553 research outputs found

    Fracture strength and Young's modulus of ZnO nanowires

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    The fracture strength of ZnO nanowires vertically grown on sapphire substrates was measured in tensile and bending experiments. Nanowires with diameters between 60 and 310 nm and a typical length of 2 um were manipulated with an atomic force microscopy tip mounted on a nanomanipulator inside a scanning electron microscope. The fracture strain of (7.7 +- 0.8)% measured in the bending test was found close to the theoretical limit of 10% and revealed a strength about twice as high as in the tensile test. From the tensile experiments the Young's modulus could be measured to be within 30% of that of bulk ZnO, contrary to the lower values found in literature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Self-Similarity and Localization

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    The localized eigenstates of the Harper equation exhibit universal self-similar fluctuations once the exponentially decaying part of a wave function is factorized out. For a fixed quantum state, we show that the whole localized phase is characterized by a single strong coupling fixed point of the renormalization equations. This fixed point also describes the generalized Harper model with next nearest neighbor interaction below a certain threshold. Above the threshold, the fluctuations in the generalized Harper model are described by a strange invariant set of the renormalization equations.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures include

    X-Ray Reflectivity of Fibonacci Multilayers

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    We have numerically computed the reflectivity of X-ray incident normally onto Fibonacci multilayers, and compared the results with those obtained in periodic approximant multilayers. The constituent layers are of low and high refractive indices with the same thickness. Whereas reflectivity of periodic approximant multilayers changes only slightly with increasing the number of layers, Fibonacci multilayers present a completely different behaviour. In particular, we have found a highly-fragmented and self-similar reflectivity pattern in Fibonacci systems. The behaviour of the fragmentation pattern on increasing the number of layers is quantitatively described using multifractal techniques. The paper ends with a brief discussion on possible practical applications of our results in the design of new X-ray devices.Comment: 8 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 3 figures available upon request from [email protected]. To appear in Physics Letters

    Dimer Decimation and Intricately Nested Localized-Ballistic Phases of Kicked Harper

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    Dimer decimation scheme is introduced in order to study the kicked quantum systems exhibiting localization transition. The tight-binding representation of the model is mapped to a vectorized dimer where an asymptotic dissociation of the dimer is shown to correspond to the vanishing of the transmission coefficient thru the system. The method unveils an intricate nesting of extended and localized phases in two-dimensional parameter space. In addition to computing transport characteristics with extremely high precision, the renormalization tools also provide a new method to compute quasienergy spectrum.Comment: There are five postscript figures. Only half of the figure (3) is shown to reduce file size. However, missing part is the mirror image of the part show

    Hidden dimers and the matrix maps: Fibonacci chains re-visited

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    The existence of cycles of the matrix maps in Fibonacci class of lattices is well established. We show that such cycles are intimately connected with the presence of interesting positional correlations among the constituent `atoms' in a one dimensional quasiperiodic lattice. We particularly address the transfer model of the classic golden mean Fibonacci chain where a six cycle of the full matrix map exists at the centre of the spectrum [Kohmoto et al, Phys. Rev. B 35, 1020 (1987)], and for which no simple physical picture has so far been provided, to the best of our knowledge. In addition, we show that our prescription leads to a determination of other energy values for a mixed model of the Fibonacci chain, for which the full matrix map may have similar cyclic behaviour. Apart from the standard transfer-model of a golden mean Fibonacci chain, we address a variant of it and the silver mean lattice, where the existence of four cycles of the matrix map is already known to exist. The underlying positional correlations for all such cases are discussed in details.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Competing density-wave orders in a one-dimensional hard-boson model

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    We describe the zero-temperature phase diagram of a model of bosons, occupying sites of a linear chain, which obey a hard-exclusion constraint: any two nearest-neighbor sites may have at most one boson. A special case of our model was recently proposed as a description of a ``tilted'' Mott insulator of atoms trapped in an optical lattice. Our quantum Hamiltonian is shown to generate the transfer matrix of Baxter's hard-square model. Aided by exact solutions of a number of special cases, and by numerical studies, we obtain a phase diagram containing states with long-range density-wave order with period 2 and period 3, and also a floating incommensurate phase. Critical theories for the various quantum phase transitions are presented. As a byproduct, we show how to compute the Luttinger parameter in integrable theories with hard-exclusion constraints.Comment: 16 page

    The Fractal Dimension of the Spectrum of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian

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    We study the spectrum of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian and prove upper and lower bounds for its fractal dimension in the large coupling regime. These bounds show that as λ\lambda \to \infty, dim(σ(Hλ))logλ\dim (\sigma(H_\lambda)) \cdot \log \lambda converges to an explicit constant (0.88137\approx 0.88137). We also discuss consequences of these results for the rate of propagation of a wavepacket that evolves according to Schr\"odinger dynamics generated by the Fibonacci Hamiltonian.Comment: 23 page

    Glassiness Vs. Order in Densely Frustrated Josephson Arrays

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    We carry out extensive Monte Carlo simulations on the Coulomb gas dual to the uniformly frustrated two dimensional XY model, for a sequence of frustrations f converging to the irraltional (3-sqrt 5)/2. We find in these systems a sharp first order equilibrium phase transition to an ordered vortex structure at a T_c which varies only slightly with f. This ordered vortex structure remains in general phase incoherent until a lower pinning transition T_p(f) that varies with f. We argue that the glassy behaviors reported for this model in earlier simulations are dynamic effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    Physical nature of critical wave functions in Fibonacci systems

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    We report on a new class of critical states in the energy spectrum of general Fibonacci systems. By introducing a transfer matrix renormalization technique, we prove that the charge distribution of these states spreads over the whole system, showing transport properties characteristic of electronic extended states. Our analytical method is a first step to find out the link between the spatial structure of these critical wave functions and the quasiperiodic order of the underlying lattice.Comment: REVTEX 3.0, 11 pages, 2 figures available upon request. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Phonon Localization in One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Chains

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    Quasiperiodic long range order is intermediate between spatial periodicity and disorder, and the excitations in 1D quasiperiodic systems are believed to be transitional between extended and localized. These ideas are tested with a numerical analysis of two incommensurate 1D elastic chains: Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) and Lennard-Jones (LJ). The ground state configurations and the eigenfrequencies and eigenfunctions for harmonic excitations are determined. Aubry's "transition by breaking the analyticity" is observed in the ground state of each model, but the behavior of the excitations is qualitatively different. Phonon localization is observed for some modes in the LJ chain on both sides of the transition. The localization phenomenon apparently is decoupled from the distribution of eigenfrequencies since the spectrum changes from continuous to Cantor-set-like when the interaction parameters are varied to cross the analyticity--breaking transition. The eigenfunctions of the FK chain satisfy the "quasi-Bloch" theorem below the transition, but not above it, while only a subset of the eigenfunctions of the LJ chain satisfy the theorem.Comment: This is a revised version to appear in Physical Review B; includes additional and necessary clarifications and comments. 7 pages; requires revtex.sty v3.0, epsf.sty; includes 6 EPS figures. Postscript version also available at http://lifshitz.physics.wisc.edu/www/koltenbah/koltenbah_homepage.htm