7 research outputs found

    Arthropod succession on exposed and shaded mammalian carcasses in Nsukka, Nigeria

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    Ten Wistar rats were used as model to study arthropod succession on carcass under shade and exposed conditions. Carcass decomposition took longer periods under shade than on the exposed site. Four decomposition stages (fresh, bloated, decay and dry) were observed. A total of 164 arthropods were collected belonging to three classes: Insecta, Arachnida and Crustacean. Insects formed 95.12 %, arachnids 1.22 % and crustaceans3.66 %. Large numbers of arthropods were found on the exposed carcass than the shaded carcass. Calliphorids and Sarcophagids were the primary colonizers observed breeding on the carcasses. The most abundant insects include Chrysomya albiceps (13.4 %) and Lucilia serricata (10.37 %). Other dipterans including Muscidae, Phoridae, Sepidae, Fannidae and Anthomyiidae were found during the bloated and decay stages. Families of the coleopterans including; Dermestidae, Silpgidae, Staphylinidae and Histeridae were observed during the bloated to the dry stages and fed on the immature dipterous maggots and carrion remains. Hymenopterans were observed throughout the process of decomposition and played a vital role in carcass decomposition. Other arthropods arrived mostly during the decay stage. Species richness on the carcasses peaked during the decay stage. The rate of decomposition of carcasses is affected by environmental factors such as temperature, relative humidity, precipitation and insectabundance. Keywords: Post mortem interval, Carcass decomposition, Insect abundance, Forensic entomolog

    Haematological parameters dynamics of developing Gallus gallus domesticus

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    The blood parameters of 12 broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) were determined at the ages of 1, 3, 5 and 7 weeks old, for follow-up of the developmental dynamics in their haematological profile. Blood samples were collected from chickens at 7, 21, 35 and 49 days intervals. Total number of WBC, RBC, PCV, Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC together with absolute count of differential leucocytes (neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes and basophils) was determined. Significant age effects (p<0.05) was observed on RBC, PCV, Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC and WBC. With increasing age, Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH and WBC increased significantly and RBC decreased significantly (p<0.05), while MCHC and differential leucocyte count had no significant variation (p>0.05). Advancement of age led to increasing body weight. There was a high correlation between body weight and some blood parameters of the broiler chicken. Weight accounted for 19.79 %, 11.87 %, 37.49 %, 36.09 %, 34.92 % and 25.77 % of the variations in PCV, Hb, RBC, WBC, MCV and MCH respectively. Age therefore has effects on the haematological parameters and also determines the body weight of broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). Keywords: Development, Broiler chicken, Haematological parameters, Age and growt

    Mapping of Urinary Schistosomiasis in Anambra State, Nigeria

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    Background: Mapping the distribution of parasitic diseases in time and space has a pivotal role to play in their control. Objective: This study mapped urinary schistosomiasis in Anambra State. Methods: Sampling covered the three senatorial districts, Anambra North, Anambra Central and Anambra South. However, only nine of the 21 local government areas (LGAs) and one town in each LGA were covered. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to map the distribution of schistosomiasis in the state. With the aid of GIS, the distance of the towns to water bodies was calculated. A total of 450 urine samples collected from the nine LGAs were examined for haematuria and 'Schistosoma haematobium' eggs. A questionnaire was used to assess exposure and risks status to infection. The urine samples were examined for haematuria using dipstick and microscopy. Findings: Overall prevalence of infection in the study was 2.9% and 5.5% for microscopy and haematuria, respectively. Prevalence of schistosomiasis was different between the districts, and this was statistically significant (χ² = 7.763, p = 0.021). Prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis in the towns had a significant negative linear relationship with distance to water body (r = –0.767, p = 0.016). Based on infection status from microscopy, the adjusted odds of infection in fishers was over 103 times higher than in students; the difference was significant statistically (AOR = 103.0443, 95% CI = 4.6278–7093.972, p = 0.0114). People who washed things in stream had 12 times significantly greater odds of infection than those that did not (AOR = 12.4585, 95% CI = 1.9590–258.8108, p = 0.02542). The distance of respondents to stream was a major determinant of infection with urinary schistosomiasis in the state. Those who lived close to water were approximately 1131% more likely to be infected than those who lived far from water bodies (AOR = 11.3157, 95% CI 2.2473–90.6889, p = 0.00713). Conclusion: Anambra State is endemic for urinary schistosomiasis. There is therefore a need for focal studies; and there may probably be a need to design a health program aimed at controlling the infection in focal areas in the state. The study also provides relevant information for designing a plan of action for the selective integrated and targeted control of urinary schistosomiasis in the LGAs


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    The parasitic fauna of freshwater fishes of the Warri River, Delta State, Nigeria, with reference to their prevalence, intensity and differences in metazoan parasites between fish sexes, was investigated. A total of 85fish samples comprising of 21 Tilapia zillii (Cichlidae: Perciformes), 23 Synodontisclarias (Mochokidae: Siluriformes), 23 Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Claroteidae: Siluriformes), 16 Hepsetus odoe (Hepsetidae: Characiformes)and 2 Clarias anguillaris (Clariidae: Siluriformes) collected from the Warri River, Delta State, Nigeria, were subjected to parasitological examination.The overall metazoan parasite prevalence was 32.9%. The metazoan parasites recovered were mainly the acanthocephalans: Neoechinorhynchusprolixum, Pomphorhynchus spp., Acanthocephalus spp. and unidentified acanthocephalan, and nematodes: Camallanus polypteri, Capillariapterophylli, C. cichlasomae, Procamallanus laeviconchus, Philometroides africanus and Railletnema synodontis. Although the acanthocephalans constituted 75.6% and nematodes 22.2% of the parasites recovered, thenematodes had the highest prevalence (23.5%) compared to the acanthocephalans (9.4%). Similarly, variable prevalences were observed for the other metazoan parasite taxa recovered, namely trematoda; Clinostomumcomplanatum (1.2%), Leech; Pisciola geometra (2.4%) and Crustaceans (1.2%). The highest parasite prevalence (39.1%) was observed in S. clarias, while the least (23.8%) was observed in T. zillii. Generally, the prevalenceof parasites was higher in female (35.7%) than in the males (31.6%), although statistically no significant difference was observed in the prevalence by sex (X2 = 0.145, P = 0.807). The relatively high overall parasite prevalence in fishes inhabiting the Warri River may be attributed to the relatively high level of pollution.Ovo istraživanje bavi se proučavanjem parazitofaune slatkovodnih riba iz rijeke Warri u državi Delti u Nigeriji s obzirom nazastupljenost, intenzitet pojave i razlike u višestaničnim parazitima kod različitih spolova. Parazitološkom pregledu podvrgnutoje ukupno 85 jedinki ribe iz rijeke Warri u državi Delti u Nigeriji: 21 Tilapia zillii (Cichlidae: Perciformes), 23 Synodontisclarias (Mochokidae: Siluriformes), 23 Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus(Claroteidae: Siluriformes), 16 Hepsetus odoe (Hepsetidae: Characiformes) i dvije Clarias anguillaris (Clariidae: Siluriformes).Ukupna zastupljenost višestaničnih parazita bila je 32,9%. Otkriveni višestanični paraziti uglavnom su bili akantocefali, Neoechinorhynchus prolixum, Pomphorhynchus spp., Acanthocephalus spp., a isto tako i neidentificirani akantocefali i nematode, Camallanus polypteri, Capillaria pterophylli,C. cichlasomae, Procamallanus laeviconchus, Philometroides africanus i Railletnema synodontis. Među otkrivenim parazitimaakantocefala je bilo 75,6%, a nematoda 22,2%, no usprkos manjem postotku, nematode su imale veću zastupljenost (23,5%) u usporedbi s akantocefalima (9,4%). Isto tako, praćena je i zastupljenost drugog višestaničnog parazita– trematoda (metilja): Clinostomum complanatum (1,2%), zatim pijavica (Leech); Pisciola geometra (2,4%) i račića (Crustaceans)(1,2%). Najveća zastupljenost parazita zabilježena je kod S. Clarias, a najmanja (23,8%) kod T. zillii. Sveukupno gledajući, zastupljenost parazita bila je veća kod ženki (35,7%)nego kod mužjaka (31,6%), iako statistički nema velike razlike u zastupljenosti parazita po spolu ( 2 = 0,145, P = 0,807). Relativno visoka ukupna zastupljenost parazita kod riba možese pripisati relativno visokoj razini onečišćenja

    Survey of helminth parasites of fish in Ebonyi River at Ehaamufu, Enugu State, Nigeria

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    Gastrointestinal helminth parasites fauna of fish from Ebonyi River was investigated from February to July 2016. Fish caught from the river were sacrificed and gastrointestinal parasites isolated. A total of 121 fish comprising (and number examined, n) Distichodus engycephalus (n = 28), Labeo senegalensis (n = 34), Auchenoglaris occidentalis (n = 14) and Synodontis clarias (n = 45) were examined out of which 78(65.0%) were infected. S. clarias had the highest prevalence of infection 37(82.2 %), followed by L. senegalensisD. engycephalus 14(50.0 %). The lowest prevalence of infection was observed in A. occidentalis 6(42.9 %). Prevalence of infection was significantly different between the fish species (χ2 = 11.713, p = 0.008). The parasites isolated were of three species, Camallanus sp., Neoechinorhynchus africanus and Acanthocephalus sp. Overall, prevalence of the three parasites were in the range 30 – 35 %. Overall, Camallanus sp. had the highest mean intensity [4.41 (3.95 – 4.89, 95% CI)]. Mean intensities of N. africanus and Acanthocephalus sp., were only slightly lower: [3.17 (2.81 – 3.48, 95% CI)] and [3.21 (2.79 – 3.66, 95% CI)] respectively. Infection was not significantly dependent on sex of fish or season of sampling (p>0.05). Helminth parasite infection prevalence is high in some fish species of Ebonyi River, Enugu State, Nigeria. This high prevalence of helminths infection may compromise productivity of the fish species infected.Keywords: Gastrointestinal helminth, Labeo senegalensis, Auchenoglaris occidentalis, Synodontis clarias, Ebonyi Rive

    Antenatal Practices Ineffective at Prevention of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria during Pregnancy in a Sub-Saharan Africa Region, Nigeria

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    Pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM) is a major public health concern constituting a serious risk to the pregnant woman, her foetus, and newborn. Management of cases and prevention rely partly on effective and efficient antenatal services. This study examined the effectiveness of antenatal service provision in a major district hospital in sub-Saharan Africa at preventing PAM. A cross-sectional hospital based study design aided by questionnaire was used. Malaria diagnosis was by microscopy. Overall prevalence of PAM was 50.7% (38/75). Mean Plasmodium falciparum density was (112.89 ± standard error of mean, 22.90) × 103/µL red blood cell (RBC). P. falciparum prevalence was not significantly dependent on gravidity, parity, trimester, age, and BMI status of the women (p > 0.05). Difference in P. falciparum density per µL RBC in primigravidae (268.13 ± 58.23) × 103 vs. secundi- (92.14 ± 4.72) × 103 vs. multigravidae (65.22 ± 20.17) × 103; and in nulliparous (225.00 ± 48.25) × 103 vs. primiparous (26.25 ± 8.26) × 103 vs. multiparous (67.50 ± 20.97) × 103 was significant (p < 0.05). Majority of attendees were at 3rd trimester at time of first antenatal visit. Prevalence of malaria parasitaemia in the first-time (48.6%), and multiple-time (52.6%) antenatal attendees was not significantly different (χ2 = 0.119, p = 0.730). The higher prevalence of malaria among bed net owners (69.6% vs. 42.9%, χ2 = 2.575, p = 0.109, OR = 3.048 (95% CI 0.765–12.135)) and users (66.7% vs. 33.3%, χ2 = 2.517, p = 0.113, OR = 4.000 (95% CI 0.693–23.089)) at multiple antenatal visits vs. first timers was not significant. None of the pregnant women examined used malaria preventive chemotherapy. Antenatal services at the hospital were not effective at preventing PAM. Holistic reviews reflecting recommendations made here can be adopted for effective service delivery