26 research outputs found


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    تأثیر اندازه دولت بر عملکرد اقتصادی از دیر باز مورد توجه اقتصاددانان بوده است. برخی از نظریهها تأکید جدی بر عدم مداخله دولت در فعالیتهای اقتصادی دارند و برخی دیگر دولت را عاملی برای رشد و توسعه معرفی میکنند. در این باره «بارو» معتقد است هنگامی که مخارج دولت در راستای تصحیح اثرات جانبی، انحصارها و مسائل مربوط به کالاهای عمومی باشد، میتواند منجر به تقویت رشد اقتصادی شود. همچنین دولت میتواند مخارج خود را برای تعریف قوانین؛ جهت حفاظت از مالکیت و برقراری امنیت بکار گیرد و از این طریق مشارکت مردم و رشد بالاتری را به ارمغان آورد. هدف مقاله بررسی ارتباط مخارج دولت و رشد اقتصادی و از آن طریق تعیین اندازه بهینه دولت در اقتصاد ایران در چارچوب مدل رشد بارو است. نتایج حاکی از آن است که تأثیر متغیر نسبت مخارج سرمایهگذاری دولت به تولید ناخالص داخلی بر نرخ رشد تولید ناخالص داخلی سرانه در مقادیر کوچک مثبت و در مقادیر بزرگ منفی است. بدین ترتیب این فرضیه که اثر مخارج دولتی بر رشد اقتصادی تا دامنة خاصی، مثبت و پس از آن منفی است، مورد تأیید قرار میگیرد. به عبارت دیگر این فرضیه که مخارج دولت و رشد اقتصادی دارای ارتباطی غیرخطی است، مورد تأیید قرار میگیرد. همچنین سهم بهینه مخارج سرمایهگذاری دولت از تولید ناخالص ملی تقریباً برابر با 9/6 درصد است

    The effects of caffeine, gliclazide, and prazosin on the performance and microbial diversity in an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor

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    A laboratory-scale up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was deployed in this study to examine the relationship between pharmaceutical compounds and anaerobic process performance. The reactor successfully biotransformed up to 87–99% of psychostimulant caffeine, anti-diabetic drug gliclazide, and anti-hypertensive drug prazosin during 92 days of operation. At the same time, fluctuations were recorded for the methane gas production, and also the domination of acetic acid and propionic acid in the presence of pharmaceutical compounds was measured. The results from 16s rRNA sequencing revealed that these compounds stimulated the growth of hydrogenotrophic methanogens, mainly Methanobrevibacter and Methanobacterium, while shifting the compositions of hydrolytic and fermentative bacteria. These outcomes proved the capability of the pharmaceutical compounds to influence the process performance by changing the microbial compositions in the anaerobic reactor

    Applying Agent-Based Modeling to Studying Emergent Behaviors of the Immune System Cells

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    Huge amount of medical data has been generated in practical experiments which makes data analysis a challenging problem. This requires novel techniques to be developed. The improvements in computational power suggest to use computerbased modeling approaches to process a large set of data. One of the important systems in the human body to be investigated is the immune system. The previous studies of medical scientists and ongoing experiments at Karolinska Institute provide information about the human immune system. This information includes attributes of human immune system’s blood cells and the interactions between these cells. This interactions are provided as ‘if-then’ logical rules. Each rule verifies a condition on the attribute of one cell and it may initiate interaction processes to modify the attributes of other cells. A specific temporal value is associated to each process to quantify the speed of that process in the body (i.e., slow, medium, fast). We propose an agent-based model (ABM) to study human immune system cells and their interactions. The ABM is selected to overcome the complexity of large amount of data and find emergent properties and behavior patterns of the cells. Immune system cells are modeled as autonomous agents which have interactions with each other. Different values of a cell attributes define possible states of the cell and the collection of states of all cells constructs the state of the whole agent-based model. In order to consider the state transitions of the cells, we used a finite state machine (FSM). The first state is constructed from the input initial values for the cells and considering the logical time of 1. In each step, the program goes one time unit further and computes next state by applying the changes based on the cells’ interactions rules. This evolution of states in time is similar to game of life (GOL) automaton. The final model based on three modeling approaches of ABM, FSM and GOL are used to test medical hypothesis related to human immune system. This model provides a useful framework for medical scientists to do experiments on the cells’ attributes and their interaction rules. Considering a set of cells and their interactions, the proposed framework shows emergent properties and behavior patterns of the human immune system

    Applying Agent-Based Modeling to Studying Emergent Behaviors of the Immune System Cells

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    Huge amount of medical data has been generated in practical experiments which makes data analysis a challenging problem. This requires novel techniques to be developed. The improvements in computational power suggest to use computerbased modeling approaches to process a large set of data. One of the important systems in the human body to be investigated is the immune system. The previous studies of medical scientists and ongoing experiments at Karolinska Institute provide information about the human immune system. This information includes attributes of human immune system’s blood cells and the interactions between these cells. This interactions are provided as ‘if-then’ logical rules. Each rule verifies a condition on the attribute of one cell and it may initiate interaction processes to modify the attributes of other cells. A specific temporal value is associated to each process to quantify the speed of that process in the body (i.e., slow, medium, fast). We propose an agent-based model (ABM) to study human immune system cells and their interactions. The ABM is selected to overcome the complexity of large amount of data and find emergent properties and behavior patterns of the cells. Immune system cells are modeled as autonomous agents which have interactions with each other. Different values of a cell attributes define possible states of the cell and the collection of states of all cells constructs the state of the whole agent-based model. In order to consider the state transitions of the cells, we used a finite state machine (FSM). The first state is constructed from the input initial values for the cells and considering the logical time of 1. In each step, the program goes one time unit further and computes next state by applying the changes based on the cells’ interactions rules. This evolution of states in time is similar to game of life (GOL) automaton. The final model based on three modeling approaches of ABM, FSM and GOL are used to test medical hypothesis related to human immune system. This model provides a useful framework for medical scientists to do experiments on the cells’ attributes and their interaction rules. Considering a set of cells and their interactions, the proposed framework shows emergent properties and behavior patterns of the human immune system

    이란의 녹색 성장 전략: 에너지 믹스 및 수송 부문의 역할?

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 협동과정 기술경영·경제·정책전공, 2021. 2. Yoonmo Koo.이 연구는 이란의 온실가스 배출량에 큰 비중을 차지하는 전력 및 수송 부문에 대한 녹색 성장 전략을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이를 위해 다음 세 개의 에세이를 수행하였다. 첫 번째 에세이에서는 ARDL(Autoregressive Distributed Lag) 및 ECM(Error-Correction Model)을 이용하여 에너지 믹스 및 수송 부문이 온실가스 배출량에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 온실가스 배출량 감축에 장단기적으로 재생에너지는 긍정적인 영향, 경제 성장은 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. ECM-Granger 인과성 검정 결과 장기적으로 경제 성장과 차량 수가 온실가스 배출을 유발하는 것으로 확인되었다. 자동차의 수는 경제 성장과 CO2 배출에 모두 긍정적인 영향을 미치기 때문에, 내연 기관 차량(ICEV)을 대체 연료 차량(AFV)으로 대체함으로써 경제 성장을 촉진함과 동시에 도로 교통 배출로 인한 환경 부작용을 줄일 수 있음을 보였다. 그러나 이는 AFV 충전에 필요한 전기가 재생에너지를 통해 발전될 경우에 가능한다. 두 번째 에세이는 이란의 4 대 도시에서 전기 자동차 (EV)에 대한 지불 의사를 분석하였다. 혼합로짓모델(MLX)의 결과는 구매 가격 (46.40 %), 연료 유형 (24.05 %), 충전소 가용성 (12.88 %), 비 금전적 인센티브 정책 순서로 구매에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 잠재 소비자는 낮은 구매 가격과 연료비를 선호했다. 시장 시뮬레이션 결과는 단일 정책보다는 종합적인 정책의 효과가 더 큰 것으로 나타났고, 이는 소비자의 이질성(각 속성에 대한 선호도 및 중요도가 소비자마다 다름)에 의한 것으로 보인다. LCM(Latent Class Model) 은 소비자 선호 유형에 따라 세 가지 소비자 그룹을 보여 주었으며, 이는 시장에서 EV의 보급률을 높이기 위한 수송 정책을 설계 할 때 고려해야 할 사항이다. 세 번째 에세이의 목표는 다음과 같이 두 가지이다. 첫째, 이란의 재생에너지(RE) 개발에 대한 걸림돌을 식별하여 순위를 매기고, 둘째, 태양광, 풍력 및 바이오 매스 중에서 가장 비용 효율적인 RE를 찾는 것이다. 문헌 조사 및 전문가 설문을 통해 13 개의 재생에너지 보급에 걸림돌이 되는 요인을 식별하여 경제 및 금융, 사회, 문화 및 행동, 정치 및 규제, 기술 및 제도의 5 개 그룹으로 분류하였다. 확인 된 걸림돌에 대한 전문가의 의견을 얻기 위해 AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Analysis)를 이용한 비교 조사를 수행했다. 그 결과, 경제적, 재정적, 사회적, 문화적, 행동 적, 기술적, 정치적, 규제 적, 제도적 장벽 순서로 RE 보급에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 장애 요인을 종합적으로 분석해 봤을 때 태양광 발전, 풍력 발전, 바이오 매스 발전 순서로 장애 요인이 더 적은 것을 식별하였다. 따라서 정부는 재생에너지 소비에 대한 최소 목표를 설정하는 형태로 지원 정책을 설계 할 때 비용 효율적인 재생에너지 옵션으로 태양광 발전에 더 많은 관심을 기울여야 한다. 마지막으로 체계적 경쟁력 모형(systemic competitiveness model)을 기반으로 관련 전략 및 실행 계획을 Micro-level, Messo 수준, Macro 수준, Meta 수준의 4 단계로 제안하였다. 키워드: 녹색 성장 전략, 신 재생 에너지, 전기 자동차, 혼합 로짓, ARDL, 공동 통합 회귀, AHP 학생 번호: 2017-39147This study aimed to design and structure the green-growth strategy for Iran regarding its energy-intensive sectors, namely the power and transportation sectors. Three essays were conducted to achieve this objective. By using the autoregressive distributed lag model and the error-correction model (ECM), the first essay investigated the short- and long-term environmental impacts of the energy mix in the transportation sector. The results confirm the negative and positive impacts of renewable electricity and economic growth on environmental degradation in both the short- and long-term. According to the results of the ECM-Granger causality test, economic growth and the number of vehicles are drivers of CO2 emissions in the long-term. The positive impact of vehicles on economic growth and CO2 emissions suggests that boosting economic growth while simultaneously reducing the environmental side-effects caused by road traffic emissions could be realized by replacing internal combustion engine vehicles with alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). However, the required electricity to drive the AFVs must be generated from renewable energies (REs). Therefore, the second essay modeled the willingness to pay for electric vehicles (EVs) in four megacities of Iran. The results of the mixed logit model show that purchase price (46.40%), fuel type (24.05%), availability of charging station (12.88%), and nonmonetary incentive policies are the most influential factors for the willingness to pay. Moreover, potential consumers prefer a lower purchase price and lower fuel costs. The results of the market simulation confirm the effectiveness of combined policies over the single policy, which can be attributed to the heterogeneity among potential consumers (the different preferences and different importance assigned to each attribute) and the synergy effects of all the policies. The results of the latent class model demonstrate three different groups of consumers (indicating the substantial heterogeneity among them) which must be considered when designing transportation policies to increase the EVs market penetration rate. The third essay had dual objectives: 1. identifying and ranking the barriers to the development of REs in Iran, and 2. determining the most cost-effective REs from solar Photovoltaics (PV) wind power, and biomass. From the surveyed literature and interaction with experts, thirteen barriers were identified and categorized into five groups: economic and financial, social, cultural, and behavioral; political and regulatory; technical; and institutional. A comparative survey was performed to obtain the experts opinion on the identified barriers. The results of the analytical hierarchy analysis show that the main impediments to expanding REs, in descending order, are economic and financial; social, cultural, and behavioral; technical; political and regulatory; and institutional. Moreover, the results indicate fewer barriers to the development of solar PV, followed by wind power, and biomass. Therefore, in designing supportive policies in the form of setting minimum targets for RE consumption, the government must pay more attention to solar PV as a cost-effective RE option. Finally, based on the systemic competitiveness model, the related strategies and action plans were proposed in four layers: the micro, meso, macro, and meta. Keywords: green growth strategy, renewable energy, electric vehicles, mixed logit, autoregressive distributed lag, co-integration regressions, analytical hierarchy analysis Student Number: 2017-39147Abstract i Table of Contents iii List of Tables vii List of Figures ix Chapter 1. Overview 1 1.1. Problem description 1 1.2. Irans auto industry at a glance 6 1.2.1. The significance of the auto industry 9 1.2.2. Production and import 10 1.2.3. The Market structures 14 1.2.4. Electric vehicle 16 1.3. Energy status in Iran 18 1.4. Energy policy in Iran 28 1.5. Methodologies 31 1.6. Thesis outline 32 Chapter 2. Environmental Impact of Transportation and Power Sectors 35 2.1. Introduction 35 2.2. Theoretical background: literature review 37 2.3. Methodology 40 2.3.1. Long-run co-integration and ECM 42 2.3.2. Checking the robustness of results 47 2.3.3. The ECM-Granger causality approach 50 2.4. Data and descriptive statistics 52 2.5. Results and discussion 53 2.6. Limitations and future researches 65 2.7. Conclusions and recommendations 65 Chapter 3. Modelling Consumers Purchasing Intention for Electric Vehicles in Four Megacities of Iran 69 3.1. Introduction 69 3.2. Basic concepts 72 3.2.1. Electric vehicles technology 72 3.2.2. Modeling techniques: an overview 73 3.3. Influential factors on willingness to pay for EVs: literature review 75 3.3.1. Situational (objective) 76 Monetary factors 77 Environmental attitude 78 Technical vehicle features 79 3.3.2. Demographics 80 3.3.3. Psychological (subjective) 81 Experience and perceived behavioral control (PBC) 81 Social influence 82 Other psychological factors 82 3.4. Sample characteristics 86 3.5. Methodologies 88 3.5.1. Choice experiment approach 88 3.5.2. Attributes 89 3.5.3. Survey instrument 91 3.5.4. Econometric models 94 Utility function and mixed logit model 94 Latent class model 97 3.6. Results and discussion 99 3.6.1. Descriptive statistics 99 3.6.2. mixed logit model 102 3.6.3. Market simulation 106 3.6.3. Latent class membership 114 3.7. Limitations and future researches 120 3.8. Conclusions and recommendations 121 Chapter 4. Barriers to Renewable Energy Technologies Penetration: Perspective in Iran 127 4.1. Introduction 127 4.2. Literature review 129 4.3. Barriers identification in Iran 135 4.3.1. Economic and financial aspect and sub-criteria 140 4.3.2. Social, cultural, and behavioral aspect and sub-criteria 140 4.3.3. Political and regulatory aspect and sub-criteria 141 4.3.4. Technical aspect and sub-criteria 142 4.3.5. Institutional aspect and sub-criteria 143 4.4. Methodology: analytic hierarchy process 143 4.5. Results and discussion 148 4.5.1. Category hierarchy results 148 4.5.2. Ranking of barriers within categories 149 4.5.3. Global ranking 151 4.5.4. Sensitivity analysis 157 4.6. Limitation and future research 163 4.7. Conclusions and recommendations 164 References 173 Annexes 203 A. Environmental Impact of Transportation and Power Sectors: related studies 203 B. Modelling Consumers Purchasing Intention for Electric Vehicles in Four Megacities of Iran 206 B.1. Assumption for group A 208 B.2. Assumption for groups B 209 B.3. Choice cards for groups A 209 B.4. Common parts for two groups 215 B.4.1. Respondent Demographic Information 215 B.4.2. Respondent Psychological Information 217 C. Barriers to the Development of REs Technologies: Iranian Perspective 218 C.1. Guideline to fill the questionnaire up 220 C.1.1. Main Barriers to the development of REs in Iran 221 C.1.2. Ranking more disadvantageous barriers to the development of the cost-effective REs in Iran 229 C.1.3. Guideline to fill the questionnaire up 230 C.1.4. Demographic and general information of the respondent 238 C.2. Ranking of sub-criteria in each criterion 239 C.3. The relative importance of alternatives based on the barriers244 C.4. Global ranking of barriers regarding each alternative 257 Abbreviation 260 요약 (Abstract) 266 Acknowledgment 269Docto


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    ABSTRACT Bio-complexes (city of cultures) as an environment for living and their relation to culture definitely is not only a simple causation, it is a renewal of bio-culture by a context-oriented approach, which is investigated as the basis for this paper. Following examining and analyzing how to regenerate the bioculture of a society, the current article intends to provide necessary theoretical and study basis for designing a bio-culture complex in Kermanshah by a context-oriented approach.The type of research to achieve the required information in this article is survey-analytical procedure in terms of nature and methods, which by performing library-based research and after formulating a comprehensive guideline to consider the entire infrastructure required for designing a bio-culture complex, finally the designing process of the complex is investigated. As some of the study findings, it could be said that there is a significant relationship between context-oriented approach and analysis of space with the creation of new cultural and vernacular structures in a region with rich culture and tradition, which its impact on the promotion of bio-culture of the region is clearly visible. Keywords: Context-Orientation; Regeneration, Culture, Bio-Complex (City of Culture), Kermanshah INTRODUCTION Environment is the context of life and one of the primary needs of humanity. The relationship between culture and the environment in many ways is important. The interaction between climate and land (environment) from one hand, and culture, on the other hand, in any way and with any quality is certainly not just a simple causation. The initial core of culture is the basic needs of human life to continue life, and whenever a homogeneous group in a common environment with the use of the environment facilities proceeds to address these needs, a specific bio-culture will come into existence in society spontaneously. So that what distinguishes this community from the surrounding communities is the same bio-culture. With an emphasis on the fact that the connect point of the past and present of a city is the bio-culture o

    Numerical Investigation of Influence of Dilution in Air and Fuel Sides on MILD Combustion Burner

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    Abstract: Understanding of how and where NOx formation occurs is very important for efficient and clean operation of utility burners. FGR is a new method adopted to control NOx formation in combustion chamber. In this method flue gas decreases flame temperature and reaction rate, resulting in the diminish in thermal NOx emission. Recently, it has been accomplished that the entered flue gas in fuel stream, that named, FIR method, could increase a much improved reduction in NOx production per unit mass of recirculated gas, as compared to the conventional FGR in air. In the present study, the MILD combustion regime have been simulated, and result validated with experimental data. In order to modification, variations including, temperature and flow of air inlet are performed. Also the effect of FGR/FIR methods on NOx reduction by using CO 2 , H 2 O, and N 2 as diluents gases are investigated. Results show that FIR is more effective to reduce NOx emission than FGR in the same recirculation ratio of dilution gas, and H 2 O dilutor because of large specific heat, is more effective compared to CO 2 and N 2 gases, Also with increasing of velocity and flow of air inlet, the thermal NO X concentration decreases