518 research outputs found

    Response of Banana "Williams Hybrid" to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization

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    Field experiments were conducted at the National Institute for Promotion of Horticultural Exports (NIPHE) research farm during the period of 2001 to 2002 to determine the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels on growth parameters, earliness, nutrient uptake, yield and yield components of "William's hybrid" banana cultivar. Treatments included 5 N levels (0, 69, 138, 207 and 276g N/mat/year), 2 P levels (0 and 20 g P/mat/year) and 2 K levels (0 and 41 g K/mat/year) . The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Banana growth, yield and yield components were significantly increased by N and K application. The highest vegetative growth parameters, yield and yield components were obtained with the application of 207 g N/mat/year in combination with 41 g K/mat/year. Application of N in combination with K also resulted in a significant reduction in the period from plant-ing to shooting and from shooting to fruit maturation. The shortest number of days to shooting were obtained with the application of 276 g N/mat/year. Application of N, P and K also resulted in increased leaf N, P and K contents. Application of P alone or in combinations with N and K had no significant effects on growth or yield parameters

    Effects of Ethrel Application and Packaging on Mango Fruit Quality

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        Experiments were conducted at the National Institute for the Promotion  of Horticultural Exports, University of Gezira, Wad  Medani, Sudan, during May 1997 and 1998 to investigate the effects of Ethrel and polyethylene packaging on mango fruit quality. Mango fruit quality, Mango fruits were  harvested at the mature-green stage and treated with Ethrel or  left as control. Fruits were packed in either intact or perforated polyetlhylene packages or left unpacked. The experiments were set up in a completely randomized design with three replications. Ethrel treatment accelerated  the rate of fruit ripening as shown by an increase in total soluble solids, yellowing and a decrease in fruit firmness and starch content Fruits packed in intact polyethylene packages resulted in the  lowest weight loss, followed by those packed in perforated films, whereas unpacked fruits showed the highest weight loss and lowest quality manifested in shriveling and deterioratio

    A New Technique To Predict Multilayered Reservoir Characteristics Using Pulse Testing Data

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    In this study, a mathematical model was developed to present pulse and interference testing for multilayered reservoirs. It was found that apparent storage calculated from pulse testing data is always less than or equal to the actual storage of the reservoir and that apparent transmissibility is always greater than or equal to the actual transmissibility. For short cycle intervals, the fractional production rate from a particular layer is not proportional to its transmissibility fraction. The effect of storage variation on fractional production rate is negligible. Wellbore damage affects both apparent transmissibility and storage. Less accurate estimation reservoir characteristics is obtained using pulse-test data as the contrast in reservoir properties increases and vice versa. A new approach is suggested to use data of single well test as well pulse test to estimate properties of individual layers. The approach is demonstrated by a three-layer numerical example


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    Introduction: Tumoral calcinosis (T.C.) is very rare and generally of unknown aetiology characterized by calcific deposits in the soft tissues. Commonly seen in the second decade of life (reported age range 15 months to 83 years). We are reporting 3 cases of T. C. who were initially diagnosed by FNAC. Two of the 3 cases were female siblings who were referred to us as possible cases of recurrent fibrosarcomas following surgical excision. Case reports:  (1) Two female siblings aged 17 and 14 years  complaining of large swelling in the upper   outer right thigh and the left outer upper thigh around the hip joints respectively. There was no limitation of movement. The masses recurred within a short period after total excision. Neither specimen was subjected to histopathology. Clinical examination showed two masses each approximately 30cm maximum diameter and 10 cm width. In addition the younger sister showed an additional mass 4.5 cm in the outer aspect of her right elbow. (2) 18 months old female child, unrelated to the above two cases, presented with an egg-sized mass in the mid-lateral aspect of her right thigh  cystic and mobile.There is a history of quinine injection in the same area. No positive family history of a similar condition. All three cases showed normocalcaemia and hyperphosphataemia with specks of calcification on x - ray and cysts in ultrasound. FNAC showed structureless gung , calcium granules and inflammatory cells including foreign body type multinucleated giant cells. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of T. C. Discussion: Described the three types of T. C. (familial, idiopathic, and that in patients of chronic renal failure on dialysis). The differential diagnoses were also discussed as well as lines of management such as Ca++ supplementation, phosphate restriction, acetazolamide, parathyroidectomy and the treatment of choice is total surgical excision. To our best knowledge this is the first time to report the use of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of T. C. in Sudan.&nbsp

    Effects of soil amendment treatments on growth, yield and fruit quality of selected banana (Musa AAA) cultivars

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           Banana cultivation in Sudan is restricted to the narrow strip of silt deposits along the banks of the Blue Nile and the River Nile. Hence, there is a need to expand banana cultivation in the high terrace, heavy clay soils. Banana performance in heavy clay soils is very poor, unless soil amendments are applied. Therefore, the objective of this research was to study the effects of soil amendment treatments on growth, yield and fruit quality of selected banana cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the Research Farm of the National Institute for the Promotion of Horticultural Exports, University of Gezira, during 2009-2011. Treatments consisted of three selected banana cultivars : Two introduced cultivars, namely, Grand Nain 1824 (GN) and William’s Hybrid 172 (WH) and the local cultivar Dwarf Cavendish (DC). Soil amendment treatments were : 1, 50% heavy clay (HC) + 50% loam (L); 2, 50% HC + 50% chicken manure (CM); 3, 50% HC + 25% L + 25% CM; 4, 33% HC + 33% L + 34% CM; 5, 100% HC (control). Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Results showed that the introduced cultivars GN and WH had more vigorous vegetative growth, higher yield components, total yield and better fruit quality than the local cultivar DC. Soil amendment treatments of 50% HC + 25% L + 25% CM and 33% HC + 33% L + 34% CM resulted in the most vigorous vegetative growth, the highest yield components and total yield and the best fruit quality, followed by 50% HC + 50% L and 50% HC +50%CM, whereas the least vegetative growth, the lowest yield components, total yield and the worst fruit quality were produced by bananas grown in 100% HC (control). In order to expand banana production for the local market and export, it is recommended to amend heavy clay soils with loams and chicken manure at 33% each and grow the introduced cultivars GN and WH.      تنحصر زراعة الموز في السودان على الشريط الضيق للتربة الغرينية على ضفاف النيل الأزرق ونهر النيل. هنالك حاجة ماسة للتوسع في زراعة الموز في السودان ولذلك لا بد من محاولة زراعته في الاراضي الطينية الثقيلة و التي لا تصلح لزراعة الموز إلا إذا تمت بعض المعالجات. لذلك فإن الهدف من هذا البحث هو دراسة تأثير بعض مستصلحات التربة على النمو ومكونات الإنتاج والإنتاج الكلي لثلاثة أصناف منتخبة من الموز في هذا النوع من الأراضي. أجريت التجربة في مزرعة بحوث المعهد القومي لتنمية الصادرات البستانية بجامعة الجزيرة خلال الفترة 2009-2011. اشتملت المعاملات على ثلاثة أصناف منتخبة من الموز: صنفان مستجلبان من خارج السودان وهما جراندنين 1824 (GN) وهجين وليامز172 (WH) بالإضافة إلى الصنف المحلي الكافندش القزم (DC). إشتملت مستصلحات التربة على: (1) 50% تربة طينية ثقيلة + 50% تربة غرينية ، (2) 50% تربة طينية + 50% ماروق دواجن ، (3) 50% تربة طينية + 25% تربة غرينية + 25% ماروق دواجن، (4) 33% تربة طينية + 33% تربة غرينية + 34% ماروق دواجن ، (5) 100% تربة طينية (شاهد). أستخدم تصميم القطع العشوائية الكاملة  بثلاثة مكررات . أظهرت النتائج أن الأصناف المستجلبة من الخارج GN وWH كانت أفضل في النمو الخضري وأعلى إنتاجية وأفضل جودة للثمار من الصنف المحلي DC. معاملات مستصلحات التربة 50% تربة طينية + 25% تربة غرينية + 25% ماروق دواجن و 33% تربة طينية و33% تربة غرينية و34% ماروق دواجن أعطت أفضل نمو خضري وأعلى إنتاجية وأفضل نوعية للثمار ، تليها المعاملات 50% تربة طينية + 50% تربة غرينية و50% تربة طينية + 50% ماروق دواجن. أما زراعة الموز في الأراضي الطينية الثقيلة بدون مستصلحات أدت  إلى أقل نمو خضري وأقل إنتاجية وأدنى نوعية للثمار. لذلك لكي يتم التوسع في زراعة الموز فى الاراضى الطينية الثقيلة للسوق المحلي والتصدير ، فإنه يوصى بإضافة  التربة الغرينية و ماروق الدواجن بنسبة 33% لكل منهما وزراعة الأصناف المستجلبة GN و WH. &nbsp

    Production and characterization of antimicrobial active substance from some macroalgae collected from Abu- Qir bay (Alexandria) Egypt

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    The antimicrobial activity of three different macroalgal species [Jania rubens (Linnaeus) Lamouroux; Ulva fasciata Delile and Sargassum vulgare C. Agardh] belonging to Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae, respectively, were collected seasonally in 2007 to 2008 from Abu-Qir bay (Alexandria, Egypt). The different macroalgal species were tested against pathogenic microbes such as Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus aureus as gram-positive bacteria, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi and Klebsiella pneumoniae as gram-negative bacteria and one yeast strain, Candida albicans. The influence of sampling season on the antimicrobial activity of the collected seaweeds showed strong activity in spring followed by winter, summer and autumn, respectively. However, the strongest antimicrobial activity was recorded in 70% acetone extract of U. fasciata collected during winter against all the tested microorganisms. This extract was purified using column chromatography (CC) and thin layer chromatography (TLC). The nature of this purified antimicrobial material was detected using different chemical analysis (UV, IR,1H NMR and MS) which indicated that it is an aromatic compound and has different active groups (-NH2, -C=O, -NO2, phenyl ring and -CH3). The molecular weight of the compound was determined (662) and its structure was characterized as a derivative of phthalate ester [(E)-1-(10-acetamido-2-nitrodec-9-enyl) 2-(10-acetamido-2-nitrodecyl) 4-methylphthalate]. This is the first evidence of the isolation of phthalate esters derivative from green seaweeds (U. fasciata) that has broad antimicrobial activity.Key words: Antimicrobial, pathogenic microbes, season, seaweeds

    Effects of nitrogen source and effective micro-organisms on vegetative growth of shrubs of selected grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf) cultivars

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       Grapefruit (Citrus Paradisi Macf.) is one of the most important citrus fruits in the Sudan. It can be successfully grown throughout the country where there are suitable soils and sufficient water to sustain tree growth. The objectives of this study were to find out the effects of different nitrogen sources, effective microorganisms (EM) and their combinations on the vegetative growth of shrubs of selected grapefruit cultivars. A field experiment was carried out at Umbarona, Wad Medani, Gezira State, Sudan, latitude 14.38 N, longitude 33.48 E and altitude 409 masl, in June 2012. Treatments consisted of three grapefruit cultivars: Marsh Seedless, Red Blush and Shamber. Fertilizer treatments were urea (100%), chicken manure (100%), urea with chicken manure (50% each), urea with EM, chicken manure with EM, urea (50%)+ chicken manure (50%)+ EM and unfertilized control. All fertilizer treatments were applied at the rate of 43 kg N/ha. Treatments were arranged in a split- plot design with two replicates. Grapefruit cultivars were allotted to the main plots and fertilizer treatments to the sub-plots. Data were collected on plant height (cm), stem diameter (cm), number of new branches, length of new branches (cm) and diameter of new branches (cm). Results showed that Marsh Seedless cultivar had the most vigorous vegetative growth compared to the other two cultivars. The results showed that the combination of urea, chicken manure and EM significantly gave the highest vegetative growth values, followed by chicken manure with EM, urea with chicken manure, urea with EM, urea alone, chicken manure alone and the least values of growth parameters were recorded for the unfertilized control. It is recommended to grow Marsh Seedless grapefruit cultivar and fertilize it with a combination of urea, chicken manure and EM.         يعتبر القريب فروت من أهم ثمار الحمضيات في السودان ويمكن زراعته بنجاح في جميع أنحاء البلاد حيثما توفرت التربة المناسبة والمياه الكافية لنمو الأشجار. أجريت تجربة حقلية في ام بارونة، واد مدنى ولاية الجزيرة، السودان. تهدف هذه التجربة لمعرفة تأثير مصادر النتروجين المختلفة والكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة ومزجها مع بعضها البعض على النمو الخضري لشجيرات أصناف منتخبة من القريب فروت. تضمنت المعاملات ثلاثة أصناف من القريب فروت وهي مارش  ورد بلش وشامبر وسبعة معاملات أسمدة وهي  اليوريا، وزرق الدواجن، يوريا مع زرق الدواجن، يوريا مع الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة، زرق الدواجن مع الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة، يوريا مع زرق الدواجن مع الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة والشاهد. تمت إضافة الأسمدة لكل المعاملات بمعدل 43 كجم نتروجين للهكتار. صممت التجارب بطريقة القطع المنشقة بحيث كانت أصناف القريب فروت هي القطع الرئيسة ومعاملات النتروجين هي القطع الثانوية. جمعت بيانات عن طول النبات (سم) وقطر الساق (سم) وعدد الأفرع الجديدة وطول الفرع (سم) وقطر الفرع (سم). أوضحت النتائج أن الصنف مارش أعطى أعلى نمو خضري مقارنة بالصنفين رد بلش وشامبر. الخليط بين سماد اليوريا وزرق الدواجن و الكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة  أعطت أعلى معدل للنمو الخضري ويليه زرق الدواجن والكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة ثم اليوريا والكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة ثم اليوريا وزرق الدواجن ثم زرق الدواجن لوحده ثم اليوريا لوحده وأدنى معدلات  النمو كانت في الشاهد .  يوصى بزراعة الصنف قريب فروت مارش وتسميده بخليط من اليوريا وزرق الدواجن والكائنات الحية الدقيقة الفعالة

    Effect of plant spacing and pruning on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of introduced mango cultivars

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       Kitchener is the most extensively cultivated mango cultivar in the Sudan. However, this cultivar is not popular in export markets due to its high fiber content. Hence, internationally popular mango cultivars have been recently introduced to the Sudan from South Africa. They  include Tommy Atkins, Kent, Keitt, Haden and Sensation. An experiment was conducted in Kamleen nursery, Gezira State, Sudan, during June 2008 to May 2011, to investigate the effects of plant spacing and pruning on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of these introduced mango cultivars compared to the local cultivar, Abusamaka . The trees were planted at a spacing of 5x5m and 10x10 m and subjected to three types of pruning, namely, pruning to two branches, three branches, tip pruning and control. Treatments were arranged in a split-plot design with three replicates. Plant spacing was assigned to the main plots and pruning treatments to the sub-plots. Results showed that the wider spacing resulted in significantly larger canopy diameter and larger number of fruits per tree than the closer spacing in all cultivars and seasons. However, the closer spacing resulted in significantly larger number of fruits/ha and  higher total yield/ha than the wider spacing due to the larger number of trees/ha. Pruning of mango trees to three main branches resulted in significantly the highest yield components and total yield, followed by two branches, tipping and the lowest yield components were produced by the un-pruned control. The introduced mango cultivars had significantly more vigorous vegetative growth, earlier in flowering, higher yield components and total yield and better fruit quality than the local cultivar Abusamaka. It could be concluded that the introduced cultivars Tommy Atkins, Kent and Keitt are promising cultivars to be grown in the Sudan using the high density planting system and pruned annually for high production of good quality fruit.        يعتبر الصنف كتشنر أكثر أصناف المانجو انتشاراً في السودان ولكنه غير مرغوب في أسواق الصادر نسبة لاحتوائه على نسبة عالية من الألياف. لذلك فقد تم استجلاب بعض الأصناف المرغوبة عالمياً من جنوب أفريقيا ، وقد شملت هذه الأصناف تومي أتكنز ، كنت ، كييت ، هادن وسنسيشن. أجريت التجربة بمشتل الكاملين ، ولاية الجزيرة ، خلال الفترة من يونيو 2008 حتى مايو 2011م لمعرفة تأثير أبعاد الزراعة والتقليم على النمو الخضري ومكونات الانتاج والانتاجية  ونوعية الثمار لهده الأصناف المستوردة مقارنة بالصنف المحلى أبوسمكة. زرعت الأشجار على مسافات 5x5 م و10x 10 م وتم تقليمها بثلاثة طرق للتقليم على النحو التالي : تقليم على فرعين وتقليم على ثلاثة أفرع وتقليم القمم النامية للأفرع وغير مقلمة للمقارنة. استخدم تصميم القطع المنشقة بثلاث مكررات، حيث اسندت القطع الرئيسية لأبعاد الزراعة والقطع الفرعية لطرق التقليم. اظهرت النتائج أن مسافات الزراعة 10x10م اعطت معنوياً أفضل نمو خضري وأكبر عدد الثمار للشجرة الواحدة بالمقارنة مع 5x5م فى كل  المواسم. أبعاد الزراعة  5x5 م اعطت معنوياً أعلى عدد للثمار وأعلى انتاجية للهكتار نسبة للعدد الكبير من الاشجار فى الهكتار. تقليم أشجار المانجو لثلاثة أفرع أعطى معنوياً أعلى انتاج يليه التقليم لفرعين ثم تقليم القمة وأدنى انتاجية كانت فى الاشجار غير المقلمة. الأصناف المستوردة اعطت معنوياً أفضل نمو خضري وأعلى انتاجية وأفضل نوعية للثمار بالمقارنة مع الصنف المحلي أبوسمكة. خلصت الدراسة إلى أنّ الاصناف المستوردة تومي اتكنز وكنت وكيت هى أصناف واعدة يمكن زراعتها فى السودان بطريقة الزراعة المكثفة وتقليمها سنوياً للحصول على أعلى انتاج من الثمار عالية الجودة

    Effects of nitrogen source, rate and foliar application on some leaf mineral nutrient contents and yield of “Sinnari” sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis L.) in the River Nile State, Sudan

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          Sweet orange production in the Sudan is characterized by low yield and poor fruit quality. This research was aimed at determining the effects of nitrogen source, rate and foliar application on some leaf mineral nutrient content and yield of “Sinnari” sweet oranges in  the River Nile State during 2010/11 and 2011/12. Nitrogen sources were urea (100%), sheep manure (SM) (100%), or a combination of them (50% each), beside Wuxal foliar fertilizer. Nitrogen rates were 0, 43 and 86 kg N/ha. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates and 2 trees/plot. Results showed that nitrogen sources and rates were effective in increasing leaf nitrogen content and the highest values were obtained by the application of 86 kg N/ha using urea (100%) or a combination of urea and sheep manure. Application of Wuxal foliar fertilizer resulted in a significant increase of Zn and Fe leaf contents and total yield. Nitrogen source had significant effects on yield components and total yield. The highest values were obtained by a combination of urea and sheep manure or 100% urea, and the lowest values were recorded for 100% sheep manure. Nitrogen rate of 86 kg N/ha resulted in the highest yield components and total yield. It is recommended to fertilize sweet orange trees in the River Nile State with a combination of urea and sheep manure at the rate of 86 kg N/ha (12.4 kg SM/tree and 0.5 kg urea/tree) in addition to Wuxal foliar fertilizer