5 research outputs found

    Experiencias sobre preservaci贸n digital para bibliotecas y archivos: dos casos de estudio en Colombia

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    This article addresses the problem of preservation of digital documents by means of the study of two representative cases: The first referred to production of digital origin, the second to digitization from printed material, such as the production of digital books of the Fundaci贸n Editorial Universidad Cat贸lica Luis Amig贸 and the digitization of the vertical archive of the Gilberto Mart铆nez Library of the Casa del Teatro, of Medell铆n. From there, a thematic analysis that allowed approaching some general guidelines to guide those interested in the preservation of digital documents of a textual nature was made. The practices carried out by these organizations are exposed and the learning that derives from these experiences is taken into account. Among them are: The importance that preservation is also assumed by those who produce digital content and not only by institutions dedicated to file management; integrate preservation in institutional planning; select the material according to the importance of the documents; the convenience of hiring services from specialized companies; generate preservation and distribution files; keep copies in different physical media and store them in spatially separate places. To preserve digital production, the individual user must resort to different storage systems, especially cloud services and various physical media

    Experiencias sobre preservaci贸n digital para bibliotecas y archivos: dos casos de estudio en Colombia

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    This article addresses the problem of preservation of digital documents by means of the study of two representative cases: The first referred to production of digital origin, the second to digitization from printed material, such as the production of digital books of the Fundaci贸n Editorial Universidad Cat贸lica Luis Amig贸 and the digitization of the vertical archive of the Gilberto Mart铆nez Library of the Casa del Teatro, of Medell铆n. From there, a thematic analysis that allowed approaching some general guidelines to guide those interested in the preservation of digital documents of a textual nature was made. The practices carried out by these organizations are exposed and the learning that derives from these experiences is taken into account. Among them are: The importance that preservation is also assumed by those who produce digital content and not only by institutions dedicated to file management; integrate preservation in institutional planning; select the material according to the importance of the documents; the convenience of hiring services from specialized companies; generate preservation and distribution files; keep copies in different physical media and store them in spatially separate places. To preserve digital production, the individual user must resort to different storage systems, especially cloud services and various physical media

    Blended Learning: una revisi贸n cienciom茅trica

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    Currently there are many tools in education and new strategies such as blended learning are necessary to support new educational contexts. However, there is a lack of scientific literature that brings together the different contributions. This study shows in a chronological way the conceptual evolution of blended learning. The most relevant articles were identified using the tree of science metaphor from a Scopus query. The results show an improvement in the academic results in the different areas.En la actualidad existen muchas herramientas en la educaci贸n y es necesario nuevas estrategias como el blended learning que apoyen los nuevos contextos educativos. Sin embargo, hay una carencia de literatura cient铆fica que re煤na los diferentes aportes. Este estudio muestra de una manera cronol贸gica la evoluci贸n conceptual del blended learning. Se identificaron los art铆culos m谩s relevantes usando la met谩fora del 谩rbol de la ciencia a partir de una consulta en Scopus. Los resultados muestran una mejora en los resultados acad茅micos en las diferentes 谩reas. En la pandemia causada por el COVID 19, se gener贸 la necesidad en el 谩mbito educativo de buscar nuevas alternativas de ense帽anza utilizando las herramientas y tecnolog铆as disponibles, entre ellas el blended learning

    Memorias II Coloquio de Edici贸n de Publicaciones EIB : Es tiempo de imaginar, es tiempo de editar

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    Presentation: Subline of Research in Publishing. Specialization in Publishing - Presentation. Time to Imagine - Inaugural Talk. Exploration of publication formats: towards the reality of imagined editing - Editing as a possibility to imagine and create human cultural adventure. Revista Surgente, Letras Informal. The people who make the Surgente. - Colectivo Editorial Mutante. What we can when we get together. - Fundaci贸n Secretos para Contar. Rural education for the countryside. - LEO, I imagine and edit. El Ba煤l: a fabric of words, context and images that speak of our Pe帽olense history - Research in publishing: a cartography of questions under construction. From literary studies to editorial studies: a path to escape discipline - Strategies for writing, editing and publishing papers in the context of the social and human sciences - Small publishers workshop for a da

    Experiencias sobre preservaci贸n digital para bibliotecas y archivos: dos casos de estudio en Colombia

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    El presente art铆culo aborda la problem谩tica de la preservaci贸n de documentos digitales, por medio del estudio de dos casos representativos: el primero referido a la producci贸n de origen digital; el segundo, a la digitalizaci贸n a partir de material impreso, que incluye la producci贸n de libros digitales del Fondo Editorial Universidad Cat贸lica Luis Amig贸 y la digitalizaci贸n del archivo vertical de la Biblioteca Gilberto Mart铆nez de la Casa del Teatro, de Medell铆n. A partir de all铆 se hizo un an谩lisis tem谩tico que permiti贸 acercarse a unos lineamientos generales para orientar a quienes se interesan por la preservaci贸n de documentos digitales de tipo textual. Se exponen las pr谩cticas que realizan estas organizaciones y se toman en cuenta los aprendizajes que se derivan de estas experiencias. Entre ellos se destacan la importancia de que la preservaci贸n sea asumida tambi茅n por quienes producen contenidos digitales y no solo por las instituciones dedicadas a la gesti贸n de archivos; integrar la preservaci贸n en la planeaci贸n institucional; seleccionar el material atendiendo a la importancia de los documentos; la conveniencia de contratar servicios de empresas especializadas; generar archivos de preservaci贸n y de distribuci贸n; conservar copias en distintos soportes f铆sicos y guardarlas en lugares separados espacialmente. Para preservar la producci贸n digital, el usuario particular debe recurrir a distintos sistemas de almacenamiento, especialmente servicios en la nube y diversos soportes f铆sicos