15 research outputs found

    Efficient Polymer-Supported Sharpless Alkene Epoxidation Catalyst

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    Homogeneous linear poly(tartrate ester) ligands provide high chemical yields and enantiomeric excesses in the epoxidation of trans-hex-2-en-1-ol using Ti(OPri)4-tert-butyl hydroperoxide. Branched poly(tartrate ester) can be use as heterogeneous ligands in the epoxidation of trans-hex-2-en-1-ol using Ti(OPri)4-tert-butyl hydroperoxide. Removal and recovery of the polymer catalyst is a simple filtration at the end of reactions

    Enhancement of the Nanofibrillation of Wood Cellulose through Sequential Periodate–Chlorite Oxidation

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    Sequential regioselective periodate–chlorite oxidation was employed as a new and efficient pretreatment to enhance the nanofibrillation of hardwood cellulose pulp through homogenization. The oxidized celluloses with carboxyl contents ranging from 0.38 to 1.75 mmol/g could nanofibrillate to highly viscous and transparent gels with yields of 100–85% without clogging the homogenizer (one to four passes). On the basis of field-emission scanning electron microscopy images, the nanofibrils obtained were of typical widths of approximately 25 ± 6 nm. All of the nanofibrillar samples maintained their cellulose I crystalline structure according to wide-angle X-ray diffraction results, and the crystallinity index was approximately 40% for all samples

    Strong, Self-Standing Oxygen Barrier Films from Nanocelluloses Modified with Regioselective Oxidative Treatments

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    In this work, three self-standing nanocellulose films were produced from birch pulp using regioselective oxidation and further derivatization treatments. The modified celluloses were synthesized using periodate oxidation, followed by chlorite oxidation, bisulfite addition, or reductive amination with amino acid taurine, which resulted in dicarboxylic acid cellulose (DCC), α-hydroxy sulfonic acid cellulose (HSAC), and taurine-modified cellulose (TC), respectively. The nanocelluloses were fabricated by mechanical disintegration using high-pressure homogenization. Mechanical and barrier properties of the nanocellulose films were characterized. Two (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidin-1-yl)­oxyl (TEMPO) oxidation-based nanocellulose films were also produced, and their properties were compared to the periodate-based nanocellulose films. All of the periodate-based nanocellulose films showed high tensile strength (130–163 MPa) and modulus (19–22 GPa). Oxygen barrier properties of the films were superior to many synthetic and composite materials; in particular, the nanofibrillated DCC films had oxygen permeability as low as 0.12 cm<sup>3</sup> μm/(m<sup>2</sup> d kPa) at 50% relative humidity. Compared to films of TEMPO-oxidized nanocelluloses, all of the periodate-based nanocellulose films had similar or even better mechanical and barrier properties, demonstrating versatility of periodate oxidation to obtain nanocellulose films with adjustable properties. Also, for the first time, amino-acid-based cellulose modification was used in the production of nanocellulose

    Synthesis of Benzothiadiazole Derivatives by Applying C–C Cross‑Couplings

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    The benzothiadiazole moiety has been extensively exploited as a building block in the syntheses of efficient organic semiconducting materials during the past decade. In this paper, parallel synthetic routes to benzothiadiazole derivatives, inspired by previous computational findings, are reported. The results presented here show that various C–C cross-couplings of benzothiadiazole, thiophene, and thiazole derivatives can be efficiently performed by applying Xantphos as a ligand of the catalyst system. Moreover, improved and convenient methods to synthesize important chemical building blocks, e.g., 4,7-dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole, in good to quantitative yields are presented. Additionally, the feasibility of Suzuki–Miyaura and direct coupling methods are compared in the synthesis of target benzothiadiazole derivatives. The computational characterization of the prepared benzothiadiazole derivatives shows that these compounds have planar molecular backbones and the possibility of intramolecular charge transfer upon excitation. The experimental electrochemical and spectroscopic studies reveal that although the compounds have similar electronic and optical properties in solution, they behave differently in solid state due to the different alkyl side-group substitutions in the molecular backbone. These benzothiadiazole derivatives can be potentially used as building blocks in the construction of more advanced small molecule organic semiconductors with acceptor–donor–acceptor motifs