3 research outputs found

    Review: Linking animal health measures in dairy cows to farm-level economic outcomes: a systematic literature mapping

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    Farm animal health is an area of increasing interest to both the public and industry stakeholders. There is an ongoing debate on whether improving animal health, and thereby increasing welfare, is profitable or not. Improving animal health often requires investments in the farm or increases labour costs. As a result, the impact of animal health on farm economy is particularly interesting. This study systematically maps and assesses the available evidence in the published scientific literature regarding the link between farms' economic outcomes on dairy cow health, with the aim of identifying knowledge gaps in this field of research. In total, 59 peer-reviewed articles were included using a broad range of animal health variables and economic outcomes. We found a heterogeneous body of evidence in terms of both methods, animal health measures (AHMs) and economic outcome measures used. None of the included studies makes explicit causal claims between AHMs and economic outcomes. The results suggest that common production diseases such as clinical mastitis and lameness, which are painful and affect cow health and welfare, are costly for farmers. We found a knowledge gap and lack of evidence on the impact of animal health interventions on farms' economic outcomes, as well as the long-term effects of such interventions. Future research should aim to investigate the causal links between animal health and economic outcomes.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Animal Consortium. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Increased knowledge and parents fertility decisions. The effect of the CUB-test on abortions.

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    New and more advanced prenatal tests have steadily been introduced in the Swedish maternity care system in the last 30 years. The combined test, CUB, was introduced step wise in Swedish maternal care from 2008 and onward. The CUB test detects children with chromosomal abnormalities prenatally and is offered at no charge for women in treated counties. This thesis investigate the reform using a difference-in-difference approach to determine the effect of the CUB test on the number of late abortions performed. My theoretical framework suggest that the introduction of CUB should increase the number of abortions of children with chromosomal aberrations. As supported by theory I find a positive effect of CUB on late abortions for my main group of interest, women 35-39 years old. These women were the ones most effected by CUB. The positive effect of 0.47 percentage units is statistically significant at the 10% level. It corresponds to a 3.6-7.1% decrease in the number of babies born with chromosomal aberrations

    Increased knowledge and parents fertility decisions. The effect of the CUB-test on abortions.

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    New and more advanced prenatal tests have steadily been introduced in the Swedish maternity care system in the last 30 years. The combined test, CUB, was introduced step wise in Swedish maternal care from 2008 and onward. The CUB test detects children with chromosomal abnormalities prenatally and is offered at no charge for women in treated counties. This thesis investigate the reform using a difference-in-difference approach to determine the effect of the CUB test on the number of late abortions performed. My theoretical framework suggest that the introduction of CUB should increase the number of abortions of children with chromosomal aberrations. As supported by theory I find a positive effect of CUB on late abortions for my main group of interest, women 35-39 years old. These women were the ones most effected by CUB. The positive effect of 0.47 percentage units is statistically significant at the 10% level. It corresponds to a 3.6-7.1% decrease in the number of babies born with chromosomal aberrations