2 research outputs found

    Ecological Momentary Assessment and Intervention Principles for the Study of Awake Bruxism Behaviors, Part 2 : Development of a Smartphone Application for a Multicenter Investigation and Chronological Translation for the Polish Version

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    Objectives: The aim is to describe the process of translating the smartphone application BruxApp into Polish within the context of an ongoing multicenter project on awake bruxism (AB) epidemiology. Material and Methods: An ongoing cooperation involving 11 universities is based on the adoption of the smartphone-based EMA protocol to collect real time report of AB behaviors in the natural environment. The English version of BruxApp is adopted as a template for the multi-language translation, according to a step-by-step procedure led by mother-tongue experts in the field. A dedicated web platform for translation (viz., POEditor) is used. The process of translation into Polish is here described as an example. Results: There are two software versions available, viz., BruxApp and BruxApp Research. For both versions, back translation from Polish to English was performed to verify the accuracy of the translation procedure. The validity of the translation has been confirmed by the perfect agreement between the original and back-translated English versions, and the Polish version of BruxApp can thus be introduced in the clinical and research setting to get deeper into the study of AB epidemiology in Poland. Conclusions: As far as clinical studies are concerned, the described strategy to record data can be very useful -patients can acknowledge their habits, monitor changes over time, and implement remedial measures. In the field of research, BruxApp makes possible to collect and store a huge amount of data about the epidemiology of different forms of awake bruxism, both at the individual level and at the population level.Peer reviewe

    Koncepcja metodyki bada艅 zaawansowanych system贸w tribologicznych

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    The conduct of research on advanced tribological systems in order to determine the best solutions in terms of the durability and reliability of technical objects containing these systems requires a multifaceted and comprehensive approach due to the complexity of tribological processes occurring during operation. Observation of these processes is complicated and limited due to the inaccessibility of the friction zone. Therefore, progress in improving tribological characteristics is mainly determined by developing laboratory test methods. From the point of view of describing the tribological properties of the surface layer, the geometric structure of the surface (shape, waviness, roughness and surface defects), the structure of the physicochemical zones (microstructure, mechanical properties, physicochemical properties), and the ability to properly interact with the lubricant should be taken into account. Studies of advanced tribological systems should therefore include two complementary test methods, i.e., friction wear tests and surface layer tests (as manufactured and as operated). This paper presents a concept for research on advanced tribological systems and a justification for conducting complementary research on these systems, referring to selected examples (processing tools, joint implants, and dental implants). The research results are examples which illustrate the essence of conducting complementary research.Prowadzenie bada艅 zaawansowanych system贸w tribologicznych w celu okre艣lenia najlepszych rozwi膮za艅 pod wzgl臋dem trwa艂o艣ci i niezawodno艣ci obiekt贸w technicznych zawieraj膮cych te systemy wymaga wielow膮tkowego i kompleksowego podej艣cia ze wzgl臋du na z艂o偶ono艣膰 proces贸w tribologicznych zachodz膮cych podczas eksploatacji. Obserwacja tych proces贸w jest skomplikowana oraz ograniczona z uwagi na niedost臋pno艣膰 strefy tarcia. Dlatego post臋p w poprawianiu charakterystyk tribologicznych determinowany jest g艂贸wnie przez rozw贸j metod bada艅 laboratoryjnych. Z punktu widzenia opisu w艂a艣ciwo艣ci tribologicznych warstwy wierzchniej nale偶y bra膰 pod uwag臋 zar贸wno struktur臋 geometryczn膮 powierzchni (kszta艂t, falisto艣膰, chropowato艣膰 i wady powierzchni), struktur臋 fizykochemicznych stref (mikrostruktura, w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mechaniczne, w艂a艣ciwo艣ci fizykochemiczne)oraz zdolno艣膰 do w艂a艣ciwej interakcji ze 艣rodkiem smarowym. Badania zaawansowanych system贸w tribologicznych powinny zatem obejmowa膰 dwie komplementarne metody badawcze, tj. badania tarciowo-zu偶yciowe oraz badania warstwy wierzchniej (wytworzonej i eksploatowanej). W pracy przedstawiono koncepcj臋 bada艅 zaawansowanych system贸w tribologicznych oraz zasadno艣膰 prowadzenia komplementarnych bada艅 tych system贸w, odnosz膮c si臋 do wybranych przyk艂ad贸w (narz臋dzia obr贸bcze, implanty staw贸w, implanty stomatologiczne). Wyniki bada艅 stanowi膮 przyk艂ady pokazuj膮ce istot臋 prowadzenia bada艅 komplementarnych