20 research outputs found

    “Everybody does pirating!” – Children’s views about online piracy

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    Este texto dá um pequeno contributo para a compreensão da pirataria online com base nas narrativas de crianças em idade escolar e contributos teóricos da Zemiologia, pro­posta da criminologia crítica. Uma abordagem de natureza participativa permitiu emergir na complexidade da vida digital das crianças (um total de 41, na maioria raparigas com idades entre os 10 e os 12 anos). Os resultados sugerem que a pirataria online é moralmente aceitável entre as crianças e que uma preocupante falta de conhecimento e sentido de impunidade pode estar a governar tais práticas que ocorrem anytime, anyplace. Além disso, parecem estar a emergir antigos e novos vetores de vitimização, vulnerabi­lidade e dano, nos quais a criança pode ser simultaneamente agressora e vítima.This text offers a small contribution to the understanding of online piracy based on the accounts of school-aged children and by theoretical contributions from Zemiology, as proposed by critical criminology. A participatory approach was used to reach the intricacies of children’s (a total of 41, mostly girls and aged 10-12) digital lives. Findings suggest that online piracy is a morally acceptable activity among children and a worrying lack of knowledge and impunity may be governing such practices, which can occur in an anytime, anyplace context. Additionally, old and new vectors of victimisation, vulnerability and harm are emerging, where the child can become, simultaneously, perpetrator and victim.Ce texte propose une brève contribution à la compréhension de la piraterie en ligne basée sur les récits d’écoliers et les contributions de la Zémiologie, proposée par la criminologie critique. Une approche participative a été utilisée pour accéder à la complexité de la vie numérique des enfants (41, la plupart étant des filles âgées entre 10 et 12 ans). Les résultats suggèrent que la piraterie en ligne est une activité moralement acceptable chez les enfants. Cela se caractérise par un manque alarmant de connaissances et un sentiment d’impunité régissant ces pratiques qui peuvent se produire à tout moment et n’importe où. En outre, des anciens et de nouveaux vecteurs de victimisation, de vulnérabilité et de dommages semblent se dessiner dans un contexte où l’enfant peut être à la fois l’agresseur et la victime

    Compreender a rede de conhecimento, a aprendizagem e o conetivismo

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    Tradução por Leonel Morgado de: AlDahdouh, Alaa A.; Osório, António J. & Caires, Susana (2015). Understanding knowledge network, learning and connectivism. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 12 (10), 3-21.O comportamentalismo (ou behaviorismo), o cognitivismo, o construtivismo e outras teorias em ascensão, como a teoria ator-rede e o conetivismo, circulam no meio educativo. Para cada uma, há aliados que sustentam factos de investigação e a consistência das observações. Entretanto, as teorias existentes dominam o terreno até que o pano de fundo se altere ou factos mais concretos demonstrem as suas insuficiências. O conetivismo afirma que o pano de fundo – ou o clima geral – se alterou recentemente: uma nova geração de investigadores, conetivistas, propõe uma nova forma de conceber o conhecimento. Segundo eles, o conhecimento é uma rede e a aprendizagem é um processo que explora esta rede. Outros investigadores consideram que este conceito não está claro, ou que não é novo, pelo que provavelmente não afetará o campo da educação. Este artigo aborda uma compreensão difusa do conhecimento, definido enquanto rede, e a falta de recursos que debatam este tema. Por isso, tenta clarificar o que significa definir o conhecimento como uma rede e de que forma isso pode afetar o ensino e a aprendizagem.N/

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains are differentially recognized by TLRs with an impact on the immune response

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    Tuberculosis associates with a wide spectrum of disease outcomes. The Beijing (Bj) lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is suggested to be more virulent than other Mtb lineages and prone to elicit non-protective immune responses. However, highly heterogeneous immune responses were reported upon infection of innate immune cells with Bj strains or stimulation with their glycolipids. Using both in vitro and in vivo mouse models of infection, we here report that the molecular mechanism for this heterogeneity may be related to distinct TLR activations. Among this Mtb lineage, we found strains that preferentially activate TLR2, and others that also activate TLR4. Recognition of Mtb strains by TLR4 resulted in a distinct cytokine profile in vitro and in vivo, with specific production of type I IFN. We also uncover a novel protective role for TLR4 activation in vivo. Thus, our findings contribute to the knowledge of the molecular basis underlying how host innate immune cells handle different Mtb strains, in particular the intricate host-pathogen interaction with strains of the Mtb Bj lineage.This work has been funded by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, Portugal. Project grants: PTDC/SAU-MII/101977/2008 and PTDC/BIA-BCM/102776/2008. Personal grants: SFRH/BD/35981/2007 to JC; SFRH/BPD/3306/2007 to AC; SFRH/BPD/77399/2011 to LMT; SFRH/BI/33456/2008 to CS; and SFRH/BPD/33959/2009 to NSO. MS is a Ciencia 2007 fellow. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    The C Allele of rs5743836 Polymorphism in the Human TLR9 Promoter Links IL-6 and TLR9 Up-Regulation and Confers Increased B-Cell Proliferation

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    In humans, allelic variants in Toll-like receptors (TLRs) associate with several pathologies. However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of this association remain largely unknown. Analysis of the human TLR9 promoter revealed that the C allele of the rs5743836 polymorphism generates several regulatory sites, including an IL-6-responding element. Here, we show that, in mononuclear cells carrying the TC genotype of rs5743836, IL-6 up-regulates TLR9 expression, leading to exacerbated cellular responses to CpG, including IL-6 production and B-cell proliferation. Our study uncovers a role for the rs5743836 polymorphism in B-cell biology with implications on TLR9-mediated diseases and on the therapeutic usage of TLR9 agonists/antagonists


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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe realiza un estudio cuyo objetivo es contribuir a una mejor comprensión de las comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje, vinculadas a los procesos del aprendizaje colaborativo. Se analiza el concepto de comunidad y de comunidad virtual. A continuación se presenta una tipología de comunidades virtuales, destacando las comunidades de aprendizaje y de práctica. Por último, se aborda la importancia de la colaboración, haciendo una asociación de estas comunidades con el paradigma colaborativo emergente, del cual ellas son parte integrante.AndalucíaES

    IE comunicaciones : revista iberoamericana de informática educativa

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    Resumen tomado del autorEn este artículo se señala la formación de profesores en el proyecto de desarrollo de habilidades básicas de la Información y Comunicación en la Escuela Básica de primer ciclo (CBTIC@EB1 o CBTIC) en el distrito de Braga en las áreas técnicopedagógicas de uso de las TIC y los procesos de innovación y cambio en la educación. Seguidamente se presenta la estrategia de planificación y realización de visitas periódicas a las escuelas, actividades realizadas o supervisadas por períodos de sesiones de formación presencial y la comunicación en línea, con el objetivo de compartir experiencias y resolver los problemas derivados de la interacción de los profesores con la realidad de cada escuela. Por último, y basándose en los informes del profesorado y otros momentos de reflexión, se hace hincapié en la importante función de fomento de la integración efectiva de las TIC en el día a día de la práctica docente.País VascoUniversitat de les Illes Balears. Redined Balears; Edifici Guillem Cifre de Colonya. Ctra. de Valldemossa, Km 7,5; 07122 Palma; +34971172792; +34971173190; [email protected]

    IL-6 increases the activity of the <i>TLR9</i> promoter carrying the C allele of rs5743836.

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    <p>(A) <i>In silico</i> analysis of the fragment of the <i>TLR9</i> promoter containing the T/C substitution using the TESS interface. L<sub>a</sub>, log-likelihood score, L<sub>q</sub>, a measure of the goodness-of-fit of the DNA sequence to the consensus binding motif. (B) Luciferase reporter assay of Raji B cells transfected with plasmid vectors containing the luciferase gene under the control of a 3.2 kb fragment of the promoter sequence carrying the T or C allele. After transfection, cells were left untreated or stimulated with IL-6 (n = 3). (C) IL-6 dose-dependent stimulation of either TT (n = 27) or TC (n = 25) PBMCs. Cells were left untreated or stimulated with increasing doses of recombinant IL-6. <i>TLR9</i> mRNA expression levels were determined by real-time PCR. (D) IL-6 secretion by of either TT (n = 21) or TC (n = 17) PBMCs. IL-6 in untreated cells was quantified by ELISA. (E) <i>TLR9</i> expression in TT (n = 21) or TC (n = 17) PBMCs in IL-6-neutralizing conditions. Cells were cultured with an anti-IL-6 antibody and <i>TLR9</i> mRNA expression was determined by real-time PCR. Results shown are the mean ± SD.</p

    Proposed model of the effect of rs5743836 in B-lymphocyte activation and proliferation.

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    <p>TLR9 activation by CpG DNA induces the production of IL-6, which upon binding to its receptor, promotes translocation of STAT3 to the nucleus. This transcription factor can bind to and trans-activate promoters containing STAT3 binding elements, thus initiating a specific transcriptional program. In cells harboring the TC genotype of rs5743836, STAT3 will bind to a new IL-6 RE site, created by the T/C substitution within the <i>TLR9</i> promoter. As a result, <i>TLR9</i> expression increases in response to IL-6. Therefore, in these cells, a loop of TLR9/IL-6 signaling amplification is created, leading to a deregulation in B-cell activation and proliferation upon CpG stimuli. Of note, the IL-6 needed to generate this loop may be TLR9-independent.</p

    Human PBMCs carrying the TC genotype of rs5743836 stimulated via TLR9 show increased transcription of <i>TLR9</i> and enhanced B-cell proliferation.

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    <p>(A) TC PBMCs secrete higher amounts of IL-6 upon activation of TLR9 with CpG ODN 2006. IL-6 production was quantified by ELISA in the supernatants of TT (n = 22) or TC (n = 17) PBMCs following culture with CpG. (B) TLR9 activation of TC cells by CpG ODN 2006 increases <i>TLR9</i> gene expression. Quantification of <i>TLR9</i> mRNA expression in either TT (n = 24) or TC (n = 27) PBMCs cultured with: CpG ODN 2006 (0.05 µM); CpG ODN 2006 and anti-IL-6 antibody; CpG ODN 2006 and the TLR9 antagonist CpG ODN TTAGGG in a 1∶2 ratio. (C) Proliferation of CD19<sup>+</sup> cells was assessed by CFSE dilution in PBMCs with different rs5743836 genotypes, TT (n = 40) and TC (n = 33), left untreated or stimulated with: CpG ODN 2006 (0.05 µM); CpG ODN 2006 and anti-IL-6 antibody; CpG ODN 2006 and CpG ODN TTAGGG in a 1∶2 ratio. Results shown are the means ± SD.</p