33 research outputs found

    Application of the FITT framework to evaluate a prototype health information system

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    We developed a prototype information system with an integrated expert system for headache patients. The FITT (fit between individual, task and technology) framework was used to evaluate the prototype health information system and to determine which deltas to work on in future developments. We positively evaluated the system in all FITT dimensions. The framework provided a proper tool for evaluating the prototype health information system and determining which deltas to work on in future developments

    Relationship between Asian martial arts and health-related quality of life in Germany

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    Aim: Due to the steady increase in health care costs, a greater focus on maintaining wellness and preventing health issues has been established. Historically, Asian martial arts were closely associated with maintaining healthfulness. Thus, the aim of this investigation was to determine if people who practice Asian martial arts gain any health-related quality of life benefits compared to the general population. Subject and methods: Therefore, 343 martial artists practicing 8 varieties of martial arts answered the German standardized questionnaire 36 in a controlled setting at 24 martial arts schools (3 schools per martial art) between February 2008 and July 2008. These participants were not given information regarding the purpose of the study. Additionally, between July 2008 and December 2008, 2,512 martial artists completed an online version of the German standardized questionnaire 36. Results: The results of those completing the questionnaire in person differed from those responding to the online questionnaire. Compared to the general public, both martial arts groups rated their health-related quality of life to be better. Of the parameters evaluated, the greater differences were observed for physical aspects of health than for psychological aspects. Conclusion: Thus, these results indicate that participation in martial arts provides health-related quality of life benefits associated with the prevention of health problems. However, further studies are needed to understand the complex relationship between the practice of martial arts and improved health

    Health-related quality of life of family caregivers - evidence from Hesse

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of primary family caregivers in comparison to the reference values of the average population. Subjects and methods: Data collection took place in the Werra-Meißner district in 2009 with a response rate of 102 primary family caregivers of frail elderly people. The health-related quality of life was measured with the Short Form 36 health survey (SF 36) and compared with the German reference values. Results: Compared to the health values of the normative sample, primary caregivers show significantly lower rates in all dimensions of health-related quality of life. In particular, caregivers between the ages of 53 to 61 report extremely low health values. Caregiving women compared to non-caregiving women have highly significant differences in all subscales of the SF 36. Caregiving men also report highly significant differences to non-caregiving men in all dimensions of the SF 36 except for Physical Functioning and General Health (p < 0.01). Caregivers in general and especially caregiving women aged 53 to 61 (midlife) were identified as at-risk groups for poor health. The latter report lower vitality and well-being, which may be a consequence of both social isolation and social impacts from multiple role demands. Conclusion: The identified high-risk groups of family caregivers, caregivers in midlife and especially caregiving women in midlife, should be supported by social measures, e.g., training courses for family caregivers, particularly in their home setting, and various types of respite care in order to sustain their health

    A comparison of erp-success measurement approaches

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    ERP projects are complex purposes which influence main internal and external operations of companies. There are different research approaches which try to develop models for IS / ERP success measurement or IT-success measurement in general. Each model has its own area of application and sometimes a specific measurement approach based, for instance, on different systems or different stakeholders involved. This research paper shows some of the most important models developed in the literature and an overview of the different approaches of the models. An analysis which shows the strengths, weaknesses and the cases in which the specific model could be used is made

    A parameter-free population-dynamical approach to health workforce supply forecasting of EU countries

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    Many countries face challenges like impending retirement waves, negative population growth, or a suboptimal distribution of resources across medical sectors and fields in supplying their healthcare systems with adequate staffing. An increasing number of countries therefore employs quantitative approaches in health workforce supply forecasting. However, these models are often of limited usability as they either require extensive individual-level data or become too simplistic to capture key demographic or epidemiological factors. We propose a novel population-dynamical and stock-flow-consistent approach to health workforce supply forecasting complex enough to address dynamically changing behaviors while requiring only publicly available timeseries data for complete calibration. We apply the model to 21 European countries to forecast the supply of generalist and specialist physicians until 2040. Compared to staffing levels required to keep the physician density constant at 2016 levels, in many countries we find a significant trend toward decreasing density for generalist physicians at the expense of increasing densities for specialists. These trends are exacerbated in many Southern and Eastern European countries by expectations of negative population growth. For the example of Austria we generalize our approach to a multi-professional, multi-regional and multi-sectoral model and find a suboptimal distribution in the supply of contracted versus non-contracted physicians. It is of the utmost importance to devise tools for decision makers to influence the allocation and supply of physicians across fields and sectors to combat imbalances

    Evaluation of a prototype health information system using the FITT framework

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    Objectives To demonstrate how the fit between individual, task and technology (FITT) framework1 can be used for health information system evaluation. Methods We developed a prototype information system with an integrated expert system for headache patients. The FITT framework1 was used to evaluate the prototype health information system. Results The FITT framework,1 once applied, positively evaluated 199 integrated headache diagnoses, 349 schemes and 698 symptoms. We assessed 528 internet pages to determine to what extent they met the users' expectations. In two study sections, a total of 70 (of 140) participants used the system. In the second section, the intervention group did significantly better (P=0.031) than the control group. Conclusions The FITT framework1 provided a proper tool for evaluating the prototype health information system and determining which specific set of deltas to focus on in future developments

    Gesundheit in und für alle Politikfelder: Wege zur gesundheitlichen Chancengerechtigkeit

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    Dieses Kapitel befasst sich mit Fragen der Gesundheit, der Sozialpolitik und der gesundheitlichen Chancengerechtigkeit im Kontext der COVID-19-Pandemie und darüber hinaus. In Anbetracht aktueller und künftiger Krisen im Bereich der öffentlichen Gesundheit werden die folgenden zentralen Erkenntnisse hervorgehoben: Die Bewältigung künftiger Krisen und die Stärkung der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung kann durch eine sektorübergreifende Zusammenarbeit mit gemeinsamen Zielen und Synergien zwischen dem Gesundheitssektor und anderen Sektoren erleichtert werden. Krisen- und Resilienzpläne sollten alle Versorgungsebenen einbeziehen, um insbesondere auch Menschen zu erreichen, die sozial benachteiligt sind. Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat gezeigt, dass etablierte Beteiligungsstrukturen - unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Interessenlagen und auch nach Maßgabe von Transparenz und Nachvollziehbarkeit - in Krisensituationen förderlich sind, um rasche Austausch- und Abstimmungsprozesse einzuleiten.This chapter addresses questions related to health, social policy and health equity in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Considering future public health crises, the following key findings are emphasized: Countering future crises and strengthening public health can be facilitated through trans-sectoral cooperation with common goals and synergies between the health sector and other sectors. Crisis and resilience plans should address all levels of care provision and should make an effort to reach the whole of society, in particular people who are socially disadvantaged. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that established participation structures - considering differing interests and also in accordance with transparency and traceability - facilitate the initiation of rapid exchange and coordination processes in crisis situation

    Anamneses-Based Internet Information Supply: Can a Combination of an Expert System and Meta-Search Engine Help Consumers find the Health Information they Require?

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    An increasing number of people search for health information online. During the last 10 years various researchers have determined the requirements for an ideal consumer health information system. The aim of this study was to figure out, whether medical laymen can find a more accurate diagnosis for a given anamnesis via the developed prototype health information system than via ordinary internet search

    A national evaluation analysis and expert interview study of real-world data sources for research and healthcare decision-making

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    Real-world data (RWD) can provide intel (real-world evidence, RWE) for research and development, as well as policy and regulatory decision-making along the full spectrum of health care. Despite calls from global regulators for international collaborations to integrate RWE into regulatory decision-making and to bridge knowledge gaps, some challenges remain. In this work, we performed an evaluation of Austrian RWD sources using a multilateral query approach, crosschecked against previously published RWD criteria and conducted direct interviews with representative RWD source samples. This article provides an overview of 73 out of 104 RWD sources in a national legislative setting with favourable RWD incentives, which can be used to extrapolate to other EU data regions under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and upcoming legislation such as the European Health Data Space Act (EHDS). We were able to detect omnipresent challenges associated with data silos, variable standardisation efforts and governance issues. Our findings suggest a strong need for a national health data strategy and governance framework, which should inform researchers, as well as policy- and decision-makers to improve RWD-based research in the healthcare sector to ultimately support actual regulatory decision-making and provide strategic information for governmental health data policies

    Menschen schützen und unterstützen: warum Solidarität weiterhin gefragt ist in der Pandemie

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    Seit Beginn der Pandemie hat sich unser Fachwissen sowohl über die Ausbreitung des Virus als auch über Präventionsmaßnahmen vervielfacht. Tests, Impfungen und Therapien sind verfügbar und viele Fragestellungen durch die Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre gelöst worden. Trotzdem bleibt die Entscheidungsfindung für Interventionen im Sinne der öffentlichen Gesundheit weiterhin eine Herausforderung. Dafür kann die unabhängige und interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft weiterhin wichtige Impulse setzen und Perspektiven liefern. Dieses Papier stellt einige zentrale Punkte zusammen, die aus einem intensiven Diskursprozess entstanden sind, der in den letzten Monaten unter den angeführten Expert*innen und Wissenschafter*innen verschiedener Disziplinen stattgefunden hat. Es besteht der Grundkonsens, dass eine gesundheitspolitische und ethische Notwendigkeit besteht, den Schutz jener Menschen im Blick zu behalten, welche anfälliger für schwere COVID-19 Krankheitsverläufe, als auch Long Covid sind, sowie deren Umfeld und generell im Hinblick auf Gesundheitsfragen vorsichtig agierende Personen. Dieses Papier soll Bewusstsein für die Thematik stärken, und Entscheidungsträger:innen sensibilisieren und darin unterstützen, diese Personenkreise in ihren Überlegungen im Blick zu behalten