remained elevated. An interference in the determination of GH level was suspected. GH was analyzed by three different immunoassays, UniCel DxI 600, Cobas e411 and hGH-IRMA. Heterophilic antibodies and rheumatoid factor were not detected in serum sample. GH recovery after precipitation with 25% polyethylene glycol (PEG) was 12%. Size-exclusion chromatography confirmed the presence of macro-GH in serum sample. CONCLUSION: If results of laboratory tests are not consistent with the clinical findings, the presence of an interference within immunochemical assays could be suspected. To identify interference caused by the macro-GH, the PEG method and size-exclusion chromatography should be used

    Montessori's mediation of meaning: a social semiotic perspective

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    The distinctive objects designed by Dr Maria Montessori as the centrepiece of her approach to pedagogy are the topic of this study. The Montessori approach to pedagogy, celebrating its centenary in 2007, continues to be used in classrooms throughout the world. Despite such widespread and enduring use, there has been little analysis of the Montessori objects to evaluate or understand their pedagogic impact. This study begins by outlining the provenance of the Montessori objects, reaching the conclusion that the tendency to interpret them from the perspective of the progressive education movement of the early twentieth century fails to provide insights into the developmental potential embodied in the objects. In order to appreciate that potential more fully, the study explores the design of the objects, specifically, the way in which the semiotic qualities embodied in their design orient children to the meanings of educational knowledge. A meta-analytic framework comprising three components is used to analyse the semiotic potential of the Montessori objects as educational artefacts. First, Vygotsky’s model of development is used to analyse the objects as external mediational means and to recognise the objects as complexes of signs materialising educational knowledge. In order to understand how the objects capture, in the form of concrete analogues, the linguistic meanings which construe educational knowledge, systemic functional linguistics, the second component of the framework, is used to achieve a rich and detailed social semiotic analysis of these relations, in particular, material and linguistic representations of abstract educational meanings. Finally, the pedagogic device, a central feature of Bernstein’s sociology of pedagogy, is used to analyse how the Montessori objects re-contextualise educational knowledge as developmental pedagogy. Particular attention is paid to the Montessori literacy pedagogy, in which the study of grammar plays a central role. The study reveals a central design principle which distinguishes the Montessori objects. This principle is the redundant representation of educational knowledge across multiple semiotic modes. Each representation holds constant the underlying meaning relations which construe quanta of educational knowledge, giving children the freedom to engage with this knowledge playfully, independently and successfully. The conclusion drawn from this study is that the design of the Montessori objects represents valuable educational potential which deserves continued investigation, as well as wider recognition and application. To initiate this process, the findings in this study may provide insights which can be used to develop tools for evaluating and enhancing the implementation of Montessori pedagogy in Montessori schools. The findings may also be used to adapt Montessori design principles for the benefit of educators working in non-Montessori contexts, in particular, those educators concerned with developing pedagogies which promote equitable access to educational knowledge

    Nowy, wspaniały i dostępny świat

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    Teaching science subjects is most often connoted with the transmission of information, facts and descriptions of phenomena – a well-established knowledge for students to acquire. During classes, there is usually no time for reflection on the nature of these subjects, and thus with their use to prepare the student for a slightly different world in which most of the information can be found on the web. Access to this information is immediate, but the quality varies greatly. Therefore, a young person should be equipped with the skills necessary to function consciously. Focusing attention on critical thinking, the application of the scientific method, or rather an attempt to shape “habitual” thinking according to the rules of this method, discussion of fake news, pseudoscience or scientific uncertainty seems to be extremely important. The publication attempts to indicate which skills can be developed in science classes with the verification and limitation of the content provided.Nauczanie przedmiotów przyrodniczych najczęściej kojarzy się z przekazywaniem informacji, faktów i opisów zjawisk – czyli ugruntowanej wiedzy do przyswojenia przez uczniów. Na zajęciach zwykle brakuje czasu na refleksje związane z naturą tych przedmiotów, a co za tym idzie z ich wykorzystaniem do przygotowania ucznia do trochę innego świata. Świata, w którym większość informacji znajdziemy w sieci. Dostęp do nich jest natychmiastowy, ale jakość bardzo różna. Należy więc wyposażyć młodego człowieka w umiejętności niezbędne do świadomego funkcjonowania. Skupienie uwagi na krytycznym myśleniu, stosowaniu metody naukowej, a właściwie próby ukształtowania „nawykowego” myślenia według reguł tej metody, dyskusji o fake newsach, pseudonauce czy niepewności naukowej wydaje się być niezwykle ważne. W publikacji podjęto próbę zasygnalizowania, które umiejętności można rozwijać na zajęciach z przedmiotów przyrodniczych przy weryfikacji i ograniczeniu przekazywanych treści

    Impact of online shopping frequency on overconsumption in European households : regional analysis with a focus on Poland

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the article is to examine the impact of the frequency of online shopping on the reasons for getting rid of functional items from households.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Consumer culture provides people with new consumption patterns and attractive incentives that stimulate them to constantly acquire new goods and services. The attitude of consumerism leads to a situation in which the more a consumer possesses, the greater the desire to possess. Consumerism explains the pro-consumption attitude of members of highly developed societies, but it also permeates developing countries.FINDINGS: The article is based on secondary data and the results of the authors' own research, conducted on a representative sample of adult Poles. Based on the results of the survey, it can be observed that an increase in the frequency of online shopping results in an increase in the consumption of products and a greater need to get rid of functional items from households.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: It should not be forgotten that consumerism causes many negative effects on the environment. First of all, consumerism is the cause of waste of natural resources. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the activities of individuals and households have significant environmental consequences in the aggregate.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Based on the results of this article, significant improvements in the environment can result from a change in their behavior.The project is financed within the framework of the programme of the Minister of Science 416 and Higher Education entitled "Regional Excellence Initiative" in 2019-2022; project number 417 001/RID/2018/19; the amount of financing PLN 10,684,000.00.peer-reviewe

    Hormone imbalance in young women as a result of intentional eating disorders

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    Anoreksja (AN) i bulimia to w rzeczywistości choroby, którymi zajmuje się psychiatria. Schorzenia te polegają na przewlekłym zaburzeniu w odżywianiu się. Zaburzenia endokrynologiczne stwierdzane w AN w większości wynikają z adaptacji organizmu młodych kobiet do przewlekłego głodzenia się (stałej negatywnej różnicy między spożywaną ilością żywności a wydatkiem energetycznym). Zanik miesiączkowania (lub niewystąpienie pierwszej miesiączki) jest jednym z podstawowych objawów tego schorzenia. Gra hormonalna w organizmach chorych na anoreksję ma charakter podobny do przemian hormonalnych zachodzących w okresie pokwitania. AN może się stać chorobą zagrażającą życiu i dlatego ważne jest jej wczesne rozpoznanie i leczenie. W najcięższych przypadkach konieczne jest jak najszybsze przywrócenie właściwych proporcji między spożywaną żywnością a wydatkiem energetycznym. Często w leczeniu pacjentek, z powodu stałych niedoborów estrogenów, konieczne jest stosowanie zastępczej terapii hormonalnej.Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia are in fact psychiatric disorders, characterised by a compulsive occupation with eating behaviour and food. The endocrine disturbances that are associated with AN are principally the result of the body’s adaptation to chronic food deficit. In women, amenorrhea is the one of most important physical symptoms of AN. The endocrine changes related to AN are very similar to those occuring during pubertal transition. AN may evolve into a life threatening disease, and early diagnosis is crucial for the implementation of the treatment. In severe cases restoring the metabolic balance is of the highest priority. For the gynaecologist it is important to know that the adverse effects of a longstanding lack of estrogens should be alleivated by an appropriate hormonal replacement therapy