476 research outputs found

    La armonización contable internacional y el papel de los mercados de capitales y las global players

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    El papel jugado por las empresas multinacionales cotizadas en el proceso de armonización contable internacional actual es incuestionable. Es en este ámbito donde se ha puesto de manifiesto de forma más alarmante la falta de comparabilidad de la información financiera emitida en mercados de capitales internacionales. Falta de comparabilidad que se pone de manifiesto, no sólo en diferencias cuantitativas entre cifras de resultado y fondos propios calculadas según unos u otros principios contables, sino también en la necesidad de ajustes como consecuencia de diferencias normativas en determinados tratamientos contables. Los pasos emprendidos en Europa para adoptar una solución a este problema, pasan por la adopción de Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera, aunque las empresas europeas cotizadas en la Bolsa de Nueva York mantienen la utilización de normativa contable local propia, y sólo algunas optan por la aplicación directa de US-GAAP, siendo una minoría las que aplican IFRS. Entre otras características empresariales, será la posibilidad de poder presentar directamente la información financiera según normativa no local en determinados países, contemplada por los organismos supervisores de cada mercado, lo que determinará principalmente que las empresas se decanten por la aplicación de normativa contable de referencia internacional

    La experiencia de cuidado en el cuidador informal en la enfermedad de Parkinson: una revisión sistemática

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    La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es una de las enfermedades neurodegenerativas con mayor afectación a nivel mundial, teniendo por delante únicamente a la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Pese a que al comienzo de la enfermedad la sintomatología no es limitante en la realización de actividades de la vida diaria, entre un 60% y un 80% de las personas con EP terminan padeciendo deterioro cognitivo severo al pasar 8 años desde el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. Las personas encargadas de realizar el cuidado son los familiares, siendo el perfil el de una mujer, generalmente la hija de la persona enferma, que le dedica gran parte del tiempo a la realización de este cuidado y no realiza ninguna otra actividad. Por ello, la vida de la persona cuidadora se ve influida por la experiencia de cuidado, que incluye todas las variables asociadas y derivadas del cuidado, como pueden ser la ansiedad o la depresión, así como variables de cuidado como el tiempo realizando el cuidado o el tiempo de dedicación diaria, entre otras. En el presente estudio se realizó una revisión sistemática con el objetivo de analizar esas variables que se encuentran involucradas en la experiencia de cuidado. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la variable estrés o carga derivada de la realización del cuidado es la que más influye en otras variables, como la calidad de vida o la aparición de sintomatología ansiosa o depresiva. Además, se encontró que factores como la resiliencia o el uso de determinada estrategia de afrontamiento influían en la aparición y/o reducción de la carga.Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most affected neurodegenerative diseases worldwide, second only to Alzheimer's disease. Although at the beginning of the disease the symptoms are not limiting in the performance of activities of daily living, between 60% and 80% of people with PD end up suffering severe cognitive impairment 8 years after the diagnosis of the disease. The caregivers are family members, with the profile being that of a woman, generally the daughter of the ill person, who devotes a large part of her time to caregiving and does not perform any other activity. Therefore, the life of the caregiver is influenced by the caregiving experience, which includes all the variables associated with and derived from caregiving, such as anxiety or depression, as well as caregiving variables such as time spent caregiving or daily dedication time, among others. In the present study, a systematic review was carried out with the aim of analyzing these variables involved in the caregiving experience. The results obtained indicate that the variable stress or burden derived from caregiving has the greatest influence on other variables, such as quality of life or the appearance of anxious or depressive symptoms. In addition, it was found that factors such as resilience or the use of a certain coping strategy influenced the appearance and/or reduction of caregiving burden

    Información financiera en mercados internacionales de capital. Percepciones de los analistas sobre su relevancia, utilidad y limitaciones

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    Este trabajo ha sido seleccionado y ha obtenido el Accésit Premio Estudios Financieros 2003 en la Modalidad de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas. El apego de las normas contables al entorno jurídico y económico en el que se emiten dificulta el análisis financiero internacional. El objetivo de este trabajo es cuestionar el impacto relativo de la diversidad contable dentro del proceso de análisis fundamental, en el entendimiento de que el sesgo que introduce la diversidad de normas contables es relativamente menor al que introducen otros factores, tales como el entorno macroeconómico en el que actúa la empresa, el sector al que pertenece o las políticas de las compañías en la elección de los métodos contables. El trabajo adopta un doble enfoque: teórico-analítico, y empírico. En primer lugar se estudia cuál es la importancia relativa de los factores que introducen diversidad en el análisis financiero internacional, sus efectos, en especial el efecto de la diversidad contable, y sus posibles soluciones. La segunda parte del trabajo es una derivación lógica de estos resultados y tiene por objetivo comprobar cuáles son las apreciaciones de los analistas financieros en el mercado de capitales español respecto a este mismo tema. Gracias a la colaboración del Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros enviamos un cuestionario a los miembros del Instituto en el que se preguntaba a los analistas su opinión sobre la utilidad e importancia de los recursos informativos, métodos de valoración, factores que introducen mayor diversidad en el análisis financiero internacional, así como los métodos para corregir dicha diversidad. Los resultados avalan la precisión de los analistas al valorar la importancia de estos factores, puesto que consideran que las políticas de la compañía y el sector al que pertenecen son los factores que condicionan en mayor medida las variables contables, opinión acorde con valorar los contactos directos con la compañía como el recurso informativo más importante, seguido por las cuentas consolidadas. A pesar de que el «efecto normativa» queda relegado al último lugar por los analistas, los mismos establecen su propia clasificación de utilidad y sesgo de los ratios financieros, tratando de paliar la mayor disparidad de criterios que introducen principalmente las cifras contables de beneficio neto, beneficio ordinario y patrimonio neto, así, pasan a ocupar un lugar privilegiado ratios que se consideran poco sesgados (como valor de la empresa/EBITDA) que desplazan a los tradicionales como es el caso de la prueba ácida, ratios que en realidad proporcionan medidas relativas al crecimiento permitiendo conocer en qué parte del ciclo de ganancias se encuentra la empresa o el sector y comprender cómo afectarán esos datos a las predicciones de los analistas, lo que nos hace poder concluir que son más valoradas las medidas de evolución y crecimiento que los valores absolutos

    Sustainability, corporate social responsibility, non-financial reporting and company performance: Relationships and mediating effects in Spanish small and medium sized enterprises

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    ©2022. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Submitted, Accepted, Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Sustainable Production and Consumption]. To access the final edited and published work see[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.11.015]© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/). This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Sustainable Production and Consumption. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.11.015Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and non-financial reporting and their relationships with company performance are burning topics. Although all these terms are familiar to companies, specifically large ones, most European companies are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and studies explicitly addressing SMEs are limited. For this reason, this paper aims to fill the existent gap in the literature concerning SMEs by analyzing the relationship between sustainability, CSR, non-financial information, and performance. The objective of this study is to analyze several aspects: (1) The influence of pressures, incentives, and barriers on sustainability, (2) The influence of sustainability, CSR, and non-financial disclosure on performance, and (3) The mediating effect of CSR and non-financial disclosure. For this purpose, there has been an e-mail survey to managers, financial directors, or administration managers of Spanish SMEs. In addition, a Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) model has been used on a final sample of 126 Spanish SMEs. The study's main outcome is that sustainability positively influences CSR and non-financial reporting in the case of SMEs. Therefore, regardless of the specific characteristics derived from the size of the company and the possible lack of resources, the results for SMEs align with those of large companies obtained by previous studies. This study has important academic/theoretical implications for SME managers and policymakers because implementing policies encouraging CSR practices and sustainability strategies will create a better society and positively impact SMEs' performance. © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers. This is an open acces

    Games in the classroom? Analysis of their effects on financial accounting marks in higher education

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    © 2021. © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in The International Journal of Management Education. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2021.100584The purpose of this study is to examine Kahoot! in higher education, specifically in subjects of financial accounting, and explore if its use means higher marks. We analyze the marks of 232 students of Financial Accounting of the Business and Management Degree of the University of Murcia (Spain). The sample comprises two groups of students, depending on whether or not games are used in the classroom, and the marks of the continuous assessment exercises, the final exam, and the final mark in the subject are compared to check if there are differences between groups. This means that we finally analyze a database of 794 marks. The results indicate that students who played get better academic results than those who did not use Kahoot! The current pandemic situation has changed the way of teaching and at university, it is mainly virtual, which can make teaching and learning more tedious and less motivating. For this reason, the use of gamification can be easily implemented in order to avoid all these inconveniences and positively affect the students’ marks

    Honorarios de auditoría y empresa auditada: sector y tamaño

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    There is a wide background about the relationship between auditing fees and other variables, of the audited company and also of the auditing one. In this paper we analyze a sample of listed companies included in two important indexes such as Ibex 35 and Dow Jones, in 2016, to try to determine if there is a relationship between average auditing fees and the size and industry of the audited company. Our main conclusions are that the average auditing fees are determined by the industry in which the audited company operates. Also that there is a positive relationship between the size of the audited company and the average auditing fees. Bearing in mind that we have measured size of the audited company through three different ways. These results are interesting for auditing firms and audited companies, when there are managing the audit contract, and also for the regulator or whoever takes part in the auditing market.Existe una amplia literatura sobre la relación entre los honorarios de auditoría y otras variables, tanto de la empresa auditada como de la empresa auditora. En este trabajo nos planteamos analizar una muestra de empresas incluidas en dos índices bursátiles de referencia, el Ibex 35 y el Dow Jones, para el año 2016, con el objetivo de determinar si existe una relación entre los honorarios medios de auditoría y el tamaño y el sector de la empresa auditada. Obtenemos que ciertos sectores de actividad de la empresa auditada van a determinar los honorarios medios pagados por su auditoría, y que sea cual sea la medida del tamaño de la empresa auditada, condiciona de forma positiva los honorarios medios que paga a sus auditores. Estos resultados son de interés, tanto para las empresas auditoras como para las auditadas, a la hora de gestionar los términos del contrato de auditoría, así como para el regulador o cualquier posible interviniente en el mercado de auditoría

    Empresas mercantiles vs. entidades sin ánimo de lucro: solvencia, endeudamiento y liquidez

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    The development of the welfare state has taken into a bigger importance of non-profit entities in the Spanish economy. Non only because of the services they provide and the sectors of which they take care, but also because of the transactions in which they are involved and their contribution to the national employment. The effects of the last financial crisis in 2008 and its consequences, the exponential increase of the activity of these non-profit entities, and the introduction of mercantile companies in the services previously provided by non-profit entities, have taken these entities to professionalize their management to survive. In this work we have focused our analysis on solvency, indebtedness and liquidity and if there is a correlation between these ratios and the existence of encouragement of profit. We conclude that non-profit entities are associated to bigger solvency than mercantile companies what, together with the no significant relationship with the other two concepts, can be related to a bigger professionalization of their management. Besides this we claim for a bigger transparency and publicity of the economic-financial information of the non-profit entities, bearing in mind all the inconveniences to tackle to get this, what will surely support better information to improve their management and professionalization.El desarrollo del Estado del Bienestar ha traído consigo un paulatino incremento del peso específico en la economía española de las entidades sin fines lucrativos (ESFL), ya no solo por la actividad que realizan y los sectores que atienden, sino también por las transacciones en las que se ven involucradas y su contribución al empleo nacional. Los efectos financieros de la crisis financiera de 2008 y sus consecuencias, unidos al crecimiento exponencial de la actividad de estas organizaciones y a la entrada de empresas mercantiles a prestar servicios que hasta ahora se reservaban a estas entidades, han dado lugar a una profesionalización de las mismas en aras de conseguir una supervivencia que no sería posible sin una eficiente gestión de sus recursos. En el presente trabajo, además del análisis económico y financiero que es de interés para estas organizaciones, se ha querido profundizar en si la capacidad financiera de las organizaciones, es decir, su solvencia, endeudamiento y liquidez, está correlacionada con la existencia o no de ánimo de lucro, llegándose a concluir que únicamente la solvencia se encuentra correlacionada con el fin de la organización, lo que también parece apuntar que, en relación con la no correlación de los otros dos conceptos, puede estar relacionado con una mayor profesionalización de su gestión. Además, se aboga por una mayor transparencia y publicidad de la información económico-financiera de las ESFL, ante los problemas que se plantean para poder obtener estos datos, lo que redundaría también en una mayor información para mejorar su gestión y profesionalización

    Mercantile companies vs. non profit entities: solvency, indebtedness and liquidity

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    ©2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Revista de contabilidad y tributación.El desarrollo del Estado del Bienestar ha traído consigo un paulatino incremento del peso específico en la economía española de las entidades sin fines lucrativos (ESFL), ya no solo por la actividad que realizan y los sectores que atienden, sino también por las transacciones en las que se ven involucradas y su contribución al empleo nacional. Los efectos financieros de la crisis financiera de 2008 y sus consecuencias, unidos al crecimiento exponencial de la actividad de estas organizaciones y a la entrada de empresas mercantiles a prestar servicios que hasta ahora se reservaban a estas entidades, han dado lugar a una profesionalización de las mismas en aras de conseguir una supervivencia que no sería posible sin una eficiente gestión de sus recursos. En el presente trabajo, además del análisis económico y financiero que es de interés para estas organizaciones, se ha querido profundizar en si la capacidad financiera de las organizaciones, es decir, su solvencia, endeudamiento y liquidez, está correlacionada con la existencia o no de ánimo de lucro, llegándose a concluir que únicamente la solvencia se encuentra correlacionada con el fin de la organización, lo que también parece apuntar que, en relación con la no correlación de los otros dos conceptos, puede estar relacionado con una mayor profesionalización de su gestión. Además, se aboga por una mayor transparencia y publicidad de la información económico-financiera de las ESFL, ante los problemas que se plantean para poder obtener estos datos, lo que redundaría también en una mayor información para mejorar su gestión y profesionalización.The development of the welfare state has taken into a bigger importance of non-profit entities in the Spanish economy. Non only because of the services they provide and the sectors of which they take care, but also because of the transactions in which they are involved and their contribution to the national employment. The effects of the last financial crisis in 2008 and its consequences, the exponential increase of the activity of these non-profit entities, and the introduction of mercantile companies in the services previously provided by non-profit entities, have taken these entities to professionalize their management to survive. In this work we have focused our analysis on solvency, indebtedness and liquidity and if there is a correlation between these ratios and the existence of encouragement of profit. We conclude that non-profit entities are associated to bigger solvency than mercantile companies what, together with the no significant relationship with the other two concepts, can be related to a bigger professionalization of their management. Besides this we claim for a bigger transparency and publicity of the economic-financial information of the non-profit entities, bearing in mind all the inconveniences to tackle to get this, what will surely support better information to improve their management and professionalization

    Sustainability in the waste management sector: an analysis through the gri reports

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    This paper aims to investigate the conditioning factors of the level and characteristics of the sustainability reports reported by companies in a sector on which, despite its relevance in terms of sustainability, there are hardly any studies that deal with this issue: the management sector waste. The study has been carried out on the basis of the reports reported by the companies in this sector in the GRI database. The background shows how certain factors that characterize the companies that issue sustainability reports influence the level of transparency or the level of voluntary disclosure and the characteristics of the reports issued. Specifically, much of the research finds evidence that relates these aspects to factors such as the country in which the company is located, its size, its public or private nature, or the fact that the company is listed on a stock exchange, characteristics that are analyzed in this study. To achieve the proposed objective, a statistical study is carried out on the reports reported in the GRI database for a sample of all the European companies in the waste management sector, through the statistical technique of Chi-square contrast on the independence of variables. The factors analyzed have been determined based on the experience of previous studies, as in the case of the country variable that has been characterized based on the Hofstede model of dimensions. The results obtained show that all the factors analyzed influence some of the elements selected for the characterization of the reports, specifically in the type of report, its level of adherence, the inclusion of the OECD guidelines, the mention of the UNGC pact or the existence of external verification.ASEPUC2022-2

    How do CEF.-UDIMA graduates evaluate sustainability in companies in accounting matters?

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    Incorporating corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability in the usual practice of companies is a challenge in today's society. University education is a fundamental pillar to meet this challenge, especially from the accounting area, which is responsible for a large part of measuring and evaluating the degree of implementation of CSR and Sustainability policies in organizations. The objective of this work is to know the opinion of the graduates of the degrees related to the accounting area of the CEF.-UDIMA group on the implications of the commitment to sustainable development strategies by companies and to verify if their assessment may be influenced by certain factors, such as their perception of the training received; the characteristics of the graduates, the degrees they have completed, or the work they do once they have finished their studies, among other aspects. To this end, issues related to CSR and sustainability assessment have been incorporated into the questionnaire of the labor insertion survey that the group issues annually, in this case, addressed to graduates in the last five years. By carrying out non-parametric tests, it will be determined if there is any association between the factors that characterize the graduates and their degree of agreement with the advantages of implementing CSR and sustainability strategies in the company from the point of view of the benefits dimension. Specifically, evaluations of graduates' opinions on the adoption by companies of sustainable development strategies and the advantages or benefits that this entails have been collected. The results of the study conclude that there is no relationship between the training received by the respondents (according to their perception) and the opinion they hold about the benefits provided by sustainable development and CSR strategies in organizations. The respondents' opinions do not change depending on their personal and/or work characteristics, except in the type of contract, since significant differences are observed between self-employed and temporary or those who do not work and among those who have an indefinite contract compared to temporary ones. Labor practices and the involvement and motivation of workers are essential in implementing sustainable development strategies in companies, so it is vital to know employees' opinions concerning the benefits of adopting this type of strategy in organizations to find out if there is any gap between the training they receive in CSR and Sustainability and the reality of the work environment, and to determine what factors can influence the beliefs and perceptions about Sustainability of employees. Most studies focus on employee-employee relations and human resource management policies that companies must follow to motivate employees toward sustainable development. However, other factors that may be influencing the predisposition of employees towards activity focused on Sustainability are not analyzed, so in this work, we intend to cover this gap, incorporating the study of variables such as personal and work characteristics of employees, linking them with the training received in accounting.2022-2