102 research outputs found

    Single-molecule analysis of intracellular insulin granule behavior and its application to analyzing cytoskeletal dependence and pathophysiological implications

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    Introduction: Mobilization of intracellular insulin granules to the plasma membrane plays a crucial role in regulating insulin secretion. However, the regulatory mechanisms of this mobilization process have been poorly understood due to technical limitations. In this study, we propose a convenient approach for assessing intracellular insulin granule behavior based on single-molecule analysis of insulin granule membrane proteins labeled with Quantum dot fluorescent nanocrystals.Methods: This approach allows us to analyze intracellular insulin granule movement with subpixel accuracy at 33 fps. We tracked two insulin granule membrane proteins, phogrin and zinc transporter 8, fused to HaloTag in rat insulinoma INS-1 cells and, by evaluating the tracks with mean-square displacement, demonstrated the characteristic behavior of insulin granules.Results and discussion: Pharmacological perturbations of microtubules and F-actin affected insulin granule behavior on distinct modalities. Specifically, microtubule dynamics and F-actin positively and negatively regulate insulin granule behavior, respectively, presumably by modulating each different behavioral mode. Furthermore, we observed impaired insulin granule behavior and cytoskeletal architecture under chronic treatment of high concentrations of glucose and palmitate. Our approach provides detailed information regarding intracellular insulin granule mobilization and its pathophysiological implications. This study sheds new light on the regulatory mechanisms of intracellular insulin granule mobilization and has important implications for understanding the pathogenesis of diabetes

    Evolution in an oncogenic bacterial species with extreme genome plasticity: Helicobacter pylori East Asian genomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genome of <it>Helicobacter pylori</it>, an oncogenic bacterium in the human stomach, rapidly evolves and shows wide geographical divergence. The high incidence of stomach cancer in East Asia might be related to bacterial genotype. We used newly developed comparative methods to follow the evolution of East Asian <it>H. pylori </it>genomes using 20 complete genome sequences from Japanese, Korean, Amerind, European, and West African strains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A phylogenetic tree of concatenated well-defined core genes supported divergence of the East Asian lineage (hspEAsia; Japanese and Korean) from the European lineage ancestor, and then from the Amerind lineage ancestor. Phylogenetic profiling revealed a large difference in the repertoire of outer membrane proteins (including <it>oipA</it>, <it>hopMN</it>, <it>babABC</it>, <it>sabAB </it>and <it>vacA-2</it>) through gene loss, gain, and mutation. All known functions associated with molybdenum, a rare element essential to nearly all organisms that catalyzes two-electron-transfer oxidation-reduction reactions, appeared to be inactivated. Two pathways linking acetyl~CoA and acetate appeared intact in some Japanese strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed greater divergence between the East Asian (hspEAsia) and the European (hpEurope) genomes in proteins in host interaction, specifically virulence factors (<it>tipα</it>), outer membrane proteins, and lipopolysaccharide synthesis (human Lewis antigen mimicry) enzymes. Divergence was also seen in proteins in electron transfer and translation fidelity (<it>miaA, tilS</it>), a DNA recombinase/exonuclease that recognizes genome identity (<it>addA</it>), and DNA/RNA hybrid nucleases (<it>rnhAB</it>). Positively selected amino acid changes between hspEAsia and hpEurope were mapped to products of <it>cagA</it>, <it>vacA</it>, <it>homC </it>(outer membrane protein), <it>sotB </it>(sugar transport), and a translation fidelity factor (<it>miaA</it>). Large divergence was seen in genes related to antibiotics: <it>frxA </it>(metronidazole resistance), <it>def </it>(peptide deformylase, drug target), and <it>ftsA </it>(actin-like, drug target).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results demonstrate dramatic genome evolution within a species, especially in likely host interaction genes. The East Asian strains appear to differ greatly from the European strains in electron transfer and redox reactions. These findings also suggest a model of adaptive evolution through proteome diversification and selection through modulation of translational fidelity. The results define <it>H. pylori </it>East Asian lineages and provide essential information for understanding their pathogenesis and designing drugs and therapies that target them.</p

    Cognitive behavior therapy for autistic adolescents, awareness and care for my autistic traits program: a multicenter randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Autistic people demonstrate focused interests, sensitivity to sensory stimulation, and, compared with the general population, differences in social communication and interaction. We examined whether a combination of the Awareness and Care for My Autistic Traits (ACAT) program and treatment-as-usual is more effective than only treatment-as-usual in increasing the understanding of autistic attributes, reducing treatment stigma, and improving mental health and social adaptation among autistic adolescents and their parents/guardians. METHODS: Forty-nine adolescents and their parents/guardians were randomly assigned to either a combination of ACAT and treatment-as-usual or only treatment-as-usual. The combined group received six weekly 100-minute ACAT sessions, while the treatment-as-usual group received no additional intervention. The primary outcome was the change in understanding of autistic attributes (Autism Knowledge Quiz-Child), administered from pre- to post-intervention. The secondary outcomes included the change in Autism Knowledge Quiz-Parent, reduced treatment stigma, and improved mental health and social adaptation among autistic adolescents and their parents/guardians. A primary outcome measure scale was scored by assessors who were blind to the group assignment. RESULTS: The combined group (both autistic adolescents and their parents/guardians) showed an increase in Autism Knowledge Quiz scores compared to those in the treatment-as-usual group. Autistic adolescents in the combined group also demonstrated a decrease in treatment-related stigma and an improvement in general mental health compared to those in the treatment-as-usual group, while there were no group differences in the change in social adaptation. For parents/guardians, there were no group differences in the change in treatment-related stigma, general mental health, adaptive skills, or attitudes toward their children. CONCLUSIONS: The ACAT program could be an effective treatment modality to increase the understanding of autistic attributes among both autistic adolescents and their parents/guardians. The ACAT program positively affects self-understanding, reduces treatment stigma, and stabilizes behavioral issues for autistic adolescents as a part of mental health measures, but it does not effectively reduce treatment barriers or improve mental health for parents/guardians. Further research should consider whether additional support for parents/guardians could be beneficial. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered in UMIN (UMIN000029851, 06/01/2018)

    Prognostic impact of complex and/or monosomal karyotypes in post‐transplant poor cytogenetic acute myeloid leukaemia: A quantitative approach

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    To evaluate the prognostic impact of complex karyotype (CK) and/or monosomal karyotype (MK) in combination with various clinical factors on allogeneic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) outcomes of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), we analysed the registry database of adult AML patients who underwent allogeneic HSCT between 2000 and 2019 in Japan. Among 16 094 patients, those with poor cytogenetic risk (N = 3345) showed poor overall survival (OS) after HSCT (25.3% at 5 years). Multivariate analyses revealed that CK and/or MK (hazard ratio [HR], 1.31 for CK without MK; 1.27 for MK without CK; and 1.73 for both), age at HSCT ≥50 years (HR, 1.58), male sex (HR, 1.40), performance status ≥2 (HR, 1.89), HCT-CI score ≥3 (HR, 1.23), non-remission status at HSCT (HR, 2.49), and time from diagnosis to HSCT ≥3 months (HR, 1.24) independently reduced post-HSCT OS among patients with poor cytogenetic risk AML. A risk scoring system based on the multivariate analysis successfully stratified patients into five distinct groups for OS. This study confirms the negative effects of CK and MK on post-HSCT outcomes, and offers a powerful risk scoring system for predicting prognoses after HSCT among AML patients with unfavourable cytogenetics

    Association between physical activity and metabolic syndrome in middle-aged Japanese: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although many studies have reported an association between self-reported physical activity and metabolic syndrome (MetS), there is limited information on the optimal level of physical activity required to prevent MetS. This study aimed to determine the association between objectively measured physical activity and MetS in middle-aged Japanese individuals. We also determined the optimal cutoff value for physical activity required to decrease the risk of developing MetS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 179 men and 304 women, aged between 30 and 64 years, participated in this study. Participants were divided into two groups using the Japanese criteria for MetS as those with MetS or pre-MetS, and those without MetS. Participants were considered to be physically active if they achieved a physical activity level of 23 metabolic equivalents (METs) h/week, measured using a triaxial accelerometer. The association between physical activity and MetS was analyzed using logistic regression with the following covariates: sex, age, sedentary time, low intensity activity, calorie intake, smoking, menopause and body mass index. We also evaluated the factors that determined the association between the prevalence of MetS and pre-MetS and the physical activity cutoff value using classification and regression tree (CART) analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The odds ratio for MetS and pre-MetS was 2.20 for physically inactive participants (< 23 METs h/week), compared with physically active participants (≥ 23 METs h/week). The corresponding odds ratios for men and women were 2.27 (<it>P </it>< 0.01) and 1.95 (not significant), respectively. CART analyses revealed that moderate-vigorous physical activity of > 26.5 METs h/week was sufficient to decrease the prevalence of MetS and pre-MetS in middle-aged Japanese men and women.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of this cross-sectional study indicate that the Exercise and Physical Activity Reference for Health Promotion 2006 is inversely associated with the prevalence of MetS in men. Our results also suggest that moderate physical activity of > 26.5 METs h/week may decrease the risk of developing MetS and pre-MetS in middle-aged Japanese individuals.</p

    Технологічні рішення і технічні засоби підвищення екологічної безпеки проведення бурових робіт

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    Рассмотрено влияние проведения буровых работ на окружающую среду. Приведены рекомендации для повышения экологической безопасности проведения буровых работ. Описаны технологические решения и технические средства уменьшения неблагоприятного влияния бурения нефтегазовых скважин на окружающую среду. В комплексе решены и эффективно внедрены на практике вопросы экологической безопасности проведения буровых работ, утилизации, размещения и захоронения отходов бурения. Дказано, что безамбарное бурение на месторождениях возможно при наличии шламонакопителя и нагнетательной скважины.The environmental impacts of drilling works are considered. A range of recommendations for environmental safety enhancement of drilling works is given. Technological solutions and technical means to reduce adverse environmental impacts of oil and gas wells drilling are described. The issues of drilling works environmental safety, utilization, disposal and burial of waste are jointly solved and successfully implemented. The pit less drilling is proved to be possible for any field under the condition of slurry pond and injection well use

    Psychosocial support for the examinees and their families during the secondary confirmatory examination: Analyses of support records at first visit

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    Background and Purpose The Thyroid Ultrasound Examination (TUE) program is conducted as part of the Fukushima Health Management Survey. Following the established criteria, examinees are called in for a secondary confirmation examination, which may induce high anxiety related to a thyroid cancer for both the examinees and their families. Therefore, Fukushima Medical University created the Thyroid Support Team to reduce anxiety. The purpose of this study is to analyze the psychosocial support for examinees and their families through two types of records, and to clarify the current issues and determine future directions of support. Materials and methods We analyzed 223 records of support for the first visit of examinees who attended the secondary confirmatory examination, conducted at Fukushima Medical University from September 2018 to March 2019. Results During the first visit, frequent topics and questions brought up by the examinees and their families were about the "Thyroid Ultrasound Examination (TUE) program" and "Examination findings". The Thyroid Support Team members assisted them by "Responding to questions", "Confirming the doctor's explanation" and "Providing information". The percentage of people with high anxiety decreased in both examinees and their family members after the examination. The level of anxiety was lower among those who had already taken the secondary confirmatory examination. Family members' anxiety was significantly higher than that of the examinees, and anxiety levels were highly correlated between examinees and their families. Conclusion The psychosocial support for examinees and their families was important in reducing their anxiety. Currently there are changes in social conditions and various opinions concerning the TUE. Thus, careful explanation and the need for decision-making supports for the examinees and their families increased. Also, we should take into account the aging of the examinees and expanding the available psychosocial support