5 research outputs found

    Genetic characterization of oleaginous bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) germplasm from Côte d'Ivoire using agromorphological and molecular markers

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    Being difficult to regenerate and maintain the seeds, the oleaginous bottle gourd was investigated using nine agromorphological traits and 31 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Specifically, the study was conducted to determine the intra-specific variability of a total of 173 accessions, which were identified from five agro-ecological regions from Côte d'Ivoire (Centre, East, North and South). Then, the genetic diversity and relationships within accessions were studied using AFLP markers. This characterization using both morphological and AFLP markers was realized in order to ultimately build a reliable core collection. The discriminant analysis, using nine quantitative traits, reveals plant length and seeds number per fruit as discriminating characteristics. From the accessions used for the agromorphological study, 148 were able to be differentiated by the AFLP markers. A range of 52 to 113 bands were amplified per primer combination. As revealed by the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), 28% of the total variation resides among accessions and 72% occurs within populations. The AMOVA computed in order to differentiate cultivars, displayed the same trends when no prior grouping of accessions was considered. The differentiation within cultivar (97%) was more than that, among cultivars (3%). Tree topologies inferred by neighbour-joining analysis reflected no clear cut off grouping

    Problema de programação da produção um esquema de classificação

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    Muitas vezes, não é simples encontrar uma classificação exata para os problemas de programação, não somente porque existem diferentes versões para um dado problema, mas, porque vários procedimentos para uma questão particular, são caracterizados por premissas diferentes e limitações de aplicação dos modelos desenvolvidos. O objetivo deste artigo é delinear uma classificação ampla que permita estabelecer o sentido, direção e perspectiva de pesquisas conduzidas na área. O trabalho não tem a intenção de dar um levantamento exaustivo da literatura de programação da produção, que pode ser encontrado em vários outros trabalhos de revisão.<br>It is the purpose of this article to review the various solutions that have been proposed for the production scheduling problem. An attempt is made to give a classification scheme to categorize the existing procedures that allow to point out potential future courses of development. Emphasis is placed on the basic assumptions involved in each production sequencing problem rather than to approaches used to obtain a solution