11 research outputs found


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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas racionalus profesijos pasirinkimas paauglystėje, kaip individosėkmingos karjeros prielaida. Kadangi Lietuvoje atliktuose profesijospasirinkimo tyrimuose neskirta pakankami dėmesio specifinei vaikų grupei –globos namų auklėtiniams, šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos globos namuosegyvenančių paauglių profesijos pasirinkimo problemos. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: globos namų auklėtiniai, paaugliai, profesijos pasirinkimas

    Alterations of moral virtues of disabled students effected by moral educational program: the effect of moral physical education program

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    The aim of the research was to examine and analyse development of various moral virtues and internal relations between different ones during the moral educational program (МЕР) used within the adapted physical education activities of physically disabled students. 69 physically disabled students aging at 12-16 years from two specials schools were investigated. 35 of them were applied by МЕР (experimental group) while the others students participated in the usual physical educational classes (control group). The semantic differential methodology of Osgood (Suslavičius, 1988) was used for evaluation of the moral virtues expression. The results showed the significant positive changes in the virtues of self-control, self-confidence, joyfulness, fellowship and courage in experimental group after МЕР as compared with the students of control group. The alterations of sensitiveness to others and discipline has been unsound and honesty has not changed at all. It have been established significant positive internal correlations between self-control and fellowship as well as courage before МЕР. After МЕР those correlations became very week and aroused new strong correlation with the virtue of sensitiveness to others. The МЕР did not change internal links between the virtues of joyfulness, self-confidence and honesty being in strong correlation before МЕР. On the basics of the research carried out we have made the main following conclusions: the moral adapted physical educational program influenced the significant changes in most of the virtues; only the honesty was unchanged at all despite the using of МЕР; the МЕР induced the qualitative changes in the perceived internal conception of some moral virtues

    Prieinamumas žmonėms su negalia - nauji iššūkiai ir galimybės sporto klubų ir rekreacijos centrų vystymuisi

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    Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti Lietuvos sveikatingumo, rekreacijos centrų ir sporto klubų prieinamumą asmenims, turintiems judėjimo negalių. Sveikatingumo, rekreacijos centrų ir sporto klubų prieinamumas buvo vertinamas naudojant modifikuotą fizinės veiklos ir rekreacijos prieinamumo matavimo instrumentą (AIMFREE; Rimmer ir kt. 2004, 2005) bei pusiau struktūrizuotą interviu. Interviu metodu buvo apklausti sveikatingumo, rekreacijos centrų ir sporto klubų vadovai įvairiuose Lietuvos miestuose. Tyrime dalyvavo 28 informantai: 24 privačios pelno siekiančios ir 4 ne pelno siekiančios organizacijos, teikiančios sveikatos, sporto ir rekreacijos paslaugas. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė atskleidė, kad žmonėms, turintiems judėjimo negalią, vis dar sudėtinga patekti į sporto ir poilsio objektus, nors politika ir teisės aktai įgalino pašalinti aplinkos kliūtis neįgaliesiems. Sveikatingumo, rekreacijos centrų ir sporto klubų paslaugų pritaikymą neįgaliesiems apibrėžia šios svarbiausios sritys: fizinės aplinkos, rekreacijos ir sporto bazių pritaikymas bei tinkama darbuotojų kompetencija. Buvo nustatyta, kad komercinės įmonės, teikiančios sporto ir sveikatos paslaugas, buvo visiškai prieinamos žmonėms su negalia.The current study highlighted questions concerning the accessibility of fitness and recreational facilities that Identified as being “accessible” for persons with mobility disabilities in Lithuania. Accessibility was assessed using a modified version of the Accessibility Instruments Measuring Fitness and Recreational Environments (AIMFREE; Rimmer et al, 2004,2005). In order to receive more precise results semi-structured interviews were conducted with the managers from health, fitness and recreational centers in different Lithuanian cities. 28 informants participated in the study. The study was carried out in 24 private profit organizations and 4 municipality funded non-profit organizations providing Health, fitness and recreational services. The analysis of possibilities to attend the organizations providing recreation and sport services showed that, although the policy and legislation has helped to remove some of the barriers of the environment, sports and recreation facilities are still difficult to access for the disabled. The most important areas that define accessibility of companies providing sports and recreation services are adaptation of physical environment, training facilities, and appropriate competence of the staff. It was found that commercial enterprises providing sports and health services were not accessible for people with disabilities

    Decrease of the manifestation of attention deficiency and hyperactiuvity syndrome in pre-school age children after applying the program of applied physical activity

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    The article analyses the manifestation of pre-school age children's attention deficiency and hyperactivity (ADHD) and their alterations due to the impact of adapted physical activity program. No research was found on the impact of the program of physical education for children with ADHD...[Visą santraukos tekstą skaitykite spustelėję interneto prieigos nuorodą]

    Assessment of emotional and behaviour disorders of girls living in restricted environment and intervention strategies through physical activity

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    Background. Students with emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD) represent one of the most challenging groups not only to provide effective educational services, but often present complex challenges for schools, families, and society. There is a lack of information about concrete research-based interventions and practices which could be helpful for delinquent students with EBD to cope with problem behaviour more effectively. The aim of the study was to assess the emotional and behaviour disorders of girls living in socialization centres and to review intervention strategies for changing behaviour through physical activity. Methods. The study was conducted in two Children Socialization Centres where 50 girls aged 12–18 are housed following the decision of Child Welfare Commission. Behaviour Assessment System for Children (BASC-2), a Self-Report Personality Scale was used to find out emotional and behavioural disorders of girls. Results. Analysis of our study results reveals that the girls with delinquent behaviour living in CSC show the risk of having problems in school, high level of social stress, anxiety, sense of inadequacy, atypicality, attention problems, hyperactivity and lower levels of self-esteem, self-reliance, interpersonal relations. The results support the conclusions of other studies which found significant relations between EBD students and weak levels of social skills, self-esteem and self-efficacy, cooperation. Conclusion. Sport and physical activity settings are effective intervention setting for creation, practicing and maintenance of pro-social behaviour and emotion managing; furthermore those skills could be transferred to community settings in everyday life. The best education setting for EBD students could be provided in inclusive environment, where the positive behaviour skills could be copied and maintained

    The Attitudes towards family, it models and values among children living in residential care institutions and children from biological families

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    The aim of this research was to analyse the attitudes towards family, it's values among the children living in residential care institutions and their peers living in families. The study involved 716 12-19 years old children living in residential care institutions from 32 state, municipal and private institutions in different regions of Lithuania. The same interview was conducted with 908 children of same age group living in their biological families. Results showed differences between attitudes towards family in those groups. Children from residential care institutions in comparasing with children living in biological families, more often discussed with mentors about models of families, then those with their parents. Children from residential care institutions expressed the attitude that the marriage should be maintained in behalf of children

    Aštuonių - vienuolikos metų amžiaus vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, emocijų ir elgesio savybių raiškos vertinimas jų pačių, tėvų ir mokytojų požiūriu

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    The article analyses emotional and behavioural characteristics of 8-11 year-old children with special education needs integrated into general education schools in Raseiniai region from their own, their parents and teachers viewpoint. The survey involved 112 pupils with special education needs aged 8-11, their parents and teachers. Emotional and behavioural characteristics of the subjects were evaluated using Parent Rating Scales, Teacher Rating Scales and Self- Report of Personality for Ages 8-11 of Behaviour Assessment System for Children BASC-2 (Reynolds, R. Kamphaus, W., 2004). The following scales were scored: School problems, Internalizing problems, Inattention/Hyperactivity, and Personal Adjustment. The study results revealed that self-reporting scores of emotional and behavioural characteristics of surveyed children with special needs were within the limits of the average, i.e. they correspond with the typical condition specific to the majority of children of this age group. Parent and teacher rating scores in all assessed areas were far more negative than the scores of children

    Problems related to the choice of profession among the teenagers living in fosters homes

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    Article focuses on the importance of a career in today’s employment market, and it analyzes rational choice of profession at teenage years as a condition to a successful career. [...] Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze problems that teenagers from foster homes experience when choosing a profession. In order to achieve the aim there was selected a quantitative research. The research sample involved 716 teenagers at the age of 12-18, who had lost their parents’ care and had been residing in the orphanage (state, municipal and non-state). The research sample involved 47 % of girls and 53 % of boys. According to the age the researched divided as following: the researched at the age of 12-14 made 37.8 % of the sample, and the teenagers’ sample at the age of 15-18 made 62.2 %. The issues of profession selection related to the researched were investigated applying a written survey method. There was designed a questionnaire the content of which included fact (social and demographic) and construct (research objective) questions. Under the way of questionnaire survey there was analyzed the teenagers’ preparation for an independent life and researched their approach towards education and its use in leading an independent life; there were analyzed the fatal factors for profession selection and the teenagers’ approach towards the search for jobs and employment opportunities. The completed questionnaire was adjusted with specialists from the Ministry of Social Security and Labor. Under the principal of the nested random selection/sampling there were selected the orphanages. For the estimation of the quantitative research data there were applied the methods of Mathematical Statistics. The research data were processed after having applied a 13 version software SPSS (statistic package for Social Sciences). The grouped information is presented in Tables and Figures. There was applied the criterion of Chi-square (χ²) following which there were assessed the differences between two samples. The findings gained during the research revealed that a greater part of the teenagers, resident in orphanages are not ready for an independent life. They claim that they comprehend the significance of education for an independent life as 70 percent of them indicated education being a very important value. However, major part of the researched will strive to obtain the profession at vocational schools or during non-university studies. Quite many respondents, especially the boys, consider the basic (10 class) education being sufficient for a successful independent life. Meanwhile, the girls emphasize the preference for continuous learning. According to the disclosure of the research data, 15 percent of the teenagers have not decided on the career; however, the boys are planning to work as builders, and a tenth of the girls would like to own personal business. Quite a large part of the researched would like to work in the filed of service. However, a major part of teenagers, who are planning their career, consider that they will not be fond of the selected activities or profession, but it will be normally paid and marketable abroad. The survey results revealed that teenagers living in care homes understand the importance of education in their independent life. Nevertheless, the majority of these teenagers would later seek to acquire a profession either at vocational schools or by taking non-university courses. A big number of respondents especially boys think, that 10 year of school education is enough for a further successful independent life. These teenagers are not prepared to be actively involved in job search, thus they consider registering at a job centre as sufficient effort. [...