8 research outputs found

    Pore system changes of damaged Brazilian oxisols and nitosols induced by wet-dry cycles as seen in 2-D micromorphologic image analysis

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    Soil pore structure characterization using 2-D image analysis constitutes a simple method to obtain essential information related to soil porosity and pore size distribution (PSD). Such information is important to infer on soil quality, which is related to soil structure and transport processes inside the soil. Most of the time soils are submitted to wetting and drying cycles (W-D), which can cause important changes in soils with damaged structures. This report uses 2-D image analysis to evaluate possible modifications induced by W-D cycles on the structure of damaged soil samples. Samples of three tropical soils (Geric Ferralsol, GF; Eutric Nitosol, EN; and Rhodic Ferralsol, RF) were submitted to three treatments: 0WD, the control treatment in which samples were not submitted to any W-D cycle; 3WD and 9WD with samples submitted to 3 and 9 consecutive W-D cycles, respectively. It was observed that W-D cycles produced significant changes in large irregular pores of the GF and RF soils, and in rounded pores of the EN soil. Nevertheless, important changes in smaller pores (35, 75, and 150 µm) were also observed for all soils. As an overall consideration, it can be said that the use of image analysis helped to explain important changes in soil pore systems (shape, number, and size distribution) as consequence of W-D cycles.A caracterização da estrutura do solo usando a análise de imagens bidimensionais (2-D) constitui um método simples na obtenção de informações essenciais relacionadas com a porosidade do solo e a distribuição do tamanho de poros. Tal informação é importante para obter dados sobre a qualidade do solo, a qual está diretamente ligada à sua estrutura e aos processos de transporte que ocorrem no seu interior. Na maior parte do tempo os solos são submetidos a vários ciclos de umedecimento (wetting) e secamento (drying) (W-D) que podem causar importantes mudanças em solos que possuem estruturas danificadas. Neste estudo foi usada a análise de imagens em 2-D na avaliação de possíveis modificações devido a vários ciclos de W-D na estrutura de amostras de solo danificadas.Três solos diferentes em textura (Latossolo vermelho-amarelo distrófico - LVAd; Nitossolo vermelho eutrófico - NVe, Latossolo vermelho distrófico - LVd) foram submetidos a três diferentes tratamentos: 0WD, amostras controle não submetidas a nenhum ciclo de W-D; 3WD e 9WD, amostras submetidas a 3 e 9 ciclos consecutivos de W-D, respectivamente. Foi observado que os ciclos de W-D produziram mudanças significativas nos poros grandes irregulares dos solos LVAd e LVd e nos poros arredondados do NVe. Importantes mudanças nos poros de 35 até 150 µm foram observadas para todos os solos estudados. A partir dos resultados obtidos pode ser dito que o uso da análise de imagens auxiliou com sucesso na explicação de variações no sistema poroso (formato, número e distribuição de tamanho dos poros) devido aos ciclos de W-D para todos os solos analisados.Fundação AraucáriaEstado do Governo do Paraná - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Riparian forest potential to retain sediment and carbon evaluated by the 137Cs fallout and carbon isotopic ratio techniques

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    Riparian forests can provide an important service for aquatic ecosystems by sequestering hillslopederived sediments. However, the width of a riparian buffer zone required to filter sediments is not yet wellunderstood. Here are used two complementary tracers to measure sediment retention. The 137Cs technique and the soil carbon isotopic ratios (δ13C) are utilized to investigate sediment deposition and erosion rates on a slope transect cultivated with sugarcane followed by a secondary riparian forest zone in Iracemápolis, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The 137Cs technique and the δ13C analysis showed that the width of a riparian vegetation in accordance to a Brazilian Environmental Law (Nº4.771/65) was not sufficient in trapping sediments coming from agricultural lands, but indicated the importance of these forests as a conservation measure at the watershed scale. The complementary δ13C analysis together with soil morphology aspects allowed a better interpretation of the sediment redistribution along the sugarcane and riparian forest transects

    Estimulação do enraizamento de estacas de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.)

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    Experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of girdling the stem before taking the cutting, the previous position of the cutting In the stem, and the treatment of the cuttings with IBA plus KOH solution, on rooting of stem cuttings of Hevea brasiliensis. Stem cuttings were taken from three stem positions (base, median, and apical regions) from 12 months old plants. Girdling treatment was done 30 days before takingcutting using a'copper wire. This treatment did not affect rooting. IBA treatment was done using a 200 ppm IBA solution plus KOH, by immerging the base of the cuttings on it by 12 hours. This treatment caused phytotoxic symptons on cutting bases. It was observed a significant difference on the rooting of the cutting according to the cutting origin from the stem. The best rooting was obtained on cuttings taken from the base of the stem. Callus formation was more evident on girdling cuttings and median cuttings of rubber plant.Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito do estrangulamento do caule e do ácido indolbutírico no enraizamento de estacas de plantas jovens de seringueira, foi conduzido este ensaio. As estacas utilizadas foram retiradas da perte basal, mediana e apical, sendo que parte das estacas foram estranguladas com fio de arame abaixo de duas folhas, 30 dias antes do estaqueamento no campo. As estacas tiveram suas bases imersas por 12 horas em água ou em solução com 200 ppm de IBA. Os resultados mostraram que as estacas da posição basal da planta foram as que apresentaram maior porcentagem de enraizamento. 0 estrangulamento na base da estaca não influiu no enraizamento. Aplicação de IBA + KOH causou necrose na base das estacas. Ocorreu formação de calo em 77,7% das estacas aneladas, 66,6%, das medianas e 33,0% das basais