12 research outputs found

    Quality of beef from young bulls in extended fattening

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    This paper presents the results from a study on the quality of beef obtained by slaughtering of young bulls with final mass of over 650 kg. In particular, bearing in mind the diminishing number of breeding animals in Serbia, it is essential that future fattening technology is based on the increase in pre slaughter body mass, in order to compensate the reduced number of cows and heifers and thus the production of beef. One of the ways for a fast and efficient increase of beef production per head is the increase in pre-slaughter body mass in order to provide greater quantity of beef per head. The current production practices are mainly finishing cattle fattening with about 450 kg to 500 kg. Based on the study results, it can be concluded that the group A (weight group of 650 kg) achieved a higher dressing percentage of warm, and cold carcass. The study of technological and sensory properties indicates that the group B (weight group of 500 kg) showed less cooking loss, while for other traits no difference was recorded. Overall it can be concluded that the increase in pre slaughter body mass can provide more than 30% of the amount of meat without diminishing the quality of beef. Ā© 2016, National Centre for Agrarian Sciences. All rights reserved

    Heavy metal tolerance and removal efficiency of the Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Saccharomyces boulardii planktonic cells and biofilm

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    The impact of heavy metals, cadmium (Cd2+), zinc (Zn2+) and nickel (Ni2+) on planktonic cells and biofilm of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Saccharomyces boulardii was examined. The metal tolerance testing was performed by MBECTM-HTP assay. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MICp) and minimum lethal concentration (MLCp) were determined as well as the minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC). Biofilm was more tolerant on the presence of heavy metals than the planktonic cells. The planktonic cells of R. mucilaginosa were tolerant to high concentrations of Cd2+, Zn2+ and Ni2+, while the planktonic cells of S. boulardii tolerated Zn2+, exclusively. The R. mucilaginosa biofilm was tolerant to all of the tested metal concentrations and the obtained results were confirmed by fluorescence microscopy. S. boulardii did not show ability of biofilm formation. Metal removal efficiency of the R. mucilaginosa planktonic cells and biofilm were also tested. The R. mucilaginosa biofilm showed higher efficiency in metals removing compared to the planktonic cells. Until now, the heavy metal tolerance and the removal efficiency (Cd2+, Zn2+ and Ni2+) analyzes were performed solely on planktonic cells of Rhodotorula species. In this study, we investigated the metal removal efficiency of R. mucilaginosa planktonic cells and biofilm and compared the obtained results

    Preclinical validation of rilmenidine for repurposing in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Introduction: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has dismal prognosis, as there are no screening tests available, most often is diagnosed in the metastatic phase of the disease and is refractory to conventional, targeted and immunotherapy. We have examined the expression and role of the novel tumor suppressor nischarin (NISCH) in PDAC and the effects of treatment with the agonist rilmenidine (approved for treatment of hypertension) in order to determine the potential of nischarin agonists for repurposing in this deadly disease.EACR 2023: Innovative Cancer Science, 12-15 June 2023, Torino, Ital


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    The aim of the research was to determine whether the frequency of certain injuries and diseases of cows as important parameters for ensuring their welfare varies considerably depending on the growing season (summer/winter). The research was conducted by Welfare Quality Assessment Protocol for Dairy Cows (2009) on total of 16 dairy farms (N=4.833 cows), wherein the provision of good health was descriptively categorized as unacceptable, acceptable, enhanced and excellent, according to calculated score (0-100 points).The air temperature of given location was recorded during each farm visit, so the average temperature of conducted assessment for specific season, served as additional indicator of dairy cowsā€™ thermal comfort. The results of the study showed that the effect of the season on the incidence of injuries and illness was not significant (p> 0.05), but certain disorders were more frequent in one of the seasons. In the summer season, mastitis (2.63%), diarrhea (2.31%), discharge from the eye and nose (6.24% and 1.69%) were more frequent, and in the winter season lameness (27.78%) , tachypnoea (0.13%), and vaginal discharge (1.73%). Relying on welfare standards, it can be concluded that the parameters tested do not represent an alarming risk for the welfare of raised animals with the exception of mastitis rates and ocular discharge in the summer period. However, the overall health of dairy cows in both seasons is considered acceptable (in average 40 from 100 points) indicating that only minimal requirements for ensuring well-being are met and that there is a need to improve the health situation. Given that related studies have shown a low level of protection of the comfort of the examined animals as well as its significant influence on the provision of thermal comfort and health of cows, the recommendations are directed primarily at ensuring appropriate conditions of keeping with adequate and continuous health control of the her

    Health and welfare of dairy cows in Serbia

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    Diseases and mortality of dairy cows are significant problems from the aspect of welfare as well as the economy of production. Monitoring and analysis of health and welfare conditions on farms are important prerequisites for their improvement. This paper presents an analysis of health and welfare condition on dairy farms in Republic of Serbia. The study was conducted on 16 commercial farms with total number of 4833 milking cows of Simmental and Holstein Friesian rase. The evaluation of health and welfare indicators was done according to Welfare Quality (R) Assessment Protocol for Cattle. Results obtained in this study showed that largest share of farms was estimated as enhanced (56.25%) and acceptable (43.75%) in terms of overall health state. The incidences for majority of the diseases below the set alert thresholds indicated no severe risk for dairy cows' welfare on examined farms. The exceptions were determined incidences of laminitis (37.65%), dystocia (4.18%) and mortality rate (6.70%) which nevertheless corresponds to their growing trend in the dairy farming. Although health of skin was evaluated as acceptable almost every fifth cow had at least a portion of the skin without hair while the presence of skin lesions was much less common (6.49%). With high share of dehorned cows in herd (78.9%) another serious welfare risk is the common practice of dehorning without aesthetics and/or analgesics implementation. Analyzing indicators of health and welfare on Serbian dairy farms it could be assumed that the most important risks derived from poor housing conditions and management omissions

    Studija projekta 'Optimizacija i standardizacija autohtone tehnologije sjeničkog sira sa zaŔtitom oznake porekla'

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    Investigations are based on use of natural potentials on the wide region of Sjenica-PeÅ”ter highlands. Certain parameters on selected locations are recorded (soil, vegetation, livestock production, technology of milk and cheese production). On selected locations, farms and processing capacities detail researches are carried out relating to soil, artificial and natural grasslands, reproductive and production potential of cattle and sheep, determination of genetic and non-genetic factors affecting milk traits, quantity and quality of milk, proteins, milk fat, lactose, etc., technological and microbiological traits of milk and cheese. Main objectives of this research and development project is to realize scientific -technological solutions in primary livestock production using our own scientific potentials in order to provide increased productivity, increased number of market farmers capable for competitive economy and production on domestic and foreign market with recognized final product with protected geographical origin, in other words - optimization and standardization of native technology of white cheese from Sjenica with protected brand and origin.Istraživanja su zasnovana na koriŔćenju prirodnih potencijala Å”ireg regiona Sjeničko-peÅ”terske visoravni. U okviru ovih istraživanja obavlja se snimanje i proučavanje određenih parametara na odabranim lokalitetima ( zemljiÅ”te, vegetacija, stočarstvo, tehnologija mleka i sira). Na odabranim lokalitetima, farmama i preradjivačkim kapacitetima obavljaju se detaljna istraživanja, zemljiÅ”ta, prirodnih i veÅ”tačkih travnjaka i livada, reproduktivnih i proizvodnih potencijala goveda i ovaca, determinacija genetskih i negenetskih faktora na svojstva mlečnosti, kvantitet i kvalitet mleka, proteini, mlečna mast, laktoza i dr.,tehnoloÅ”ka i mikrobioloÅ”ka svojstva mleka i sira. Osnovni ciljevi ovog istraživačko-razvojnog projekta je da se koriŔćenjem sopstvenih naučnih potencijala dođe do naučno-tehnoloÅ”kih reÅ”enja u primarnoj stočarskoj proizvodnji, koja će obezbediti porast produktivnosti, povećanje robnih proizvođača osposobljenih za konkurentnu proizvodnju na domaćem i stranom tržiÅ”tu sa prepoznatljivim finalnim proizvodom zaÅ”tićenog geografskog porekla, odnosno optimizaciju i standardizaciju autohtone tehnologije Sjeničkog sira sa zaÅ”titom oznake porekla

    Difference in influence of commercial industrial paints on microbial biofilms and planktonic cells

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    This study compares the effect of commercial industrial paints on the Escherichia coli PMFKG-F2, Proteus mirabilis PMFKG-F4 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae PMFKG-F6 planktonic cells and biofilms. A MBECTM-HTP assay and standard 96 microtiter plate assay were used to test the levels of resistance of planktonic cells and biofilms. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum lethal concentration (MLC) of the tested substances, which affects planktonic cells and biofilms, were determined and the results were confirmed by fluorescence microscopy. Results obtained for planktonic cells were compared between them and with the results obtained for biofilms. Noticeable difference in the resistance between the biofilms and the planktonic cells on paints, was observed. The E. coli PMFKG-F2 planktonic cells showed the highest resistance in the presence of the tested substance 2 (MICp 2.5 Ī¼l/ml), while the P. mirabilis PMFKG-F4 planktonic cells showed the highest resistance in the presence of the tested substance 2 (MICp 5 Ī¼l/ml). The S. cerevisiae PMFKG-F6 planktonic cells showed the same level of resistance in the presence of the tested substances 1, 2 and 5 (MICp 0.62 Ī¼l/ml). The E. coli PMFKG-F2, P. mirabilis PMFKGF4 and S. cerevisiae PMFKG-6 biofilms showed the highest resistance in the presence of the tested substance 5 (MICb 125 Ī¼l/ml, MICb 125 Ī¼l/ml and MICb 62.5 Ī¼l/ml). The obtained results suggest that the biofilm may have a potential to be used in bioremediation of wastewater contaminated with industrial paints

    Health and welfare of dairy cows in Serbia

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    Diseases and mortality of dairy cows are significant problems from the aspect of welfare as well as the economy of production. Monitoring and analysis of health and welfare conditions on farms are important prerequisites for their improvement. This paper presents an analysis of health and welfare condition on dairy farms in Republic of Serbia. The study was conducted on 16 commercial farms with total number of 4833 milking cows of Simmental and Holstein Friesian rase. The evaluation of health and welfare indicators was done according to Welfare Quality (R) Assessment Protocol for Cattle. Results obtained in this study showed that largest share of farms was estimated as enhanced (56.25%) and acceptable (43.75%) in terms of overall health state. The incidences for majority of the diseases below the set alert thresholds indicated no severe risk for dairy cows' welfare on examined farms. The exceptions were determined incidences of laminitis (37.65%), dystocia (4.18%) and mortality rate (6.70%) which nevertheless corresponds to their growing trend in the dairy farming. Although health of skin was evaluated as acceptable almost every fifth cow had at least a portion of the skin without hair while the presence of skin lesions was much less common (6.49%). With high share of dehorned cows in herd (78.9%) another serious welfare risk is the common practice of dehorning without aesthetics and/or analgesics implementation. Analyzing indicators of health and welfare on Serbian dairy farms it could be assumed that the most important risks derived from poor housing conditions and management omissions

    Gamma irradiation effects in optical fibres, splitters, and connectors

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    The paper presents a brief overview of contemporary ELION techniques with stress on their use for material modification and dosimetry. In the attempt to avoid some common misjudges of irradiation effects, special attention is paid to exact definition of irradiation geometry and careful adjustment of dose rates, which enable a proper elaboration of experimental results. In particular, effects of g-rays irradiation on properties of commercial optical fibres, splitters, connectors, and fibre joints are examined, which enables monitoring of irradiation effects in complex configurations made of materials with different radiation hardness (resistance). It has been established that g-rays irradiation of the investigated elements influences, in different ways, the transmission of laser beam signals of various wavelengths, under different modulation regimes. After irradiation, the signal attenuation is noticeably larger, both in optical connectors and optical splitter, than before it, and the effect increases in time. The effects are more pronounced at the 99 % than at the 1 % Y-splitter output at both measured wavelengths, and are more pronounced at 1310 nm than at 1550 nm. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III43009 and Grant no. III45012


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    During six decades of quantum electronics, a vast majority of new types of quantum generators have been developed. Although the principle of population inversion has united different ranges of electromagnetic spectra (and respective quantum generators), the existence of the title laser without the population inversion, makes that the exception had confirmed the rule, i. e. that this title deserves to be discussed further. Developing of formalisms describing the operation of quantum generators, by now have produced several approaches, which must have a quantum mechanics base. For the practical reasons, negative coefficient of absorption is acquired using classic electromagnetics as well, however for the population purposes, quantum representation must be entered.A few levels of formalisms will be set in this paper, linked to quantum generators accenting the optical portion of the spectra. The lowest level descriptions are based on lumped circuits. This could be expanded to equivalents of other physical problems, using program packages developed for the electrical engineering application purposes (Spice, etc.). Schematics are defined at the macro as well as micro equivalent levels (atomic ā€“ electronic levels). The kinetic equations with simpler approach will be considered as well as simplified laser equations based on quantum/ semi-quantum approach. The use of Fourier analysis or other appropriate transformations leads to formulating the main five laser equations which serve as the base for various working regimes of quantum generators and amplifiers (free generation regime, Q switch, synchronization, operation with filters, two modes regime, regime with losses, etc.). The Lyapunov stability theorem has to be included here, etc.For some of the chosen types of quantum generator, analytical modeling will be analyzed as well as the results of program packages developed for the lasers dynamics, regimes and parameters. The systems pumped with electronic beams (relativistic) will be considered and the nuclear physics statements discussed which must be included at the beginning, in order to consider further necessary parts of the condensed ā€“ solid state theory and laser techniques, after slowing down towards thermal energies.Existing program packages provide fast modeling and visualization of laser energy distribution, temperature, modes, etc. in active material with or without the resonator. A modeling will be performed for the specified geometries and a temperature distribution in active material will be captured during operation of a chosen laser system. Different pump geometries will be compared. Contemporary lasers with the shortest existing pulse durations demand new formalisms. Areas of nonlinear optics and quantum electrody-namics, Glauber states and similar, are areas that have to be included. Two main formalisms thermodynamical and quantum mechanical with transition probabilities using perturbation methods and secondary quantization naturally had to be complemented if the Brillouin, Raman, Compton, soliton, fiber and other lasers are included more generally