4 research outputs found

    DoOP: Databases of Orthologous Promoters, collections of clusters of orthologous upstream sequences from chordates and plants

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    DoOP (http://doop.abc.hu/) is a database of eukaryotic promoter sequences (upstream regions) aiming to facilitate the recognition of regulatory sites conserved between species. The annotated first exons of human and Arabidopsis thaliana genes were used as queries in BLAST searches to collect the most closely related orthologous first exon sequences from Chordata and Viridiplantae species. Up to 3000 bp DNA segments upstream from these first exons constitute the clusters in the chordate and plant sections of the Database of Orthologous Promoters. Release 1.0 of DoOP contains 21 061 chordate clusters from 284 different species and 7548 plant clusters from 269 different species. The database can be used to find and retrieve promoter sequences of a given gene from various species and it is also suitable to see the most trivial conserved sequence blocks in the orthologous upstream regions. Users can search DoOP with either sequence or text (annotation) to find promoter clusters of various genes. In addition to the sequence data, the positions of the conserved sequence blocks derived from multiple alignments, the positions of repetitive elements and the positions of transcription start sites known from the Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) can be viewed graphically

    PseudoGeneQuest – Service for identification of different pseudogene types in the human genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pseudogenes, nonfunctional copies of genes, evolve fast due the lack of evolutionary pressures and thus appear in several different forms. PseudoGeneQuest is an online tool to search the human genome for a given query sequence and to identify different types of pseudogenes as well as novel genes and gene fragments.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>The service can detect pseudogenes, that have arisen either by retrotransposition or segmental genome duplication, many of which are not listed in the public pseudogene databases. The service has a user-friendly web interface and uses a powerful computer cluster in order to perform parallel searches and provide relatively fast runtimes despite exhaustive database searches and analyses.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PseudoGeneQuest is a versatile tool for detecting novel pseudogene candidates from the human genome. The service searches human genome sequences for five types of pseudogenes and provides an output that allows easy further analysis of observations. In addition to the result file the system provides visualization of the results linked to Ensembl Genome Browser. PseudoGeneQuest service is freely available.</p