22 research outputs found
Ocena rzetelności zakresu ruchów żuchwy polskiej wersji kwestionariusza osobowego Badawczych Kryteriów Diagnostycznych Zaburzeń Czynnościowych Układu Ruchowego Narządu Żucia
Wstęp. Ważnym krokiem we wdrożeniu kryteriów diagnostycznych dla badań naukowych jest przeprowadzenie oceny wiarygodności zakresu ruchu żuchwy w przetłumaczonej i dostosowanej do polskich realiów wersji RDC/TMD. Materiał i metody. Łącznie 123 dorosłych pacjentów skierowanych na konsultację zaburzeń stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego do Instytuty Stomatologii, UJ w Krakowie zaproszono do uczestnictwa w badaniu. Pacjentów poddano badaniu w dwóch sesjach z odstępem dziesięciodniowym, które przeprowadziło dwóch niezależnych badaczy. Badaniem objęto: ruchy pionowe (niewspomagane odwodzenie bez bólu, maksymalne niewspomagane odwodzenie, maksymalne wspomagane odwodzenie), maksymalne ruchy poziome w lewo, w prawo i do przodu. Wyniki. Dla większości pomiarów, ICC były wyższe niż 0,75, co wskazuje na bardzo wysoką wiarygodność. Wniosek. Wiarygodność zakresu ruchu żuchwy wg. Polskiej wersji RDC/TMD jest porównywalna z innymi badaniami na świecie.Introduction. An important step in the implementation of the diagnostic criteria for scientific study is conducting reliability assessment of mandibular range of motion of the officially translated and culturally adapted Polish version of the RDC/TMD. Materials and Methods. A total of 123 adult patients who were referred for TMD consultation to the Dental Institute of Jagiellonian University in Cracow were invited to participate in the study. The patients were examined during two sessions with an interval of ten days by two examiners independently. The examination of the range of mandibular movements includes: vertical movements (i.e., unassisted opening without pain, maximum unassisted opening, maximum assisted opening), maximum horizontal movements to the left, to the right, and to the front. Results. For most measures, ICCs were larger than 0.75, which indicates excellent reliability. Conclusion. Reliability of mandibular range of motion of the Polish version of RDC/TMD is comparable with other world studies
Pain predictors in a population of temporomandibular disorders patients
The aim of the present study was to assess the potential role of some biological, psychological,
and social factors to predict the presence of painful temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) in a
TMD-patient population. The study sample consisted of 109 consecutive adult patients (81.7%
females; mean age 33.2 ± 14.7 years) who were split into two groups based on Research Diagnostic
Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) diagnoses: painful TMD and non-painful
TMD. The presence of pain was adopted as the depended variable to be identified by the following
independent variables (i.e., predictors): age, gender, bruxism, tooth wear, chewing gum, nail biting,
perceived stress level, chronic pain-related impairment (GCPS), depression (DEP), and somatization
(SOM). Single-variable logistic regression analysis showed a significant relationship between TMD
pain and DEP with an odds ratio of 2.9. Building up a multiple variable model did not contribute to
increase the predictive value of a TMD pain model related to the presence of depression. Findings
from the present study supported the existence of a relationship between pain and depression in
painful TMD patients. In the future, study designs should be improved by the adoption of the best
available assessment approaches for each factor
Self-perceived dentists' knowledge of temporomandibular disorders in Krakow : a pilot study
Introduction. The most common nondental orofacial pain conditions are temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). TMD basic examination and clinical management are included in a curriculum of each dentistry programme taught in Poland, but it is not clear how the dentists cope with diagnosis and possible treatment in their routine dental practices. The objective of the present study was to assess a level of self-perceived knowledge of TMD amongst dentists in Poland. Materials and methods. The participants, of whom all studied and graduated from a Polish university, were randomly selected from dental offices in Krakow (Poland). The selected dentists were administered an anonymous questionnaire, which contained questions measuring self-assessment of knowledge of TMD diagnosis and therapy and assessing knowledge of ethology and TMD symptoms. Results. Only 6.5% of the participants identified their TMD knowledge as very good, 32.3% assessed it as good, 39.3% thought it was sufficient, 20.4% as insufficient, and 1.49% considered it as poor. 9.4% of all participants have attempted to diagnose and treat TMD patients very often, 26.4% declared performing it often, 45.8% rarely, and 18.4% had never made such an attempt. There was a significant relationship between the dentists’ knowledge and their attempts at diagnosing and treating TMD patients (p<0.05). Conclusion. The level of TMD knowledge amongst the Polish dentists is still insufficient. Raising its level would considerably help the dentists to refer their patients to right specialists for a diagnosis and TMD treatment and/or interdisciplinary management of TMD patients
Ecological Momentary Assessment and Intervention Principles for the Study of Awake Bruxism Behaviors, Part 2 : Development of a Smartphone Application for a Multicenter Investigation and Chronological Translation for the Polish Version
Objectives: The aim is to describe the process of translating the smartphone application BruxApp into Polish within the context of an ongoing multicenter project on awake bruxism (AB) epidemiology. Material and Methods: An ongoing cooperation involving 11 universities is based on the adoption of the smartphone-based EMA protocol to collect real time report of AB behaviors in the natural environment. The English version of BruxApp is adopted as a template for the multi-language translation, according to a step-by-step procedure led by mother-tongue experts in the field. A dedicated web platform for translation (viz., POEditor) is used. The process of translation into Polish is here described as an example. Results: There are two software versions available, viz., BruxApp and BruxApp Research. For both versions, back translation from Polish to English was performed to verify the accuracy of the translation procedure. The validity of the translation has been confirmed by the perfect agreement between the original and back-translated English versions, and the Polish version of BruxApp can thus be introduced in the clinical and research setting to get deeper into the study of AB epidemiology in Poland. Conclusions: As far as clinical studies are concerned, the described strategy to record data can be very useful -patients can acknowledge their habits, monitor changes over time, and implement remedial measures. In the field of research, BruxApp makes possible to collect and store a huge amount of data about the epidemiology of different forms of awake bruxism, both at the individual level and at the population level.Peer reviewe
Prevalence of function-dependent temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscle pain, and predictors of temporomandibular disorders among patients with lyme disease
The aim was to determine the occurrence of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) in patients with Lyme disease (LD), and to estimate the contribution of factors that may identify TMD among LD patients. In seventy-six (N = 76) adult patients with LD (mean age 57.6 ± 14.6 years) and 54 healthy non-Lyme volunteers with a mean age of 56.4 ± 13.5 years, possible function (i.e., non-pain) diagnoses were established using the Research Diagnostic Criteria of Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Pain diagnoses were established by means of the function-dependent dynamic and static tests. The two groups did not significantly differ in the frequency of disc displacements diagnoses and function-dependent pain diagnoses. LD showed a significantly higher frequency (p < 0.001) of osteoarthrosis than the control group. For the prediction of pain diagnoses in LD patients, the single regression analyses pointed out an association with age, sleep bruxism (SB), and awake bruxism (AB). Two predictors (i.e., SB (p = 0.002) and AB (p = 0.017)) were statistically significant in the final multiple variable model. The frequency of TMD in patients with LD based on function-dependent tests was not significantly different from that in the control group. This investigation suggests that the contribution of bruxism to the differentiation between patients with Lyme and TMD is high
Koncepcja metodyki badań zaawansowanych systemów tribologicznych
The conduct of research on advanced tribological systems in order to determine the best solutions in terms of the durability and reliability of technical objects containing these systems requires a multifaceted and comprehensive approach due to the complexity of tribological processes occurring during operation. Observation of these processes is complicated and limited due to the inaccessibility of the friction zone. Therefore, progress in improving tribological characteristics is mainly determined by developing laboratory test methods. From the point of view of describing the tribological properties of the surface layer, the geometric structure of the surface (shape, waviness, roughness and surface defects), the structure of the physicochemical zones (microstructure, mechanical properties, physicochemical properties), and the ability to properly interact with the lubricant should be taken into account. Studies of advanced tribological systems should therefore include two complementary test methods, i.e., friction wear tests and surface layer tests (as manufactured and as operated). This paper presents a concept for research on advanced tribological systems and a justification for conducting complementary research on these systems, referring to selected examples (processing tools, joint implants, and dental implants). The research results are examples which illustrate the essence of conducting complementary research.Prowadzenie badań zaawansowanych systemów tribologicznych w celu określenia najlepszych rozwiązań pod względem trwałości i niezawodności obiektów technicznych zawierających te systemy wymaga wielowątkowego i kompleksowego podejścia ze względu na złożoność procesów tribologicznych zachodzących podczas eksploatacji. Obserwacja tych procesów jest skomplikowana oraz ograniczona z uwagi na niedostępność strefy tarcia. Dlatego postęp w poprawianiu charakterystyk tribologicznych determinowany jest głównie przez rozwój metod badań laboratoryjnych. Z punktu widzenia opisu właściwości tribologicznych warstwy wierzchniej należy brać pod uwagę zarówno strukturę geometryczną powierzchni (kształt, falistość, chropowatość i wady powierzchni), strukturę fizykochemicznych stref (mikrostruktura, właściwości mechaniczne, właściwości fizykochemiczne)oraz zdolność do właściwej interakcji ze środkiem smarowym. Badania zaawansowanych systemów tribologicznych powinny zatem obejmować dwie komplementarne metody badawcze, tj. badania tarciowo-zużyciowe oraz badania warstwy wierzchniej (wytworzonej i eksploatowanej). W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję badań zaawansowanych systemów tribologicznych oraz zasadność prowadzenia komplementarnych badań tych systemów, odnosząc się do wybranych przykładów (narzędzia obróbcze, implanty stawów, implanty stomatologiczne). Wyniki badań stanowią przykłady pokazujące istotę prowadzenia badań komplementarnych