748 research outputs found

    Major differences in the levels of redox status and antioxidant defence markers in the erythrocytes of pre- and full-term neonates with intrauterine growth restriction

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    Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a pleiotropic complication of pregnancy. Prematurity and growth abnormalities are common risk factors for perinatal morbidity and mortality. Free radical damage has been recognized as a common pathogenic mechanism of many neonatal diseases. The aim of the present study was to characterize the possible links between the level of maturity, the birthweight and the antioxidant status of neonates born with IUGR. Our data suggest that the stress markers measured on the cord blood of neonates with IUGR and mature, healthy neonates do not necessarily reflect the extent of oxidative stress. However, significant correlations were found between the maturity of the neonates with IUGR and the oxidative damage. The mature IUGRs exhibited ONOO- accumulation and increased lipid peroxidation more frequently as compared with the pre-term group. The results suggest that the oxidative injury in IUGR may depend on the level of maturity and the birthweight.keywords: antioxidant defence, IUGR, oxidative stress, peroxynitrite, umbilical cord blood

    Molecular Study on Twin Cohort with Discordant Birth Weight

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    The increased rate of twinning has pointed out newer challenges in clinical practices related to gestational complications, intrauterine growth restriction, perinatal mortality, and comorbidities. As a twin pregnancy progresses, the increased demand for oxygen supply can easily disrupt the redox homeostasis balance and further impose a greater challenge for the developing fetuses. A substantial birth-weight difference acts as an indicator of a deficit in oxygenation or blood flow to one of the fetuses, which might be related to a low bioavailable nitric oxide level. Therefore, in this study, we focused on networks involved in the adjustment of oxygen supply, like the activation of inducible and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS3) along with free radical and lipid peroxide formation in mature twin pairs with high birth-weight differences. The selected parameters were followed by immunofluorescence staining, fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis, and biochemical measurements in the umbilical cord vessels and fetal red blood cells. Based on our data set, it is clear that the lower-weight siblings are markedly exposed to persistent intrauterine hypoxic conditions, which are connected to a decreased level in NOS3 activation. Furthermore, the increased level of peroxynitrite aggravates lipid peroxidation and induces morphological and functional damage and loss in redox homeostasis

    Portálkészítés japán szótár és tananyagok számára PHP nyelven

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    Egy portál készítésének bemutatása, melyen japán-magyar szótár is található.régi képzésProgramtervező matematiku

    Neonatal Musicality: Do Newborns Detect Emotions in Music?

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    This study aimed to explore healthy, term neonates’ behavioural and physiological responses to music using frame-by-frame analysis of their movements (Experiment 1; N = 32, 0–3 days old) and heart rate measurements (Experiment 2; N = 66, 0–6 days old). A ‘happy’ and ‘sad’ music was first validated by independent raters for their emotional content from a large pool of children’s songs and lullabies, and the effect of the emotions in these two music pieces and a control, no-music condition was compared. The results of the frame-by-frame behavioural analysis showed that babies had emotion-specific responses across the three conditions. Happy music decreased their arousal levels, shifting from drowsiness to sleep, and resulted in longer latencies in other forms of self-regulatory behaviour, such as sucking. The decrease in arousal was accompanied by heart rate deceleration. In the sad music condition, relative ‘stillness’ was observed, and longer leg stretching latencies were measured. In both music conditions, longer latencies of fine motor finger and toe movements were found. Our findings suggest that the emotional response to music possibly emerges very early ontogenetically as part of a generic, possibly inborn, human musicality

    Pulmonalis eltérések Hodgkin-lymphomában

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    Absztrakt A Hodgkin-lymphoma kezelése a hematológia sikertörténetei közé tartozik. A korszerű kombinált kemo- és radioterápiának köszönhetően a betegek jelentős része túlél, így előtérbe kerülnek a kezelések mellékhatásai, amelyek a betegek későbbi életminőségét és élettartamát befolyásolhatják. A szerzők a Hodgkin-lymphoma tüdőben előforduló megjelenési formáit és a kezelés következtében kialakuló pulmonalis eltéréseket, szövődményeket elemzik – saját eseteik példáján. A Hodgkin-lymphoma tüdőérintettsége gyakrabban másodlagos, primer pulmonalis érintettség igen ritkán fordul elő. A szerzők saját betegeik vizsgálata során tüdőérintettséget összesen az esetek 8–12%-ában észleltek. A kezelés rövid és hosszú távú pulmonalis mellékhatásait egyrészt az immunszuppresszióval összefüggésben lévő infekciók, másrészt a jelenleg első vonalbeli standard kezelés részét képező bleomycin, illetve a mellkasi irradiáció okozta pneumonitis és fibrosis jelentik. A Hodgkin-lymphoma pulmonalis megjelenése egyrészt diagnosztikai és differenciáldiagnosztikai nehézségeket jelenthet, stádiumot és ennek következtében kezelést módosíthat, másrészt a kialakuló mellékhatások a későbbi élettartamot és életminőséget jelentősen meghatározzák, így felismerésük döntő fontosságú. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(5), 163–173

    Adrenal haemorrhage in term neonates: a retrospective study from the period 2001-2013

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    Abstract Objective: To assess the incidence, risk factors and clinical presentations of neonatal adrenal haemorrhage (NAH) in uncomplicated, singleton and term deliveries. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 26 416 term neonates delivered between 2001 and 2013, and screened with abdominal ultrasonography. Results: Of the 26 416 neonates, 74 (0.28%) displayed NAH; the male/female ratio was 1.55:1. Vaginal delivery was significantly more frequent than caesarean section among them (71 versus 3; 95.9% versus 4.1%). Unilateral bleeding occurred on the right side in 36 (48.7%), and on the left in 34 (45.9%), without a significant difference; bilateral haematomas were found in four cases (5.4%). The most common risk factors were macrosomia (16, 21.6%) and fetal acidaemia (23, 31%), while four (5.4%) neonates exhibited pathological acidaemia. Clinical presentations included jaundice in 37 (50%), anaemia in six (8.1%) and an adrenal insufficiency in only one (1.3%) case. In three cases, neuroblastoma was diagnosed. Conclusions: Vaginal delivery, macrosomia and fetal acidaemia are the most important risk factors for NAH. The adrenal glands on both sides were similarly involved. In the healthy neonates with NAH, the clinical presentations were mild, with spontaneous regression. Differentiation of NAH from tumours is of considerable importance