381 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Family Communication Patterns and an Individual’s Emotional Intelligence

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    Emotional intelligence affects almost all areas of life. The intention of this study is to better understand if other factors are associated with one’s level of emotional intelligence. This study in particular focuses on the relationship between Family Communication Patterns (FCP), emotional intelligence and direct personalization of conflict, an aspect of Taking Conflict Personally (TCP). Fifty-one participants from a city in the northwest region of the United States were analyzed in this study. This study found that direct personalization and a family communication pattern that emphasized conversation were both related to aspects of emotional intelligence

    Objava kao manifestacija unutar ljudske kulture

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    In the article, the author introduces the concept of Revelation as it is recognized in the theology of French thinker Guy Lafon. The Word of God did not fall from heaven, but the prophet recognizes it in human communication and announces it to people. His proclamation must be a testimony of faith, hope and love. A relationship consists of two dimensions: presence and absence. It changes all the time, because the rapport between presence and absence constantly changes. That is why one must search for a partner in the Relationship all the time. Since faith is a relationship, the believer must always seek God’s will, but in the Church. The Revelation of God is not possible without or outside human communication.U ovom članku autor predstavlja koncept objave kako je prepoznata u teologiji francuskog mislioca Guya Lafona. Riječ Božja nije pala s neba, nego ju prorok prepoznaje u ljudskom odnosu i naviješta ju ljudima. Njegov navještaj mora biti svjedočanstvo vjere, nade i ljubavi. Međusobni se odnos sastoji od dvije dimenzije: prisutnosti i odsutnosti. On se cijelo vrijeme mijenja, jer se i odnos između prisutnosti i odsutnosti konstantno mijenja. To je razlog zbog čega osoba mora stalno tražiti partnera u odnosu. Budući da je vjera odnos, vjernik mora uvijek tražiti Božju volju unutar Crkve. Objava Boga nije moguća bez ili izvan ljudske komunikacije

    The COVID-19 Pandemic, Seasons and the Vitamin D Laboratory Strategy

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    From the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the laboratory blood tests and markers are searched as a potential diagnostic tool for this disease and for disease severity assessment. Also from the beginning of the pandemic scientists published reports on the potentially important role of vitamin D on the course of the COVID-19 patients. According to the data there are seasonal fluctuations of COVID-19 severity, where the numbers of newly infected in summertime in contrast to wintertime, are the same or even higher, but there are much less death cases. The different seasonal incidence of infectious diseases has been well known since the Hippocratic period. Vitamin D is a molecule with potent immunomodulatory actions. The effectiveness against various upper respiratory infections is confirmed. Based on the findings of previous research on meta-analysis of interventional studies with vitamin D in respiratory viral infections, based on new COVID-19 observational studies and based on pilot randomized study where vitamin D in COVID-19 patients significantly reduced morbidity and alleviated the course of infection, we emphasize the importance of inclusion of vitamin D routine measurement, before vitamin D treatment in COVID patients becomes a routine. Vitamin D has a small chance of side effects in doses of prevention and therapy. Randomized double blinded clinical trials are needed to finally prove the benefit of supplementation of vitamin D in COVID-19 patients. Until then however, in the COVID pandemic, it is highly ethical to consider and use the current knowledge about the benefits of vitamin D substitution in patients with vitamin D deficiency or insufficienc

    Objava kao manifestacija unutar ljudske kulture

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    In the article, the author introduces the concept of Revelation as it is recognized in the theology of French thinker Guy Lafon. The Word of God did not fall from heaven, but the prophet recognizes it in human communication and announces it to people. His proclamation must be a testimony of faith, hope and love. A relationship consists of two dimensions: presence and absence. It changes all the time, because the rapport between presence and absence constantly changes. That is why one must search for a partner in the Relationship all the time. Since faith is a relationship, the believer must always seek God’s will, but in the Church. The Revelation of God is not possible without or outside human communication.U ovom članku autor predstavlja koncept objave kako je prepoznata u teologiji francuskog mislioca Guya Lafona. Riječ Božja nije pala s neba, nego ju prorok prepoznaje u ljudskom odnosu i naviješta ju ljudima. Njegov navještaj mora biti svjedočanstvo vjere, nade i ljubavi. Međusobni se odnos sastoji od dvije dimenzije: prisutnosti i odsutnosti. On se cijelo vrijeme mijenja, jer se i odnos između prisutnosti i odsutnosti konstantno mijenja. To je razlog zbog čega osoba mora stalno tražiti partnera u odnosu. Budući da je vjera odnos, vjernik mora uvijek tražiti Božju volju unutar Crkve. Objava Boga nije moguća bez ili izvan ljudske komunikacije


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    Pouk latinščine kot priložnost za kulturno in jezikovno ozaveščanje

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    Gimnazijska leta so za mladega človeka priložnost, da raste in se razvija na vseh področjih, tako telesno in umsko kot čustveno in duhovno. Izobraževanje ne pomeni le nabiranja splošnega znanja ali podlage za študij. Pouk klasičnih jezikov daje mladim izobraževalno širino in je priložnost za jezikovno ozaveščanje. Latinščina je jezik, ki povezuje in ne ločuje, jezik, ki pripada vsakomur v enaki meri in je od vsakogar enako oddaljen. Ni ne moj ne tvoj, ni od nikogar in je od vseh

    Gandhi's Satyagraha

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    In this paper, we present the influence of religion on the revolutionary movement that led India to political independence in the last century. The most credit for the changes has Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who achieved political changes through satyagraha without violence. After introducing the term satyagraha, the authors outline Gandhi's life and his spiritual development, which enabled him to think and act nonviolently. The sources of his spirituality are highlighted as the Bhagavad-gita, the Bible and Leo Tolstoy's prose. He was also influenced by Jain religious practice, especially the principle of ahimsa practiced by Mohandas' mother. The paper concludes with an outline of the influence of satyagraha in India and beyond after Gandhi's death