52 research outputs found

    E-Administration in The Public Schools of The Abu Dhabi Education Council From Teachers' View Point

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    Since the e-administration is something new, and the studies in this field still rare, and this is a very important sector in management, another reason also is to motivate the specialists to study this subject in theory and to apply it in actual life, and like that we can utilize the e-administration. The purpose of this study was to reveal the level of applying e-administration of public schools in the Abu Dhabi Education Council. The study population consisted of all teachers in the Abu Dhabi Education Council during the academic year 2014/2015. The sample of the study consisted of (153) teachers who were selected randomly from the study population. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers prepared a questionnaire that included (48) items distributed among three types. The results of the study showed that the level of applying e-administration from the teachers was high, and the The individuals in the study sample thinks that it is important to apply the e-administration in the public schools Abu Dhabi Education Council. The results also showed that the level of acceptance of the e-administration among teachers in the public schools in Abu Dhabi Education Council was high depend of TAM and the correlation coefficient indicated a high positive relationship between TAM elements.  Finally the individuals in a study sample think that there are obstacles to apply the e-administration in the public schools in the Abu Dhabi Education Council. Keywords: E-administration, TAM, Abu Dhabi Education Council

    Transmission of Disaster Warnings via Control Channels in Cellular Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2020, nr 4

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    According to United Nations reports, natural disasters caused, worldwide, approximately 100,000 deaths and affected 175 million people each year between 2004 and 2013. To reduce those numbers, countries around the globe have made specific arrangements enabling them to warn the population about imminent disasters, in order to evacuate the area in due time. But providing such warnings in areas where no Internet access is available poses a great challenge. In this paper, we proposed a method to transmit early warning messages via UMTS cellular networks, while relying on spare extensions of control channels (FACH). The results obtained are validate based on their comparison with theoretical considerations and are also benchmarked against the 3GPP standard. The results show that messages may be sent faster than with the use of the 3GPP standar

    The changes in renal function after a single dose of intravenous furosemide in patients with compensated liver cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with compensated Child-A cirrhosis have sub clinical hypovolemia and diuretic treatment could result in renal impairment. AIM: To evaluate the changes in renal functional mass as reflected by DMSA uptake after single injection of intravenous furosemide in patients with compensated liver cirrhosis. METHODS: Eighteen cirrhotic patients were divided in two groups; eight patients (group 1, age 56 ± 9.6 yrs, Gender 5M/3F, 3 alcoholic and 5 non alcoholic) were given low intravenous 40 mg furosemide and ten other patients (group 2, age 54 ± 9.9, Gender 6M/4F, 4 alcoholic and 6 non alcoholic) were given high 120 mg furosemide respectively. Renoscintigraphy with 100MBq Of Tc 99 DMSA was given intravenously before and 90 minutes after furosemide administration and SPECT imaging was determined 3 hours later. All patients were kept under low sodium diet (80mEq/d) and all diuretics were withdrawn for 3 days. 8-hours UNa exertion, Calculated and measured Creatinine clearance (CCT) were performed for all patients. RESULTS: Intravenous furosemide increased the mean renal DMSA uptake in 55% of patients with compensated cirrhosis and these changes persist up to three hours after injection. This increase was at the same extent in either low or high doses of furosemide. (From 12.8% ± 3.8 to 15.2% ± 2.2, p < 0.001 in Gr I as compared to 10.6% ± 4.6 to 13.5% ± 3.6 in Gr 2, p < 0.001). In 8 patients (45%, 3 pts from Gr 1 and 5 pts from Gr 2) DMSA uptake remain unchanged. The mean 8 hrs UNa excretion after intravenous furosemide was above 80 meq/l and was higher in Gr 2 as compared to Gr 1 respectively (136 ± 37 meq/l) VS 100 ± 36.6 meq/l, P = 0.05). Finally, basal global renal DMSA uptake was decreased in 80% of patients; 22.5 ± 7.5% (NL > 40%), as compared to normal calculated creatinine clearance (CCT 101 ± 26), and measured CCT of 87 ± 30 cc/min (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: A single furosemide injection increases renal functional mass as reflected by DMSA in 55% of patients with compensated cirrhosis and identify 45% of patients with reduced uptake and who could develop renal impairment under diuretics. Whether or not albumin infusion exerts beneficial effect in those patients with reduced DMSA uptake remains to be determined

    Monounsaturated fat decreases hepatic lipid content in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats

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    Проектування та розробка високоточного верстата для згинання дроту

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    The use of a bending machine acquired a high level of importance as a consequence of increasing the level of the industry. This paper aims to develop a more accurate and precise bending machine. The proposed bending machine has achieved brilliant output products, in which three main manufacturing parameters have been examined for the production of an equilateral triangle, which are flange length, bending angle and bending radius. The main point depends on the proposed algorithm, which has been developed based on separating the process, in which the central controller is responsible mainly for controlling the sub-controller, where the sub-controllers are programmed using PID to control the entire mechanisms of feeding and bending separately and ensure that the outcomes of these mechanisms are compatible with the input data from the central controller. Ten different dimensions of an equilateral triangle design sample with ten tries for each dimension (variable flange length, fixed bending angle equals to 60 degrees and bending radius equals to 3 mm) have been selected being produced using the bending machine, and the products have been formed two times. Firstly, using the proposed bending machine, in which the proposed algorithm is applied. Secondly, using the bending machine implemented without applying the proposed algorithm. The results have been compared in terms of error rates with respect to the standard design of products designed using CAD/CAM application. An enhancement has been recorded in terms of product accuracy and precision for the parameters of flange length, bending angle and bending radius. The overall accuracy level reaches up to 98.85228 % for a product manufactured using the proposed machine by applying the proposed algorithm compared with a product made with the machine designed without the proposed algorithmИспользование гибочного станка приобрело большого значения в результате повышения уровня промышленности. Целью данной статьи является разработка более точного гибочного станка. Предложенный гибочный станок позволил достичь блестящего выхода продукции, для получения равностороннего треугольника были исследованы три основных производственных параметра, а именно длина фланца, угол изгиба и радиус изгиба. Суть состоит в предложенном алгоритме, разработанном на основе разделения процесса, в котором центральный контроллер отвечает главным образом за управление субконтроллером, а субконтроллеры запрограммированы с помощью ПИД-регулятора для управления всеми механизмами подачи и гибки отдельно и обеспечения совместимости результатов этих механизмов с входными данными от центрального контроллера. Были выбраны десять различных размеров образца конструкции равностороннего треугольника с десятью попытками для каждого размера (переменная длина фланца, фиксированный угол изгиба, равный 60 градусам, и радиус изгиба, равный 3 мм), изготовленных с использованием гибочного станка, а изделия формировались в два этапа. Во-первых, с помощью предложенного гибочного станка с применением предложенного алгоритма. Во-вторых, с использованием гибочного станка без применения предложенного алгоритма. Полученные результаты были сопоставлены с точки зрения частоты ошибок по отношению к стандартному дизайну изделий, разработанных с использованием CAD/CAM приложения. Было зафиксировано повышение точности изделия и точности по параметрам длины фланца, угла изгиба и радиуса изгиба. Общий уровень точности достигает 98,85228% для изделия, изготовленного на предлагаемом станке с применением предложенного алгоритма по сравнению с изделием, изготовленным на станке, разработанном без применения предложенного алгоритмаВикористання згинального верстата набуло великого значення в результаті підвищення рівня промисловості. Метою даної статті є розробка більш точного згинального верстата. Запропонований згинальний верстат дозволив досягти блискучого виходу продукції, для отримання рівностороннього трикутника були досліджені три основних виробничих параметра, а саме довжина фланця, кут вигину і радіус вигину. Суть полягає в запропонованому алгоритмі, розробленому на основі поділу процесу, в якому центральний контролер відповідає головним чином за управління субконтролером, а субконтролери запрограмовані за допомогою ПІД-регулятора для управління всіма механізмами подачі і згинання окремо і забезпечення сумісності результатів цих механізмів з вхідними даними від центрального контролера. Були обрані десять різних розмірів зразка конструкції рівностороннього трикутника з десятьма спробами для кожного розміру (змінна довжина фланця, фіксований кут вигину, рівний 60 градусам, і радіус вигину, рівний 3 мм), виготовлених з використанням згинального верстата, а вироби формувалися в два етапи. По-перше, за допомогою запропонованого згинального верстата із застосуванням запропонованого алгоритму. По-друге, з використанням згинального верстата без застосування запропонованого алгоритму. Отримані результати були зіставлені з точки зору частоти помилок по відношенню до стандартного дизайну виробів, розроблених з використанням CAD/CAM додатку. Було зафіксовано підвищення точності виробу і точності за параметрами довжини фланця, кута вигину і радіуса вигину. Загальний рівень точності досягає 98,85228 % для виробу, виготовленого на запропонованому верстаті із застосуванням запропонованого алгоритму в порівнянні з виробом, виготовленим на верстаті, розробленому без застосування запропонованого алгоритм

    Climatic Temperature Data Forecasting in Nineveh Governorate Using the Recurrent Neutral Network Method

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    The forecasting of maximum climatic temperature is essential by using some statistical and intelligent techniques. Iraqi maximum temperature data collected monthly in several cities due to the Nineveh government will be studied in this paper. This study aims to forecast maximum climatic temperature as univariate time series and obtain the best results with minimum forecasting error. The non-linearity of climatic datasets is the main reason for data complexity, which needs to use some nonlinear methods for obtaining satisfactory results. In this paper, the maximum climatic temperature data will be forecasted by using traditional and intelligent methods. Single and double exponential smoothing (SES and DES) models have been used as traditional linear methods to forecast climatic temperature. The forecasting results reflected that the hybrid methods outperformed the traditional methods. The proposed hybrid methods can forecast climatic temperature in more accurate results. The hybrid methods SES-RNN and DES-RNN combine the SES and DES as a linear model with RNN as a nonlinear method to be one method that can handle any data, especially the nonlinear type. Recurrent neural network (RNN) as the nonlinear intelligent method is combined with SES and DES in hybrid SES-RNN and DES-RNN methods to forecast climatic temperature data and handle the non-linearity of datasets. The results reflect that the proposed hybrid methods outperformed the traditional methods for forecasting climatic temperature data. The proposed hybrid methods can be used to forecast climatic temperature in more accurate results


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    The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of resistance spot welding (RSW) parameters on the quality of AA5451 joint with brass foil interlayer. Three welding parameters were used; welding current: 12750 and 13500 Amp, electrode pressure: 40 and 45 Bar, welding time: 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 sec. The squeeze and hold time were kept constant with 1.98 sec for each case. A sheet of AA5451 of 1 mm thickness with brass foil (C26800) of 0.1 mm thickness as interlayer was used. A shear test was used to determine the sheer force of the welded specimen. The results of shear force were analyzed statistically using a Taguchi method with the aid of a Minitab program. The results indicated that the applied pressure and welding current decreased and increased the sheer force of joint respectively. Increasing the welding time decreased and increased the shear force for the intervals 1.2 – 1.4 and 1.4 – 1.6 sec respectively. The presence of the foil increased the shear force of joint by 16 %. The optimum values of parameters that found using the brass foil were; welding current: 13500Amp, electrode pressure: 40Bar, welding time: 1.6sec. A theoretical model of shear force as a function of welding parameters was derived

    Reduced platelet aggregation after fluvastatin therapy is associated with altered platelet lipid composition and drug binding to the platelets

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    Aims High plasma cholesterol concentration and increased platelet activity are two major risk factors for atherosclerosis. Lovastatin, the lipophilic drug was shown to inhibit platelet aggregation whereas pravastatin, the hydrophilic drug had no such effect. Analysis of the effect of fluvastatin which is both a lipophilic and hydrophilic drug, on platelet aggregation was the goal of the present study

    Investigating Drug Interactions And Antibacterial Activity Of Vitamin C On Pathogenic Factors Of Escherichia Coli Clinical Isolates

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    Today, the phenomenon of multi-drug resistance has become a major cause of concern, and insufficient achievements have been made in the development of new antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial infections. Therefore, there is an unmet need for new auxiliary search. Vitamin C is one such promising supplement. The current study was conducted with the aim of explaining the antibacterial interaction effect of vitamin C in different concentrations (5-20 mg/ml) and drugs effective on Escherichia coli bacteria. In order to collect clinical samples during the months of September to November 2022, clinical samples were collected from 100 patients suspected of urinary tract infection who referred to medical centers. For identification, biochemical tests and gram staining and culture in IMViC and EMB environments were used to see metallic green polish. Then antimicrobial sensitivity test And the effect of antibiotic on biofilm formation, the effect of antibiotic and ascorbic acid on biofilm formation, biofilm inhibition rate was done for the single and combined effects of both antimicrobial substances. Finally, in order to investigate and identify the virulence gene of the isolated strains, DNA extraction was performed by PCR method. 45 samples of urinary infection culture were identified from the total of 100 samples collected, in 45 (45%) of them colonies with metallic polish were observed. 45% were men and 55% were women, and of these, a total of 45 positive E. coli cases were found in women and 17 positive cases were seen in men. Less than one year, teenagers, young and old were divided. 2 cases (2%) were in the age group of less than one year, 3 cases (3%) were teenagers, 63 cases (63%) were young and 32 cases (32%) were in the age group of middle-aged people. In a situation where the ability to form biofilm under vitamin C (ascorbic acid) treatment was not very effective and did not differ much from normal conditions, antibiotic treatment (under MBC gentamicin treatment) was somewhat successful in inhibiting biofilm formation, finally with the combination of antibiotic and Ascorbic acid was completely isolated in many resistant strains, the inability to form biofilm was evident, and this indicated the synergistic effects in the investigated composition. As the results showed, the ability to produce biofilm in the samples that had&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the target genes in this study was not much different from the other samples. Considering the increasing resistance to some antibiotics and wide changes in the effective spectrum of drugs and preventing the increase of drug-resistant cases, the necessity of conducting drug sensitivity tests seems very necessary. The high prevalence of E. coli antibiotic resistance and the high percentage of resistance genes in patients suffering from infections caused by this bacterium can indicate the excessive use of antibiotics. Finally, the prevalence of antibiotic resistance is a useful marker for investigating resistance genes and can be useful in ecological investigations. Also, with clear inhibitory effects, the selected antibiotic in this study along with ascorbic acid, this vitamin can be used as a supplement in some infections caused by E. coli bacteria