63 research outputs found

    Foreign Direct Investment and Exchange Rate Volatility in Nigeria.

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    This study investigated the empirical evidence on the effect of exchange rate volatility on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Nigeria, using secondary time series data from1970 to 2004. In doing this, the study utilized the error correction model as well as OLS method of estimation. The results suggest, among others, that exchange rate volatility need not be a source of worry by foreign investors. Also, the study further reveals a significant positive relationship between real inward FDI and exchange rate. This implies that, depreciation of the Naira increases real inward FDI. Also, the results indicate that the structural adjustment programme (introduced in Nigeria in 1986) had a negative impact on real inward FDI, which could be due to the deregulation that was accompanied by exchange rate volatility. As such, a major challenge before the Central Bank of Nigeria therefore, is to attain a stable and realistic exchange rate that will boost domestic production, increase real inward FDI and maintain internal and external balance.Exchange rate, exchange rate volatility, real inward foreign direct investment


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    This paper presents the results of a laboratory study on the evaluation of the shear strength of compacted iron ore tailings (IOT) treated lateritic soil. Lateritic soil used was treated with 0 up to 16% IOT by weight of dry soil. Test performed include index test, compaction (using British Standard Light, BSL and West Africa Standard, WAS energies) and shear strength test. One-way analysis of variance was carried out using Microsoft Excel to determine the level of significance of IOT on the treated soil. The results of the triaxial test show that there is an improvement in the shear strength of soil with the improvement of its shear strength parameters (cohesion and angle of internal friction). Cohesion values decreased from 0 up to 8% IOT content and then increased while the angle of internal friction risen from 0 up to 8% IOT content and then decreased. Also, from the triaxial test carried out with varying cell pressures from 100 to 300 kN/m2, an increase in shear strength parameters and shear strength were recorded. The shear strength increased in value by 49.79% and 18.15% for BSL and WAS compaction at 8% IOT content, respectively. Statistical analysis carried out on the results using analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows that IOT has a significant effect on the lateritic soil. An optimal blend of 8% IOT improved the shear strength of the soil and can be used for geotechnical engineering applications such as roads and embankments

    Data on microhardness and structural analysis of friction stir spot welded lap joints of AA5083-H116

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    Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) was established to compete reasonably with the reverting, bolting, adhesive bonding as well as resistance spot welding (RSW) which have been used in the past for lap joining in automobile, aerospace, marine, railways, defence and shipbuilding industries. The use of these ancient and conventional joining techniques had led to increasing material cost, installation labour, and additional weight in the aircraft, shipbuilding, and other areas of applications. All these are disadvantages that can be overcome using FSSW. This research work carried out friction stir spot welding on 5058-H116 aluminium alloy by employing rotational speed in the step of 300 rpm ranges from 600 rpm to 1200 rpm with a no travel speed. It was noted that the dwell times were in the step of 5 s varying from 5 s to 15 s while the tool plunge rate was maintained at 30 mm/min. In this dataset, a cylindrical tapered rotating H13 Hot-working steel tool was used with a probe length of 5 mm and probe diameter of 6 mm, it has a shoulder diameter of 18 mm. The tool penetration depth (plunge) was maintained at 0.2 mm and the tool tilt angle at 2°. Structural integrity was car-ried out using Rigaku ultima IV multifunctional X-ray diffractometer (XRD) with a scan voltage of 40 kV and scan current of 30 mA. This was used to determine crystallite sizes, peak intensity, d-spacing, full width at half maximum intensity (FWHM) of the diffraction peak. TH713 digital microhardness equipment with diamond indenter was used for microhardness data acquisition following ASTM E92–82 standard test. The average Vickers hardness data values at different zones of the spot-welds were captured and presented

    Foreign Direct Investment, Aggregate Demand Conditions and Exchange Rate Nexus: A Panel Data Analysis of BRICS Economies

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    In this study, we attempt to provide underlying theoretical and empirical explanations for exchange rate appreciation due to foreign capital influx and aggregate demand conditions in the BRICS economies. The empirical analysis is based on a panel dataset of BRICS countries over the time period 1992–2013 to substantiate our theoretical findings. For panel co-integration, Pedroni and Johansen-Fisher panel co-integration tests are conducted to compare co-integration among panel countries. We also analyze the results from Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality test among variables and use Granger Causality to test for the causal patterns in each of the individual countries. Our findings showed that the exchange rate volatility is directly affected by the flows of FDI, GDP per capita, Capital formulation and House hold consumption. The results have profound implications in terms of exchange rate stability in the BRICS countries and associated risks

    Data on microhardness and structural analysis of friction stir spot welded lap joints of AA5083-H116

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    Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) was established to compete reasonably with the reverting, bolting, adhesive bonding as well as resistance spot welding (RSW) which have been used in the past for lap joining in automobile, aerospace, marine, railways, defence and shipbuilding industries. The use of these ancient and conventional joining techniques had led to increasing material cost, installation labour, and additional weight in the aircraft, shipbuilding, and other areas of applications. All these are disadvantages that can be overcome using FSSW. This research work carried out friction stir spot welding on 5058-H116 aluminium alloy by employing rotational speed in the step of 300 rpm ranges from 600 rpm to 1200 rpm with a no travel speed. It was noted that the dwell times were in the step of 5 s varying from 5 s to 15 s while the tool plunge rate was maintained at 30 mm/min. In this dataset, a cylindrical tapered rotating H13 Hot-working steel tool was used with a probe length of 5 mm and probe diameter of 6 mm, it has a shoulder diameter of 18 mm. The tool penetration depth (plunge) was maintained at 0.2 mm and the tool tilt angle at 2°. Structural integrity was car-ried out using Rigaku ultima IV multifunctional X-ray diffractometer (XRD) with a scan voltage of 40 kV and scan current of 30 mA. This was used to determine crystallite sizes, peak intensity, d-spacing, full width at half maximum intensity (FWHM) of the diffraction peak. TH713 digital microhardness equipment with diamond indenter was used for microhardness data acquisition following ASTM E92–82 standard test. The average Vickers hardness data values at different zones of the spot-welds were captured and presented

    Data on microhardness and structural analysis of friction stir spot welded lap joints of AA5083-H116

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    Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) was established to compete reasonably with the reverting, bolting, adhesive bonding as well as resistance spot welding (RSW) which have been used in the past for lap joining in automobile, aerospace, marine, railways, defence and shipbuilding industries. The use of these ancient and conventional joining techniques had led to increasing material cost, installation labour, and additional weight in the aircraft, shipbuilding, and other areas of applications. All these are disadvantages that can be overcome using FSSW. This research work carried out friction stir spot welding on 5058-H116 aluminium alloy by employing rotational speed in the step of 300 rpm ranges from 600 rpm to 1200 rpm with a no travel speed. It was noted that the dwell times were in the step of 5 s varying from 5 s to 15 s while the tool plunge rate was maintained at 30 mm/min. In this dataset, a cylindrical tapered rotating H13 Hot-working steel tool was used with a probe length of 5 mm and probe diameter of 6 mm, it has a shoulder diameter of 18 mm. The tool penetration depth (plunge) was maintained at 0.2 mm and the tool tilt angle at 2°. Structural integrity was car-ried out using Rigaku ultima IV multifunctional X-ray diffractometer (XRD) with a scan voltage of 40 kV and scan current of 30 mA. This was used to determine crystallite sizes, peak intensity, d-spacing, full width at half maximum intensity (FWHM) of the diffraction peak. TH713 digital microhardness equipment with diamond indenter was used for microhardness data acquisition following ASTM E92–82 standard test. The average Vickers hardness data values at different zones of the spot-welds were captured and presented
