126 research outputs found

    University Education for Sustainability: Topics of Foreign Language Teaching

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    An effective and novel way to evaluate the quality and amount of work done towards Education for Sustainable Development is to examine the conversational topics offered for students in English as a Foreign Language [EFL] textbooks. The considered problem includes educational material presented in EFL university textbooks published in Russia over 2010–2020. The research aims to reveal how much EFL textbooks have changed towards sustainability. Using content analysis of the topics and methodological analysis of exercises presented in EFL textbooks for university students, we revealed three undecided problems: (1) the EFL textbooks published in Russia have not overcome the problem of enriching textbook content with sustainability topics; (2) the topics presented in the analyzed books do not cover the whole range of sustainability issues; (3) the variety of exercises used in EFL textbooks for university students is limited. The obtained results may be used to improve EFL textbooks. The methodology and research approach provided in the paper may be useful for further investigation of textbooks in many other disciplines

    How Students Assess Their Careers in the Context of COVID-19

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    The research goal is to present the views of Russian students on the relation between the COVID-19 pandemic and their future career opportunities. The research is based on a survey of 138 students studying for their bachelor’s degree. Comparing the responses given by students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th academic years allows the author to estimate the differences in their opinions. The survey illustrates that students’ assessments depend on their academic year. Therefore, students of the junior years lack interest in tackling sustainability issues, which probably appear detached from their lives, while the students of the senior years feel more involved in the current situation. The suggested perspectives of Education for Sustainable Development include (1) motivation towards the involvement of students into professional and general lifesupporting activities, (2) further development of the interdisciplinary approach in higher education, and (3) development of distance learning with a strong emphasis on professional use of electronic devices instead of using them primarily as a mean of communication

    Some Aspects of Author’s Phraseology of F.M. Dostoevsky

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    The article is devoted to the authors phraseology of Dostoevsky, which characterizes him as an artist, a native speaker of the Russian language of his time and can distinguish him from other authors. Identification and characterization of the authors phraseological units and authors techniques of their creation on the example of the description of phraseological units to talk about the language creative personality and the features of the idiostyle. The systemic feature of the writers idiostyle when describing phraseology is an extraordinary variety in form, semantic shades and references to precedent texts, as well as a special property of the writers language - universality and originality, which allows you to go beyond the time frame of the writers work. The phraseological units introduced by Dostoevsky in the middle and second half of the XIX century entered the Russian language, they are recognizable and somehow present in the language of the XX and XXI centuries. To become stable expressions, it takes time for a more complete mastering of Dostoevskys texts, reproduction and consolidation of phraseological units in the language. Paradoxically, the unique, multidimensional and inimitable idiostyle of the writer can become an obstacle to entering the language. Moving on from century to century accumulate idioms of the language, and therefore peoples memory. The description of Dostoevskys phraseological units makes it possible to compare both different works of one writer and works of different authors in the synchrony and diachrony of the Russian language

    De l’or pour l’industrialisation

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    Le problĂšme du financement de l’industrialisation est l’un des problĂšmes centraux dans l’étude de l’histoire soviĂ©tique de la pĂ©riode stalinienne. Les chercheurs concentrent traditionnellement leur attention sur la source principale de ce financement – les Ă©changes inĂ©galitaires entre la ville et la campagne. Mais l’industrialisation soviĂ©tique a eu Ă©galement d’autres moyens de financement, moins significatifs, certes, mais plus inattendus. L’un de ces moyens a Ă©tĂ© l’exportation massive d’antiquitĂ©s et d’oeuvres d’art. Le dĂ©but de son essor a coĂŻncidĂ© avec l’élaboration et les premiĂšres phases de la rĂ©alisation du premier plan quinquennal et s’est prolongĂ© jusqu’au milieu des annĂ©es trente. Pendant cette pĂ©riode furent vendues Ă  l’étranger non seulement des centaines de milliers de tonnes d’antiquitĂ©s de second ordre mais Ă©galement certaines des plus belles Ɠuvres de l’Ermitage et d’autres musĂ©es de premier plan du pays. Dans cet article, il est question de la pĂ©riode initiale de cette exportation (1927-1930), des causes qui lui ont donnĂ© naissance, de la crĂ©ation de l’organisation Antikvariat, des gens qui ont vendu le patrimoine national et des gens qui l’ont dĂ©fendu, du premier client avec qui les ventes n’ont pas pu se faire, Germain Seligman, et du premier acheteur des chefs-d’Ɠuvre de l’Ermitage, Calouste Gulbenkian.Gold for industrialization. Soviet export of art to France during Stalin’s five-year plans. – The financing of Soviet industrialization is one of the major issues in the study of the socio-economic history of the Stalin era. Scholars traditionally focus only on one financial source, the unequal exchange between the urban and rural sectors. However, industrialization had other, less significant, non-traditional financial means. One of these was the massive export of art. It started simultaneously with the implementation of the first five-year plan and continued through the mid-1930s. During that time, not only were hundreds of thousands of tons of, so-called, ordinary antiques sold abroad, but also many valuable works from the Hermitage and other major museums of the country as well. This article deals with the beginnings of this mass export of art (1927-1930), its origins, the creation of the organization Antikvariat, the people who sold the national heritage and those who tried to protect it, the first missed sale with Germain Seligman, and the first buyer of Hermitage masterpieces, Calouste Gulbenkian

    The substantiation of the parameters of an unmanned system for automated monitoring of animals on pasture

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    The research provides the substantiation of the main parameters of an unmanned automated herd monitoring system on a pasture by automating the measurement of current physiological indicators of animals to improve the efficiency and rate of supervision over them in free grazing conditions. The studies were based on the theory of radio communication about the propagation of radio waves, and also there was used a graphoanalytic method for calculating the parameters of component elements as parts of an unmanned system for automated monitoring of animals on pasture. The DJI Phantom 4 Advanced quadcopter was used to measure the flight time of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over the real pasture. As a payload, the weight of 350 g was taken. As a pasture, the experimental field at the farm “Kutuzovka”, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region with an area of 200 ha was used. The research was carried out in summer 2021. According to the results of well-known studies of the processes, methods and technical means of monitoring the physiological state of animals on pasture, it has been established that the advanced technological means including air-based devices should be used for remote monitoring. Among them are helicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as elements of the radio telemetry system (RTM), individual tags and sensors of the physiological parameters of the animal. At the same time, an unmanned automated monitoring system in combination with RTM elements is able to provide the transmission of physiological data from any sensors located on the animal's body or inside it. The data are transmitted to the main point of receiving information for processing it on a PC and giving recommendations to specialists (veterinarians, zootechnicians, etc.). The power of the relay equipment on board the UAV is calculated to be at least 60 mW and the communication range with the animal transponder not more than 800 m. The main parameters of the UAV flight over a pasture of 200 hectares have been experimentally established – the height is 20 m, the speed is 8.7 km/h, the time is 27.5 min, the payload is 350 g

    Poetics of Book “Journey of Russian Imperial Sloop “Diana” from Kronstadt to Kamchatka ...” by V. M. Golovnin: Features of Documentary and Fiction Prose

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    Observations are presented on the features of the documentary and artistic organization of the book by V. M. Golovnin “Journey of Russian Imperial Sloop “Diana” from Kronstadt to Kamchatka...” (1819). Such issues as the thematic content of “Journey...”, the role of the author’s worldview in creating a single artistic whole, and the features of the aesthetic organization of documentary material are considered. The significance of the study is seen in the need to update the memory of the personality and literary work of V. M. Golovnin, an outstanding figure of Russian culture at the beginning of the 19th century. The presented material will allow supplementing with new facts the picture of the genre and style genesis of documentary and artistic genres in the Russian historical and literary process of the early 19th century. The relevance of the study is determined by the attention of modern literary criticism to the poetics of documentary and artistic genres. The novelty of the research is seen in the appeal to a little-known work of Russian literature of the first third of the 19th century. It is reported that the author showed the maritime way of life with its regulations, traditions, experience of intercultural communication. The work is considered in the main thematic lines: everyday life of a round-the-world sea expedition, seascape, battle studies, ethnographic sketches. It is noted that a value-semantic principle is revealed behind the empirical material, which gives the narrative artistic completeness and deeply brings Golovnin's “Journey ...” with the tradition of Russian classical literature

    Dynamics of global and segmental strain as a marker of right ventricular contractility recovery in patients after COVID-19 pneumonia

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    Aim. To study the changes of morphological and functional right ventricular (RV) parameters depending on the severity of coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia over long-term follow-up.Material and methods. A total of 200 patients (men, 51,5%, mean age, 51,4±10,9 years) were examined at 2 control visits (3, 12 months after receiving two negative polymerase chain reaction tests). Patients were divided into following groups: group I (n=94) — lung tissue involvement ≄50% according to inhospital chest computed tomography (chest CT), group II (n=106) — lung tissue involvement˂50% according to chest CT.Results. The groups were comparable in key clinical and functional parameters 3 months after COVID-19 pneumonia. Speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) revealed a significant increase in following global longitudinal strain (LS) parameters: RV free wall endocardial LS (-22,7±3,2% and -24,3±3,8% in group I, p<0,001; -23,2±3,5% and -24,5±3,4% in group II, p><0,001), and RV endocardial LS (-21,0±3,1% and -22,5±3,7% in group I, p><0,001, -21,5±3,2% and -22,6±3,3% in group II, p=0,001 ). Significant increase of segmental endocardial LS was revealed in group I in the basal segments of RV free wall (-26,2±5,1% and -28,1±5,1%, p=0,004) and interventricular septum (IVS) (-16,2 [13,9; 19,5]% and -17,5 [14,6; 21,4]%, p=0,024), IVS middle segment (-20,3±4,1% and -21,5±4,8%, p=0,030), as well as in group II in the apical segments of RV free wall (-21,9±6,7% and -24,4±5,2%, p=0,001) and IVS (-23,7±4,7% and -24,9±4,8%, p=0,014). Conclusion. Recovery of RV function during a 12-month follow-up period in patients with both severe and moderate/mild lung involvement in COVID-19 was detected using the STE method.>˂0,001; -23,2±3,5% and -24,5±3,4% in group II, p˂0,001), and RV endocardial LS (-21,0±3,1% and -22,5±3,7% in group I, p˂0,001, -21,5±3,2% and -22,6±3,3% in group II, p=0,001 ). Significant increase of segmental endocardial LS was revealed in group I in the basal segments of RV free wall (-26,2±5,1% and -28,1±5,1%, p=0,004) and interventricular septum (IVS) (-16,2 [13,9; 19,5]% and -17,5 [14,6; 21,4]%, p=0,024), IVS middle segment (-20,3±4,1% and -21,5±4,8%, p=0,030), as well as in group II in the apical segments of RV free wall (-21,9±6,7% and -24,4±5,2%, p=0,001) and IVS (-23,7±4,7% and -24,9±4,8%, p=0,014).Conclusion. Recovery of RV function during a 12-month follow-up period in patients with both severe and moderate/mild lung involvement in COVID-19 was detected using the STE method

    Quality management of pedagogical research

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the positioning of education as a public good and meaningful domain of personality. Socio-economic transformations of modern society affect different social institutions, including education, participating in the development of mechanisms for reproduction of social structure, the formation of socially and economically active individual, creating a competitive situation on the market of educational services and serving as a basis of human resources capital. It claims to improve the quality of educational research that has acquired an interdisciplinary character. The testing of the effectiveness of educational researches’ results is carried out during the experimental work. The purpose of the article is to reveal the contents of experience-experimental work as the subject of quality management of pedagogical research. The leading approaches to the study are system approach that allows identifying of the types and functions of the experimental work and to establish relationships among them, and technological approach that allows developing of a program of experimental work. The paper defines the principles, clarifies the types, identifies functions and describes program and theoretical methods of the experimental work. Also it proposes classification of innovations in the educational system. The paper submissions can be useful for managers and teachers of educational institutions; employees of the centers of advanced training and retraining of personnel in the selection and structuring of the content for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff

    Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Empagliflozin in Patients with Acute Heart Failure from the First Day of Hospitalization

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    Aim. Evaluation of the safety, clinical and hemodynamic effects of empagliflozin in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) from the first day of hospitalization in the absence of signs of hemodynamic instability.Material and methods. A prospective, comparative, randomized study included 46 patients admitted to the hospital in connection with ADHF in the absence of signs of hemodynamic instability. Inclusion in the study and randomization to receive empagliflozin was carried out in the first 24 hours from the moment of admission to the hospital. The main group (n=23) from the first day of hospitalization and the entire subsequent follow-up period took empagliflozin at a daily dose of 10 and 25 mg (for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus) in addition to basic therapy, the control group (n=23) received standard therapy without gliflozines. The observation period was 3 months and included 3 control points: 1st day of hospitalization, 7th-12th day, 3rd month of observation. Clinical, anamnestic and instrumental data were evaluated at all control points.Results. In the hospital period, by the 7th-12th day, only in the main group there was an improvement in all clinical indicators (p<0.01), an increase in the rate of diuresis (p><0.01), a decrease in the daily dose of the parenteral diuretic furosemide from 54 mg to 26 mg (p><0.01). A decrease in systolic blood pressure (SBP) occurred in both groups (p><0.01), but it was more pronounced in the comparison group [from 141 (110; 160) to 110 (90; 120) mm Hg) compared to the main group [from 140 (120; 160) to 120 (110; 130) mm Hg]. According to echocardiography data in the main group, there was a decrease in the indexed volume of the right atrium, the end-systolic volume of the left ventricle (LV ESV) and systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery, an increase in the LV ejection fraction (LV EF) (p><0.05). In the comparison group, only an increase in LV ESV was noted (p=0.04). The index of the indexed volume of the left atrium did not show significant dynamics in the main group (p=0.79), but showed a significant decrease>˂0.01), a decrease in the daily dose of the parenteral diuretic furosemide from 54 mg to 26 mg (p<0.01). A decrease in systolic blood pressure (SBP) occurred in both groups (p>˂0.01), but it was more pronounced in the comparison group [from 141 (110; 160) to 110 (90; 120) mm Hg) compared to the main group [from 140 (120; 160) to 120 (110; 130) mm Hg]. According to echocardiography data in the main group, there was a decrease in the indexed volume of the right atrium, the end-systolic volume of the left ventricle (LV ESV) and systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery, an increase in the LV ejection fraction (LV EF) (p˂0.05). In the comparison group, only an increase in LV ESV was noted (p=0.04). The index of the indexed volume of the left atrium did not show significant dynamics in the main group (p=0.79), but showed a significant decrease in the 2nd and 3rd control points compared to the control group (p=0.01 and p=0.02). Complications, against the background of taking empagliflozin, were not noted: there were no episodes of hypotension (SBP˂90 mm Hg), hypoglycemia, acute kidney injury.Conclusion. The results obtained indicate the safety of empagliflozin in patients with ADHF, regardless of the status of carbohydrate metabolism and LV EF, as well as taking into account the clinical (more intense positive dynamics of clinical symptoms of ADHF) and hemodynamic (smooth decrease in SBP, increased diuretic effect) effects of empagliflozin, this drug should be considered as an effective and safe supplement to the main therapy from the first day of hospitalization in patients with stable hemodynamic parameters
