85 research outputs found

    Toward quantification of strain-related mosaicity in shocked lunar and terrestrial plagioclase by in situ micro-X-ray diffraction

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    Studies of shock metamorphism of feldspar typically rely on qualitative petrographic observations, which, while providing invaluable information, can be difficult to interpret. Shocked feldspars, therefore, are now being studied in greater detail by various groups using a variety of modern techniques. We apply in situ micro-X-ray diffraction (ÎŒXRD) to shocked lunar and terrestrial plagioclase feldspar to contribute to the development of a quantitative scale of shock deformation for the feldspar group. Andesine and labradorite from the Mistastin Lake impact structure, Labrador, Canada, and anorthite from Earth's Moon, returned during the Apollo program, were examined using optical petrography and assigned to subgroups of the optical shock level classification system of Stöffler (1971). Two-dimensional ÎŒXRD patterns from the same samples revealed increased peak broadening in the chi dimension (χ), due to strain-related mosaicity, with increased optical signs of deformation. Measurement of the full width at half maximum along χ (FWHMχ) of these peaks provides a quantitative way to measure strain-related mosaicity in plagioclase feldspar as a proxy for shock level

    Shock effects in plagioclase feldspar from the Mistastin Lake impact structure, Canada

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    Shock metamorphism, caused by hypervelocity impact, is a poorly understood process in feldspar due to the complexity of the crystal structure, the relative ease of weathering, and chemical variations, making optical studies of shocked feldspars challenging. Understanding shock metamorphism in feldspars, and plagioclase in particular, is vital for understanding the history of Earth's moon, Mars, and many other planetary bodies. We present here a comprehensive study of shock effects in andesine and labradorite from the Mistastin Lake impact structure, Labrador, Canada. Samples from a range of different settings were studied, from in situ central uplift materials to clasts from various breccias and impact melt rocks. Evidence of shock metamorphism includes undulose extinction, offset twins, kinked twins, alternate twin deformation, and partial to complete transformation to diaplectic plagioclase glass. In some cases, isotropization of alternating twin lamellae was observed. Planar deformation features (PDFs) are notably absent in the plagioclase, even when present in neighboring quartz grains. It is notable that various microlites, twin planes, and compositionally different lamellae could easily be mistaken for PDFs and so care must be taken. A pseudomorphous zeolite phase (levyne-Ca) was identified as a replacement mineral of diaplectic feldspar glass in some samples, which could, in some instances, also be potentially mistaken for PDFs. We suggest that the lack of PDFs in plagioclase could be due to a combination of structural controls relating to the crystal structure of different feldspars and/or the presence of existing planes of weakness in the form of twin and cleavage planes

    Terrestrial Analogues to Mars and the Moon: Canada’s Role

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    Terrestrial analogues are places on Earth that approximate, in some respect, the geological, environmental and putative biological conditions on a particular planetary body, either at the present-day or sometime in the past. Analogue studies are driven by the need to understand processes on Earth in order to interpret and groundtruth data sent back from Mars and other planetary bodies by unmanned orbiters and rovers. This presents an ideal opportunity to further collaboration between the solid earth and planetary science communities in Canada and elsewhere. Analogue environments also provide a critical locale for optimizing exploration requirements and strategies for future manned missions to the Moon and Mars. The ideal geography and climate, a wide diversity of analogues sites, and a history of analogue activities, ensures that Canada can play a leading role in the expanding international use of terrestrial analogues sites. SOMMAIRE Les analogues terrestres sont ces endroits sur la Terre qui possĂšde jusqu’à un certain point, les conditions gĂ©ologiques, environnementales ou biologiques prĂ©sumĂ©es d’un corps cĂ©leste, actuelles ou passĂ©es. Les Ă©tudes d’analogues terrestres sont nĂ©cessaires pour comprendre le fonctionnement de certains processus sur Terre afin de permettre l’interprĂ©tation et la validation sur site tĂ©moin de donnĂ©es reçues d’orbiteurs non-habitĂ©s ou de robots mobiles d’exploration. C’est lĂ  une occasion idĂ©ale d’accentuer la collaboration entre les communautĂ©s des sciences planĂ©taires et celles des gĂ©osciences au Canada et ailleurs. Les milieux d’analogues constituent aussi des endroits importants permettant d’optimiser les besoins et les stratĂ©gies d’exploration de missions habitĂ©es vers la lune et Mars. De par ses caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©ographiques et climatiques idĂ©ales, sa grande diversitĂ© de sites d’analogues, et son histoire d’activitĂ©s analogues, le Canada est assurĂ© de jouer un rĂŽle de chef de file dans l’utilisation internationale croissante de sites d’analogues terrestres

    Morphological and morphometrical differentiation of processes on crater walls in Eastern Utopia Planitia, Mars

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    This study identifies a variety of processes associated with erosional and depositional structures within impact craters in eastern Utopia Planitia, Mars. Differentiation of the morphological characteristics of erosional and depositional structures within five structures suggests that four types of landforms develop on craters walls: debris flows, linear or dendritic channels resembling gullies, head-cut channels, and dry flows. Previous studies have mostly focused on the orientation characteristics of gully-type landforms and the environmental conditions that contributed to their formation. Most of these studies favored the term gully for all “wet” processes affecting crater walls, although debris flows have also recently been described. The full development of these structures shows that the wet-member structures (e.g., temporary channels resembling gullies) and mixed types (e.g., debris flows) evolved under different environmental conditions than that of present-day Mars. Dry flows can form in the current environmental conditions, but their presence near to the wet-member forms and the structural relationships among these wet and dry forms suggest that they formed within the same periods during fluctuations in atmospheric conditions. The morphometrical characteristics of flows on craters walls show that there is a relationship between the accumulation area and slope of processes, which indicate a morphometric threshold between the wet and dry types of erosion; with gully channels developing on low angle colluvial slopes while the debris flows are forming on more abrupt slopes. It is suggested that the most important controlling factors for flow initiation and development on the crater walls are first related to the morphometry of craters walls, and then to water availability and exposure of bedrock within crater walls

    Hot Rocks: Constraining the Thermal Conditions of the Mistastin Lake Impact Melt Deposits Using Zircon Grain Microstructures

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    The production of superheated melt during hypervelocity impact events has been proposed to be a common occurrence on terrestrial planetary bodies. Recent direct evidence of superheated impact melt temperatures exceeding \u3e2370°C from the Kamestastin (Mistastin Lake) impact structure, Canada, was based on a single impact glass sample. Such high superheated melt temperatures have strong implications for the evolution of crustal material, the thermal history of impact cratering events, and the rheology of impact melt. However, although widely predicted in previous studies, with the exception of the Mistastin Lake impact glass, there is little direct evidence for superheated temperatures in multiple settings across an impact structure. Therefore, an outstanding question is how heterogeneous are superheated conditions across a single impact structure. In this work, we analyze the crystallographic orientations and microstructures of zircon grains and the precursor parent phases of baddeleyite crystals, from four different samples representing the entire melt-bearing stratigraphy at Mistastin: an impact glass, a vesicular clast-poor impact melt rock, a clast-rich impact melt rock, and a glass-bearing impact breccia. Using electron microprobe analysis followed by electron backscatter diffraction, we discovered that four zircon grains with vermicular coronae of baddeleyite crystals from the impact glass contain evidence for a cubic zirconia precursor, indicative of temperature conditions \u3e2370°C. We also report evidence of superheating up to 1673°C in the glass-bearing impact breccia. In addition, we also report the first occurrence at Mistastin of the high-pressure zircon polymorph reidite and former reidite in granular neoblastic (FRIGN) zircon in grains from the glass-bearing impact breccia, implying minimum peak shocks from 30–40 GPa. The identification of superheating from two localities at Mistastin demonstrates (1) that superheating is not restricted solely to rapidly cooled impact melt rock samples and is therefore more distributed across impact structures, and (2) we can investigate the P-T evolution pathways of impact melt from different impact settings, providing a clearer picture of the thermal conditions and history of the impact structure

    Compositional Heterogeneity of Impact Melt Rocks at the Haughton Impact Structure, Canada: Implications for Planetary Processes and Remote Sensing

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    Connecting the surface expression of impact crater‐related lithologies to planetary or regional subsurface compositions requires an understanding of material transport during crater formation. Here, we use imaging spectroscopy of six clast‐rich impact melt rock outcrops within the well‐preserved 23.5‐Ma, 23‐km diameter Haughton impact structure, Canada, to determine melt rock composition and spatial heterogeneity. We compare results from outcrop to outcrop, using clasts, groundmass, and integrated clast‐groundmass compositions as tracers of transport during crater‐fill melt rock formation and cooling. Supporting laboratory imaging spectroscopy analyses of 91 melt‐bearing breccia and clast samples and microscopic X‐ray fluorescence elemental mapping of cut samples paired with spectroscopy of identical surfaces validate outcrop‐scale lithological determinations. Results show different clast‐rich impact melt rock compositions at three sites kilometers apart and an inverse correlation between silica‐rich (sandstone, gneiss, and phyllosilicate‐rich shales) and gypsum‐rich rocks that suggests differences in source depth with location. In the target stratigraphy, gypsum is primarily sourced from ~1‐km depth, while gneiss is from >1.8‐km depth, sandstone from >1.3 km, and shales from ~1.6–1.7 km. Observed heterogeneities likely result from different excavation depths coupled with rapid quenching of the melt due to high content of cool clasts. Results provide quantitative constraints for numerical models of impact structure formation and give new details on melt rock heterogeneity important in interpreting mission data and planning sample return of impactites, particularly for bodies with impacts into sedimentary and volatile‐bearing targets, e.g., Mars and Ceres

    Interpretations of Lava Flow Properties from Radar Remote Sensing Data

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    The surface morphology and roughness of a lava flow provides insight on its lava properties and emplacement processes. This is essential information for understanding the eruption history of lava fields, and magmatic processes beneath the surface of Earth and other planetary bodies such as the Moon. The surface morphology is influenced by lava properties such as viscosity, temperature, composition, and rate of shear. In this work, we seek to understand how we can interpret the emplacement processes and lava properties of lava flows using remote sensing data. Craters of the Moon (COTM) National Monument and Preserve in Idaho hosts a suite of compositionally diverse lava flows with a wide range of surface roughness making it the ideal case study. Lava flows there have surface morphologies consistent with smooth pāhoehoe, slabby pāhoehoe, hummocky pāhoehoe, rubbly pāhoehoe, ‘a’ā, block-`a’ā, and blocky textures. The variation in surface roughness across the lava field reflects changes in lava properties and/or emplacement processes over space and time. We investigate geochemical and petrographic variations of the different lava flow morphologies and analyse how they relate to airborne radar data. Results show L-Band (24 cm) radar circular polarization ratios (CPR) distinguish the contrasting surface roughness at COTM, separating the smoother (primitive; low SiO2 and alkali) and rougher (evolved; high SiO2 and alkali) lava flows. However, ambiguities are present when comparing the CPR values for rubbly pāhoehoe and block-`a’ā flow. Even though their CPR values appear similar at the decimetre scale, they have distinct morphologies that formed under different emplacement processes. Without ground-truth information, the rubbly pāhoehoe and block-`a’ā lava flows could therefore be misinterpreted to be the same type of flow morphology, which would lead to false interpretations about their lava properties and emplacement processes. This is important when comparing these flows to lava flows on other planetary bodies that share similar CPR values, such as the Moon. Thus, using terrestrial analogues such as those at COTM can provide an improved understanding of the surface morphology and emplacement processes of lunar lava flows. This will lead to more refined interpretations about past volcanic processes on the Moon

    Differentiating Fissure-Fed Lava Flow Types and Facies Using RADAR and LiDAR: An Example from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun Lava Flow-field

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    Distinguishing between lava types and facies using remote sensing data is important for interpreting the emplacement history of lava flow-fields on Earth and other planetary bodies. Lava facies typically include a mixture of lava types and record the collective emplacement history of material preserved at a particular location. We seek to determine if lava facies in the 2014–2015 Holuhraun lava flow-field are discernible using radar roughness analysis. Furthermore, we also seek to distinguish between lava types using high resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. We extracted circular polarization ratios (CPR) from the Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar and cross-polarization (VH/VV) data from the Sentinel-1 satellite to analyze the surface roughness of three previously mapped lava facies: rubbly, spiny, and undifferentiated rubbly–spiny. Using the Kruskal-Wallis test, we reveal that all but one pair of the facies are statistically separable. However, the populations overlap by 88%–89% for CPR and 64%–67% for VH/VV. Therefore, owing to large sample populations (n \u3e 2 × 105), slight differences in radar data may be used to probabilistically infer the presence of a particular facies, but not directly map them. We also calculated the root-mean-square slope and Hurst exponents of five different lava types using LiDAR topography (5 cm/pixel). Our results show minute differences between most of the lava types, with the exception of the rubbly pāhoehoe, which is discernible at 1σ. In brief, the presence of “transitional” lava types (e.g., rubbly pāhoehoe) within fissure-fed lava flow-fields complicates remote sensing-based mapping
