22 research outputs found

    Growth response of black velvet tamarind (Dialium guineense Willd) seedling to different potting media

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    The response in growth and development of seedlings of Dialium guineense to different potting media was studied in the screen house. Five potting media: River sand (Rs), Top soil (Ts), Poultry manure (Pm), Rice husk (Rh) and Oil palm refuse bunch (OPRB) were used. They were evaluated as sole treatments and in combination with river sand (Rs) in different ratios (1:1, 1:2, 2:5 and 5:2) respectively. Altogether, twenty one (21) potting media types were evaluated. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) in three replications. Data were collected on monthly basis for plant growth parameters, while shoot and root dry weight were measured at the end of the experiment. On the average the seedlings of D. guineense responded best on the Rs + Ts 1:2 growth medium in number of leaves (16.67), stem girth (0.31 cm), number of nodes (11.67), shoot dry weight (1.24 g) and root dry weight (0.50 g). Rs + Ts 1:2 was followed by Rs + Pm 1:1 and Ts sole respectively with respect to the growth parameters evaluated and were not significantly (p 0.05) from one another, but were significantly (p < 0.05) different from other media and their combinations with river sand

    Enhancing seedling production of black velvet tamarind (Dialium guineense Willd) 1

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    The present investigation was conducted to enhance seedling production of Black Velvet Tamarind (Dialium guineense). Three different types (sets) of experiments were designed. The results showed no sprouting of the stem cuttings in the first type of experiment ( stem cuttings treated with Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) and coconut milk). The second type of experiment (seeds subjected to some pre-sowing treatments using NAA, coconut milk, manual scarification and seeds soaked in water for 24 hrs) showed highly significant treatment effects for seed treatments and days after planting, DAP (p < 0.001), while time or duration of treatment was not significant. There were highly significant interaction effects for Treatment duration x Seed treatments and Treatment duration x Days after planting (DAP). Mean percentage germination was best at 2000ppm NAA (43.85%), but was not significantly different from1000ppm, (40.28%), water soaked (40.28%) and manual scarification (38.88%). Lower germination rates were observed for 500ppm (34.72%), normal or untreated seeds (30.75%), and coconut milk (28.38%). There were highly significant treatment effects (p < 0.001) between the control (normal seeds) with 11.2% mean germination, cold treatment (stratification), 21.1% and manual scarification 33.7%. DAP was also highly significant with the highest mean germination of 34.1% at 56DAP. Treatments x DAP was highly significant (p < 0.01) in the third experiment (stratification, a cold temperature pre-sowing treatment). Soaking seeds for 24 hrs before planting was adjudged the best treatment for enhancing seedling production in Dialium guineense in this study. It was the easiest and cheapest of all other treatments considered

    Effects of Plant Density and NPK Application on the Growth and Yield of White Guinea Yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) in a Forest Zone of Nigeria

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    Studies were conducted at Evboneka, Edo State, Nigeria in a forest zone to examine the effect of increasing plant population and NPK application on the growth and tuber yield of Dioscorea rotundata (Poir) cv “Obiaoturugo”. This study involved three trials. The first was conducted in 2010 involving five plant densities (10000, 13333, 17778, 20000 and 266667 plants per hectare (pph)) laid in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and replicated four times. The second trial was conducted in 2010 involving five NPK application rate (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 kg NPK 15:15:15 ha-1) using RCBD and replicated three times. In the third trial, the best three plant densities (10000, 13333 and 17778 pph) from the first trial were re-evaluated with the best two NPK application rates (200 and 300 kg NPK ha-1) and control (0 kg ha-1) from the second trial using a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement fitted into RCBD with three replicates. Results from the plant density trial revealed that increasing plant density significantly resulted in increased fresh tuber yield and decreased in number of tuber per stand, tuber size, % unmarketable tuber and multiplication ratio (MR). Based on MR, the best tuber yield was produced from 10000 pph, followed by 13333 and 17778, which were statistically comparable. Results from the fertilizer trial showed that the application of 300 kg ha-1 had the highest tuber yield (19.16 t ha-1) statistically similar to 200 kg ha-1 (19.12 t ha-1). There was no significant interaction effect on agronomic traits assessed as both factors acted independently on yam plants. Increasing plant density and NPK application rate resulted in increased degree of foliation and leaf area index (LAI). These parameters imparted higher photosynthetic capacity and translocation leading to higher total dry matter production and tuber yield. A plant density of 10000 pph and 300 kg ha-1 could be most profitable and also bring about a considerable increase in growth and tuber yield of yam.Keywords: Growth, multiplication ratio, yield, ya

    Agronomic efficacy of compost manure and NPK fertilizer on some soil chemical properties and maize production in an ultisol environment

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    Studies were conducted as an on-farm trial at Evboneka in 2009 and 2010 cropping seasons to estimate the effect of soil amendments in enhancing soil fertility status and relative agronomic efficacy of maize yield in humid ultisol environment. Effects of compost was investigated at application rates of 20 and 40 t ha-1 while NPK and organo-mineral fertilizer effects were investigated at 200 kg/ha and a combination of 100 kg/ha NPK and 20 t/ha compost manure (organo-mineral fertilizer) with maize TZEE-W cultivar resulting in five treatments and replicated three times. The results obtained revealed that the tested soil was low in organic matter, total N, available P, moderately acidic and low cations (Ca, Mg and K). The compost manure was rich in N, P, Mg, K, organic carbon and Ca concentration. The application of compost manure and NPK to the soil improved the soil fertility status. The highest maize height (132.70 cm), greatest total dry weight (0.63 t ha-1) and relative agronomic efficacy (%) were obtained from plots treated with 40 t/ha-1 compost manure while the plots treated with organo-mineral had the greatest LAI (2.75)

    Antimicrobial Stewardship Implementation in Nigerian Hospitals: Gaps and Challenges

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major clinical challenge globally. It is mainly a consequence of inappropriate prescribing and use of antibiotics. Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) ensures that antibiotics are prescribed and used appropriately. This study assessed AMS practice in selected Nigerian hospitals.Methodology: This was a cross sectional survey of 20 Federal, State and Private tertiary hospitals randomly selected from the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Using an adapted WHO tool on AMS, data were collected from each hospital as regard the existence of AMS committee, Accountability and Responsibility, AMS actions, Education and Training, Monitoring and Evaluation, Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) practice, facilities to support AMS, and challenges to AMS implementation. Gaps and challenges to the implementation of the AMS among the hospitals were identified.Results: Only 6 (30%) of the 20 hospitals had AMS committees while 2 (10%) had any evidence of leadership commitment to AMS. All the hospitals had laboratory facilities to support culture and sensitivity testing. There were no regular AMS-related education or training, monitoring, evaluation or reporting activities in the hospitals, except in 7 (25%) that had participated in the global point prevalence survey (Global-PPS) of antimicrobial use and resistance being hosted by the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Challenges impeding AMS activities included lack of human and financial resources, prescribers’ opposition, lack of awareness and absence of AMS committees. Most of the gaps and challenges bordered on seeming lack of knowledge and inadequate communication among prescribers and other stakeholders.Conclusion: There is need for intense education and training activities for prescribers and other stakeholders, including but not limited to hospital administrators. Keywords: Survey, Antimicrobial Stewardship, Antimicrobial Resistance; Nigeria   French title: Mise en Ɠuvre de la gestion des antimicrobiens dans les hĂŽpitaux NigĂ©rians: lacunes et dĂ©fis Contexte: La rĂ©sistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) est un dĂ©fi clinique majeur Ă  l'Ă©chelle mondiale. C'estprincipalement une consĂ©quence d'une prescription et d'une utilisation inappropriĂ©es d'antibiotiques. La gestion des antimicrobiens (AMS) garantit que les antibiotiques sont prescrits et utilisĂ©s de maniĂšre appropriĂ©e. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©valuĂ© la pratique de l'AMS dans certains hĂŽpitaux NigĂ©rians. MĂ©thodologie: Il s'agissait d'une enquĂȘte transversale de 20 hĂŽpitaux tertiaires fĂ©dĂ©raux, d'État et privĂ©ssĂ©lectionnĂ©s au hasard dans les six zones gĂ©opolitiques du NigĂ©ria. À l'aide d'un outil OMS adaptĂ© sur l'AMS, des donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es auprĂšs de chaque hĂŽpital en ce qui concerne l'existence d'un comitĂ© AMS, la responsabilitĂ© et la responsabilitĂ©, les actions AMS, l'Ă©ducation et la formation, le suivi et l'Ă©valuation, la  pratique de prĂ©vention et de contrĂŽle des infections (IPC), les installations pour soutenir l'AMS. et les dĂ©fis de la mise en Ɠuvre de l'AMS. Les lacunes et les dĂ©fis liĂ©s Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre de l'AMS parmi les hĂŽpitaux ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s. RĂ©sultats: Seuls 6 (30%) des 20 hĂŽpitaux avaient des comitĂ©s AMS tandis que 2 (10%) avaient des preuves d'engagement du leadership envers l'AMS. Tous les hĂŽpitaux disposaient d'installations de laboratoire pour soutenir la culture et les tests de sensibilitĂ©. Il n'y avait pas d'activitĂ©s rĂ©guliĂšres d'Ă©ducation ou de formation, de suivi, d'Ă©valuation ou de rapportage liĂ©es Ă  la MGS dans les hĂŽpitaux, sauf dans 7 (25%) qui avaient participĂ© Ă  l'enquĂȘte mondiale sur la prĂ©valence ponctuelle (Global-PPS) de l'utilisation et de la rĂ©sistance aux  antimicrobiens organisĂ©e par l'UniversitĂ© d'Anvers, Belgique. Les dĂ©fis entravant les activitĂ©s de l'AMS  comprenaient le manque de ressources humaines et financiĂšres, l'opposition des prescripteurs, le manque de sensibilisation et l'absence de comitĂ©s AMS. La plupart des lacunes et des dĂ©fis se limitaient Ă  un manque apparent de connaissances et Ă  une communication inadĂ©quate entre les prescripteurs et les autres intervenants.Conclusion: Des activitĂ©s d'Ă©ducation et de formation intensives sont nĂ©cessaires pour les prescripteurs et autres intervenants, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les administrateurs d'hĂŽpitaux. Mots clĂ©s: enquĂȘte, gestion des antimicrobiens, rĂ©sistance aux antimicrobiens; Nigeria   &nbsp

    APOE E4 is associated with impaired self-declared cognition but not disease risk or age of onset in Nigerians with Parkinson's disease

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    The relationship between APOE polymorphisms and Parkinson's disease (PD) in black Africans has not been previously investigated. We evaluated the association between APOE polymorphic variability and self-declared cognition in 1100 Nigerians with PD and 1097 age-matched healthy controls. Cognition in PD was assessed using the single item cognition question (item 1.1) of the MDS-UPDRS. APOE genotype and allele frequencies did not differ between PD and controls (p > 0.05). No allelic or genotypic association was observed between APOE and age at onset of PD. In PD, APOE Δ4/Δ4 conferred a two-fold risk of cognitive impairment compared to one or no Δ4 (HR: 2.09 (95% CI: 1.13-3.89; p = 0.02)), while APOE Δ2 was associated with modest protection against cognitive impairment (HR: 0.41 (95% CI 0.19-0.99, p = 0.02)). Of 773 PD with motor phenotype and APOE characterized, tremor-dominant (TD) phenotype predominated significantly in Δ2 carriers (87/135, 64.4%) compared to 22.2% in persons with postural instability/gait difficulty (PIGD) (30/135) and 13.3% in indeterminate (ID) (18/135, 13.3%) (p = 0.037). Although the frequency of the TD phenotype was highest in homozygous Δ2 carriers (85.7%), the distribution of motor phenotypes across the six genotypes did not differ significantly (p = 0.18). Altogether, our findings support previous studies in other ethnicities, implying a role for APOE Δ4 and Δ2 as risk and protective factors, respectively, for cognitive impairment in PD

    Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries

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    Previous genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of stroke — the second leading cause of death worldwide — were conducted predominantly in populations of European ancestry1,2. Here, in cross-ancestry GWAS meta-analyses of 110,182 patients who have had a stroke (five ancestries, 33% non-European) and 1,503,898 control individuals, we identify association signals for stroke and its subtypes at 89 (61 new) independent loci: 60 in primary inverse-variance-weighted analyses and 29 in secondary meta-regression and multitrait analyses. On the basis of internal cross-ancestry validation and an independent follow-up in 89,084 additional cases of stroke (30% non-European) and 1,013,843 control individuals, 87% of the primary stroke risk loci and 60% of the secondary stroke risk loci were replicated (P < 0.05). Effect sizes were highly correlated across ancestries. Cross-ancestry fine-mapping, in silico mutagenesis analysis3, and transcriptome-wide and proteome-wide association analyses revealed putative causal genes (such as SH3PXD2A and FURIN) and variants (such as at GRK5 and NOS3). Using a three-pronged approach4, we provide genetic evidence for putative drug effects, highlighting F11, KLKB1, PROC, GP1BA, LAMC2 and VCAM1 as possible targets, with drugs already under investigation for stroke for F11 and PROC. A polygenic score integrating cross-ancestry and ancestry-specific stroke GWASs with vascular-risk factor GWASs (integrative polygenic scores) strongly predicted ischaemic stroke in populations of European, East Asian and African ancestry5. Stroke genetic risk scores were predictive of ischaemic stroke independent of clinical risk factors in 52,600 clinical-trial participants with cardiometabolic disease. Our results provide insights to inform biology, reveal potential drug targets and derive genetic risk prediction tools across ancestries

    Stroke genetics informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries

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    Previous genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of stroke - the second leading cause of death worldwide - were conducted predominantly in populations of European ancestry(1,2). Here, in cross-ancestry GWAS meta-analyses of 110,182 patients who have had a stroke (five ancestries, 33% non-European) and 1,503,898 control individuals, we identify association signals for stroke and its subtypes at 89 (61 new) independent loci: 60 in primary inverse-variance-weighted analyses and 29 in secondary meta-regression and multitrait analyses. On the basis of internal cross-ancestry validation and an independent follow-up in 89,084 additional cases of stroke (30% non-European) and 1,013,843 control individuals, 87% of the primary stroke risk loci and 60% of the secondary stroke risk loci were replicated (P < 0.05). Effect sizes were highly correlated across ancestries. Cross-ancestry fine-mapping, in silico mutagenesis analysis(3), and transcriptome-wide and proteome-wide association analyses revealed putative causal genes (such as SH3PXD2A and FURIN) and variants (such as at GRK5 and NOS3). Using a three-pronged approach(4), we provide genetic evidence for putative drug effects, highlighting F11, KLKB1, PROC, GP1BA, LAMC2 and VCAM1 as possible targets, with drugs already under investigation for stroke for F11 and PROC. A polygenic score integrating cross-ancestry and ancestry-specific stroke GWASs with vascular-risk factor GWASs (integrative polygenic scores) strongly predicted ischaemic stroke in populations of European, East Asian and African ancestry(5). Stroke genetic risk scores were predictive of ischaemic stroke independent of clinical risk factors in 52,600 clinical-trial participants with cardiometabolic disease. Our results provide insights to inform biology, reveal potential drug targets and derive genetic risk prediction tools across ancestries.</p

    Guillain barre syndrome as initial presentation of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Background: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by multiple organ involvement including the peripheral nervous system. Guillan- BarrÚ syndrome (GBS) has an established association with SLE as one of its neurologic manifestations. However, GBS as an initial manifestation of SLE is only sparingly reported in the literature.Methods: We present a case of a 26 year old woman who was initially managed by neurology unit for GBS but subsequently developed body swelling, hypertension and polyarthritis. She was evaluated and managed by both rheumatology and nephrology units.Results: Renal biopsy showed histological features of membranous nephropathy suggestive of stage V lupus nephritis. The patient responded well to high dose corticosteroid, intravenous cyclophosphamide and azathioprine.Conclusion: This case highlights that GBS can be an initial presentation of SLE and the usefulness of immunosuppressants in the management of such cases.Keywords: Guillan-BarrÚ syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Lupus Nephritis, Immunosuppressant