7 research outputs found

    The key performance of commercial banks : evidence from Republic of Kosovo

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the main performance of commercial banks in the Republic of Kosovo. In order to assess the main performance of commercial banks, the authors used side data processed from financial reports of commercial banks as the main segment of Kosovo financial sector over a decade (2008-2018). Design/methodology/approach: Data processing for financial reports included in the econometric analysis is done using the STATA software program, specifically using linear regression, fixed effect, random effect, Hausman Taylor Regression and GMM Model. Assuming that the profitability of a commercial bank is a key factor in measuring its financial performance, then internal factors that have an impact on financial performance are taken as econometric variables. The return on assets (ROA) has been taken as a subordinated variable, while the independent variables are: bank capital adequacy, bank liquidity rate, and operational efficiency of the bank. Findings: The results show that the profitability of commercial banks in Kosovo has a positive impact on capital adequacy and liquidity of commercial banks, while the commercial banks' operational efficiency has a negative impact. Practical implications: The article offers insights to commercial banks who should intensify their efforts to increase efficiency in rational management with operational and administrative costs, as well as, adapt the business model to market needs. Originality/value: The article presents significant pragmatic evidence in terms of its meticulous approach towards checking the robustness of results.peer-reviewe

    The impact of macroeconomic factors on the level of deposits in the banking sector, an empirical analysis in the Western Balkan countries

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    Purpose: The principal objective of this study is to analyse the impact of macroeconomic factors on the level of deposits in the banking sector in Western Balkan countries. Design/methodology/approach: The impact of macroeconomic factors on the levels of deposits in the countries mentioned will be analyzed through econometric models. With reference to the applied models, the dependent variable will be the level of deposits, whilst the independent variables will be the interest rate on deposits, marginal rates, GDP, inflation and broad money. In order to achieve the research target set, the research will be based on secondary data which will be analyzed through the STATA program. Findings: The interest rate plays a key role in banking systems because it determines the benefits of the difference between the interest rate on loans and the interest rate on deposits. However, exposure to risk is often present because banks provide long-term loans financed by short-term deposits, and this involves the socalled interest rate risk. Practical Implications: One of the most important channels of monetary policy transmission in an economy is interest rates. Macroeconomic factors and the financial sector structure in the economy of a country have a significant impact on determining the interest rate elevation. Originality/Value: The analyzed period (2005-2017) is a compelling period for competent conclusions.peer-reviewe

    Application of Compromise Programming in the Energy Generation Planning

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    The need for the right electricity planning is closely related to the analysis that has to be done on its generating capacity. Of course, in order to make such planning, the choice of the method by which the process is carried out must be considered. The inclusion of multiple objectives (goals) enables us to create models that are useful in researching and expanding electricity generation systems. Compromised programming used in this paper aims to find compromise solutions among different conflicting objectives in the electricity generation system. One such case is the goal of minimizing the cost and CO2 emissions. Using this logic, the paper deals with an example of electricity generation planning for a given region

    The Importance of SD Goals Indicators 7, 8, 9 and 12 in the Industry Development by Using Multi Criteria and Decision Making Method

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    Sustainable Development and Decision Making are just two of the many processes that affect the industry sector. SDG7, SDG8, SDG9 and SDG 12 as four goals of sustainable development show the indicators we have to deal with, given that the energy, industry, economy and production are closely connected. This research focuses on promoting sustainable development in the industry, by testing very important indicators using the MCDM method. Our analysis was carried out with the help of a multi-criteria decision-making method - the Hierarchical Analytical Process. Through this method, we have identified specific areas that need improvement, the importance of the indicators separately, ranking so by their importance and impact in the industry, economy and production

    The importance of human resources for companies with energy profiles and their influence in raising the operating efficiency

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    Human resources are the most important part of the operation in an enterprise. Based on this logic, companies must continuously invest in increasing the performance of internal capacity through the creation of their strategies which will define clear developing objectives. Enterprises, be it large or small companies, private or public, especially companies with energy profiles such as power plants or district heating, to offer their services, an internal organization of a high level is needed. This arrangement inevitably must include human resources. In our case, we have analysed the functioning of District Heating ā€œTermokosā€ in Pristina, which for a year now operates with a new system of providing thermal energy - cogeneration project. Of course this also requires changes in the functioning of the enterprise reorganization, since we are dealing with the creation of new departments which require qualified and professional framework. During the analysis, we will focus on current data that we have from District Heating. To process the data we are using recognized statistical methods and similar models through which we will give our recommendations, for better functioning of the enterprise

    3D Digital Measurement of Dimensions, Displacements, and Deformations of the Parts

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    The 3D digital measurement is commonly used nowadays when parts are with complex geometry, and fast development is required. This comes also from constant technological improvements of devices like 3D scanners. However, the use of them for particular applications needs research that shows the wide range of usability. The purpose of this study has to do with better understanding of the measurement of dimensions, displacements, and deformations of the parts using non-contact techniques, which are elaborated with the case studies for each investigation. Base on the presented research, we see the approach of using the 3D scanning technique for several applications. From a general point of view, we conclude that the use of 3D digital measurement is a useful and flexible methodology for different parts, shown by the presented work. Future research should deal with improvements that are required in terms of the integrated measurement approach

    Off-Line Part Preparation for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Production

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    There are constant improvements in recent years in different manufacturing technologies. One of them is additive manufacturing (AM), specifically metal AM category, laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). Despite the high range of freedom in design and capability for producing complex parts with this technology, there is a need for the comprehensive study of preparing the parts for production, taking into consideration orientation, and support generation. In this research, the selected parts for investigation have different shapes and are tested in different orientation angles. After the orientation optimization based on three factors: build time, supports volume, and distortion tendency, the optimal solutions for support generation for particular parts were selected. The aim of the work has been to optimize the part preparation based on factors that are important for technical and economic aspects. Further work as a more comprehensive study should employ the simulation analysis (macroscale and mesoscale) as the input for the preparation of the part for L-PBF production