23 research outputs found

    Parenteral provision of micronutrients to pediatric patients: an international expert consensus paper

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1002/jpen.1990INTRODUCTION:Micronutrients (vitamins and trace elements) are essential to all nutrition. For children and neonates who are dependent upon nutrition support therapies for growth and development, the prescribed regimen must supply all essential components. This paper aims to facilitate interpretation of existing clinical guidelines into practical approaches for the provision of micronutrients in pediatric parenteral nutrition. METHODS:An international, interdisciplinary expert panel was convened to review recent evidence-based guidelines and published literature to develop consensus- based recommendation on practical micronutrient provision in pediatric parenteral nutrition. RESULTS:The guidelines and evidence have been interpreted as answers to 10 commonly asked questions around the practical principles for provision and monitoring of micronutrients in pediatric patients CONCLUSION: Micronutrients are an essential part of all parenteral nutrition and should be included in the pediatric nutrition therapy care plan.Published versio

    Perioperative fasting time among cancer patients submitted to gastrointestinal surgeries

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    OBJETIVO Identificar o tempo de jejum perioperatório e sua associação a variáveis pós-operatórias entre pacientes submetidos a cirurgias oncológicas do trato digestório. MÉTODO Estudo de coorte retrospectiva, realizado por meio da consulta a 128 prontuários de pacientes adultos, submetidos a cirurgias oncológicas gastrointestinais. RESULTADOS O tempo total de jejum durante a internação foi em média 107,6 horas. O tempo total de jejum foi associado de forma estatisticamente significante ao número de sintomas pré-operatórios (p=0,000) e pós-operatórios (p=0,007), ao período de internação (p=0,000), à transfusão sanguínea (p=0,013), ao uso de cateter nasogástrico (p=0,001) e nasoentérico (p=0,003), à admissão pós-operatória em terapia intensiva (p=0,002), à morte pós-operatória (p=0,000) e à duração do jejum pré-operatório (p=0,000). CONCLUSÃO A duração do jejum é associada a complicações que afetam a qualidade da recuperação do paciente e o trabalho da enfermagem. A equipe de enfermagem deve estar atenta a esse aspecto, uma vez que, como responsável pela vigilância dos interesses dos pacientes, não deve permitir o prolongamento desnecessário do período de jejum.OBJETIVO Identificar la duración del ayuno perioperatorio entre los pacientes sometidos a cirugías de cáncer gastrointestinal. MÉTODO Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, por consulta de los registros médicos de 128 pacientes sometidos a cirugías de cáncer gastrointestinal. RESULTADOS La media de la duración total del ayuno fue de 107,6 horas. La duración total del ayuno se asoció significativamente con el número de síntomas presentados antes (p=0,000) y después de la cirugía (p=0,007), la duración de la estancia hospitalaria (p=0,000), transfusión de sangre (p=0,013),tubo nasogástrico (P=0,003), ingreso postoperatorio en la UCI (p=0,002), muerte postoperatoria (p=0,000) y duración del ayuno preoperatorio (p=0,000). CONCLUSIÓN La duración del ayuno se asocia con complicaciones que afectan la calidad de la recuperación postoperatoria de los pacientes y el trabajo de enfermería. El equipo de enfermería debe estar alerta en relación a este aspecto y ser responsable de supervisar el interés de los pacientes, no permitiendo la extensión innecesaria del ayuno.OBJECTIVE To identify the length of perioperative fasting among patients submitted to gastrointestinal cancer surgeries. METHOD Retrospective cohort study, developed by consulting the medical records of 128 patients submitted to gastrointestinal cancer surgeries. RESULTS The mean of total length of fasting was 107.6 hours. The total length of fasting was significantly associated with the number of symptoms presented before (p=0.000) and after the surgery (p=0.007), the length of hospital stay (p=0.000), blood transfusion (p=0.013), nasogastric tube (p=0.001) and nasojejunal tube (p=0,003), postoperative admission at ICU (p=0.002), postoperative death (p=0.000) and length of preoperative fasting (p=0.000). CONCLUSION The length of fasting is associated with complications that affect the quality of the patients’ postoperative recovery and nurses’ work. The nursing team should be alert to this aspect and being responsible for overseeing the patients’ interest, should not permit the unnecessary extension of fasting

    Manganese Provision in Parenteral Nutrition: An Update

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    Manganese (Mn) is an essential micronutrient required for the activity of metalloenzymes. It is an essential component of parenteral nutrition (PN), but requirements are low. Mn status is difficult to assess, with the commonest method being measurement of its concentration in whole blood. This method has limitations, including artifactually high concentrations resulting from contamination of specimen tubes. Mn toxicity is a well-recognized complication of PN, the risk of which increases if there is cholestasis or if the patient has received high doses. It usually presents with parkinsonian-like symptoms but may be detected presymptomatically as hypermanganesemia or as increased signal intensity of the basal ganglia upon T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Caution is necessary when providing Mn for patients on long-term PN (>1 month). It is advisable to withhold supplementation if hypermanganesemia or cholestasis develops. Deficiency of Mn is rare in patients treated with PN. PN regimens are contaminated with Mn in amounts likely to meet requirements. Consequently, it is debated whether PN should be routinely supplemented with Mn. The currently recommended dose of Mn in adults treated with PN is 55 μg/d, but the doses provided by most currently available multi–trace element products exceed this. In response to calls for new products to be developed, 2 new multi–trace element products are currently available in Europe that provide Mn doses of 55 μg/d. Once these products are in general use, it is likely that the incidence of Mn toxicity will decrease