17 research outputs found

    Tomographic late evaluation of xenogeneic bone grafts in sockets of impacted third molars

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    It is necessary to preserve height and thickness of the alveolar bone to facilitate rehabilitation with osteointegratable implants or simply to maintain bone integrity after extraction. Biomaterials associated with resorbable or non-resorbable membranes, when placed in the region of the socket, may contribute to avoid this unwanted reabsorption. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the distance of the crest of alveolar ridge to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) of the lower second molars and the bone density of the third molar socket filled with Gen-Tech®, 5 years after an exodontia using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to visualize the central region of the sockets, without overlapping of the buccal and lingual cortical bones. Material and Methods: A total of 12 individuals from an initial group of 39 patients submitted to extraction of the unruptured lower third molars and grafting of an association of inorganic bovine bone matrix, organic bovine bone matrix, collagen and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) (Gen-Tech®) on one side and the contralateral sockets filled only by clot, returned to control after 5 years, and were submitted to CBCT. The distance from the crest of alveolar bone to the CEJ and the bone density (BD) were measured using the i-CAT Vision Software. Results: The results showed that the distance from the crest of alveolar bone to the CEJ in the control group was similar to that observed before the exodontia; in the experimental group, this distance was smaller. Considering the BD measurement, a significantly higher density was observed in the experimental group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Part of the biomaterial was not absorbed and allowed the stability of the evaluated parameters after 5 years, being able to be used as a bone substitute in the socket

    Evaluation of opening pattern and bone neoformation at median palatal suture area in patients submitted to surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) through cone beam computed tomography

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    AbstractSurgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) is the treatment of choice to adult patients even with severe transversal maxillary discrepancies. However, the adequate retention period to achieve the bone remodeling, thus assuring treatment stability, is controversial.Objective To evaluate the opening pattern and bone neoformation process at the midpalatal suture in patients submitted to surgically assisted (SARME) through cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).Material and Methods Fourteen patients were submitted to SARME through subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy. Both the opening pattern and the mean bone density at midpalatal suture area to evaluate bone formation were assessed pre- and post-operatively (15, 60 and 180 days) through CBCT.Results Type I opening pattern (from anterior to posterior nasal spine) occurred in 12 subjects while type II opening pattern (from anterior nasal spine to transverse palatine suture) occurred in 2 individuals. The 180-day postoperative mean (PO 180) of bone density value was 49.9% of the preoperative mean (Pre) value.Conclusions The opening pattern of midpalatal suture is more related to patients’ age (23.9 years in type I and 33.5 years in type II) and surgical technique. It was not possible to observe complete bone formation at midpalatal suture area at the ending of the retention period studied (180 days)

    Experimental alveolitis in rats: microbiological, acute phase response and histometric characterization of delayed alveolar healing

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    The pathogenesis of alveolitis is not well known and therefore experimental situations that mimic some features of this disease should be developed. OBJECTIVE: In this study, the evolution of the experimentally induced infection in rat sockets is characterized, which leads to clinical signs of suppurative alveolitis with remarkable wound healing disturbs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Non-infected (Group I) and experimentally infected sockets in Rattus novergicus (Group II) were histometrically evaluated regarding the kinetics of alveolar healing. In addition, the characterization of the present bacteria in inoculation material and the serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) were performed. The detected species were Capnocytophaga ochracea, Fusobacterium nucleatum ss nucleatum, Prevotella melaninogenica, Streptococcus anginosus, Treponema socranskii and Streptococcus sanguis. RESULTS: All experimentally infected rats developed suppurative alveolitis, showing higher levels of CRP in comparison to those non-infected ones. Furthermore, infected rats presented a significant delayed wound healing as measured by the histometric analysis (higher persistent polymorphonuclear infiltrate and lower density of newly formed bone). CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that rat sockets with experimentally induced infection produced higher levels of serum CRP, showing the potential of disseminated infection and a disturb in the alveolar repair process in an interesting experimental model for alveolitis studies

    Dentigerous cyst: clinical and radiographic characteristics and criteria for treatment planning

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    The dentigerous cyst is the second most frequent odontogenic cyst in jaws. They are always radiolucent and commonly unilocular. They are usually found in routine exams or when a permanent tooth does not erupt. The third molars followed by maxillary canines and occasionally supernumerary teeth and odontomas may be involved with the formation of the dentigerous cyst, but its etiology is not yet completely known. The dentigerous cyst occurs mainly in the first three decades of life, and its growth is slow and asymptomatic, however, it may reach considerable dimensions causing facial deformity, impaction and displacement of teeth and/or adjacent structures. Decompression, marsupialization and enucleation are the most frequent forms of treatment used, nevertheless, some important criteria must be considered for the treatment plan such as cyst size, age, proximity to anatomical structures and clinical importance of the tooth involved. Despite the clinical peculiarities of each case and the treatment method chosen, prognosis of these lesions is favorable

    Tomographic analysis of relationship of mandibular morphology and third molars eruption

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    Abstract Background Lower third molars (L3M) are the last teeth to erupt in the oral cavity. Uneruption of these teeth still raises questions about its causes, in the literature (1) genetic factors, (2) dental lamina activity and, mainly, (3) insufficient growth and development of the bone bases are included. While the lack of space theory influenced by mandibular morphology and size of L3M was argued to be the main reason for L3M impaction, there is a limitation in the literature in examining such association using more accurate tomographic analysis obtained from CBCT. This work aimed to evaluate the relationship between mandibular morphology and the eruption of L3M. Methods In this regard, 85 Cone Beam Computed Tomographies (CBCT), with 147 L3M, were selected from the archives of the Department of Surgery, Stomatology, Pathology and Radiology, Bauru School of Dentistry, obtained using an Accuitomo® Morita device and using the Dolphin Imaging 11.9 software. L3M eruption was related to linear measurements of jaw length (Co-Gn), retromolar space dimension (D2R), mesiodistal width of the L3M crowns, mandibular first molars (L1M) and mandibular canines (LC) and the angle mandibular (Ar-Go-Me). Independent samples t-test, chi-square tests and logistic regression were performed adopting a significance level of 5%. Results The average mandible length of 116.446 mm + 6.415 mm, retromolar space of 11.634 mm + 2.385 mm, mesiodistal size of the L3M of 10.054 mm + 0.941 mm, sum of the mesiodistal widths of the L1M and LC of 15.564 mm + 1.218 mm and mandibular angle of 127.23° + 6.109. There was no statistically significant association between these factors and the eruption. Conclusion With the results obtained in this study, we conclude that the length and angle of the mandible, teeth size and dimension of the retromolar space are not associated with the L3M eruption

    Experimental dry socket: microscopic and molecular evaluation of two treatment modalities Alveolite experimental: análise microscópica e molecular de duas modalidades de tratamento

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate two treatment modalities of dry socket in rats and to discuss the first findings of the molecular analysis in this experimental model. METHODS: 84 rats underwent a tooth extraction were divided in 4 groups: I-uninfected socket (control), II-infected socket without any treatment, III-infected socket treated with irrigation of 2% sodium iodide and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, IV-infected socket submitted to curettage, irrigation with physiological saline solution and fulfilled with metronidazole paste as base. The groups were subdivided in postoperative sacrifice periods: 6/15/28 days. A quantitative and a qualitative microscopic analysis was performed. Also, a quantitative analysis was performed using a RealTimePCR to evaluate the genes expression in the wound healing: Collagen Type I/COL-I, vascular endothelial growth factor/VEGF, osteocalcin/OCN, alkaline phosphatase/ALP, runt-related transcription factor 2/RUNX2 and tumor necrosis factor alpha/TNF-&#945;. RESULTS: The group I showed higher bone formation, followed by groups IV, III, II respectively. The group II presented higher inflammatory infiltrate and the wound healing was delayed compared with other groups. It was obtained a significant positive correlation between bone neoformation and the expression of OCN and RUNX2, inflammatory infiltrate with TNF-&#945; and a negative correlation between bone neoformation and TNF-&#945;. CONCLUSION: No significant difference was found between the treatments.<br>OBJETIVO: Avaliar duas modalidades de tratamento da alveolite em ratos e discutir os primeiros achados de uma análise molecular neste modelo experimental. MÉTODOS: 84 ratos foram submetidos a uma extração dentária e foram divididos em quatro grupos: I- alvéolo não infectado (controle), II- alvéolo infectado sem tratamento, III- alvéolo infectado tratado com irrigação de iodeto de sódio a 2% e solução de peróxido de hidrogênio a 3%, IV- alvéolo infectado submetido à curetagem, irrigação com solução salina fisiológica e preenchimento com pasta a base de metronidazol. Os grupos foram subdivididos em períodos de sacrifício pós-operatório: 6/15/28 dias. Uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa microscópica foi realizada. Além disso, uma análise quantitativa foi realizada utilizando RealTimePCR para avaliar a expressão de genes no reparo alveolar: o colágeno tipo I / COL-I, o fator de crescimento endotelial vascular / VEGF, osteocalcina / OCN, fosfatase alcalina / ALP, fator de transcrição runt relacionados 2 / RUNX2 e fator de necrose tumoral alfa / TNF-&#945;. RESULTADOS: O grupo I mostrou maior formação óssea, seguido pelos grupos IV, III, II, respectivamente. O grupo II apresentou maior infiltrado inflamatório e a cicatrização foi atrasada em comparação com outros grupos. Foi obtida uma correlação positiva entre a neoformação óssea e a expressão de OCN e RUNX2, infiltrado inflamatório com TNF-&#945; e uma correlação negativa entre a neoformação óssea e TNF-&#945;. CONCLUSÃO: Nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada entre os tratamentos